This is for my quiet readers, those that never leave comments. Yes we are all talking to you today for a very special purpose. We want to meet you. Remember total anonymity!!
Let me introduce myself. Like most of us here I am in my forty’s and boy did I have to type fast to make that true! I’m a school teacher. I have a son in college and a daughter in the 8th grade. We go to church each Sunday and I take my turn teaching Sunday school and keeping the nursery.
I tell you this because when I started reading out here I assumed that anyone writing a spanko/sex blog had to be a bit strange, maybe a little perverted, a person who might have a few stories I would like to read but never someone I would want to talk with. I just hope you will realize that we really are just normal people. We are fascinated by the idea of spanking. We have been since we were little kids and if you are here you understand what I am talking about.
When I was where you are now I was truly scared to comment I felt too exposed. This was a medium that I had always been warned about. You don't talk to people on the internet!! During all my early reading days I never planned to comment, but finally I just could not help myself. I had to jump into the conversation. That was one of the best moves I ever made!
I have made wonderful friends here. No I do not know where they live and I will probability never see them. But they are good friends. Blogging is a good thing in my life. I would love for you to say hi! If you are still not comfortable then wait until you are and say hi then. Although it is anonymous please use a name, any name you want to make up, just so we will know it’s the same person.
We're not perverted? We're not weird? Thanks for clearing that up for me, I was worried!
Oh Grace,
ReplyDeleteI didn't mean you!! You are a bit strange, everyone know that!
Want to step out of the shadows and say hello to you!! I've been to your blog a few times but I don't think I commented.
ReplyDeleteTGIF and BIG HUGS
Hi Elis,
ReplyDeleteI'm not really a lurker but I just wanted to say Hi today for de-lurking day.
Hope you get many replies.
Take care,
Well I'm on a roll these last 2 days! I left on comment on Tiggrs' site yesterday and here I am again! I am "anonymous" I am given 3 choices when I comment and found anonymous fit me best! Yours is one of the blogs I read and enjoy. I am not a blogger but do very much enjoy reading those blogs who seem to have similiar lifestyles and thoughts as myself! Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I usually leave here with a smile or something to think about! Maybe it is just possible that lurkers show up to read for the same reasons that I do and to not necessarily comment but still feel they are a small part of this community! Make any sense? I know some of these blogs make me feel that I am not so alone in my thoughts and in my choice of lifestyle!
I to am glad to find out I am not a pervert! Thanks PK!
Hi Elis,
ReplyDeleteJust commenting - I read every day. I love it. Thank you for sharing.
Your blog and the others truly make me smile. I think we all typed "spanking" into the search engine when we were introduced to the www. It has evolved so much and now its so fascinating.
I'm glad for your friendship with the other women. It seem so fun. Well...I guess it is fun!
keep writing!
Thanks for confirming that I'm not perverted, but are you sure about Eva?
ReplyDeleteJust saying hello on our delurk day, my friend. Cheers!
I'm a fellow blogger and I'm delurking. I've been here a few times and each time I left with a smile. Sometimes it's a smile because it is nice to know that I am not the only one having a rough day and other times it's a smile because of the way you present your thoughts and ideas. Being unique is a very good thing!
The Butterfly Temptress
Hi Elis,
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've visited your blog before, but I will be back to read more.
Happy Delurk Day!
Hello Elis~
ReplyDeleteThis has been kind of fun today, going around and leaving lil messages for you ladies. Thanks for encouraging us to do so. I just turned 40 this summer, am about to be married in February to a wonderful man who understands about spanking and is taking this journey with me. Together we have 5 children. Whew. Okay. So maybe I shared too much. LOL! Anyways, reading your blog and those of the other ladies...reading the comments....is such a blessing to so many of us who were told we were freaks. So thank you.
Hiya PK... purring today, I see... and it looks like your friend will get fed, too, thanks to Debbie and Shy and hopefully more to come...
ReplyDeleteHey Debbie: This IS fun... you've no idea just how much fun it can be! And the thing about friends... yeah, I can't say enough. Best of friends, friends for life... friends on every level and for every season. The very, very best...
Love, hugs and weirdness and perversion just for chuckles,
Hey there - not sure if I'm really a lurker - Im nearly certain I've commented - honest!!- but a bit sad to know I'm not perverted - I was hoping for something to distinguish me from the crowd :P
ReplyDeleteI do lvoe the blog and the writing. (and to be honest reading all the comments as well!)
Elis, If this post doesn't bring them out nothing will. I think you speak for so many people! This truly is a great group of *ahem* perverted people!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday *g*
Here kitty, kitty, you're looking like you could use a scratch behind your ears. I'm not going to feed you because 14 other people have fed you already. PKs (puking kitties) aren't happy kitties!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of happy....Happy LOL Day!
**Big Hugs**
♥ CeeCi
I do read and enjoy your blog, LINKed from Bonnie, I too am in my forty's with 2 kids. We are still exploring the spanking "thing" I am much more interested than my husband, I am hoping to get him more involved. Can't beleive after a year I have actually commented 2x today!!
ReplyDeleteSame here so many wonderful blogs I never have the time to comment as much as I want to.
Always nice to hear from you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Sometimes I feel that i have no idea what I am talking about but I love doing it any way. You are most definitely part of the community! I am proud you like what I write and I would love to hear from you anytime.
Hmm... okay sure you're not one of the perverts. (everyone go alone with this okay, don't get her stirred up.)
Not only is it tons of fun but you are invited to join right in. It's not like the rest of us went to school and grew up together. We all met here just by beginning to comment to one another just like you are doing. YOu don't have to have a blog to be one of us. But who know you may want to take the plunge some day. But meanwhile keep talking and we will probably start picking on you just like we do the others. Grace, really isn't a pervet but we tell her she is to keep her happy!
Hey! We all know about Eva but I was trying to get people to comment!
Thank-you for coming by. I will be over sometime this weekend!
Thanks for coming over. I will be by to see you soon.
First scroll back up to what I said to Debbie because all that goes for you too! But 5 kids, we can't find privacy from our one. When you figure out how to pull this off, please let me know! You may become my hero!! I am sure you are busy, but please stop by anytime.
My life would not be as rich if I had not met you!!
Honey in this crowd we are all very distinguished!
The best degenerates and perverts I have ever met!
Don't stop folks, but I wanted to touch base and say thanks to those who had already stopped by. Please keep talking!!
Much love,
ReplyDeleteHasn't this been fun! I feel new friendships are just beginning!
I know the feeling, My Nick didn't have any idea of a spanking life style until I started pushing it a bit. Now he is a very happy participant! Please come back!!
Hi PK, love the stars on your comment button.
ReplyDeleteWarm hugs,
ReplyDeleteI'm comment number twenty! Well done, dear friend.
Hey PK, Is this a comment record for you perhaps???? Bravo and go you!!!! What a fantastic day this has been, even if my eyes are starting to cross from all the blogrolling and reading and commenting and oh, just all of it.
ReplyDeleteNow I've gotta go write something for tomorrow... does it never stop? I sure hope not...
Love ya,
ReplyDeleteWanted to say hello on delurking day and tell you have a great blog. Nice work!
Elis~ Great job twin sister!
ReplyDeleteLove you much...
Hi Elis!
ReplyDeleteI comment I thought fairly often so maybe I'm not a lurker? However, I've obviously been away too long! I love your new blog layout!!!!! It is awesome! :-) I'd be happy to be an email friend too!
Take care,
Hey Elis,
ReplyDeleteNot exactly a lurker, but Happy Lurkers day anyhoo!
Has that poor pussy burst with all the feeding its' been getting today?
ReplyDeleteCeeCi is a wizard! I love the new site.
Bonnie,Tiggr, Anne Elizabeth
A truly great day. I have one fat cat!
I do lurk a bit at your site. I will comment more!
Eva, me too, you.
Always great to see you! I would love to email!!
Master Fitz,
I need to take the cat to the vet!
ReplyDeleteI'm a day late, and of course a dollar short, but I'm finally here. And I'm enjoying it! I'm a school teacher, too, and until I moved 4 months ago, a Sunday school teacher for 5 or 6 years! I will definitely be a regular reader here now!
ReplyDeleteAnother teacher from the south. We have got to talk!! I just popped over to your site. I'll be back.
Hi, I'm Tracy, from www.angelbrat454.blogspot.com. I've been reading here for a while now.:)
ReplyDeleteI read your blog--alot
ReplyDeleteHi. So, I have to confess that, although I'm not a long time "lurker" I've been here and there for the past couple of weeks or so. I've read every single post from the beginning of time over at Cassie's Place and finally let her know and now I'm here starting from the beginning of New Beginnings.
ReplyDeleteI want you to know that my not commenting has nothing to do with whether or not I think I need new friends and absolutely nothing to do with who you are or aren't. It was drilled into me at an early age that if you don't want anybody to know - DO NOT WRITE IT DOWN. I learned the hard way - quite thoroughly. I think you folks are wonderful, fabulous, people.
I'm still completely paranoid that someone will figure out who I am from this comment and tell the world. Not that I, personally, think we are perverts, but well..............you know.
Anyway, I love this blog, and many others that I have found. I'm sad that quite a few that you have linked here are closed unless you've been invited but it's ok. I'll live. Please keep it up and have a great day. (:
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you came by and left a comment. I guess we're all at different places in our journey and that's fine. We all have a special interest that does hold us together.