I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Signs of the time

With Nick home and restless we're finally continuing our redecorating. We had one workman in yesterday and we got the new window treatment up! I LOVE IT! I'll be posting pictures soon.

Be sure to come by tomorrow for the second part of our Fantasy Friday story. And I'd really appreciate you coming to PK Corey's Reading Room each Saturday for Saturday Spankings.

I know many of us are spending time on Facebook and other social media, so some of you have seen these sayings, memes and pictures but I thought I'd share a few of my favorites.

This is how I feel most days, 
even before we were asked to stay in.

Some of you that have been reading her for a while might remember I had a principal before I retired who was a real prick. We're 'friends' on FB but we never comment to one another. Mostly because I'm guessing we differ politically and because he only post pictures of beautiful, dead animals he's killed. But I posted the follow this morning and tagged him in it. I just couldn't resist.

With this next one I'll have to say, I'm not there yet. But for many I'm sure it's true.

Now if this were 'our' guy and not a random stranger, I'd say absolutely!

And then there is my absolute favorite! 
Oh, what times we're living in!


  1. Hi, PK! So glad you've decided to post these funny memes......especially the last one, which you know, I laughed so dog gone hard at!!!! And a polite dick, indeed. I'll take one of those, too! Hugs, Windy

    1. I do have a gyn appointment in May. I hope it doesn't come to this!

  2. Love the memes PK, I can definitely relate to the first one and the last is hilarious!

    Yay for more redecorating, a great way to keep busy :)


    1. It's sure kept Nick busy. I think this whole thing could be done by next week.

  3. OMG PK! Priceless! Thank you for the laugh this morning! Totally needed it!


    1. There have been some great meme going around lately!

  4. Love the memes too. I've seen some before but I think my favorite is he polite dick.

    1. Absolutely! We all would like that.

  5. You gave my laugh for today...thanks! abby

    1. So glad to see you here Abby!

  6. Love them. The last one is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

    Look forward to the decoration pics.

