Wonderful Christmas, we got to spend time with Nick’s family, my sister and her family were here for Christmas day and LJ, Colin and Mollie were all home. I love having the family together. Mollie’s dinner was wonderful. Yes I had to do a lot more cooking than I wanted to but a lot less than I thought I was going to have to. She did a great job. I think she learned more about timing a meal than cooking it and that’s an important aspect of cooking to learn.
I want to tell you a little more about my Christmas but of course we have still been busy. There are a couple of pictures I want to post and I’ll have them ready soon. I got several nice things for Christmas but the gift Nick came up with takes the cake on creativity, the man is way more talented than I ever knew! If not a photograph I’ll draw a picture for you. I love it!!!
What am I going

to be doing for the next few days – not eating, for real. I’m having a colonoscopy on Tuesday. So I can have lunch today but after that it’s a liquid diet the rest of today and all day Monday and Tuesday until after the test and that might not be until afternoon. I’m trying to just think about the not being able to eat part of the prep and not anything else, hopefully it won't be as bad as the guy in this picture! LOL! But seriously it’s as good a time to have this test as any. So hold a good thought for me that the prep won’t be too bad and that they find nothing. I’ll let you know.
PK: Glad to hear you had a great Christmas. And so you get a good spanking as a reward for having your colonoscopy? I'm due for one myelf but I've been putting it off but I'll have to get cracking or my primary care physician will start harassing me.
Oooh Christmas, colonoscopies, and what's next in the old alphabet? I'm due because of family history thanks for the reminder. I'm so glad you had good Christmas. KayLynn
ReplyDeleteSo happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas PK and I will definitely look forward to hearing about the gift Nick bought.
ReplyDeleteThe colonoscopy test really isn't too bad, had one earlier this year. Will be thinking of you.
PK, so you had a good Christmas, that's great.
ReplyDeleteYou are always in my heart, but will be more so on Tuesday.
Love and warm hugs,
So glad you had a good Christmas,
ReplyDeleteYou will sail through the prep like a breeze. Will keep you in my thoughts especially on Tuesday. Hugs Lil Sam
ReplyDeleteIt was a great Christmas. I like the idea of a good girl for having the test. Now you schedule yours soon or I'll be on your back too. If I have to go through it I think everyone should have to!
You too! Call for an appointment this week. We can all have a colonoscopy party!!
I am looking forward to showing you Nick's gift. I think he should go into business with the idea!!
Thanks for the thoughts. I'll be glad when it's over.
Thanks Paul,
I hope the test doesn't show anything.
Lil Sam,
Thanks I can use all the support I can get.
PK, I am glad to hear that you had a lovely Christmas. I will be sending good thoughts your way for an easy time with the test.
What's so hard about timing a meal? First you cook the steaks. Eat the steaks. Then bake some potatoes. Eat the potatoes. Then cook up some green beans. Eat the green beans. If you are desperate, toss a salad (preferably out the window...)