First, Paul – several people have emailed to ask what has become of Paul. Since Paul has commented on nearly every one of my post for these 4 years I was getting worried several weeks ago when he didn’t come by. I emailed and a few days later I heard from

Second update is on LJ. He and Collin are all settled in in New York. They live on the Upper East Side. Both of them are working at Starbucks at the moment (different ones) and auditioning whenever they can. Since neither of them are Equity most of the auditions are like cattle calls but you have to start somewhere. So far the city is living up to his expectations. He loves it! He says it’s truly a walking city and he liked that (maybe because he stinks at driving, LOL!) Of course the temperature has hit 113 at times so walking it that isn’t exactly a day in the park. H

We haven’t been to see him yet. He says it’s just too hot to take us all the places he wants us to see when we come; hopefully we can make a trip in October. They’ll be home for a wedding Colin is to be in that month too, so I will get to see my boys some. I am very curious as to his money situation but I mostly refrain from asking. It’s not any of my business unless he starts coming to us for loans. He in that limbo in my mind not a child I need to check up on every minute but I’m not used to him being an adult completely. So I listen carefully and keep my mouth shut – I know, that’s hard to believe!
Now as to me and what I’m doing. Well, I’m running away from home. Wednesday and Thursday of this week I am going to a little mountain town not far from here. It’s a quiet and beautiful little place. I went th

Nick asked me if I was getting away from all the stress and strain of cooking, housekeeping and caring for Mollie. Since I don’t really do these things I think he was being a bit sarcastic but I don't really think he minds me going. He'll be able to survive without me for a couple of day. Mollie will be gone all the next weekend so we’ll have some time for us soon.
Well that gets you caught up on my wild life. Don’t know if I’m even going to have internet access on my trip but I’ll catch up with everyone when I get back.
Have a good trip, twin.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update on Paul. I was wondering about him too. I hope he's back online regularly soon.
Have a lovely getaway.
Enjoy!! be careful..
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates PK. Give Paul my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteI think LJ and Collin done really well finding a job so soon after arriving in New York.
Take care and enjoy your few days of solitude :)
PK- I hope that you have a lovely few days. Thanks for the update.
ReplyDeleteHave fun alone time!
ReplyDeleteThanks for updating us/ Have a great time!