We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.
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Sunday, April 29, 2012
Avoiding depression
Friday, April 27, 2012
Fantasy Friday - Remorse

Carolyn thought this was a good idea and suggested it to her group. They too thought it would be fun. Unfortunately, between work schedules, family issues and a location that was mutually acceptable to six other couples the idea was proving to be unrealistic.
Finally, Carolyn came to the conclusion it would just be easier to attend the high school reunion. She continued to try to get Don to agree. He remained steadfast. She finally gave in and told him he won. She would not attend.
She sulked and pouted for days and Don decided to surprise her with a quickie trip the weekend of the reunion. He booked a reservation at an oceanside hotel they loved. He was keeping it as a surprise. Don had to travel out of town on business the week of the surprise. He was due back on Thursday night and would tell her about the trip then. They could take a leisurely drive on Friday afternoon and spend the weekend relaxing on the beach.
On Wednesday the week of the reunion, Carolyn got a call from Rosie. She was together with Nancy and Jean and the rest of the group was due in later that evening. They called to see if maybe she had changed her mind and would be coming after all. They were all laughing and chatting in the background and she hated she would be missing all the excitement. She decided the hell with it – she was going to go. Don was being unreasonable. She would just not overdo.
She made a plane reservation, packed her bag and called a taxi to take her to the airport. She left Don a note, tacked it to the message board and off she went.
When she got to the hotel, she was unable to get a room because everything was booked. She dialed Rosie’s room and said she was downstairs but couldn’t get a room. Rosie said no problem she could stay with her. She gave her the room number and Carolyn went up and joined her friends. Nancy asked what made Don change his mind. Carolyn said he hadn’t, he was out of town and she just left him a note. Nancy shook her head and asked if she hadn’t remembered what happened the last time she pulled this stunt. Carolyn said she remembered but this was different. She left him a note and besides he wouldn’t do that again. Nancy said not to be so sure - he hadn’t mellowed that much in twenty-three years.

Carolyn didn’t think of it again until they were at dinner that evening when Rosie’s phone rang. Rosie didn’t answer but had it sent to voice mail. They finished dinner and visited the hotel piano bar and had a couple of cocktails before retiring. Once they got back to the room, Rosie checked her messages and there were three of them from Don. She wondered why Don was calling her instead of Carolyn. She asked Carolyn and Carolyn remembered she didn’t have her phone in her purse. She looked around the room and couldn’t find it. Oh my God, I can’t find my phone. Don must have been trying to call me. He must be frantic. She went into the bedroom and placed a call to Don. He picked up on the first ring.
“Are you alright? Where are you? Asked Don all concerned. Your phone is here on the counter, the car is in the garage.
Carolyn responded she was fine. She apologized because she hadn’t realized she didn’t have her phone.
“Didn’t you see my note on the Message Board?” She asked.
“There is no note on the message board” responded Don.
Carolyn said she wrote a note and tacked it to the message board. He asked if she actually tacked it or just left a post it. She responded she just left a post it. He checked and sure enough it was on the floor under the counter.
“Oh, so you completely disregarded me and went to the convention even after I said I didn’t want you to go.”
“Oh, Don. I didn’t plan on it but Rosie called Wednesday night and I just couldn’t stand not being there.” Don’t be angry with me. I promise I won’t overdo.”
Don was so quiet; Carolyn thought the connection had been severed. She asked if he was still there. His voice was deadly calm and quiet.
“Yes, I am still here. I can’t talk to you right now because I am so angry with you. I’m glad you’re alright.” He hung up.

She tried calling back and the call went to voicemail. Carolyn was really worried now. She knew she was in big trouble. Maybe she should see if she could get a plane ride out early tomorrow morning. She decided to try to sleep and make a decision in the morning. She took her nightly meds and slipped into bed. She tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. She didn’t feel well so she got up and tried to read. She continued to feel ill. She was very nauseous and feeling very clammy. She was scared. She woke Rosie and asked her to take her to the Emergency Room.
When they got to the ER, they ran a series of tests and everything seemed normal. They asked her what meds she had taken. It was determined that her meds combined with cocktails at dinner and the tension caused by her conversation with Don had caused a stress attack. They suggested she reduce her tension and stay away from alcohol while taking her current medications.
She felt so foolish. Rosie took her back to the hotel and Carolyn said she was so glad Don would not know about this. Little did she know the hospital insurance office would call Don to verify a problem with his member number?
Carolyn decided to go home early. Maybe it would mollify Don if she came home before the end of the convention. She was able to catch a flight that got her in early afternoon. She took a taxi home. Don wasn’t home when she got there. Oh good. She would make him a nice dinner and hope for the best.
Don got home about forty-five minutes later. He walked in the door and saw her in the kitchen. He

When he finally quit, he stood her up and roughly sat her in the kitchen chair and told her to sit there while he lectured her about her total disregard for his wishes. She was sobbing about how sorry she was. He asked if she was sorry because she got spanked or sorry because she had gone against his wishes or sorry because she had jeopardized her health and ended up in the emergency room. Carolyn sobered up quickly at the mention of the hospital.
“How did you know about the hospital? She quietly asked.
He told her the insurance company needed a verification of their number. Then he called Rosie and got the rest of the story.
“Don’t be angry with Rosie,” he said. “I was going to come get you but she told me you were already on your way home and you were fine and I could get the rest of the details from you. But I gather from your response you weren’t going to tell me that little detail.”
He said he hoped she had enjoyed her little escapade because it cost her a weekend at The Tradewinds. He told her about the plans he had made for their little getaway. She said they could still go.
“Not a chance” he said. Besides, I am not sure you’ve been spanked enough. Your bottom may be too sore to sit comfortably for a car ride.
Just then the phone rang. Don picked it up. It was Rosie checking on Carolyn. He handed the phone to Carolyn and she told her friend she was fine if you didn’t count that her bum was about the color of her name and she might be headed for more.
Don laughed and kissed the top of her head.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Story of my life
Sunday, April 22, 2012
One last post about 50 Shades...

Friday, April 20, 2012
Fantasy Friday, Rules are for Real

Rules are for Real
I knew this was going to be the worst spanking of my entire life. I knew before I could even stand up to walk to the bedroom. I knew it not because he was angry or yelling but rather because he was calm and collected. And determined.

It all started at the stupid grocery store. I HATE shopping for dinner alone. It's so stressful trying to plan the whole week's dinners and make sure to get all the ingredients and stay on budget. I got stuck on a decision so I called him. He was just getting off work and his work happens to be close to the grocery store so he told me he would come to my rescue and help me shop.
I was a little snippy just because shopping stresses me out but he let it go and soon we loaded up the groceries and began on our way home - each of us in our own car since we had arrived separately.
We stopped at a stoplight and my phone buzzed. I looked down to see a text message from one of my best girl friends! The cars ahead of me started moving and I started driving as I casually typed an answer to her question.
As soon as I hit send I stopped suddenly and realized what I had just done. I quickly glanced around to see where he was and wouldn't you know it - he was driving right beside me. I hoped he didn't see - even though the look on his face told me he did. I knew there was no way out. He takes texting in the car EXTREMELY serious.
I pulled in the driveway and stayed in my car for a moment. I didn't want to ever get out. I knew he was going to be so upset and so disappointed and I didn't want to face him. After he parked, he got out of his car and walked over to my car door. He opened it and reached for my hand to help me out.
"Help me with groceries and then we'll talk."
That gave me some hope that maybe he would show me mercy. Maybe just maybe somewhere in his heart there was a small piece of understanding and mercy for me. We carried the groceries up and put them away together. I dreaded the second they were all put away. I would have done anything to go back in time and not send that stupid text.
"Go sit on the bed please" He told me as I put the last bag away. I looked at him sadly for a second before I nodded and walked towards the bedroom. That's when I knew I was going to get the worst spanking of my whole life.
A few years ago his cousin died in a horrible car accident caused by people texting and driving. It was a very hard time for him and his family and I knew he was very afraid of something similar happening to me. Ever since that time he has been very strict about my cell phone usage in any capacity in the car.
He came in to the room a few minutes later and I looked up at him with the most pathetic eyes I could muster.
He stood in front of me, his arms crossed and asked "What happened?"
"Tell me what happened. Who did you text and why."
"Well Olivia text me and asked if we could talk tonight since we haven't talked in several weeks. I just wasn't t

"You just texted two words?"
I wanted to say yes but I couldn't lie to him.
"No sir. I said 'Yes. Tonight. What time is best?' That's all I said."
"It was just one message?"
"Yes sir." Hope was building. Just one message! Maybe he'll let it go!
"What bothers me the most is that you did it out of habit which means you have done it more than this one time. Is that true?"
I looked down at the ground for a moment trying to compose myself enough to tell the truth.
"I was really really good at first after we made this rule. For months I never even looked at my phone while driving and then I just started checking it at stoplights and then I was texting again. But I know it's wrong. I'm sorry. I swear I won't do it anymore!"
His shoulders curved in ever-slightly. "You know I have to spank you right?"
"No you don't!"
He could let it go this one time! I swear I won't do it anymore!
"Yes baby. You know you broke a really important rule. You know how big of a deal it is to me. It's not something I can take lightly. This is life or death serious - do you understand that?"
"Yes sir." All my hope of mercy was fading.
"It just takes one second baby. One split second to look down and miss something and die. Or kill someone else." He shook his head. "Do you realize you could be in jail for years for manslaughter for killing someone just because you were texting? You could kill someone's innocent child. Or yourself!" he paused and I could tell he didn't want to do this. "Now, this isn't going to be easy. I am going to ask you please to cooperate and not make this any more difficult then it needs to be."
"Yes sir." I mumbled, tumbles of anxiety churning in my stomach
"Go get me the loopy please."
I stood on shaky legs and retrieved it for him. I had a mind to fling it at him but I knew that probably wasn’t a great idea.
When I brought that HORRID implement over he took it and pulled me forward so he could kiss my forehead. "I love you very much."
He took my hand and gently guided me over his lap. I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me. I clenched the sheets in front of me and buried my face in the pillow.
He began with his hand, warming me up for a few minutes. When he paused, I b

"Please please no more!" I started crying after just a few smacks.
"Baby we are just getting started. I want to make sure you never ever ever EVER do this again. It's that important to me."
I was suddenly sobbing and the burn was building substantially.
"Texting and driving is just as WHAP bad as drinking and driving!" WHAP WHAP "I want to make sure you never WHAP do this again. Your life is too important to me." WHAP WHAP "Do you understand?" WHAP
He kept going. I was squirming and desperately trying to get out of reach but his arm was like a stone wall holding me tightly in place. I sobbed and begged, pleaded, bribed him to let me get up. I swore I would never ever even look at my phone in the car again.
He stopped for a second after I had been wiggling and struggling especially hard. "Baby, remember you said you were going to cooperate with me?"
"I'm trying!! It hurts! Please!! I swear I learned my lesson!!"
"We're almost done."
He continued about five more swats and then stopped for a second and I felt so relieved that it was over. I literally felt like my butt was going to fall off.
"Sweetheart, I want you to think in your mind right now about texting in your car. Picture in your mind picking up your cell phone. Got that picture in your head?"
"Yes!" I sobbed, unsure of what he was going to ask.
"You can see it? You are driving and you reach for your phone...Every time you picture that - I want you to feel this."
That loopy came down even harder then before, which I didn't think was possible. Several extremely fast and hard swats one after another with no break. I panicked for a moment and then I allowed myself to just take it. I know how important this issue is.
I stopped struggling and just laid over him.

"I know you hurt right now, but baby your life is so important to me! I hope you see how you staying alive is more important to me then your comfort right now." his voice was stern but very kind.
"Yes sir! I'm sorry!"
He let me lay on the bed on my tummy and he held me for a long long time. I cried for a little bit and swore to him he would never ever have to spank me for texting and driving again.
“I know I won’t. You’re a good girl.”
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
LJ update and a little name dropping
I haven’t had much to say about LJ lately. This is my son, for those who haven't been reading here long. That is one busy boy! (Okay, man, I guess) He has two jobs, one at the coffee house and one at a NYC park. As it’s worked out he has to work every single day in April. Usually he has at least one day a week off, but at the park he is filling in for his boss who is out of the country adopting a baby. In addition to working he is part of a new theater company that he and his friends are starting. They managed to raise the money for their first production. Things were put on hold when they didn’t get the approval to do the original play they wanted to do, but it’s only a delay. It’s coming. He is also auditioning for any parts he feels he has a change for. And he is making contacts, lots of contacts!
Did any of you see this picture in People Magazine this past week? Of course that hot guy is none other than Josh Lucas, star of Sweet Home Alabama and currently starting in The Firm. But that’s not the one in this picture that impresses me the most. It’s his lovely new bride, Jessica, LJ’s best friend for the past 10 years. Jess has been a frequent guest in our home over the years. When, for LJ’s graduation, I we gave him a trip to Disney World for he and a friend, he took Jess.
Jess and Josh got married in Central Park on St. Patrick’s Day. There were only about 12 people at the actual wedding. LJ was one of them. I got wedding pictures on my phone way before the celebrate magazines did. This lovely couple is expecting a baby in June and since Josh is filming The Firm in Canada, LJ has gotten to go with Jess to many of her OB-Gyn visits and gets to see the little one on the sonogram. He is so excited, he feels like he is going to be an uncle. This is the first of his friends to have a baby so it’s really special.
I was worried about my boy moving to the big city, but he is really, really happy. He and Collin are working on painting their apartment and making it a real home. They have been together for more than seven years now and they’re still happy with one another. When I began this blog I was so upset about him heading off to college for the first time. I survived and he flourished. Hope you don’t mind a little bragging every now and then. I’ll probably have one about Mollie before long!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
My Friend Cassie, and a favor to ask
I head back to work tomorrow. I have enjoyed my break fully. I got to spend time with Nick and Mollie both, as well as having time to myself. As much as I love my family, I enjoy being alone with my thought too (although alone might not be the most accurate word). I often talk about spending a lot of time writing. I wonder sometimes if some of you think, writing what? I mean I only post on my blog a couple of times a week. I haven’t done a Fantasy Friday myself in months – so some might wonder, what I am writing.
Many of my readers

I had a whole family made up in my daydreams. Cassie was a minor character, grown and married even then. And yes, even then my make believe world contained spanking stories. And as I got older and became sexually aware these stories became fantasies. Cassie would tell me stories about the adventures she and Tom shared. As Cassie and I grew closer in age her stories were the ones I spent most of my time day dreaming about.
I began actually writing the stories I knew in June 2006. That’s nearly six years ago. I don’t post as often now. It seems to average about one story every three weeks there. I would love to write more, but this doesn’t go on my schedule. I can’t just write a Cassie story – I’ve tried, I can’t do it. I have to wait for Cassie to come along and tell me one. Yep, I know that’s back to sounding crazy again. But it’s truly how it works. When I begin writing, I honestly don’t always know what’s going to happen. It’s like the story reveals itself as I write.
So if I can’t write on command, what am I spending my time on? A Cassie book. Again this is something my friends here have been hearing me talk about so long they must think I’m making it all up. But I’m not. It’s taken from the blog, and this book only covers the first few months, but there is so much more added. I have a wonderful editor helping me – besides being fantastic at editing; she is also the busiest woman I know!! To say things are going s… l… o… w… l… y… would be a gross understatement. But she is helping me turn a spanking story into a real book! So when I tell you I’m writing, it’s mostly re-writing as my editor helps me fill in and expand what I’ve done.
Now I want to ask a favor of all my readers and a second one from all my blogging friends. One, if you are not familiar with Cassie’s Space, please go and read this story. It's the story of some of Tom and Cassie's travels. It’s in several parts but there is a link at the bottom of each to take you to the next part if it holds your interest. I think this gives a flavor of who Tom and Cassie are and you'll get to meet some of their friends too.
And now one more favor I’ll ask of my blogging friends. Would you consider linking to Cassie’s Space on your site? I really am proud of this site but it has a very small readership. I’d love to have more exposure. And if you are willing to do that, and if you'll let me know, I'll be happy to return the favor, here and on Cassie's Space. And one other thing (to add fuel for those that think I’m nuts.) I’ll be happy to answer any question about Cassie here, but over there, if you leave a comment (and I hope you will) Cassie will be the one answering. As I’ve said, she thinks she real and I’d hate to step on her toes.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Fantasy Friday, In Days of Olde...

I think you will love this story - the time period is a romantic one and the story just carries you along. It's written by Slightly Naughty Princess (SNP) who seems to be enjoying her new blog. Please go by and pay her a visit - after you read here, of course!
Please enjoy ...
Marcus was training with his men. He thrust his sword forward to show how to defend in battle. The sun was beating down on them and it was hot. Marcus walked over to get a drink from a jug of water. He glanced down the cliff to the sandy beach below. He did a doubl

Damn! He had been over this with her many times. She was not to leave the safety of the castle without an escort and certainly not alone. It was just too dangerous. They had enemies all around them. It was best to stay close to the castle walls. Henry was standing nearby. He had recently been injured and could not train with the rest of the men. Marcus gave Henry an order to ride down to the beach and collect his wife. He would continue training and speak with her later. Marcus marched off and started shouting orders to all his men.
Henry approached Gwendolyn on his horse with caution. She was resting in the sun on the sand. He did not want to disturb her, but he had his orders. He cleared his throat in hopes to get her attention. Gwendolyn glanced over to him and sighed. Her peaceful sanctuary had been invaded.
Henry spoke up “My lady, your husband asked me to escort you back to the castle.”
Gwendolyn replied “Very well, but I shall walk.”
Henry nodded and waited for her to start. He tried to be respectful of her space and follow at a distance. Gwendolyn got up and started up the path to the castle. Damn! Could she not even have a few moments alone? She knew there were risks leaving the castle walls, but in daylight hours she felt secure. She loved the feel of the wind and waves and walking on the beach. She could escape for a just a little while.
It was just her luck Marcus had seen her. She should probably engage in conversation with Henry. He was a loyal friend of her husband and a fine knight. But, she somehow resented his presence and so she did not want to talk to him. She approached the castle walls and turned to say a curt thank you to Henry. She went inside and went to their chamber. She called for a bath to wash off the sand and sun. Refreshed she went down to the main hall to help with the evening meal. The men would be returning soon and Gwendolyn knew she would have to see Marcus at that point.

They stayed apart for most of the evening. Slowly the men started out to their quarters to sleep. The women were cleaning the platters and the hall. Gwendolyn helped longer than usual. She was not looking forward to talking with Marcus. Marcus could tell his wife was unusually “busy”. He took one last drink from his mug and placed it on the table. He got up and announced he was retiring to his chamber with his wife. Gwendolyn smiled to her female companions and bid them a good night. She joined her husband on the stairs. They walked the stairs in silence.
Marcus opened the chamber door for his wife, she stepped into the chamber, and he closed the door behind them. The moment of truth was upon them. Gwendolyn walked over to get her brush from the dressing table. She started brushing her hair to have something to do. Marcus watched his wife retrieve her brush. He knew she needed something to focus on besides being alone with him. She had such beautiful hair. No! He needed to stick to the task at hand. He needed to speak to her about the events of the day and not focus on her beautiful hair. He spoke up more forcefully than he intended. “Gwendolyn, what in the world were you doing walking alone on the beach away from the castle walls today? We have been over this subject many times and so I am at a loss why you would defy me in this?”
Gwendolyn looked up at her husband. What could she say to satisfy him? She paused to come up with something. Finally, she blurted out “I’m sorry, Marcus. I just wanted a little time to myself. It gets so confining in these castle walls and you are always training and busy with your men. It was the middle of the day and I was very careful to check out my surroundings. I think it is an unfair request of you to demand this of me!” Take that she thought.
Marcus listened to his wife speak her mind to him. Maybe she was right. As long as it was daylight and she could call for help. No, wait....she is not right. It is too dangerous and so Marcus spoke up. “Gwendolyn, I can understand that you want some time alone and that you enjoy the beach. However, you are not allowed to go away from the castle walls alone. You could be captured, taken, or any number of things could happen! I would never forgive myself if I did not see to your safety. You are my wife and I love you. This is most serious Gwendolyn. You will be punished this night and I hope you will never disobey me in this again.”
Gwendolyn felt her heart rate quicken. Suddenly she was not so strong. Marcus told her to

His hand made contact immediately and she jumped slightly. He told her to stay in place and not move again. The assault on her backside continued. Gwendolyn had to rise up on her toes a couple of times. She cried out that she was sorry and for him to stop, but Marcus did not stop. He wanted his wife to remember this for a long while. After he saw a nice pink glow to her bottom he stopped. Gwendolyn sighed in relief. But, it was not over. Marcus told her to go stand in the corner of their chamber. The hand spanking was for disobeying a rule they had established. She would return when he called her and she would be spanked again for putting her safety at risk. Ahhh! Marcus was a big brute.
Gwendolyn went off to the corner none too happy. Marcus watched his wife go. He saw her fidgeting in the corner. He told her to be still and think on the events of the day. Gwendolyn

She started counting from that point and saying thank you after each swat. Finally, they reached twenty five. Marcus put the strap down and reached for his wife. Gwendolyn fell into him and cried. After several minutes they moved apart. Marcus picked up his wife. He placed her on their bed on her stomach. He walked to the chamber door and called for a servant girl. She came to the door and he asked her to fetch some of the special soothing oil. The servant girl returned with the jar of oil in a few moments. Marcus thanked her and shut the door. He immediately went to his wife’s side. He poured some oil from the jar and rubbed on her sore bottom. She was no longer crying, but still had a few lingering tears.
Marcus had a lump in his throat. He did not like to see his wife in pain, but he needed to make an impression on her. He could see her body relax. He stood and removed his clothes and came to join her in bed. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered endearments in her ear. He told her he would be lost if anything ever happened to her. He would try to make more time to take her out of the castle walls, but she had to wait for him or find an escort. If she disobeyed him again then her punishment would be much more severe. Gwendolyn felt safe in his arms and was exhausted. She fell asleep quickly.
The early morning light streamed in and woke her. She glanced over at her strong husband and

If anyone else is willing to try a Fantasy Friday story please do, and don't forgot, we always love for you to leave a comment. Stories can be sent to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A Romantic Gesture
This weekend he did something else that was very romantic to me. We were coming back from shopping for kitchen renovation items. Driving along the highway I spotted a sign for an Adam and Eve adult toy store. I laughed and pointed it out to Nick. Right away he said “You want to stop?”

Well of course I did! And I thought it was so sweet of him to ask. We really don’t need any more toys, but I’m like a kid and I love new toys! It was nice looking around, we didn’t get anything – there prices were extremely high, but that didn’t matter. I was just happy that Nick had wanted to stop and look. For me, that romantic.
Monday, April 09, 2012
Spanking avoided, almost
Last week was a bad one for weight loss! By bad I mean I gained 2 pounds. Not good. But I thought I was going to get away with no spanking. It’s really funny; of course I love

“Two pounds? And yesterday when I suggested you Wii you said you weren’t really in the mood.” He reminded me.

He wasn’t interested. That strap really hurt, but I did get to keep my pants on. Nick also insisted I do better keeping my points this week – I’m afraid I’m getting lax on that. And he fussed about me not getting to bed on time. And I know I have to do better with exercise. But I hate it!!!! They say find some exercise you enjoy so you’ll be more likely to stick with it. So far, I haven’t. Nick insists typing doesn’t count.
Our shopping trip Friday morning was to order a new sink and faucet for the kitchen renovations. That’s the first money we have actually spent. As Nick said, “I guess we’re committed, or maybe we should be.” Then Saturday we drove an hour away to look through a warehouse for granite counter tops. Too many choices! But we are narrowing it down. Decisions are being made and so far we aren’t fighting about anything. Fingers crossed folks!
I want to thank everyone who came by and left a comment for Fantasy Friday and those who wished me a Happy Easter. I’m still trying to be easy on my fingers so I haven’t answered my comments. But as I said the fingers are much better, I’m just trying to be gentle with them.
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Beautiful Easter
Friday, April 06, 2012
Fantasy Friday - Love Will Find a Way

But on to important things – Fantasy Friday! If you only read on Fridays or if you missed my last post please go here and read it now, it’s very important. Partially because of that post I now have several new stories for the next few weeks. Today’s story is by Sunnygirl – who has really, really helped me out lately. I love the way she writes. As you may have read over at here site they were very close to the tornados in Texas this past week. Thankfully she is in one piece and still in here, instead of Oz. Sunny, I’m glad you fine and thanks for the story.
Now everyone please enjoy…
Ginni got ready for work today just like every other day. She was scheduled to appear on the local morning television show. She had recently been chosen as “Person of the Year” by the Chamber of Commerce for her work on the Children’s Foundation League. It would be an opportunity to gather more support for the program which was near and dear to her heart. She arrived at the station about twenty minutes early and after make-up was sent to wait in the “Green Room.”
“Hi, I’m Sean Ferguson” said the man who had to be at least 6’ 5” inches tall with the bluest eyes that twinkled, a full head of shiny black hair, a smile that could light up a room, the whitest teeth she had ever seen and a physique most men would kill to possess.
“Hello, I am Ginni Flynn” she said and when he rose she had to look up. At 5’11” this didn’t happen very often. She had always been tall and hadn’t thought it a drawback until she kept growing long after many of her peers had stopped this upward spurt. By high school, she easily towered over many of her fellow students. Now she was almost always the tallest woman in a room and more often than not, the tallest person.
“Are you as nervous about this interview as I am? My mouth is so dry, I am not sure I will be able to speak with that little light goes on.” he said.
“No, I am not nervous about the interview. I’ve done this before. It’ll be a piece of cake. Just
pretend you are sitting somewhere chatting with a friend and you’ll be fine.” she said...
The show went off without a hitch. When it was over and they were leaving the studio Sean asked if she would like to stop at Starbuck’s for a cup of coffee.
“I’d like that – now that I can sit and enjoy it. This morning I was in too much of a rush to make any and my energy level drops about 10:00 am without my caffeine fix.”
They sat and talked long after their coffees were finished. They chatted about the show, their families, their childhood, their life. When Ginni’s I-Pad emitted a low tone she knew she had to get back to the office. She told him how much she enjoyed talking with him but she had to go.
“I’m going to be at Mickey’s Pub after work today. Would you like to stop by for a drink to celebrate our successful TV interview?” asked Sean.
“I’d love that but not sure how my day is going to play out. Could we leave it so I will be there if possible?
As it turned out, Ginni was unable to breakaway to meet Sean. She was really sorry. Her position as the CEO of a major corporation kept her busy as well as limiting her exposure to available men. She made it a policy to not date within her organization or other business colleagues. This considerably lessened the playing field. Between often working 60 to 80 a week, and devoting a great deal of time to the Children’s Foundation League, there wasn’t much time left for socializing.
She couldn’t get Sean out of her mind. When he didn’t call her she decided to take the reins. She had her secretary call the TV station to get his number. The TV station did not want to give out his number but said they would contact him and give him a message.
Weeks went by and when she hadn’t heard from him she asked her secretary to call the station to follow up. The Station Manager’s Admin assured her she had called and left a message.
The more she thought about it the more upset she got. She knew she told him where she worked. If he was really interested he could have found her very easily just by calling the company. I am not wasting any more energy on something that obviously was not meant to be – but he was so gorgeous.
Ginni was doing her morning exercise run and decided to stop for a coffee when she was finished. While waiting in line, she was bumped from behind and lost her balance. A steadying hand kept her from falling and muttered an apology. When she looked up there was Sean Ferguson.
“You weren’t a figment of my imagination after all,” she said.
“I’m sorry, do I know you? He asked
She was very flustered. Here was this gorgeous man with whom she had spent hours talking about everything from soup to nuts and he didn’t recognize her from Adam. She explained they had been on a television show together.
“Oh, I am so sorry. I didn’t recognize you.
Ginni’s coffee came up; she took the cup and went outside to sit. A few seconds later, Sean Ferguson asked if he could join her. He apologized for not recognizing her and said he didn’t know how he could have forgotten someone so lovely. It was like déjà vu. Sean asked her if she would like to have dinner that evening.
Ginni hesitated before agreeing. She said would meet him at Benedict’s at 7:00.
Benedict’s was a casual neighborhood eatery – off the beaten path but great food and friendly atmosphere. Ginni went there often and felt comfortable in the surroundings. She arrived around 6:50 and was surprised to see Sean already seated at a booth toward the back of the restaurant. They had a great time and she invited him to brunch in the morning. He kissed her hand, put her into her car and watched as she drove away. He liked her but was not looking for a romantic entanglement. He had been in a relationship with Serena when he had met Ginni, which is probably why she had not interested him at the time. He and Serena had broken up shortly thereafter. Ms. Virginia Flynn didn’t appear to be the kind of lady that would settle for just a quick rendezvous. He was going to have to be careful.
Ginni’s house was in Bennington Hills, a gated community just east of town. She had bought the house when she was first named as CEO of the corporation. She had spent the better part of five years decorating it just the way she wanted. It was a mix of old and new but all expensive and all very touchable and cozy.
She wanted him to see where and how she lived. He hadn’t seemed intimidated so far, but this brunch would tell. She hadn’t told him but he would not be the only guest at this brunch. It was scheduled long before yesterday and she just invited him to see how he would fit. Many of the guests were board members of the various corporations in the city and around the state as well as the state senator and the state house representative.
When Sean arrived many of the other guests had already arrived and were milling around the patio. As he entered, he reached in to give her a kiss and admitted his surprise at all of the other people.
“I thought we were going to have brunch together.” he said.
“We are there are just others joining us.” Ginni said.
“I don’t appreciate being blindsided like this” he said with displeasure in his voice.
“I’m sorry you feel that way. Don’t be a spoil sport. Come on in and mingle. They are all very nice people and you can use some of that charm to help me drum up more support for the foundation.”
He fit in seamlessly. He was charming and the ladies gathered around him like bees on honey. After the guests and the caterer had gone, he sat her down on the couch and told her that if she ever did that to him again she would find herself over his knee. He was not a puppet on a string and didn’t need to perform for his supper. Ginni couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Here was a man who was clearly not intimidated but very sure of himself.
“I might just have to try that again, then.” Ginni said.
“I don’t make idle threats” said Sean.
“We will just have to see about that, won’t we?”
With that last comment, he walked to the door. She followed him and he reached around and pulled her into him. He kissed her and swatted her behind at the same time.
"Is that a sample of what I can expect if we continue to see one another?”
“What makes you think we are going to see one another?” he said.
“That bulge in your pants for one”, she said smirking. He swatted her again and walked out the door.
He waited three weeks before he called her. His schedule had kept him very busy but the truth was he liked her more than he wanted and that made him nervous. When he finally called her at the office, he went through three assistants before he was able to leave a message. When she didn’t return his call for four days, he called again. Now he really was intrigued. He was not used to being ignored. She offered no apology for not returning his call.
He asked her what her plans were for the following weekend. He told her he planned on driving up the coast and wondered if she would like to join him. She thought about this for about half a second and said yes she would love it. He told her to plan on a casual weekend and he would pick her up Friday evening.
Ginni was excited about seeing Sean again. She wasn’t sure she should have accepted his invitation for a weekend. After all, they had really only had two dates. Then he waited three weeks before he called. She liked him and didn’t want to seem too anxious. Hell, she thought, men like him didn’t come along every day. She also wondered what kind of room arrangements he had in mind. She was not going to be a sure thing.
When Sean arrived on Friday, Ginni was ready and waiting.
“What do you plan on doing with me this weekend?” asked Ginni.
“I plan on getting to know you better.” said Sean.
“Sounds good to me.” she said.
Once again they had a great time on the ride and at dinner that evening. The awkwardness set in the moment they got back to the hotel. He had rented a two bedroom suite but Ginni was unsure of what she should do.
As if reading her mind, Sean said: “Don’t worry; I don’t plan on seducing you. If you, on the other hand, would like to seduce me, just come on over and climb in.”
After he swatted her butt, Ginni smiled and kissed him good night and said she would see him in the morning. She had no intention of making the first move even though she desperately wanted to make that move.
In the morning, Ginni didn’t come out of her room until she was showered and dressed for the day. It was Sean’s turn to smile. He didn’t like playing games and this cat and mouse business had to stop. He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her and he was ready to up the ante.
As they were driving to brunch, Sean asked Ginni what were her expectations of this weekend and any future between them. Surprised, she said she really hadn’t thought about this weekend or the future.
“That’s a bold faced lie” he said. “Of course you thought about this weekend. You certainly thought about our weekend room arrangements. Last night when we returned to the hotel it was written all over you.”
“Okay, you’re right, I did think about the room arrangements. Thank you for being a gentlemen and not assuming I would be climbing into bed with you. Not that I don’t want to, I just didn’t want to be a sure thing.” said Ginni.
“Let’s get one thing straight Ginni. I don’t play games. Neither one of us are children. If I ask a question I expect an honest answer.”
“I am very interested in you Sean. I want a husband and children and I haven’t met very many men I thought would be a good candidate to fill that role. I am a successful career woman but I don’t want it to be my life and I am not getting any younger. I don’t want to waste time I don’t have on a casual relationship. So, I guess I might ask you the same question.”
“I like you, more than I thought I would. I also want to settle down and have a family and I too am not getting any younger. I have been hurt in the recent past and I am being very cautious with my heart. I thought this weekend would be a perfect opportunity for us to get to know one another. Of course, I want to sleep with you but it is not the reason I asked you to join me this weekend.”
“Another thing, please do not lie to me, ever. If I catch you in a lie I will put you over my knee quicker than you can click your fingers. Lies hurt relationships –it severs trust.”
The rest of the weekend went beautifully. They came back from the weekend secure in the fact they both wanted the same things. Their relationship flourished.
Ginni finally found the man of her dreams. Sean liked that she was an independent woman with strong opinions. She liked that he was not intimidated by her. He was so not intimidated by her that she often found herself over his knee when she got too bossy. It was one of the many things she loved about him.
Ahhhh… now it feels like Friday. You did another great job Sunnygirl. I hope anyone that’s by to read will leave a comment. Like I said, it sure does encourage people to write. And if you have finally decided to give this writing thing a try and you’re willing to share, send your story to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Important Fantasy Friday news!!

I appreciate everything she said, and it got me thinking about how my readers view FF. I know some just come by on Fridays to read the stories and don’t necessarily read my blog on other days. That’s fine! You are most welcomed. That’s why I post the stories. I’m guessing many of you don’t even bother to read the invitation at the bottom any longer thinking it doesn’t apply to you.
A-hem… it does!!
We are not professional writers here. We are wives and mothers and grandmothers and husband and boyfriends and gays and straights and nurses and Sunday school teachers and college students and factory workers and doctors and lawyers and McDonald’s workers. We are anyone and everyone who has ever found the idea of adult spanking interesting. We are a group of strangers who have few ways of exploring this interest. Some of us are lucky enough to have partners who happily indulge us on this somewhat unusual interest. Others of you reading here haven’t found that yet. I know I felt very isolated with my desires before I found these wonderful like minded people through the internet.
The reason I keep pushing for stories is that I know everyone of you that has ever read here, has at least one story in you – many of you have tons! If you find the idea of adult spanking interesting, then you’ve day dreamed about it. Some scene has run through your mind, a ‘what if…’ thought. Friends, that’s your Fantasy Friday story.
There are two things I want to ask from my readers. The first, I’m sure you all ready know. Try writing a story. Even if you don’t think you can write, or you don’t think its good enough to send in, try it just for yourself anyway. I’m a little pushy, as you might be able to tell, but there are several blogs I enjoy out here that began because I browbeat a story out of them and then twisted their arm to start blogging. Now don’t panic, if you’re willing to send me just one story, that’s fine. I won’t push you to blog (well that may not be true; I’ll probably try, but feel free to ignore me.) So submitting a story is one thing I’m asking of you.
Here is the second, pretend for just a minute that you did send a story. You’re nervous, is it good enough, will anyone like it? You get up Friday and log on because you really want to know – did anyone leave a comment? I know how many of you come by to read, for FF often well over 300. But very few readers leave comments. I’m sure many of you have never even thought about it. But just imagine for a minute that this is the one and only story you have ever written. Think what it means to have some people tell you it’s good. I’ve been blogging for nearly 6 years now and I am still thrilled every time someone leaves me a comment, the idea that someone took the time to read what I’ve had to say, still amazes me. Comments keep a writer going. So I’m asking everyone who reads Fantasy Friday to think of leaving a comment for the writer. We need to support each other out here because ‘here’ is the only place some of us can open up and be ourselves. Just think about it.
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Big Mistake
He took my hand as we headed back to the bedroom. There were several minutes of rethinking the wisdom of this decision – on both out parts. I personally was ready to bolt, but I didn’t. We both struggled, it took several minutes, but finally we were able to move both the mattress and box springs to reveal the horror of the trash and junk that had accumulated it the wasteland under our bed.
Let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. Shoes seem to reproduce when they get under there (mostly Nick’s). But they weren’t alone; there were books, small boxes, cups, medicine, and paper – from newspapers to tiny scraps. There was some good news, we found over $7, mostly in change but I did find 3 ones. But there was sad news too. The following items were found.
As they appeared during the cleaning I put them exactly where they belonged, in the trash. But somebody got them out and has hidden them away. I was kinda hoping something would happen today, we went to the movies and it would have been fun to go with a sore butt. He did smack me once with that horrible bath brush. But that thing is just vicious. I like the s…l…o…w build up where I can savor and absorb. Oh, well, we’ll see what the next day brings.
I am currently sitting here on one stinging bottom! As I was typing that last part I got a text message from Nick saying simply ‘come hither’. I had a feeling that ‘hither’ was the bedroom and I was right. He said we needed to talk about the weight gain and the fans and such. This ‘talk’ began pleasantly enough over pants, with some of those light weight giggle ones. With a few good swats from the leather strap thrown in for good measure. But Nick doesn’t like for my pants to stay on long. But he was sticking with the light ones and I wasn’t exactly worried.
He had the paddle ball paddle – come on, how much can you really get out of that one when *$^&$&@!! WTF! He was using them full force! And mentioning that Grace, darling Grace, had suggested he use everything to see if I was sure my categories were right. Geeze! That thing was stinging! He wanted to know if I was going to be sticking to the weight loss plan and would I remember to turn everything off and I was agreeing to anything and everything as the assault on my butt continued.
Nick was laughing and said “You said these did hurt at all, what’s the problem?”
“You hadn’t used them full force before!” I gasped; finally succeeding it rolling away and Nick took pity and stopped.
“I’ve used them full force before, you’ve just forgotten.”
And like the true smart ass I am I just had to come back with “Well whose fault it that?”
*note to self – feel free to continue being a smart ass, most people don’t mind, and most of the time Nick enjoys it too, but don’t be a smart ass to Nick during a hard spanking!!!
"Oh, so that's the way its going to be huh?" He said as he rolled me back over and went to town again. From now on conversation during a spanking, for my part, with consist of ‘yes sir’, ‘on sir’ and ‘owwwww!”
It’s been an interesting day and a good one.