I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Saturday Spankings - Welcome


Welcome to Saturday Spankings! River had been the first to tell Jenny that she was pregnant. At only five years old, he already seemed to have a special connection to the baby. On the day of her birth he refused to go to school, insisting that she was coming that day and that he had to be at the hospital when she arrived.

River sat quietly for the first hour. He didn’t seem to want to talk. He went into the bathroom several times mostly to get up and move around. He stood looking at the vending machines in the waiting room, but when Tom offered him money River just shook his head. The next time Cassie looked up, River was gone.

River knew she was almost here and he couldn’t wait another minute. Heading down the hall, he hesitated outside Jenny’s door. He pushed it open just a crack to peek in. Everyone seemed busy and he crept in quietly and went to stand behind a chair where no one would notice him. As soon as he leaned back against the wall some lady near Jenny’s feet said, “It’s a girl!”

He couldn’t see the baby, but he smiled knowing she was here. He wondered why everyone was crying. They seemed happy enough. After a few minutes the nurse took the baby over to a baby bed but the nurses were in the way and he still couldn’t see her. His mama and Cal were talking to Jenny as she anxiously looked toward the baby but at last the nurse carried the swaddled bundle and handed her to her mama.

Just then Tom poked his head into the room and gave it a quick scan. “We can’t find River,” he said striving for a calm tone. Allie jerked her head around at the news, but Cal said, “He’s right over there behind the chair. He came in just about the time this little one arrived. Go get everyone Tom, you all can come in now.”

As Tom disappeared, Cal said, “Come on over and meet her, River.”

The boy scurried to him as Cal picked up the baby from Jenny and sat with her so River could see. The boy was mesmerized. “She’s beautiful,” he whispered. This tiny girl was a carbon copy of her mother, dark hair, blue eyes and a beautifully shaped mouth. River could only stare.

“Hey,” he said quietly. The baby’s eyes flew open and she turned her head to the sound of his voice. Their long friendship had begun.

          Cassie is busier than ever with her growing number of grandchildren. And she’s delighted to learn another is on the way, though the news comes from a very unexpected source. Spending time with the grands and working at the shelter home she created takes up much of her time. Even with all this, she manages to sneak in time for a girls’ trip. Both the location of the trip and a chance encounter with an old friend cause Tom’s spanking hand to itch.

When a severely beaten woman shows up at the Shelter, she    inadvertently brings Cassie and Sue into a dangerous situation. Will Cassie be around to welcome this new grandchild?

Family on the River continues the heartwarming and often humorous story of Cassie’s life.

Cassie’s Space series


These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.

Cal’s Law series


Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.


On the River series


In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!

These books do take you through time as it passes, but please don’t think you have to read them in order. Start anywhere. Just grab one and give it a try. If you are a spanking enthusiast, I know you'll enjoy it.


I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had. 


Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.

And, of course, the links -

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River (book one) 

Undercurrents on the River (book four)   

Family on the River (book five)  


  1. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Such a beautiful, sweet snippet PK. Warmed my heart reading this. Good on Sheriff Cal knowing exactly where River was lol.


    1. Cal's pretty sharp in every situation. River and Jane will have an interesting friendship.

    2. Wow! That's an interesting connection has with the baby Jane. It's almost paranormal. Great snippet!

    3. Yep, and in this next book this connection gets even stronger.
