While I'm talking about books and reading and all, I wanted to give another plug to a fellow writer and good friend of mine, Donna Steele. I've been reading Donna forever and she is a fantastic writer! If only I could get her to add a little spanking into her books they would be perfect. I've posted about some of her work before.
She writes in several genres. She really like science fiction - which is not my cup of tea. But she does make it work. Nothing's too far out there. She makes it all believable. I've read all three of these books and they're great. If you enjoy a good story, try these! I'll let Donna introduce her work.
Depending on where you live, pick the picture that feels right!
I’m very excited about my new series – Unknown Tasks. Brandy knows things and can do things that are hard to understand, but that’s her task. Now Jason has become her task, the most complicated she’s been assigned so far. The other difference, Jason himself. Brandy has never been drawn to someone she worked to protect before. Did her taskmasters plan that or even see it coming?
Jason has been on the run for nearly six months and he’s at the end of his rope, and money. Ducking into Brandy’s café certainly wasn’t planned. So why does it seem she’s waiting for him?
Follow Brandy and Jason in this new series. Book One – Baked Goods and Book Two – Decoding Corruption are available now through Amazon and KU. Book Three – Accounting for Evil will be out in July.
Excerpt -
This was shaping up to be her most complicated and multi-tiered assignment yet. Letting her employers down was not an option, and so many people would be affected by what could be accomplished, even her new friends, Paige and Lindsay. It would have been nice to be able to talk to someone about this job–her life-long friends Kip or Nat, even O. That wasn’t a possibility. They had their own assignments.
Brandy had friends here, yet she was still all alone. Now was not a good time to become overwhelmed.
She could feel him now. He was close. He had taken some time to arrive here, but Brandy became more aware as he approached her location. His pace had given her time to prepare for him, construct the infrastructure she now had. She wasn’t able to see his face yet, but his body was that of a man in his prime, despite whatever he was going through. He was definitely hungry, that was easy enough to pick up on, but he couldn’t allow that to slow him down. Little slowed this man down, but she could tell he was burdened, nearing the end of his rope.
Why did she still not know what constituted that rope?
He was the main reason she was here and had created a more permanent living arrangement—much more than any previous task she’d been assigned. It had been a busy time since rescuing Jen from Keith back in Tennessee. Instead of a single motel room, Brandy now had what, to her, was an elaborate setup.
Others would benefit as well. This task was multi-faceted and seemed to be of highest importance to her employers. She would do what she could to help all of them. They had put a lot into this, more than she was accustomed to.
Jason observed the bus driver closely as he left the driver’s seat and stepped out onto the sidewalk. The driver stretched quickly, then, shivering from the cold, hurried inside the small storefront which also served as the depot for this town. If anyone was waiting for the bus, they were doing it inside where there was some heat.
This wasn't the end of the ticket Jason had purchased, though he'd never intended to go the whole way. If the people looking for him knew he was traveling by bus, they no doubt had someone waiting at that destination. At least they hadn’t been pulled over yet, so maybe he was ahead of them. He just knew he wasn’t safe yet, if ever. No tingling on the back of his neck currently alerted him of danger, though he expected it any second. There was never a time to let down his guard.

Bio -

Women Strong Enough For Love
Donna writes science fiction, paranormal and small town romances about women coming into their strength and having the courage to find and accept love.
Now that she has retired from going into an office every day, she created an office at home and writes full time. Talk about living the dream!
She was the girl at the party who was yearning for the quiet corner and a book to read (go Rory Gilmore!) and has been writing in her head since she learned to read. Getting those stories down on paper (or in her laptop) has been more fun than she ever imagined it could be.
The possibilities of science fiction have always drawn her, and she’s read them all, there just needed to be a little more romance in them. She finally got up the courage to write them herself and is delighted to be able to share these stories with you.
She is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Heart of Carolina Romance Writers.