It's the last weekend of summer - at least it is for me. I start back to school next week. More about that later. Right now I'm still trying to ignore the whole thing and I'm still hoping someone will pop up and yell "Surprise! You can retire!" I'm not holding out a ton of hope but it could happen.More family this weekend at a cousin's lake house. I plan to enjoy the weekend with Nick, Mollie, the boat, the water, a good book and lots of other family too. And while I'm enjoying my weekend I want to leave you with a hot Fantasy Friday to get your weekend off to a good start too. And this one from Naughtyinaustin is really going to do it for so many of you.Turn on a fan, sit back and enjoy...A Weekend in Mexico
Sophia had been Edmund’s submissive for two years. Things were going well for them as a couple, and as time went by she gave over more and more of herself to him. At the beginning of their relationship, the submission had been primarily sexual. Edmund took control in the bedroom, and Sophia let him. She enjoyed the games they would play. He would tease her endlessly, taking her to the edge and then pulling back, withholding orgasm. He would make her beg for it. She would promise to do anything he wished, so long as he let her come.
As her trust and confidence grew, Sophia let Edmund know that this was a role she relished, and he was happy to oblige her. He was a natural dominant, and considered himself lucky to find a girl who was willing to give him the most beautiful, selfless gift he ever could imagine receiving. He cherished her and wanted to fulfill her fantasies. He also found that he was getting more turned on by the games they played, by the power he wielded over her. A part of himself that had been repressed was surfacing.
One Friday morning, Edmund sent Sophia an email at her work. It contained a list of instructions. She was to remove her panties immediately, place them in her purse, and

not wear any until further notice. Sophia pulled her black silk thong panties down her legs and slid them over her four-inch Manolos before reading further. She tucked them discreetly into her pocketbook. She was not to touch herself except for personal grooming. She was to go to the restroom, remove all make-up, and brush her hair into a simple ponytail held together at the nape of her neck. This made her frown as she did not like being at the office without make-up. Nevertheless, she did as she was told. She was to come straight home from work, no going to happy hour with her girlfriends like she usually did on Friday afternoons. The final sentences left Sophia breathless. ‘This weekend you will be my slave. You will have no say in anything. My pleasure will be your sole focus. When you fail at this, and you will, you will be punished in ways you have never imagined.’
As Sophia maneuvered her mini-Cooper into the garage of their downtown loft apartment, she wondered if she had done something wrong. While Edmund had set down some everyday rules for her to follow, he didn’t usually interfere with her social plans, nor make her look like a frump at the office. She was going to have to make a concerted effort not to pout, as she knew Edmund didn’t like her to show displeasure at following simple instructions for pleasing him. And what was all this slave business? She had planned to enjoy the long holiday weekend just relaxing, maybe doing some shopping. She had assumed he would be working, like he always was.
Edmund heard the clicking of Sophia’s over-priced stilettos as she entered the marble foyer and dropped her purse and keys on the side table. He wondered at her reaction upon seeing the bags packed and waiting on the floor. She walked into their modern living room, eyes wide as saucers. Edmund was sprawled casually on a low black leather sofa. He was wearing faded levis and a black t-shirt, his hair wet from a recent shower. She opened her mouth, about to ask what was going on.
‘Don’t speak except to answer direct questions,’ Edmund ordered. Sophia clamped her mouth shut, more perplexed than ever.
‘Come here. Lift up your skirt.’
Sophia walked over to the sofa and stood directly in front of Edmund, between the sofa and the coffee table. She raised the skirt of her business suit until the hem was just below the waistband. She felt very self-conscious, as her exposed mons pubis was directly at Edmund’s eye-level. She looked away.
‘Good girl. Now, turn around. Bend over and grab the other side of the coffee table. Get up on top of it. Spread your knees apart. Wider. Stay there.’ Edmund got up and left the room. He returned a few minutes later and sat back down, directly behind Sophia.
Her knees were beginning to ache. And this position was more humiliating than the previous one. Nevertheless, she was getting wet. Could he tell? She felt something cold being squirted between her cheeks, and then Edmund’s fingers probing her anus. Reflexively, Sophia clenched her muscles and tried to bring her legs together.
‘Legs back apart, Sophia, and be still,’ Edmund said calmly.

Sophia exhaled and forced herself to relax as Edmund inserted a small red butt plug in her ass. He sat back and admired his work.
‘Very nice. That will stay in until further notice. Now, go into the bedroom and change into the clothes laid out on the bed. You have five minutes and then we‘re leaving. Everything you need for the weekend is already in a bag, so that should be plenty of time. Don’t dawdle.’
‘But, where-’ Sophia felt a sharp smack on her bottom.
‘What did I say about speaking?’ Edmund inquired.
Um, to answer only when asked a direct question?’ she offered.
‘Yes, that’s right. How quickly you have disobeyed me, not to mention your complete lack of manners in addressing me. Over my lap, a quick reminder seems to be in order.’
Sophia quickly climbed on top of Edmund’s lap, wanting to apologize and make amends, but fearing further retribution for speaking out of turn.
‘Keep your hands out in front of you, palms down on the sofa. And if these very sexy shoes get in my way one bit, they are being relegated to the back of the closet and won’t be worn for three months. Is that clear?’ Edmund’s voice had turned steely.
‘Yes, sir,’ Sophia replied meekly, willing her feet to stay down and hoping he wasn’t going to strike her too hard. She tried to cross her ankles to make it easier, but Edmund quickly separated them with a stern, ’No.’
Edmund held Sophia’s waist with his left arm as he began to swat her bottom with his right hand, alternating cheeks. Her bottom began to glow pink, and he felt himself getting hard. Sophia squirmed and whimpered, but stayed in position for the most part. She felt Edmund’s hard cock through the denim of his jeans, and the friction from the jeans underneath her and the stinging swats raining down on her bottom made her want to grind herself into him. Edmund had not planned on taking time for this and was determined in his resolve. He gave her three more hard swats on each side, these landing further down, close to the tops of her thighs. Sophia kicked her feet into the couch, but kept her pointed heels from coming too high up.
‘That’s all for now. You’re lucky I’m ready to get on the road. That should have been much longer, and with my belt. Of course, we have all weekend, so we’ll make up for it. You now have one minute left to get ready,’ Edmund released her.
Sophia sprang up, rubbing her bottom on the way to the bedroom. She saw on the bed a short denim skirt, a white t-shirt, and flip flops. This is what he wanted her to wear on this mysterious trip? She ruled out Paris. Did she really have to leave in this intrusive butt plug? She knew better than to ask questions at this point. She quickly put on the clothes, brushed her teeth, grabbed a different purse and went back to look for Edmund. He was waiting in the foyer with the bags on his shoulders. She followed him out and they went down the elevator, loaded his black Range Rover and headed south.
A few hours later they crossed the Mexican border. Sophia looked around the small border town as they slowly ambled their way through the bumpy streets. It was late and dark, but the sidewalks were full. Vendors were selling roasted corn on the cob and all kinds of tacos, along with Mexican beer and margaritas. Sophia was starving. The smells from the roadside stands wafted into the car and her stomach growled.
Edmund looked over to her, ’Not much further to the hotel. We’ll eat in the room tonight. First I want to stop and pick up a few things.’
They pulled up in front of a curio shop where a small boy “helped” them park the car and said he would watch it while they went inside. Edmund gave him some loose change and they entered the store. Sophia glanced around at the colorful piñatas and the glazed pottery and silver and couldn’t imagine what Edmund wanted to pick up. He wasn’t much of a shopper, and he had to be as tired and hungry as she was. She was grateful that he had allowed her to remove the butt plug when they stopped for gas along the way. No matter that she had gotten a strange look from the elderly woman in the bathroom as she quickly and as discreetly as possible ran hot water and soap over the toy before throwing it into her purse.
As they wound through the aisles, sidestepping toddlers in diapers and bare feet, and approached the back of the store, Sophia’s eyes grew wide. There was a large selection of leather goods, including saddles, bullwhips and riding crops. Edmund ran his hand across the top of a very regal looking black leather saddle. He looked directly at Sophia and raised an eyebrow.
‘I want you to choose one whip and one crop. Make your selections carefully; you will be spending a lot of time together over the next few days.’
Had he lost his mind? He was going to purchase a bullwhip? Sophia didn’t know if she was ready for this. Edmund saw hesitation flicker across her face, along with something else. He went over and stood directly in front of her, put his hand on the back of her neck, slid his fingers into her hair and pulled back ever so slightly.
‘Do you trust me, Sophia?’ he inquired.
‘Yes, sir,’ she whispered so softly he barely heard, but her eyes never left his.
‘Then do as you are asked, and know that nothing is going to happen to you that you can’t handle. Even if initially you don’t think you can.’ He turned and went to another part of the store, leaving her among the leather goods to ponder her fate.
Sophia chose a very fine looking black braided leather riding crop with a kn

ot at the end. She searched for the smallest bullwhip she could find, but there wasn’t a single one that didn’t terrify her. She finally settled on a soft buttery blonde one and hurried to find Edmund. She saw him at the liquor counter buying a bottle of tequila. The shopkeeper added to the bag a small shaker of salt and several limes at Edmund’s request. Sophia shyly handed Edmund her selections. He paid for everything and they climbed back into the Range Rover and drove the few remaining blocks to a white stucco and red tile roofed hotel.
There were gas lamps on the walls flanking the wrought iron gate as they entered the courtyard of the hotel. A fountain stood in the middle of a cobbled walkway, and bougainvillea and hibiscus filled the surrounding landscape with bursts of tropical color. An oversized alder door with iron accents formed the entrance of the former convent.
A few minutes later, Sophia found herself standing inside a traditionally appointed suite. It was very charming, with Saltillo tile floors, lots of candelabra, a large pine farm table with chairs, a fireplace, and a big iron bed with a heavy wood chest at the foot. Several colorful Mexican tapestries covered the walls, tables, and bed. As Sophia took it all in, her eyes rested on the piece de resistance, an antique saddle propped upon a wooden bench of sorts.
There was a knock at the door and servers brought it heaping plates and bowls full of delicious smelling foods. They laid them out on the table and Sophia saw hand-rolled flour and corn tortillas, steaming mounds of chicken and beef fajitas, exotic fruits and sweet breads, bottled water and Sangria, the local fruity wine. She could hardly wait to gorge herself. The Mexicans finished setting the table, started a fire in the fireplace, lit all the candles in the room, and bid Edmund and Sophia a muy buenas noches. Edmund smiled and returned the courtesy, thanking the staff for their efforts in his fluent Spanish, charming them as he ushered them out, closed the door behind them and turned to face Sophia. She was standing on the rug in front of the roaring fire.
‘Strip!’ he ordered.
Sophia removed her clothing.
‘Kneel, slave.’ Edmund commanded.
Sophia dropped to her knees, placed her hands behind her head and bowed her head. Edmund went to the black leather carryall in the closet and removed the collar he had purchased for her at the Beretta gallery on their last trip to New York City. He also took out thumb cuffs, a hairbrush, and Sophia’s matching leash to her collar. Edmund first placed the collar around her throat before quietly and efficiently brushing Sophia’s long dark hair into a tight, high pony-tail. He liked the unobstructed view of her face and the way it left her neck exposed when her hair was thus. He then ran the brush bristle side up all over her body, starting with her front, around her nipples and down her sides, and then on her shoulders, back and buttocks. She shuddered.
‘Your skin looks beautiful in the firelight,’ he said as he rose and went over to where she had carelessly tossed the shopping bag on the bed.
‘Thank you, Master’ Sophia murmured.
‘It’s going to look even better after I whip you senseless,’ Edmund stated simply as he pulled the black riding crop she had chosen out of the bag. He heard her sharp intake of breath. He tapped the knotted end of the crop between her legs on the small patch of dark hair Sophia kept trimmed short.
Sophia spread her legs slightly apart.
‘No. Sit back on your heels, and spread your legs as far as they will go. I want to see your pussy open,’ Edmund clarified.
Blushing furiously, Sophia did as she was told.
‘Who owns you, slave?’ Edmund inquired politely.
‘You do, Master’ Sophia answered dutifully.
‘What may I do with you, slave?’ he continued the interview, tapping the crop between her legs, high on the inside of each thigh in turn.
‘Anything you desire, Master, I am here for your pleasure,’ she answered.
‘What aspects of your self are outside my control, slave?’ Edmund pressed.
‘I have no self right now, Master, you control everything.’ Sophia admitted.
‘Good answer, slave, I’m pleased we are on the same page. This is the way it will remain until I say your given name again, and then we will go back, but until then you are my property to do with as I please, no matter how uncomfortable, humiliating or painful that is for you. Do you agree?’ Edmund brought the questions to a close in an unequivocal way. He ran the crop up her chest between her breasts and formed a figure eight around her nipples.
‘Yes, Master,’ Sophia answered. While what he said was a bit chilling, she didn’t come this far to back out. In for a penny, in for a pound, she thought.
Edmund set the crop down and took her face between his hands and gently kissed her on the lips. ’Good girl. I am going to feed you now.’
He peeled and sliced mangos, kiwi, bananas and strawberries and put them in a bowl.
‘Open your mouth,’ he said.

Sophia parted her lips and took the bite of proffered mango. Yum. More please, she thought to herself. She was going to get more, but not the way she thought. Edmund set the bowl down on the floor in front of her, at the edge of the rug. He then attached her leash and said, ’Eat.’
Sophia crawled on all fours to the edge of the carpet and reached into the bowl with her fingers.
‘No!’ barked Edmund, ’No hands. If you do that again I will whip your hands and then cuff them behind your back. Do you understand?’
‘Yes, Master,’ Sophia replied, humiliated by the position in which she found herself. She resolved not to cry. Not this soon. And besides, she was starving. She put her face in the bowl, wondering if all this M/s stuff was really for her, and began eating the sweet fruit. When she finished, her appetite had only been whetted. She was ready for the real food.
‘Now, slave, your Master is ready to eat. Please serve me a plate. I’ll take a little of everything that’s out,’ Edmund said.
Surely he didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to get anything else? He really is a sadistic bastard she thought. She went to the table and stood to prepare his plate, pouting heavily. She heard a loud sigh behind her.
‘I see we have a lot of work to do here, slave,’ Edmund said in a tone of profound disappointment.
What have I done wrong now, Sophia wondered. ’Sir?’
‘Who told you to get off your knees?’ he asked. He pulled out one of the simple wood chairs, turned it around and patted the seat of it. ‘Kneel right here and grab the back with your hands. Let go and you’ll regret it.’
Sophia knelt on the edge of the chair and Edmund wrapped her leash around the rungs on the back of it. Edmund stood to her left and placed his hand on the small of her back.
’I do hope you will learn to think before you act. That you will, at some point, be an obedient slave who is not in constant need of reprimand and punishment,’ Edmund admonished.
He then picked up the riding crop and brought it down hard on the center of her bottom three times in quick succession, hitting virtually the same spot each time. Sophia felt a scream rising in her throat as her rear end seemed to have caught fire. The braided leather bit into her soft flesh and she was only able to stifle her cry at the very last moment by biting down and keeping her lips and eyes tightly closed, scrunching up her face and shaking her bottom in an effort to relieve some of the burn, while doing her best to keep a grip on the back of the chair.
‘Is that enough to remind you to stay on your knees until further notice or do you need a bit more?’ he asked.
‘That’s enough, Sir, thank you,’ Sophia hoped that wasn’t meant to be rhetorical and that she had given the right answer. She very much wanted to get off that chair and serve his dinner.
‘I certainly do hope so,’ he replied. Edmund untied her leash and she went back to the table to prepare his plate.
After arranging his food in what she hoped was a pleasing manner on the plate, Sophia presented it to him at the head of the table and awaited further instructions.
‘Thank you, slave. You may pour me some wine now,’ Edmund rewarded her with a small smile.
Sophia poured the wine and returned to his side, her knees very sore from the hard tile floors. Her bottom was still tingling and she was desperate to rub it but didn’t dare. Being this close to the food was reminding her just how hungry she still was.
Edmund looked at Sophia’s pretty little pout and wondered if he was being too hard on her. It had been a long day and she was obviously hungry. She was being a good sport, trying hard to please him. He knew how hard it was for her to maintain silence when not being directly asked a question. Then again, he was here to test her obedience and push her limits. It’s what she had said she wanted often enough. He would see if she really meant it. Edmund ate his dinner very slowly, deliberately chewing each bite and barely looking at his naked, kneeling slave pouting at his side.
‘Okay, slave. I am going to give you a chance to earn something more on your supper plate,’ Edmund said.
Sophia immediately perked up.
‘I’m going to permit you to suck my cock, and if you do a very, very good job, I’m talking mind-blowing, I will let you have one taco and a glass of wine before bed,’ he offered. Edmund then stood up and went over to the side of the bed, beckoning Sophia to his side.
Sophia adopted her most sultry gaze, crawled in what she fervently hoped was a seductive manner across the wide expanse, and knelt demurely in front of her Master, hands palm up on her thighs. She leaned forward, opened his belt with her teeth, pulling out the leather from its buckle and then from the loops on his jeans, dropping it on the floor before undoing the top button and pulling down the zipper with her teeth as well. As usual, Edmund wasn’t wearing anything underneath. His hard cock sprang out practically right in her mouth. She ran her lips around the base, making rings around his shaft that went higher and higher with each lick. After a few minutes of thoroughly wetting and tasting his cock, she suddenly reached up and yanked down his jeans while simultaneously taking him all into her mouth, and then stuck out her tongue to lick his balls. She closed her eyes and tried to suppress her gag reflex so that she could give his balls a lot of attention with her tongue while keeping him in the back of her throat.
When Sophia heard a moan coming from the back of Edmund’s throat, she knew she wouldn’t be going to bed hungry tonight. She pulled him part way out of her mouth as she wet the middle finger of her right hand by putting it in her own sopping juices and then reached up and cupped his balls in her hand, inserted her middle finger well into his ass, grabbed the base of his cock with her left hand and jerked him into her tight, moist mouth until she felt him grab her hair and tasted his hot salty liquid. She swallowed all of it and then gently removed her finger from his ass and let go of him, licking her lips and getting back into a submissive position, sitting back on her heels with her legs open and her palms upturned on her thighs. She wanted to thank him for letting her do that, but didn’t want to violate the silence rule so bit back her words and instead bowed her head.
Edmund found himself speechless. He hadn’t meant to let her make him come so soon, but that was an exceptional blow-job. And now she looked so adorable. She deserved to be rewarded. He knelt in front of her and lifted up her chin with his finger until she was looking him in the eye.
‘Thank you,’ he said simply.
And then, ‘Come.’

Edmund took her by the hand and pulled her into the standing position. He walked her to the table, sat her down, and removed her leash. He prepared her taco and poured her a glass of wine and sat down the plate in front of her. He then fed her with his own hand and put the wine to her lips to drink. She felt happy and loved. And exhausted.
When they finished eating, Edmund said, ’It’s been a long day and we’re going to have a full day tomorrow. I’ll call for the food to be cleared while you get ready for bed. Take a bath if you like, but put your collar back on when you get out and then come to bed. Naked, of course.’
Sophia just smiled slightly and nodded. She was in a dreamy state. She went to the bath and filled up the claw-footed tub with hot water, adding the hotel bath salts. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and went potty before slipping into the heavenly water. She was almost asleep when she heard the suite door open and the dishes being carted away. She hurriedly washed her hair with the verbena shampoo and stepped out of the tub, wrapping herself with one thick, oversized white terrycloth towel and drying her hair with another. Her skin was red and warm from the hot bath. She combed out her long hair, put her collar back on, and went back into the room.
Edmund was already in bed and outstretched his arms to her when she walked towards him. She crawled into bed and snuggled into him, her backside to his front. He wrapped his arm around her, resting his hand on her breast, and they both promptly fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning they awoke to the sun streaming in through white lace curtains. Edmund lazily ran his hand down Sophia’s stomach and walked his fingers around her mons pubis and thighs. She arched up to meet his touch, wanting him to go lower, but he refused to take the hint. She was growing frustrated. After all, he had come yesterday, but she hadn’t. Then came a knock at the door announcing the arrival of the pre-ordered breakfast. Sophia immediately jerked the sheet up to her neck, but Edmund pulled it back down to her waist, leaving her breasts exposed.
‘Leave it,’ he said.
Edmund pulled on his jeans from the night before, leaving the top button undone, and opened the door with an unembarrassed, ‘Buenos Dias.’
‘Buenos Dias, Senor,’ came the expected reply as Raul, the waiter, pushed the cart into the suite.
As he glanced up, smiling, his eyes came to rest on the very mortified Sophia’s exposed flesh. As there was a bit of a draft in the room, her small pink nipples were quite erect. Raul was more surprised to note the collar than the nudity, but quickly recovered and went about setting up the breakfast as though a naked, collared woman in the bed were an everyday occurrence in his hotel. Americanos locos, he thought as he exited.
Edmund went back to the bed, attached Sophia’s leash, and made her crawl on all fours to the table. He then lay her food on the floor, including her café au lait and fresh squeezed grapefruit juice which she had to lap up like a cat if she wanted any. Which she did, as she had awakened famished. She ate her eggs, bacon and toast with as much dignity as she could muster considering the prohibition on using her hands. She found the drinks more trying, but managed to get enough down to prevent choking on the food. Edmund seemed quite content at the table, ignoring her and reading the paper in Spanish. Finally, he spoke.
‘I am going for a run and then have to attend to some business. I have booked you some appointments at the spa,’ he said off-handedly.
Now, there was the Edmund she knew and loved! A morning at the spa sounded just lovely. Sophia smiled broadly, not caring that she probably had food all over her face.
‘Including a full bikini wax,’ he added.
The smile quickly faded. She had never had a bikini wax but she heard they hurt like hell. The one time she had her legs waxed, before a trip to Hawaii, she could hardly stand the pain. This had to be much, much worse.
Edmund left for his run, and Sophia rummaged through her suitcase to see what Edmund had thought to pack for her. To her surprise, she saw several new outfits in her bag. She selected a white cotton sundress with blue linen espadrilles and felt very pretty. She wore a white lace thong underneath, but no bra. She left her long curls hanging loose down her back, and put on powder and lipstick as her only make-up. Some silver hoops in her ears and she was ready to go. As Sophia walked across the lobby, she hoped she wouldn’t see that waiter.
Sophia entered the spa and gave her name. The receptionist escorted her to the ladies locker room and gave her a robe and slippers. The esthetician came for her a few minutes later and took her into the treatment room. She was dismayed to learn the woman spoke little English. Edmund had been trying to convince her to learn Spanish but she hadn’t yet found the time. Now, here she was naked and at the m

ercy of a woman with hot wax with whom she could not communicate. The woman, Penelope, motioned for Sophia to spread her legs. Reluctantly, she did so. Penelope then took clippers and removed most of the little hair Sophia had left on her mons. She then used flat wooden sticks to apply warm wax to the insides of Sophia’s legs, including her labia. On top of the wax she placed two long, narrow strips of linen and then pulled one sharply upwards from the bottom. Sophia screamed before she could stop herself, then felt Penelope placing her fingers on top of the raw spot, trying to soothe the pain while saying over and over.
‘Is ok, is ok, no too bad,’
Compared to what, Sophia wanted to ask, but before she got out the sarcastic retort, Penelope had ripped off the other piece of cotton. Geezus, how many of these was it going to take? The next strip was applied to the just clipped hair and hurt only a fraction less than the previous two. Sophia thought it was over.
‘Now, turn over. Like dog, please,’ Penelope said in her broken English.
WHAT?! She must be joking. Sophia looked imploringly at her.
‘Senor Edmund say all over. Needs turn like dog for all over, ‘she repeated.
Sophia didn’t think it could get much worse than kneeling on all fours in front of this stranger until the wax was actually applied and then ripped off the insides of her spread ass cheeks. She thought she was going to pass out. Who knew there was so much hair back there? And now Penelope had her cool hands pressing down on the red flesh and all Sophia could think was I bet Edmund’s sorry he’s not here to see this. Penelope was attractive in the tall, dark, exotic way he was attracted to. And she had huge tits.
Penelope brought Sophia some ice water with lime slices floating in it and she drank greedily. She was thrilled to learn that she had a manicure and pedicure appointment to follow. Edmund had already picked the color: crimson. A couple of hours later, Sophia left the spa feeling feminine and sexy. They had served her a light lunch, and she was grateful for a meal that she didn’t have to eat off the floor.
Edmund had said he would be her back at the suite and when she walked in the door he was already there waiting for her. He was sitting on the side of the bed.
‘You look very pretty,’ he commented.
‘Thank you, Edmund, ‘she replied automatically, then quickly added, ‘Master.’
Sophia wasn’t sure what to do. Since they had been there, she had been naked and kneeling whenever they were in the suite together. Now, in the light of day, and in her clothes, she felt uncertain as to what was expected of her. Somehow at night, in the cover of darkness, it was easier to play the slave. Now she just wanted the regular Edmund back. She stood awkwardly in the foyer, awaiting his lead.
Edmund could see the emotions flickering across Sophia’s face, the uncertainty in her eyes. He knew that he had to put her in her place more strongly now than ever, otherwise they would never reach the place they both wanted to go. Part of him wanted to just end it now, too, call her by her name and just hang out with her the rest of the weekend, laughing and fooling around. But he meant to finish what he started. For both of them.
‘Come over here,’ he said in a neutral tone.
Sophia walked over to Edmund, standing directly in front of him as he sat on the bed. He reached up, grabbed the top of her cotton sundress and ripped it down the middle until it separated at the bottom, buttons flying everywhere. Her small pert tits popped out and he could see her thong and denuded mons underneath the lace. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her closer, taking a nipple in his mouth and biting down hard.
Sophia screamed and put her hands in Edmund’s hair, leaning into him in an effort to relieve the pressure on her nipple. He let go and then took the other one into his mouth and did the same thing. Sophia’s body sagged underneath her, and she dug her fingers more tightly into his hair. Finally, he pushed her roughly away.
‘Back up,’ he commanded sharply.
And then, ’Take off that dress and your panties, I want to see your wax job. Put on your collar first.’
Sophia complied. Her nipples were aching. She was no longer thinking about touring the local sites. Edmund had her complete attention. She wondered how far this was going to go. She couldn’t wait to find out.
Edmund got off the bed and patted the wooden chest that sat at the end of it.
‘I want you to sit at the edge of this, legs spread wide, hands folded behind your back,’ he ordered.
Sophia sat down on the none too comfortable chest, scooted her bottom to the edge, and spread her legs until her knees were almost touching the chest on either side. When she was in position, she folded her arms behind her back so that her hands clasped behind her waist. She folded her fingers together so that her hands wouldn’t come apart.
Edmund stood in front of her and slapped her face. Sophia was shocked and humiliated. He knew that getting her face slapped was a very emotional experience for Sophia and she really didn’t like it. It wasn’t sexy or fun like a light spanking. But it put her into subspace quicker than anything else he could do. He slapped her again on the other side, using the back of his hand. Her breath caught and she started to whimper. She put her head down as low as she could.
‘Lift your chin, slave’ he said.
Sophia lifted her chin and looked at Edmund, tears filling her eyes, and silently begged him to stop. He slapped her again even harder, on the opposite side as before. The tears overflowed and she started crying in earnest.
‘Again,’ he said, and she reluctantly lifted her chin again.
He slapped her again on the other side, and she almost let her hands go. She was sniffling and her face was red, from the crying and from being struck. Her body was heaving from the sobs. He repeated the exercise twice more, making her lift her face for each slap, and alternating sides. She was a quivering mess when he finished. He took a tissue from the night stand and wiped her cheeks and nose. Then he pulled up a chair in front of her and rested his chin on his palm, his elbow propped up casually on his folded knee.
‘God, your pussy is wet,’ he said matter-of-factly, while staring intently at the object in question.
Sophia didn’t answer. There wasn’t a question. She tried to get her sobbing under control. Edmund leaned back in his chair and folded his arms behind his head.
‘How did you like Penelope?’ he asked.
‘Probably not as much as you did,’ she teased. ‘It hurt like hell,’ she added.
Edmund laughed appreciatively.
Then he continued, ‘Well, it is your job to suffer for my pleasure, is it not?’
‘Yes, Master. I am happy if it pleased you,’ Sophia answered.
‘It does please me. That you did it, and how it looks. I like the nice, clean, smooth look it gives your skin. Plus, it lets me see every inch of you. It leaves you exposed, open, completely visible to me. Vulnerable. I sit here and I wonder, what should I do to that beautiful cunt right now. Should I touch it? Should I kiss it? Should I take the crop to it? Perhaps I should just flick your clitoris with my finger until you beg me to stop. Of course, I wouldn’t. When you begged me to stop, that would just be the beginning. Maybe I should attach a couple clothespins to it. The possibilities are endless, really. I could even call for room service, and ask Raul what he thinks.’
Edmund saw her try to cover up the look of fear at his last suggestion. He could also see that she had become even more aroused. She was covered in her own juices.
‘Touch yourself, you horny little slut’ he said.
She placed her right hand on top of her cunt and started to massage herself. She slid her middle finger between her labia and stroked her clit up and down. It’s true, she thought, I’m astonishingly wet. She threw her head back and began to stroke herself harder. Edmund could tell by her engorged clitoris, the rhythm her fingers had settled into, and the look of approaching ecstasy on her face that she was at the edge. He was rather hard himself. Not yet, darling, he thought.
‘That’s enough for now,’ Edmund made her stop just as she was about to come.
‘I know how much you love to ride, so I’m going to let you get in the saddle now. I want you climb onto that lovely saddle over there, put your feet in the stirrups, and lift your behind up slightly, bending forward,’ he instructed.

Sophia did as she was instructed, and placed her hands on either side of the saddle horn for support as she leaned forward. She heard Edmund rummaging behind her and wondered what he had planned for her now. She had to admit sitting nude atop the rich leather saddle made her feel rather decadent and sexy. With her long hair flowing down her back, she thought of herself as a modern day Lady Godiva. But when Edmund placed the bullwhip over the saddle horn a chill went up her spine. He had put on black leather gloves and had the crop in hand.
Edmund ran his gloved hands over Sophia’s small breasts, giving them a squeeze, and then ran a finger along her jaw line. He could tell that she was scared. That turned him on more than he cared to admit. He went behind her and raised the crop to shoulder level, bringing it down hard on her bottom. She rocked forward in the saddle and made a little mewing sound. He repeated this action over and over again, raining blows all over her bottom and thighs. Whenever Sophia would start to sit down, Edmund would say sharply, ’Up!’
Sophia didn’t think she could take much more. It was becoming impossible for her to stay in position. It was counter-intuitive to present one’s body for such torment. She was trying very hard to be brave, she hated disappointing Edmund by continually sitting down, but she had never been in so much pain before. She was crying ’ow, ow, ow’ with almost every blow. She could feel the sweat forming on her brow.
After what seemed an eternity, Edmund took a break from whipping Sophia with the braided crop. She was breathing heavily. Her ass and the tops of her legs were covered with red welts, some of them criss-crossing. He was ready to move on.
‘Did you know Raul told me there used to be a hammock hanging from the beams in here?’ asked Edmund, as though they were in the middle of tea.
Sophia just shook her head. She had no idea where he was going with this.
‘Yes, in fact, the hooks are still in the beams. See? There is one right above your head,’ he continued.
Sophia looked up and sure enough, there was a large steel hook coming out of the beam directly above her head. It looked sturdy enough to hold a horse. Before she could think about what this meant for her, Edmund had climbed upon chair and was threading a long piece of cotton rope through the eye of the hook. He tied her wrists together above her head and secured her to the hook with the rope. Sophia could now sit in the saddle, which felt none too good on her raw behind, but she couldn’t move her arms. Edmund then bound her ankles to the stirrups, thus securing her fate.
In order to give her time to accept her situation, Edmund poured himself a shot of tequila. He then sliced one of the limes the shopkeeper had given him, and squeezed the juice onto Sophia’s right nipple. He poured salt on her left and was ready for the ritual. Edmund licked the salt off first, taking his time to circle her nipple. He then lapped up the lime juice, suckling her breast like a babe. Edmund then tossed back the tequila in one big swig.
‘Your turn,’ he said.
Sophia wasn’t sure she wanted any, but realized that at this point what she wanted was irrelevant. Also, it might help her get through this. She opened her mouth to take the salt, and then the lime, and finally the tequila. She choked and gagged, spitting some of it out. The rest burned her throat going down, and she shivered with disgust. Her eyes burned.
‘You’ll be thankful for that in a moment,’ Edmund promised.
Edmund took the bullwhip off the saddle horn and began to unfurl it.
‘Edmund, please, no!’ Sophia begged him before she could stop herself.
Showing no emotion, Edmund removed the glove from his right hand and slapped her across the face with it. Sophia began crying immediately. Edmund walked behind her and cracked the whip across the floor, inches from the bench that housed the saddle. He did this several times and each time Sophia flinched. He then walked back in front of her, this time with the crop back in his ungloved hands, along with two clothespins. He placed one on each nipple. Sophia inhaled sharply.
‘The next time you speak out of turn, one of these will go on your tongue,’ he warned.
‘Do you understand?’
‘Yes, Master. This slave is very sorry,’ Sophia answered.
The clothespins were digging into her nipples, and Sophia tried to stop crying and steady her breathing to better accept the pain. Edmund began to beat her tits with the crop, holding it close to her skin to make sure of his aim. The little knot at the end was about the only thing making contact, and it was leaving little red marks all over her breasts.
Edmund could tell Sophia was deep in subspace. He removed the clothespins and she whimpered as the blood rushed back into her nipples. He loved the sounds she made. He untied the ropes that bound her and gave her some water to drink before attaching her leash and ordering her to crawl across the room to the bed. She was weak from the time in the saddle and the heaving beatings. He placed two pillows in the center of the bed and removed all the others.
‘Up into bed, face down, hips across the pillows’ he ordered.
Sophia climbed into bed and atop the pillows. Her whole body was tingling, and she was feeling the effects of the tequila. Not an altogether unpleasant sensation.
‘Grab the bars of the headrest,’ Edmund instructed.
‘Spread your legs,’ he continued.
Edmund climbed onto the bed between Sophia’s legs and separated her butt cheeks while applying lube to her ass. He pulled down his pants and roughly pushed his cock fully into her, his hands still on her cheeks, his balls slamming up against her cunt. He pulled her up into doggy-style position, and pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger while ramming into her over and over again. She screamed in forced orgasm right before he came inside her.
‘You can go to the bathroom and relieve yourself, but no cleaning up,’ Edmund said.
Sophia went into the bathroom and was startled to see all the marks all over her body. She felt him oozing out of her bottom. Her hair and eyes were wild. She’d never felt so owned. She quickly went pee, wiped minimally, and then crawled back to the bed.
Edmund attached her leash to the headboard.
‘You are a good slave. Go to sleep,’ he said tenderly and kissed her on the forehead.
And though it was early, it had only been dark a little while, Sophia feel quickly and deeply asleep. In the morning, as the sun once again came through the white lace curtains, she awoke to find her collar and leash no longer attached. She began to wonder if it all had been a dream. Edmund was already up and dressed.
‘Good morning, Sophia, shall we have breakfast in town then do a little shopping before heading home?’ he asked solicitously.
‘That would be lovely, Edmund.’ she answered.
Wow! That got intense there for a moment. Thanks Naughty, you are a fantastic writer and I think you would be very popular if you began your own blog. Meanwhile I am honored to share your stories here.I'm always on the lookout for new material for Fantasy Friday. If you have a story in you write it down and share it with us. You can find out more about Fantasy Friday here. Send any story you have to