Just a note – click on the black and white cats here and you will see something we did with the help of our geeky goddess, the lovely CeeCi!! We hope everyone will use it but it was done for a specific reason which Eva can tell you if she likes! Truly aren’t we cute as heck!
Now on to the post –
I have a question for my fellow spankee’s out here. It would probably make a good survey question but that would involve me actually learning how to put a survey out here and that involves asking Eva and not understanding what she is telling me to do and then she will call and yell at me while I whine about my ignorance… blah, blah, blah.
Anyway my question – Do you make noise when you are being spanked? I mean if you are alone and you don’t have to worry about being overheard. And I mean you not the implement.
The reason I ask is that I am totally silent except for the occasionally gasp. This isn’t really the way I want it. I would love to make some noise. I am not a yeller by nature (now don’t ask Mollie or my students about that, their thoughts don’t count!). Actually both fear and pain make me very quiet. I never made a sound when either child was born. And this was during the time when epidurals were ‘out’ and good mothers had completely natural childbirth! So that’s what I did. But no screaming or yelling, I just couldn’t lose control like that. Maybe that’s still it.
I think if I cried or yelled during a spanking the spanking would end. But it would be nice to be able to fight a bit. I would like to be comfortable saying “No!” or “That hurts!” or “Stop!” all without him really stopping. Yes Nick, I admit all this is confusing but answers like “It’s supposed to hurt” and “I’ll stop when I’m through” are reasonable responses. For the time being I guess I’ll stay quiet. Maybe I can let go someday, maybe a little at a time.
But what about you guys, how much noise do you make?