I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Saturday, December 29, 2018

What day is it?

Do you know what day it is? I mean really who know the day of the week between Christmas and New Year if you don’t have to go to work that week. How could I know? Mollie’s been here part of the time. Nick hasn’t had to work this week. And I was supposed to remember that yesterday was Friday – the day I’m supposed to
send Nick an update on how things are going? When he came at me with a wooden spoon I was completely surprised, asking hastily, “What did I do?”

“It’s what you didn’t do,” he told me. Informing me that my email had not been on his computer when he got up as it should have been. I swear I thought it was Thursday! I even had ‘write Nick’ on my list of things to get done yesterday. He wasn’t impressed with my list. I wasn’t impressed with the wooden spoon, such is life.

All is well here. The boys will be in later today and our Christmas is tomorrow. Despite having to cook dinner again – I cooked for sister and BIL on Christmas day – I’m really looking forward to having my boys home. 

I know I haven’t been around much and I hope that will change when life returns to normal. That will be sometime after the fifth. The new book will be out in January so I’ll be telling you a lot more about that soon. 

I’m wishing everyone a 


  1. Hi PK,

    I have been and am working the days between Christmas and New Year this year which totally sucks, anyway, my point is, even so, I still haven't known what day it was this last week lol.

    Good on Nick for being attentive. Hope you have a wonderful time with the boys and your family Christmas.

    Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and hope 2019 brings you health, happiness and love.


  2. Enjoy your time with the 'kids'. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  3. I work from home and so never have a day off (yes, I worked on Christmas...working for yourself has it's drawbacks!) And I have NO idea what day it is!

    Have a Happy New Year!


  4. Wait a minute, Friday was yesterday?! I thought it was today. Hang in there PK. It's kind of nice not knowing or caring what day it is. I'm sure I blocked out yesterday because Eric left. He hasn't traveled in a long time but back at it. Amy

  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    So excited for you! Relax, have a wonderful time and welcome that new year.

  6. Have a wonderful 'in between' family Christmas, PK! ... nj ... xx

  7. Anonymous12:40 AM

    In just a few days, we'll all be asking, "What YEAR is it?" and we'll be writing 2018 on our checks at least through February! HA!

    Have a wonderful time with your family visiting, PK! I wish you lots of luck with all you are cooking. Have a blast with the kids and I hope Santa brings you some great stuff!!! Hugs! Windy

  8. Totally understand losing track of what day it is this week. Glad to see that Nick is being consistent.....

    Happy New Year PK! I look forward to being around more and reading your blog. Hope all is well. Only the best wishes this year for you and yours.

  9. Enjoy the New Year with your boys, Wishing you all the most wonderful year ahead.

    Much love,

  10. Glad to hear Nick is on the ball, PK! Happy New Year to you and yours.
    Rosie xx

  11. Enjoy your time with family. Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year! :-) Hugs

  12. Talk about not having been around much, I feel like I fell off the edge of the world these last weeks. I know you will have a wonderful 2nd Christmas when you have all the kids home together.

    Good for Nick. I like a man who's a stickler for things. They make good ttwd husbands.

    Love you, PK!!!

  13. I love that "what day is it, even?" phase between Christmas and New Year. I am sorry that it got you in trouble, though! Looking forward to hearing more about the book. Happy New Year!
