I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Monday, May 10, 2021

There's nothing like a good handy man

Last week was busy and lovely. I so enjoyed Grace’s visit. Mollie came over to eat with us. She’s heard about Grace since she was about thirteen. And I think that they liked one another. The visit was too short, but she was on her way to her daughter so Grace could celebrate her birthday there.


I’ve mentioned before that Nick is one handy fellow to have around the house. If something is broken, or there’s something I want to change, I really just have to mention it and it quickly gets done. But apparently I’m not the only woman who has this power over Nick. Mollie just has to say, ‘Daddy…’ and he seems happy to help. And with a house of her own she has plenty of ideas for improvements.



She recently decided that her porch would look better with a rail. She sent him a few pictures, some ideas she’s had and together they drew up a plan. I didn’t think the railing was needed, but it’s not my house. Nick went over this past Saturday and they went to work. And according to him, Mollie really worked. She can use a level, a drill, the saw and a paint brush. 


They worked on it all day and here is the finished product. I was impressed.

I’m off this morning to the rheumatologist. My hands have gotten a little better, but my knee has gotten worse. I’m hoping this doctor will be able to pull off another miracle. Please, keep your fingers crossed.  


  1. Hi PK, the porch looks awesome. Nick and Mollie did a wonderful job. Sending positive thoughts the rheumatologist will be able to provide some relief.


    1. Oops, pushed the button too quickly. I meant to add I'm so glad you had such a lovely time with Grace.

    2. We did have a great visit. I think the doctor's visit was good. Time will tell. But he was happy to tell me that there has been no joint damage.

  2. I love a front porch!! and I have to say - the railing may not have been needed but it (in my opinion) finishes off the porch and makes it stand out! kinda like outlining when you colour (grinning)

    1. My dream was to have a house with a nice wrap around porch - I am a porch lover too. I love sitting on her porch and I do think the railing looks great.

  3. Glad you had such a lovely visit with Grace!
    Mollie’s porch is fantastic!
    Let us know what doc says!

    1. He didn't say much new, but he was very reassuring. I think things will get better.

  4. Glad you had a nice visit with Grace, and that porch railing is AWESOME. and in ONE day? wow. Glad there's no joint damage... hope things ease up in those joints soon.

    1. So nice to see a blogging friend. Nick and Mollie do make a good building team, I might have to hire them out!

  5. beautiful...I like the fence and how nice that father and daughter built it together. Glad you had such a nice visit with Grace. Hope that your knee is feeling better soon...sending healing thoughts and a hug! :-)

    1. I think they had a lot of fun working on it. I appreciate Grace including me on this trip - they did a lot of traveling.

  6. The porch railing looks great! Adorable house! Good news on the hands... hopefully the meds will help with the inflammation for your knee.

    Now to get you some of that cherry juice.... :) Windy

    1. I love Mollie's little house, especially the porch. Strange the meds that work on my hand, don't help the knee. The body is a funny thing.

  7. PK, Happy you had a lovely visit with Grace. I think the porch is great. Looks amazing.

    Good new on the hands.


    1. I think it looks great too. Grace is heading back across country I love seeing her and I know her daughter did.

  8. Deena9:02 AM

    Yay for a nice visit with Grace!

    I love the new railing on the house! Good for Mollie to have that handyperson skill. Sadly we are limited in that area though we've been known to try smaller projects.

    Hoping you are finding some relief from your pain.

    1. Mollie is collecting a good gathering of tools - I hope she is taking notes from her dad.
