Back to the celebration…
I could tell Nick hadn’t forgotten that there was more celebrating to do when I crawled

Mid-morning Nick walked into the living room wearing his ‘let’s party’ boxers and led me to the bedroom. Sitting me on the bed he said ‘Let’s see what all we need to take care of today. I believe you have a birthday spanking to take for someone and I need to know how much your weigh is up from two weeks ago. You’ll notice I didn’t ask you if you had lost any.” This was when we went to Eva’s and she force fed me! But in those two weeks I was only up a little over a pound.
“So,” Nick went on “we’ll need to take care of that too.” NOTE – for any new comers, Nick does not spank me for gaining weight. He does spank me (at my request) when I blow off exercise or go wild on my eating (evidently he’s not spanking long enough or hard enough about this though.) And since Eva did all the cooking on our vacation perhaps she should have gotten the swats, but I digress.
Nick continued “But there is one more thing we need to take care of. You know it’s good for your health and it’s been a while so I think you need an enema first.” Hmmmm… Despite what I thought when I first began blogging I am not, nor will I ever be, submissive. It’s not really in me and Nick doesn’t want me that way. But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the feeling of being submissive at times. Whenever this particular subject comes up I feel submissive and like things are out of my control and that’s a good feeling. An answer of “Yes, sir” is really all that is necessary.

At the first swat with it I snapped “Where did that come from?”
I could hear the smile in Nick’s voice as he answered “England I believe. Ronnie sent it, right?”
So he continued on until he finished up that wonderful birthday spanking with his belt that I love so much. Before he could start on anything else I ask if he would be willing to wait on the weight spanking until later in the day. He seemed willing to move right on into the various sex events of the day. Tell me do people really get depressed about the empty nest??
We were meeting friends for supper and we had decided to head out early to do a little shopping. But Nick hadn’t forgotten I had another spanking coming. He used the OCW – seen in my masthead, the evil hair brush and that *$!@^& cane again!! But I was glad he did it. Nick is wonderful about fun and erotic spankings that lead to sex but he often forgets that I also need spanking for focusing on weight and other things I need to be doing. Well he remembered this time! It was wonderful to head out on our shopping expedition with a burning, sore behind. Now that’s love.
Our shopping trip included some adult toy shopping. I am happy to say we have several things nearly worn out or broken and we just felt like looking around. We have a small to medium size store in the next town. I’m always a little fearful of being seen (once a friend of LJ’s was working there when I popped in!) We looked around; there were so many fun things. But we only got a few things, pictured here.

Sunday afternoon we played some more – with the new toys – and just totally enjoyed our privacy and time together. Maybe some people our age dread having another birthday. I sure didn’t hear any complainants from Nick!
I love the variety of implements Nick used. What a creative guy! But then, it was his birthday spanking, so he was entitled.
Nick's turning into a real kinkster! I suspect this was one of his best birthday's!
ReplyDeleteDon't blame me!! I went lighter than normal and cooked some fairly healthy meals!! At any rate, you got to have a pretty good day as a result so really, shouldn't you quit blaming me and start thanking me? Hmmmm?
ReplyDeleteLove ya twin...
I'm loving reading about the celebrations and so happy to see Nick making good use of my little gift:)
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see Eva back.
ReplyDeleteNick does love changing implements. But you're right it was his birthday to celebrate.
He sure seemed to enjoy it all.
I just can't quit eating at your house. Everything you fix is good! Now when are you coming to cook for me here?
You gift and I are not the best of friends but Nick does seem taken with it. Maybe that's one I should have let him sample!!!