I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Monday, April 25, 2022


I’m tired of writing about being sick. I’m kinda tired of being sick too, but I do think I’m getting better. So as long as I’m getting better, I’m going to do something with this impending good health. I’m going visiting. I’m hopping on a plane and going to see Sunny, you remember Sunny … from Aimless Rambling.

Sunny and I met in person may years ago. We decided to meet up in Las Vegas. Mollie was not thrilled that I was heading off by myself to meet up with someone she assured me was probably an axe murderer. But actually, it turns out Sunny was not an axe murderer after all and we’ve taken several trips together over the years. I even got to meet her husband Ray on one of these trips.


This time I’m heading to her home. We talked yesterday morning. I don’t know what we’ll be doing so I was asking what kind of clothes to bring. Ray said I’d for sure need some formal wear, but Sunny assured me that a tiara would be optional. And Ray did indicate that he probably wouldn’t be wearing his tux.

Maybe something like this.

I hope that they’ll be about to cope with me wearing shorts and T- shirts and such. Maybe I’ll grab a pair of capris for a ‘formal’ evening. It they want to go somewhere really fancy they can leave me home with the cat. I’m really easy to please. I just hope I can get rid of this cough so she won’t make me sleep outside.


  1. Wonderful news PK. So glad to hear of your visit to our friends Sunny and Ray. Have a fabulous time together and I hope you kick this cold in time.


    1. I think it will be great. We plan to do a lot of visiting and eating.

  2. Have a fun trip !! hopefully this trip will finally kick the cold to the curb !

    1. If it's not totally gone by then, the trip should do it.

  3. Thanks Windy, I am feeling better and that feels wonderful!

  4. Have a great trip and a lovely catch-up!

    1. I will! There is plenty to do there.

  5. ronniesoul,blogspot.com6:27 AM

    That's great. Enjoy and give SG a big hug for me.


    1. I'll give her a hug for you! I'm just glad we can get together again.

  6. Enjoy your visit. And I do hope you are feeling better. Healing thoughts. Hugs

    1. I am feeling better, thanks.

  7. Anonymous11:06 AM

    You’ll look perfect in that dress!
    Rosie Dee
