I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Thursday, February 25, 2021

My StoryWorth Book

I’m hearing from more and more people that are thinking about doing a StoryWorth book. That’s what LJ and Collin gave me Christmas before last. This is the place that send our one question a week and you can write your answer or story and at the end of the year you get all your stories printed in a nice book. You can even include pictures. Mine is now complete! 

The timing was pretty good. Today is LJ’s birthday. How he got to be thirty-three, I’ll never know. But he should get his book today. Mollie got hers last night. Mollie is not a big reader – she listens to audible, but hates to read. What do you know – I wrote a book she likes! I gave up on the StoryWorth questions after the third week. I thought they were boring. So I ask my kids for questions. They had pretty good ones.


I wrote about their grandparent's childhood, how they met and married. Then about my childhood, my school days and finally meeting their father. I wrote about finding out I was pregnant with each of them. I kept a paper diary at the time so the stories of their births I took right from what I wrote then. 


I wrote about odds and ends. Certainly about their childhoods and family trips how it felt for them to go away to college from my point of view. And then the last story I wrote was a thank-you to them. Telling them how proud I am of each of them and especially telling them that I know that they love me – I have no doubts. You worry when you lose your parents, you wonder if you truly let them know how much you loved them or did you just assume that they knew. I do know and I wanted that fact in the book. 


But the very end of the book I took from one of the Cassie books – when Tom made a Valentine video for Cassie with picture throughout their years together. And as Cassie watched it and it came closer to present day she dreaded seeing ‘the end’ as it finished. But Tom didn’t put that. He ended the video the same way I ended my book –


 To be continued.


  1. Oh PK, I got teary reading this. Simply beautiful. LJ and Mollie are lucky to have such a wonderful, loving Mom. This is such a beautiful thing to do for your children.


    1. Combining two of my favorite things - my kids and writing. It was special.

  2. awwwww... such a lovely wonderful gift. Your post today gave me goosebumps!

    1. Don't know if LJ got his yet, but Mollie was pretty tickled.

  3. I'm with Fondles and Roz - got teary thinking what a wonderful gift !!!
    Family history / memories are so important - your children will cherish their books for years I am sure!

    1. I hope so - and I hope I have grandchildren that they can pass it on to.

  4. PK, Oh beautiful. How lovely to give a to LJ and Mollie. Yes as Morningstar says, family memories are special and very important.

    Happy Birthday to LJ.


    1. Thanks Ronnie - you should think about doing one. You have a grand to pass it onto.

  5. I think this is just lovely. Sharing things you want to tell them and what they want to know. Nice for your children to have forever.

    1. It was fun but very hard to pick out the picture I wanted - too many to choose from.

  6. I know I cried more writing it they they will reading it - they can't really know the emotions (mostly happy) that these stories pulled out of me.
