We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.
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Thursday, December 29, 2011
What do you think?
Those of us reading and writing here have wanted, or at least accepted, the ideas of being submissive to our husbands. Most of us are in, or wish we were in, some type of domestic discipline relationship. Now the questions:
Do you want your daughter to have a dd life style? Do you want her to be submissive to her husband? Do you want him to spank her if she disobeys him? If we really think that this is the best life style, are we training our sons and daughters to be ready to assume those roles when they’re grown?
I started to give you my thoughts but I think I’ll wait because I really want to hear what you think. I’ll give you my views after the weekend. Now we’re obviously talking about this with her consent. No one should be forced into this against their will. But if it’s your little girl, what do you think?
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Great Christmas!
Santa was very good to us here. Now early on Christmas morning, before Mollie woke up, Nick gave me little private gift he had ordered. I had suggested it, but I really had my doubts that he would follow through. Anyway I got my gift and a couple of sharp licks from Nick’s belt – for asking for naughty presents. It was a great start to the day!
We had our Christmas morning here, and took off for my sister's. There was a lot of eating going on. I lost a little last week, not worrying about weight this week. I enjoyed our visiting and ate like it was Christmas. Tomorrow is soon enough to get back on the program, and I will.
Don’t forget to come by for Fantasy Friday this week – brand new story! Oh, I didn't tell you what the naught gift was did I? That's right, I didn't.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Fantasy Friday, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas

I want to take a minute to wish all of my readers a very, very Merry Christmas! I want to thank each and every one of you for reading here and most especially those of you who have contributed to the continuation of Fantasy Friday. I hope you'll come back in the New Year - we already have 4 more brand new stories for you!
And now please enjoy...
Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
Except for a spouse!
The paddles were hung
In the closet with care
In hopes that a red bottom
Soon would be there.
The wife was a nestled
All snug in the corner
While visions of swats
And how many were wondered.
And Mamma in her tee-shirt
And I with my bats
Were just settling in
For some long and hard swats
From out of the corner
There rose such a clatter
When I said it was time
And in my hand was a swatter.
Away from the corner
She flew like a flash
Pulled down her panties
And bent over, at last.
Her butt was like moonlight
On new fallen snow
Gave luster of mid-day
To eyes all a-glow.
When, what to her wondering
Eyes should appear
But a paddle of wood
A big subject of fear.
With the first little slap
So lively and quick
I knew in a moment
She’s probably quite slick
More rapid than eagles,
The spanks how they came
She cursed and shouted
And called me bad names
Ouch, meany, Ow, wieny,
Oh please stop, it hurts
Eeeeouch yes sir, screech, no sir
She sputters and spurts
From the top of her tail bone
To the top of her thighs
Now spank away, spank away
Spank low and high
Her screams echo the sky
Her bum meets with the paddle
The slaps echo and fly
So upping the tempo
The paddle, it flew
With a fast paced staccato
And some rubbing too
And then in a twinkling
I heard a low moaning
The prancing and pawing
Of feet and of clawing
As I drew in my hand
And was starting to slow
Down put the paddle
And the hand was a go
My hand started slapping
From tushy to thigh
And her screams turned
To panting, and then a big sigh
A bunch of hard slaps
I had put on her bottom
And she looked like a
naughty girl, just like she oughta
Her eyes, how they twinkled
Her dimples how merry
Her bum was like roses
Her bottom like a cherry.
Her droll little bottom
Tightened just like a bow
And the skin on her thighs
Was as white as the snow
The stump of a paddle
Held tight in my hand
And I swore there was smoke
From her bottomy land
I had a broad smile,
At the buttocks that shook
When I smacked and I slapped
And I spanked and I cooked
Her bottom was chubby and plump
A right sore was her self
And I laughed when I saw it
In spite of myself
With a wink of my eye
And a twist of my wrist
Soon gave me to know
She couldn’t resist
But went straight to my work
And filled all the white spots
Then turned with a jerk
And laying a finger
Inside of her place
I gave her an orgasm
And made her heart race
Then we sprang to our bed
And our bodies did whistle
So away we both flew
Like the down of a thistle
But I heard her exclaim
as we both were entwined
Happy Spanking to all
And to all, a good night!
Now that put me in a Christmas mood! Actually that put me in the mood for lots of things!! Thanks Grace! You always were one of the best writers out here! Now if a story come to anyone else over the holidays we sure would like to hear it. Please send any stories to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Monday, December 19, 2011
Fantastic Weekend
My birthday was on Thursday. I was exhausted from school – Christmas time is a hard time to keep kids focused and at least pretending to study. Nick had finished up his work week and I knew he was pretty tired too. We had decided to celebrate on Friday but there was one gift Nick said I might just want to open with just him privately. I often send Nick ideas of things I’d like – some of them are ignored, LOL! But I keep trying. And let me tell you he really listened this time. This is what I got –

AMAZING! It was just want I’d asked for. I have a great love for leather. His belt is a real favorite of mine but I wanted something wider. This lovely strap fits the bill nicely! It’s from Cane-iac, and despite my aversion to their name (don’t mention canes to me!) I’ve always heard wonderful things about their products. This strap, called the OUCH, is beautifully made and looks indestructible. Eventually I may not view that as a good thing but I very pleased now.
We did give it a brief try on Thursday – just to make sure it worked, but the birthday spanking waited until Friday, when Nick was off all day and I got off at noon. I had some wonderful news early Friday morning. I lost 2.8 pounds last week!!! I was amazed and re-weighted several times on different scales to be sure it was correct. It seemed to be correct, anyway I’ll take it. We’re coming up on some hard weeks – parties and going out with friends, but I’m not giving up. This loss gives me real incentive to keep working at it.
I was soon off to school to finish up the last day and then anxiously home to a waiting Nick. I’m proud to say I turned 55 last week. Nick said with such a high number of spanks we could employ many implements, he did! The OUCH came first since it was our new toy. It truly lived up to its name! For those of us our here that truly love a good spanking, this was great. It has a nice lingering effect. I think my favorite way of using it would be hard and over clothes. I feel like I could take a lot that way. Nick isn’t too fond of spanking me with my pants still on. He says he likes a good view. Clothes came off pretty quickly Friday. I remember he also used the dogging bat, his belt, the firm leather paddle and also the damn cane. It was a lovely birthday spanking, followed by an even better loving. A perfect afternoon you might say!
I must endure two more days of ‘workshops’ and then I’m free until the New Year. Who knows maybe I’ll even find time to write. I’m sure I’ll be around before Christmas but I do wish everyone a Merry Christmas and if you don’t celebrate Christmas I still wish you joy and happiness as we finish out this year.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Fanstay Friday, Choices chapter 2

Chapter 2
“Jessie, I want to talk a little more about last night…” Jessie cut him off with a groan.
“I think we covered it all.” She snapped.
“I think so- but, I don’t think you realize how much our relationship means to me.” His sincere words made Jessie feel bad for snapping her eyes dropped to his chest again.
Gabe’s fingers came right back to her chin and lifted her face until their eyes met again.
“I’m serious Jess. You mean the world to me, but, sometimes you act like a spoiled brat. Last night was one of those times. And the problem is that what you did has the ability to tear us apart. That is what is making me act as firmly as I am. I want nothing to come in between us. I love you… Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I know it was wrong. That is why I said I’m sorry. I thought it was over.” Jessie felt unwanted moisture pooling in the corner of her eyes, and again she tried to look away.

“Look at me,” he demanded tenderly, brushing her tears away before they could fall. “I forgave you, and it is over, but I really want you to think about how serious it was and how it made me feel. I want you to stay home this week, and stay off the phone… I want you to be thinking about what you did.” His hands came to her shoulders as he felt her stiffen, his thumbs circled, rubbing tenderly.
“You are grounding me?” she demanded eyes blazing. “I don’t think so.” She tried to push away from him her anger flaring dangerously. When he held her tightly she clenched her teeth together and said through her teeth, “Let me go!”
“No, I am holding you and we are talking this through. You remember when we were talking about getting married… I told you, you wouldn’t like being married to me because I am so old-fashioned. You said you didn’t care, you loved me just the same.” A small smirk formed on his lips.
“You didn’t explain that you meant cave-man old-fashioned!” She tried again to get away from him. But he was too strong for her. This time when she turned her head from him he let her. He just pulled her tightly against his chest. He put his chin on the top of her head.
“Jessie, I love you but, I refuse to put up with a brat. You went against what I said about you going, you snuck out while I was gone, you stayed out and drove home at a dangerous time, you didn’t answer my calls and you smoked. I spanked you and I forgave you… I will not hold this against you unless you do it again. But, I don’t think spanking you was enough. It was a first for us and it has left you with some pretty mixed emotions and I want you to think about them.
I want you to stay home and think about them. If you abuse your right to drive by sneaking out to a place I don’t want you to go and stay out all night then I think you should lose the privilege of driving for a week.
I don’t want you on the phone talking to your sister and your girlfriends and being confused on what to tell them. They are undoubtedly still of the mindset that you should do whatever you want even though you have a husband at home. You said you were sorry you did it. I think you realize how it alienates us. I don’t want you to be confused by their comments or advice.
I want you to take this week to think about what our relationship truly means to you. And every time you think about going somewhere or calling someone you can be proud of yourself for making a decision to please me and put your marriage first… Do you understand me?”
Jessie took a while to respond. She was so confused. The whole time he was talking his fingers were raking up and down on her back. He knew that she loved it when he did this. And his voice was like liquid with that sweet loving tone. But he was basically grounding her like a child.
“Fine.” She said in a clipped voice launching herself off his lap before he had time to respond. She stomped into their room to find her purse. Her cell phone was still in there because she had forgotten to put it on the charger the night before. She grabbed her car keys as well and stomped back to the dining room. Gabe had just stood up and pushed in his chair. He turned to look when she came back in the room.
“Here,” she said grabbing his hand and shoving her phone and keys into them. “You better take these and hide them from me.”
“No,” he said firmly trying to put them back into her hands, but she kept her hands balled tight shaking her head. He finally put them on the buffet. Then he pulled Jessie into his arms again.
“Jessie, I am

Jessie spent the day in confusion and depression. She couldn’t make sense of her thoughts. She thought about getting on her laptop to write a little but she was afraid she would be tempted to instant message her friends. It didn’t occur to her that she was making a choice right then to obey Gabe. Later she was torn again when her friend called on the house phone. She wasn’t even one of the ones she had gone out with. She didn’t answer but wondered why her friend had texted her or called her cell. Then she remembered the battery was probably dead. She didn’t check it or plug it in; she left it right where Gabe had set it. It was probably a good thing it was turned off, so she wasn’t tempted each time it chimed she had a message.
Jessie couldn’t concentrate on any projects. Seeing that Gabe’s truck was gone she decided to go for a walk. She didn’t think that should count. She wasn’t leaving; she was just getting out of the house and getting some time to think. And it wasn’t like she was going to come upon any people.
When she got to her favorite path, the one they would ride horses on, she finally relaxed and her mind opened up. She didn’t feel so stressed anymore. She actually felt more at peace. The only thing that could be better is if she had ridden Sunny, her horse. But Gabe had forbid her to ride alone right at the beginning of their relationship. If only she had realized he was going to make it a habit of telling her what to do…
If only? What was she thinking? Would she take it all back if she could? Did she love him enough to put up with him, or to “obey” him? Zoey started thinking about the past.
She and Gabe had gone to the same church for years and years. Jessie didn’t actually know how long. She had been going there since she was born. Gabe’s mother lived with his sister in another state but would come and stay with Gabe every summer. When she was there she would ask Jessie to come out to the ranch and help her “spruce things” up. Last summer, Mrs. Hamilton was recovering from a knee surgery and had hired Jessie to come out daily to help with laundry, cooking, and errands.
So, Jessie had been around Gabe a lot more often. She still really didn’t know she was attracted to him. When she was around him and her stomach started doing flips she thought it was just because he was a man. An older man, he was thirty-six, to her twenty-three. But, when Mrs. Hamilton went back to live with Gabe’s sister in the fall Gabe had asked her to still come out a couple days a week. It all started, for the most part when he asked her to stay to eat with him one time. Or another time he asked her to watch a movie with him. Then he offered to teach her to ride a horse. It finally progressed to them calling each other a lot whenever she wasn’t there. Neither of them would call it a relationship, they had never even kissed.
But, Jessie knew she was in love with him. It didn’t matter to her what others thought. She didn’t care about the age difference in fact they often teased each other about it. She would call him a dinosaur and old-fashioned and he would call her a childish brat.
Ugg, was he thinking about spanking her even way back then? She thought he had called her childish to tease her about her size. She was small person at 5’1” and 102 and pounds. He knew that she hated that she always looked younger than she was. So, when they would disagree on something he would teasingly tell her to quit being such a child. She would be furious about it and smack his chest or arm, and that would start a wrestling match. Of course he was a huge brute and so he always pinned her anyway but she didn’t care she just loved having him wrapped around her. Besides, he never hurt her unless tickling her until her sides ached counted.
And when he said she wouldn’t like to be married to him she thought he was referencing his age. Because that is how they teased each other. Well she knew he was serious and so was she when she said she loved him he even though he was outdated.
She knew he was set in his ways… He liked her to be home and cook for him at meal times unless there was something going on and she let him know ahead of time. He liked her to make the bed every day. He didn’t want her to ride the horse without him. She knew all of that.
She never ever imagined that he would spank her! He was too sweet, how could he hurt her like that? And boy oh boy had it hurt. Well, there were times he had said “if you ever did that I’d have to spank you for it.” But she had always laughed it off. He was kidding right?
Well, there were those times when she was being sassy and he had swatted her backside too… But they were just teasing each other. He was just playing…
But, he had really spanked her and it had really hurt. This was for real. Last night in the shower, and after while she was curled up in his arms, for the few minutes she was awake, anyway… she had thought it was all just a mistake. She had been wrong and he had been angry and he had spanked her because he didn’t know how to deal with his anger. And she had been wrong in leaving the way she did. So, she thought the spanking was a freak- onetime thing. Until this morning…
He started talking all firm, about her not leaving or talking on the phone. Where was that coming from? That told her he was in control and had been. He talked about the spanking and the fact that he thought it wasn’t enough. She thought that at some point he would apologize for it. And that it was a onetime thing, that he wouldn’t do it again. And of course she never planned to make him that angry again anyway so what did it matter?
She thought about him bringing the fact up that she had asked him to marry her. Was he trying to say that she somehow knew and approved of him the way he is? Well she hadn’t known that he planned to spank her when she was practically begging him to marry her.
And now he was basically giving her time to think it all through, and make a choice. That is what he kept saying. Choose to “obey” him. As if!
Her thoughts kept zinging though her head in this manner all the time she couldn’t make heads or tails out of her thoughts. When he came in for lunch she was back to being depressed. It didn’t help that she was so tired she had a headache.
Just before he left to go back to work he told her,
“You may take a nap now.”
Jessie had to bite her tongue she wanted to tell him off so badly. She wanted to tell hi

Gabe couldn’t believe what a firebrand his little woman was. She would fight him tooth and nail for the rest of his life he was sure. God, how he loved her and wanted to protect her. She could be so sweet and so giving too. And, the times when she completely surrendered to him his heart would melt. She was all his.
He carried her to bed wondering if she had taken a nap and was just still this tired or if she had refused to nap just to spite him. Now she was out cold and he wanted to make love to her. As he undressed her and covered her with the quilt he felt guilty about wanting to wake her with his brand of loving. He stripped his clothes off watching her curl up on her side.
When his rock hard cock sprang from his jeans he stroked it knowing he was going to wake her up. He climbed in the bed pulling the covers over his head. Instead of pulling Jessie into his arms he crawled down between her legs. She was so tired she easily rolled onto her back again and relaxed her legs open just the way he placed them. He didn’t want to take her in her sleep, he wanted to wake her up calling his name and begging him for more. He felt her wince and sigh when he cupped her bottom and lifted her “girly spot” to his mouth chuckling into her folds. He loved how shy and naïve she was. The first time she had called it that, it had taken everything he had not to laugh at her and have her close him off altogether.
He heard her moan as his tongue found that sensitive nub at the top of her slit. He flicked it back and forth until she started to wiggle in his hands. He delved down into her hole thrusting his tongue in and out as deeply as he could, all the while watching in her face in the moonlight shining through the window. Finally knowing what to do to get the response he wanted he gently settled her bottom back on the mattress. Releasing one of her small cheeks he brought his tongue back up to circle her clit while he found her opening again with his finger. He thrust it into her easily, she was already extremely wet.
“Ohhh…” Jessie cried out softly, but that wasn’t enough for him.
As he pulled his finger back the second time and added another to it and thrust it back in. She was so wet and so tight, he wanted to get in there and feel her squeezing down on his cock while she cried into his shoulder to help her. But he wouldn’t give in until she was begging him. He loved the way she clung to him while he teased her.
Just as he had plunged the second finger into her sweet spot her eyes came open and her hand came down to find the one of his still holding her bottom. She needed something to hold on to. Her hips rocketed with her need for more. She clasped his arm scratching him without meaning to. He knew what she wanted, but he loved to make her wait, to beg and she always did…
“Uuhhho! Oh god Please… Gabe…” she whimpered.
He pulled his hand away from her hip all the while still thrusting with his fingers. He brought his thumb up to her clit and rubbed it harder than he had with his tongue.
“ahh ahh ahh Help me… I need you… Ohh, you’re driving me crazeeee…”
He chuckled for the second time as her fingers found his hair and pulled his head back down to her “girly spot”. He moved both hands and just softly stroked her clit with his tongue. He knew this wasn’t what she wanted or needed. But she liked it, as confusing as it was to her.
“More, please… ohhh” she tried again to make sense of her cries.
He drew his head back stroking her inner thighs with his fingers watching her buck each time they came near her bikini line.
“Gabe! I need you….” She reached for his hand trying to put it back where she wanted the attention.
He chuckled and drew his body up over hers. He heard her happy sigh and drug out the motions as long as he could. He rested his cock at her entrance bracing himself to go slow. He drew back as she thrust her hips upward trying to fill herself up with him.
“Ah Ah Ah

“Gabe! Oh my god, don’t do this to me.”
“What?” he asked with laughter in his throat, pressing slowly into her again, only to pull right back after two inches again.
“I hate you…” she gripped his butt trying again to pull him into her.
“That’s not very nice, young lady.” He said with a smirk as he started to enter her again. She didn’t realize that each inch was more agonizing to him than it was to her. When he pulled back out again he said in a silky voice,
“Maybe you should try asking nicely for what you want.”
He pressed in again at his slowest speed to date. He ground his teeth trying not to groan out loud and slam into her.
“I can’t think…please… you- know- I- want- you.”
He wickedly pulled out again.
“Gabe! I need you… all of you… in me.” She was so frustrated she looked to be near tears. He decided to have mercy on her. His fingers squeezed into her hips pulling her open as wide as she could as he drove into her. He pulled her down on the mattress so she was between his knees, legs strewn over his hips he drove into her mercilessly. She cried out his name climaxing on the second stroke but he had just gotten started.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Fantasy Friday, Choices

Please enjoy…
Chapter 1
Jessie tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of the song on the radio. She was trying not to dwell on the fact that when she got home she and Gabe were most likely to have a fight. She looked down at the clock quickly and back up to the road. She had seen a few deer

Since they had been married only two short months, this was their first big argument. Jessie’s sister had wanted her to go out dancing, a girl’s night, with some of their friends. Gabe had said no that she was married now and didn’t need a girl’s night out. He wanted her to stay home with him.
Jessie’s sister Patty was also married and her husband didn’t care if she went out. So, what was Gabe’s hang up? Her friends had agreed, it shouldn’t be a big deal. She should still be able to hang out with her friends.
So, Jessie had left before he came in for the evening. That way he couldn’t argue with her about it again. She wasn’t trying to be sneaky- not really. She was just saving them from another fight about it when she had already made up her mind. She was going if for no other reason than to show him she would do what she wanted and he wouldn’t stop her.
But, now that the night was over and she had time to think about it, she was feeling a little guilty. She had missed him and she hadn’t even enjoyed herself most of the night. She kept thinking about him and whether or not they were going to fight about it when she got home. At one point, Patty had told her that she should’ve just stayed home, because her mood was putting a damper on everyone else’s fun. Jessie had danced, but couldn’t seem to get into it. And she hadn’t drunk anything besides Coke because she had to drive home. Now that it was too late to change a thing, she wished she would have just spent the night snuggled up with Gabe.
She took a deep breath as she turned on the signal and slowed the car to turn onto the road to the ranch. She contemplated having one last cigarette before she got home but nixed the idea quickly. Gabe hated it that she had smoked when they were dating. She had mostly quit, except when she was with Patty.
She wondered if he had stayed up waiting for her. She didn’t tell him when she would be home. Heck, she hadn’t told him anything. He wouldn’t talk about it at all when she had told him she wanted to go. She had tried a couple times, so when it came down to it this afternoon, she just left. She didn’t even leave a note. He would know where she had gone.
As she pulled into the drive she noticed the TV was on. He had waited up. She smiled to herself. He did love her. He must have cared and maybe even worried about her. She started to feel a bit guilty again, as she got out and walked to the front door.
Inside the mudroom she quickly slid her shoes off and sighed with relief. Her feet were sore from being on them all night. She walked quietly into the living room to say good night. She knew that he had to know she was home. Where they lived at the end of the road, nobody drove down their road unless they intended to. So he would have heard her pull up and come in. She decided to pretend nothing was the matter.
“Hi honey, I’m home.” she said quietly as she rounded the door way.
His expression was unreadable, as in- he didn’t look mad. He lifted his hand and motioned for her to come to him. She did as she was bid and naively walked toward him. Once within his reach he slid to the edge of the sofa and caught her hand fluidly pulling her down across his lap.
“What are you doing?” she squeaked out as the first crack sounded across her jean clad bottom. “Stop!” crack! “

“Stop it right now!” amidst the crack upon each word, she tried more firmly, lifting her torso to look behind her. She struggled against him trying to free herself to no avail. He had her firmly in hand. Literally. His left hand held her waist so that she couldn’t slide away and his right hand was wailing on her backside. Fire was engulfing her bottom like she couldn’t believe. And he wasn’t saying a word.
“You can’t do this… ow… stop!” He kept smacking. Her father had never been in her life, and her mother had never spanked her before. Gabe had made jokes about her needing to be spanked at times, but she had thought it was just that- a joke.
“I hate you Gabe Hamilton! When you let me go I’m gonna…” she had to shout to be heard above the cracking of his palm on her denim behind. She stopped short when he stopped mid-swing. Thank God, she thought as she tried to squirm away. She was quite surprised when she felt his hand move to her front where he was unfastening her pants.
“NO- no- no!” she said trying unsuccessfully to stop him. Cool air kissed her hot bottom as he drew her pants and panties down over her bum and down her legs.
Whap. Whap. Whap. He started all over. The pain was different: stingy. It was making her crazy: angry. She was yelling all kinds of things at him. She couldn’t take it, it was unbearable. She put her hand back to stop the relentless burning, but he just caught her hand at her waist and held it there. She was so angry she wanted to punch or kick him. Her legs were free… She started kicking her legs up trying to catch him or just put her feet in the way of his vicious swing, she didn’t care which. When he simply lifted his leg over hers effectively pinning her down. She gave in. She was completely at his mercy. She sobbed. And after a couple more swats he stopped at last.
“Jessie, you know why I am doing this, right?” he finally spoke in a quiet firm voice.
“Because you are a caveman… no a Neanderthal….A-Oh- Ow. Ow. Ow! No, stop please…” she started crying as he started smacking all over again.
“Are you ready to try again Jessie?” He stopped and rubbed her bottom, which surprisingly made it feel so much better. Jessie looked at the puddle of tears in front of her on the beige carpet and her mass of strawberry blonde curls hanging in it. She swiped her face on her left arm which was supporting her upper body. She considered not answering but, decided she should comply so that he would let her out of this detestable position.
“For going out when you said not too… I’m sor-ry Gabe… please let me up so we can talk about it.” She whimpered when he stopped rubbing her bottom. She realized quickly the heat was still there.
“That’s a good start.” He offered as he began smacking all over her rear and down the tops of her thighs. SMACK SMACK SMACK
“Ow, owieeee… stop please, I said that I’m sooiireee.”
“This is for sneaking out while I was gone.” He finished a couple more right on the crease where her bottom met her legs. He paused then and Jessie thought he was done. But then he picked up right where he left off. SMACK SMACK SMACK
“This is for actually going, when I told you not too.” He peppered smacks all over her butt as if he had nothing better to do at the time. SMACK SMACK SMACK
“This is for smoking…” he made sure to cover the sensitive areas again. SMACK SMACK SMACK
“Did you drink tonight Jessie?” he paused so that he could hear her answer.
“NO, no… I didn’t- I swear I didn’t.” she whimpered, praying he was done.
“You are lucky.” he said softly as he finally lifted her to his lap, rubbing her bottom softly as he wrapped his big arms around her.

Jessie accepted the comfort he was offering. She tucked her face into his shoulder and cried softly as he squeezed her closer to his massive chest. Her bare bottom was burning severely where he had settled it on his blue jeans. But, she didn’t care she was just thankful to be in his arms instead of over his knee.
Gabe started rubbing her back, brushing her hair out of her face and whispered.
“Shh, I love you. It’s done now.”
It took a couple minutes for Jessie to calm down enough to speak.
“Does this mean that now that I’m married to you I can’t do things with my friends?”
“Jessie, don’t be silly, you have already done girl things, think about it. You had lunch with your mom and Patty, and another time you went shopping with… I don’t remember who it was. But you know the difference. You can do those things. You do not need to stay out all night partying and dancing without me.”
Jessie started crying again. It hurt worse to hear his disappointment with her for what she had done. And his reasoning even made perfect sense.
“I’m s-so- sor-ry, Gabe. I don’t even know why I was set on going… It was stupid…. They were saying stuff about it being a girl’s night and I didn’t want to be left out… but I knew it would make you mad… I don’t know why I went anyway.”
“It is ok now, it’s over and done with, I forgive you.” He said against her forehead where he placed soft kisses as he spoke.
Jessie was exhausted and relieved, and wanted to fall asleep against his chest. She felt him stand and walk toward the bedroom; she thought he was going to carry her to bed. So, when he stopped short outside the master bath and slowly helped her to her feet she was confused, until she heard his crisp command.
“Go take a shower, you smell like cigarette smoke.”
“I’m tired, I don’t want to shower now it’s four-something in the morning.” She whined.
“Now.” He didn’t give an inch.
Jessie’s whole being sagged as she turned to the bathroom, somewhat afraid to disobey him. But, she still pouted and whined with her back toward him.
“I’m tired, this isn’t fair… especially since you sp-” she stopped short not wanting to say the word.
“You’re not getting in my bed smelling like cigarette smoke. And it is not my fault you stayed out this late.” He said in a voice that was somewhat new to Jessie.
As she was getting out of the shower a couple minutes later and toweling off, she couldn’t wait to get into bed. Not so much because she was so tired, but because she felt so vulnerable. She needed to be in his arms again and oddly enough, she wasn’t afraid of him.
She didn’t have

“Jessie…wake up, here is your coffee.” Jessie came awake as she felt the side of the bed dip. This was their normal routine; he would bring her coffee and rub her back. Then she would get up, shower, and make breakfast while he went out to do chores.
“I’m so tired… I can’t get up, I’m too tired.” She whined.
“I bet you are so am I. But, I still have to get up and feed the animals. You have to get up and feed me.” Gabe didn’t sound angry, but he didn’t sound as if he was going to give her an inch. She felt a cool draft as he pulled the covers off of her.
“I know… I will but, can I just have a little bit longer?” she remembered she was naked and rolled onto her back toward his side where she could reach the quilt and try to cover up. But, as soon as her bottom touched the sheet she winced, remembering the spanking he had given her. Her face instantly felt warm and she wished she could disappear. She quickly pulled his pillow over her face.
“It isn’t my fault you stayed out so late and are still tired. But, this is a ranch and everyone has to do their part to make it run. You asked me to marry you, remember? And you knew what living on a working ranch required. I’ll be back in five minutes and you had better be up, got it?”
Jessie groaned into her pillow but thankfully she felt the bed shift as he got up and walked out of the room. When he was gone she gave into the need to roll back onto her tummy. She shimmied to the edge of the bed and when her feet finally hit the floor and she was standing, she cautiously put her hands behind her to rub her butt.
Ouch! She couldn’t believe how much it still hurt. And he had to bring up the fact that she had asked him to marry her now of all times!
Now that she had time to think about it, she couldn’t believe he had actually spanked her. And why was she still there? If she was smart she would pack up her things and leave. But, she didn’t feel like it was abuse… She had been wrong. She had deserved it. And she didn’t want to leave him. She loved him.
She was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when he came back to check on her. He came up behind her leaned in and kissed her temple.
“Good choice.” He said simply before he walked away again.
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. She wanted to climb back in bed and say to hell with him. But, she knew that wasn’t fair. She normally loved to get up and cook for him and his friend who helped out on the ranch. Gabe loved her cooking and praised her and it felt so good to please him. They had a really good relationship. The loved each other. He would tease her sometimes and they would wrestle on the floor. They would usually end up making love where ever they were. And Gave was anything but a selfish lover. He would give her an embarrassing amount of orgasms before he ever got off. He seemed to take pride in the shameless way she acted during their lovemaking.
She let her thoughts come back to her day and her agenda. She made breakfast but when Gabe and Tyler sat down a while later Jessie was ready to disappear again. She didn’t want to look Gabe in the face and she couldn’t begin to sort her feelings out. So, she took the easy way out and headed out of the room after she had put the food on the table.
A few minutes later Gabe found her in the bedroom with her laptop in hand. She was trying to figure out where to sit and if she even dared trying to sit. She had put on a stretchy pair of leggings hoping they would be comfortable. But she was afraid nothing would actually feel ok right now.
“What are you doing? We are waiting for you.”
“I’m not hungry- I don’t want to eat.” She answered keeping her eyes averted.
“I don’t think so. Get your fanny out there and sit down. I am not playing these games.” Gabe didn’t give her a chance to respond he just took her hand and lead her back to the dining room.
Jessie didn’t get any more chance to consider sitting options either as her chair was pulled out and she was guided into it. Ouch! She restrained herself from popping right back out of it. Oh, how she wished she would have bought the seat cushions she had looked at the other day. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a small smile cross Gabe’s face and when she turned to look at him he just laughed and got all innocent looking. Jessie knew her face was red, it was so warm. She tried to sit still or to line up her shifting in her seat to when she was reaching for something or looking at something, but the fact of the matter was she couldn’t sit still.
When they were finally done with their breakfast and she was clearing the table Gabe asked Tyler to go on out and start emptying the trailer and he would be right out. Jessie’s face again started to feel warm as she wondered why he was staying behind.
When the door closed behind Tyler, and Jessie was back at the table reaching for his plate, Gabe caught her hand and pulled her to sit in his lap. Jessie tucked her face into his chest thankful that he couldn’t see her flaming cheeks from this angle.
“I love you Jessie, you know that right?” he asked softly against the top of her head.
She didn’t think she could talk and so just nodded. Her hands had found their way around his neck and she threaded her fingers through the short curls at the back of his head. She loved being in his lap like this and when his voice had that husky tone she just melted.

“Look at me Jess…” he said waiting for her response, when she didn’t move to do it on her own he took her chin in his fingers and turned her face to his. She tried to keep her eyes averted; she couldn’t explain the emotions she was feeling. But, her eyes darted back to his quickly, when she heard him say her name with his firm voice.
“Jessie Marie.”
Her emerald green eyes locked on his steel blue. Her attitude seemed to come back to her naturally.
“What?” she demanded in a saucy tone, jerking her head back so that his fingers fell from her jaw.
Now don’t worry, there is a chapter 2 and lucky for you, it will be up tomorrow!
When I first received this story the writer asked me to post it anonymously. I was fine with that but I wished she would take credit for this fine writing. When I talked to her last she said she had given it a lot of thought and she had changed her mind. This story was written by Pooky over at CDD for Life? Pooky’s story. I do want to clarify this is a fiction story, not from her real life. The one catch is that she is not allowed to read or write spanking fiction. Pooky asks that if you want to leave her a comment it will need to be here. Since her husband, Dev, sometimes reads her site she can’t post any comments about the story there.
I hope at some point in the future this rule will change for Pooky. I know that, for me, exploring my feelings through fiction, both in reading and writing, has helped me grow to understand so much more about this life style. Regardless, Pooky you are a wonderful writer and I thank you for sharing this story with us. Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for part two.
As always I’m looking for new stories! If you have one to share send it to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Where do all the spammers come from? And why do so many of them think I need a bigger penis?
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Back's better
As some of you suggested I kept up a little light exercise and some stretching. The doctor told me to walk and gave me some specific lower back exercises. But I went up a little on my weigh in. Only .4 but I wasn’t happy about it. Neither was Nick, not that he is worried about the gain itself, it’s just that he know how easily I get discouraged when I don’t lose. He held me close and tight and I got in a couple of hard swats on my butt to get my attention, and I appreciate his efforts. Don’t worry; I have no intentions of giving up at this point. But of course, Christmas is going to be tough.
We’re having to move all of Mollie’s stuff home for the Christmas break because she was able to get a new room and roommate (Yeah!) actually she is just moving next door to where she is now, but she can’t leave her stuff there. It’s going to make next weekend really busy. Moving Mollie back here Friday evening, putting up the tree Saturday morning, family Christmas gathering Saturday afternoon/evening, Sunday morning church program, family party for Nick’s mom’s birthday at lunch after church, and then Mollie is having her friends over for dinner Sunday night. I’m tired just thinking about it. It wouldn’t be so bad but they slipped in a few extra mandatory work days for us when we should be off. That's always annoying.
I hope now that my back is feeling better; we will be able to slip in some play time before Mollie comes home for a month. Although, strange as it sounds, we almost seem to play more when she is living at home. Maybe the idea of sneaking in play time when she is out with her friends makes it more exciting, or at least more urgent. Who knows, we’ll do the best we can.
I have several more brand new Fantasy Friday stories that I think you will really like. So don’t forget to come by and check each week.
Friday, December 09, 2011
Fantasy Friday, The Story Tellers

We have another brand new story today. It’s written by the same author who wrote A Strangers Gift. I love her style and I know you are going to enjoy this story too. I’ll tell you more about this writer at the end. Please enjoy…
She gazed from the East windows across the moors, she would witness their approach from here. She could not take her eyes off the lane that snaked across the hills, its grass verges clipped short by the ponies native to these moors. The light was fading fast as she saw the faint glimmer of head lights in the far distance, their starring beams picking out the first flurry of snow that swept briefly across the tops where the hills kissed the sky.
She shuddered slightly and clasped her arms around herself, maybe the chill of the winter scene, she wondered? The house may be old, but it was warm and cozy she reasoned, no, this was anticipation. She moved her legs slightly and felt the swish of her stockings beneath her black pencil skirt, a white blouse completed her outfit, which, she hoped, presented a professional image for this most unusual of appointments. She felt her heart pounding slightly as the headlights grew closer, her lips parting slightly as her breathing increased, a mixture of apprehension and excitement spreading over her.
She moved to the hallway of the old house pausing briefly to place a letter sealed within a gold embossed envelope on the hall table and with trembling hands opened the door to the study. The room was lined with books, some old some new, the yew paneling catching the low glow of the evening light, a fire place to one side, its logs crackling and spitting adding to the atmosphere of the room. She positioned herself in a leather tall backed chair opposite the door, crossing her legs she tried to look as demure as possible as she waited for her guests to arrive. She noticed as she looked around the room that many of the books were written by her favourite authors, A. Conan Doyle, Jane Austen and an early copy or two of Jamaica Inn.
She heard keys unlocking the front door and after a brief interlude the door to the study opened. A girl in her mid twenties entered followed by a man, the man slightly older. She stood up and stepping forward held out her hand in anticipation of a formal greeting but the girl simply held her hand and led her to the chair she had just left, here she was pushed forward gently but firmly and made to bend over the back of the chair. She could feel her skirt tight across her bottom, it was never designed for her to be in this position, she thought to herself. She steadied herself by placing both hands on the seat of the chair and as she looked up she noticed the girl stroking the man’s face whilst holding his hand, and with a look of compassion she said, “Don’t worry, all will be fine.”
He looked apprehensive, she caught his eye as he glanced at her, she noticed his pale grey eyes through his long tousled fair hairbefore politely lowering her eyes.
The girl now crouched in front of the chair and held both of her hands, as she looked up into her eyes, she spoke gently, “ I will stay with you, I will always stay with you” her hands were not grasping as in force but gently held, as if for comfort. She felt him stand next to her, his leg touching hers, his hand firmly on the small of her back, she felt cocooned, restrained, yet free and strangely safe. She held her breath as she waited for that familiar feeling, her transport to another headspace. His hand rested lightly on her bottom, raised, and then landed with a slap on the right cheek of her bottom, she let her breath out with a small sigh whilst another slap landed on the left cheek. The spanking continued rhythmically on each cheek of her bottom, progressively getting harder as she breathed out involuntary gasps and groans. She moved her legs to try to move somehow the stinging heat that each spank generated.
The girl squeezed her hands, she raised her face to look into the girls’ eyes, “Be still” the girl spoke gently to her “I will stay with you, I will look after you.” She felt the first tears starting to fall from her eyes as she stilled her legs and concentrated once more on the regular slapping of the man’s hand on her bottom, the tightness of her skirt and the curl of his palm perfectly matching the roundness of her bottom ensuring that she was being thoroughly spanked.
Just as the room started to disappear and she felt herself starting to float away he stood away from her and released his hand from the small of her back. She was momentarily back in the room and left panting as she remained draped over the chair. She raised her head again and watched the man walk across to the fireplace, he remained still, his hands clasped behind him as he stared into the fire. The girl encouraged her to stand up. “I must prepare you for further punishment.”
As she straightened up the girl unzipped her skirt, and knowing what was expected of her she pulled the skirt down herself over the fullness of her naked bottom and let it fall to the floor, stepping out of it she positioned herself once again facing the chair. The girl spoke once more but this time with firmness in her voice, “You will stay in the position you are placed in, you will keep your bottom still and you will do as you are told, or the master will discipline you harder, do you understand?” She tried to answer but her throat was too dry to speak, a single tear trickled down her face as she simply nodded. The girl spoke again, “It is important that you are punished properly!”
She lowered her eyes, her face flushed with embarrassment, or was it excitement at being exposed and vulnerable, they were fully clothed, it made her feel under their control, displayed for their pleasure.
The man returned once again to take up his position next to her, he briefly stared into her eyes, she detected a glimmer of excitement and passion before he looked towards the girl who was once again ather station, in front of the chair. The girl picking up on the silent message spoke to her quietly. “Bend over now, you are to receive further punishment.”
She draped herself over the chair once again; she felt the cool leather of the chair against the naked skin above her stockings, the girl once again, gently taking both of her hands into hers. She felt the palm of his hand make contact with her bottom once again, her bottom cheeks bouncing under each hard slap, her skirt no longer able to retain or protect her flesh. He concentrated the firmness of his hand on one part of her bottom until she was grimacing so much that her gasps were audible and then moved to another spot to repeat the process. Fresh tears immediately began to flow as she found herself drifting away again, the room, the books, the flickering light from the fire receding.
She faintly heard the girl whisper to her, “I will stay with you, be free, just be free” but it was a distant voice, heard as if in a dream. The spanks were landing now on every inch of her bottom, from the tops of her legs to each side of her buttocks so that the redness and heat was spread all over, adding to the wetness she felt as her erotic sexual excitement increased. Her bottom was clenching as each spank landed, her breathing ragged as her legs relaxed and she started to dissolve, allowing for the first time the chair to bear all of her weight as she completely surrendered to her punishment, to her body and to her soul. As the final slaps landed where her bottom creased with the tops of her legs her orgasm started to flow over her, starting with a slow tingling and rapidly rising to a flood as every cell in her body switched on. She was somewhere far away now, flying a magic carpet ride to pure ecstasy, the people around her invisible, there was just her and pure exquisite pleasure. She heard someone screaming in the distance, a voice she vaguely remembered as her own.
“Oh please, please!”
When she opened her eyes the girl was still holding her hands, and, as she had promised, stayed with her, she, on the other hand, just remained draped motionless over the chair.The three of them sat in front of the fire, her in the chair in a toweling robe, the girl and man sitting at her feet, each holdinga glass of mulled wine.
“So” the man said, “was I ok, sorry, I was very nervous.”
She looked at him kindly and squeezed his hand, “You did brilliantly, I think we were all a little nervous!” She held both of their hands to her face and gently kissed them, “you know I love you both so much, we must never be apart.”
The girl knelt up and hugged her, “The three of us never will be my darling” she said with a smile. “Anyway, what house shall we rent next time?”
“I guess it depends on the stories” replied the man. “Maybe something in Austen country, the shire?”
“I shall attend to that with much haste, this very morn, Mr Darcy, madam.” Said the girl, attempting her best Jane Austen impression.
“Hmm, or maybe an old school?” She said, looking quizzically at the girl.
“Sir please sir” the girl said excitedly to the man “I think next time she deserves to be caned!”
“Maybe next time I’ll cane the pair of you if you don’t behave.” the man said with a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his
“We will try to be good sir, honest, but anyway, who’s turn is it next time?” said the girl looking up at her.
“We shall all present our stories in envelopes, and then we will see.” She held out her glass, “but in the mean time, to our first adventure.”
“Well” the man said, “we are in an old manor house on a lonely winter moor and we have the whole weekend ahead of us.” He smiled,his eyes twinkling, “I think the games afoot.”
The three lovers smiled at each other, clinked their glasses and chorused together,
“To the game!”
This wonderful story was written by Grace. She tells me that she and her partner Jamie have know each other since they were in their teens and have been in a relationship ever since. They now they have grown children. Grace enjoys books published by Black Lace. I’m not familiar with then but she says that they have several books that involve spanking and are written by women, for women. Grace says ‘we love the erotic nature of spanking which for us tends to play out mainly in the bedroom and has totally transformed our love life.’
Grace I hope you will keep on writing and sharing with us. It seems this story could go on and on. Thank you for sending this one. I hope that there are others out there writing. I you have a story you are willing to share please send it to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Owwww! That hurts!
I really hate pain unless it's associated with spanking. Nick's been good to me. He put Ben-Gay on my back. Of course he couldn't help rubbing a bit on my butt too. What a sweet guy. All this is making it hard to exercise so I don't know how the weight loss will go this week. I'm still watching what I eat but I don't think I'll make it back the gym for a few more days.
Now I'm going to try to get out of this chair and head to bed. I'll let you know if I make it.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Still trying
I wish I had more to blog about. I’m in a blank/blah spanking mode. There’s nothing going on on that front. And while I’m okay with that, I hate that I’m okay with that. It leaves me lacking in enthusiasm. I sure would like that back.
Meanwhile, on the weight front, things are going pretty well. I lost the pound I gained over Thanksgiving and another .8 on top of that. So far that’s a total loss of 11.2 pounds in 10 weeks. I just want to keep going. Of course it would be easier if I didn’t have to watch what I eat and exercise, but it doesn’t seem to work as well that way.
Wish I had something more exciting to blog about. Faerie said she wished her husband could read her mind. I’m afraid right now if Nick could read mine he wouldn’t find it very interesting. I’m working on it.