I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Thursday, March 17, 2022

The new book and Ronnie's question

Suspicions on the River is out! You can find a copy here! Come by PK Corey's Reading Room for another snippet Saturday.

Buy links:





Blushing Books  

Ronnie asked:


Question - If you could go back in time to say when you were in your early 20's - what advice would you give yourself?

I’d say, don’t worry so much. You will find love and marry. You’ll eventually have kids. Your parents will live to a ripe old age. I worried a lot as I became an adult. 

I’ve wondered if I should have told Nick about my spanko desires early in our marriage. We sure could have had a lot of fun back then when we were young. Spanking desires were flowing freely in my head, but I didn’t share them. Should I have? I don’t know – it made for a great spark for our middle-married years. 


But I know for sure one thing I wish I’d told myself – PAY ATTENTATION in English grammar classes! I had no idea how much I would need to know all that crap! I’m sure my beloved editor, Rosie Dee, wishes I had I had. It would have made her life easier.


  1. Congratulations on the new release PK!

    That is great advice. Had to giggle at paying attention in English class lol


    1. Thanks, Roz. The other would have really helped me.

  2. PK, fab news, congratulations.

    Good advice and like Roz, I had to laugh about you paying more attention in your English class. Thanks for answering the question.


    1. Thanks, Ronnie. English/grammar was never my favorite.

  3. Yeah as kids we don't realize how important that grammar class is - or any class for that matter - for later life :)

    1. So true. I speak correctly because my parents did, so I never listened to the rules. Then I taught math for 25 years.

  4. Rosie Dee said - I would have missed out on a lot of fun editing if you’d paid more attention in English class!

    1. I posted Rosie Dee's comment for her. As for the edits, I'm happy she enjoys them. I'm not sure I could write without her.

  5. haha. i never bothered with parts of speech and all that stuff till I had to teach it. Gawds. Then I really had to buckle down and learn it all over again! Properly, this time.

    1. I don't plan on doing any teaching! Except math, I could still teach math. But as long as I have people willing to edit for me I'll just go on doing it my way.

  6. I love all of this advice, especially the don't worry part. I am a champion worrier. Grammar? Ewwww. Gets in the way of my communication skills ;)

    1. Maybe if I'd try learning it in school, I'm too old now.
