I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Tuesday, June 09, 2015


Do any of you have a fitbit? Have you ever used 'my fitness pal' on your phone. Mollie and I are working on a challenge. Of course I need to lose and she really wants to tone up. I want some kind of challenge we can do together for the summer to push each other. 

So if you know anything about it, could you give me the pro and cons. Which one is better? Is it simple enough for me to learn to use. Anything you can tell me would really help. Mollie wants to get started right away.


  1. I have the fitbit one and have found that my fitness has increased - I climb stairs at work rather than use the lift to get extra flights of stairs showing and consciously go out of my way to get to 10k steps. Also it is fun to challenge others. I wear it inside my bra (when wearing one) but it can be attached anywhere or you can get a bracelet. The other types also seem to be good - I am on a Facebook group for fitbit. Enjoy xx

    1. I thought it had to be worn as a bracelet so you have already told me something. Thanks.

  2. Our son has some app or other on his phone that links in to a band he wears around his wrist. It tells him things like how many steps he has walked during the day. I will ask him about it and let you know the details.


    1. Find out all you can and let me know!

  3. Hi PK, I'm sorry I can't be of much help as I don't have a fitbit or know a lot about them. I have only heard good things from those that do have them though.

    Wishing you and Mollie all the best with the challenge. Good on you both :)


    1. Thanks, I think it could be fun doing it together.

  4. Sorry PK, haven't the foggiest idea what you are on about! The only fitness around here is dancing, that;s more my cup of tea. Good luck
    love Jan,xx

    1. That is one that I will be using - just by myself, but its still fun.

  5. Have heard of them but don't know how they work. Be interested to hear more. Good luck to you and Mollie. Good idea.


    1. I'll let you know how things go.

  6. I asked for and received a fitbit for Mother's day. I am...as i you probably know....as techie challenged as you can get. I love it. It is super easy...my daughter helped set it up, but i have been using it since. It keeps track of my steps, gives me a goal each day, and my sister and i challenge each other.
    I have been meeting the 10,000 steps a day almost every day. For me it takes one long ...45 minute walk a day...and the rest just happens. It also lets me know when i have been sitting for an hour...reading or working on a crossword puzzle....so i get up and walk around the house, for a few minutes...help also with the stiffness of long sitting times. I love it...it is working for me....contact me if you want more info...
    hugs abby

    1. This sounds good then. That's one reason I'd like to get one while Mollie is living here for the summer - she can learn all about it and teach me. I may be asking you questions too.

    2. Ask away...I have my daughter as my tutor...I really feel mine has helped me with getting more movement every day.
      hugs abby

  7. Kate H.7:22 AM

    My son's have the wrist bands. Their's can be set up to chart daily records of steps, miles, calories burned and I don't know what else on your computer and I think on phones. Mollie would probably want that type. Friends closer to our age like simple ones that just do steps or miles. I used something to try to get to 10,000 steps daily but started to feel pressured if I didn't make it.
    Doing it with Mollie will help you achieve! I wouldn't ask hubby to attach spankings to it, but maybe good girl ones for rewards!

    1. Nick only spanks for totally blowing off exercise or really over eating on junk food. I think Mollie and I could really have fun.

  8. I've had one for about a year. I basically only use it to keep track of my activity level. I don't do the food thing and don't use all of its other capabilities. I bought one for Ray and he uses it too. What a surprise heis more vigilant about it than me.

    1. Nick wouldn't care but I'd like to use it for as much as it will do. I'm counting on Mollie.

  9. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Hi PK, :) I was going to point you in Abby's direction as I know that she has talked about it and likes it. But she found you first! Great!

    I have an app on my iPhone that does something similar, but I think that the fitbit sounds a whole lot more intuned to more specifics. Let us know what you decide to do. Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I think we're going to get them Thursday. Hopefully I'll be able to tell you all about it soon.

  10. I have a fitbit and I absolutely love it!!! You can set your own goals which is very motivating for me, and then if you have friends with them you can create your own challenges which is fun and helps you go that extra mile.?

    1. That sounds really good. I'm looking forward to giving it a try.

  11. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I walk minutes.......... sometimes 60 minutes, sometimes 90. It works for me. Daily, non-negotiable, every single day! I must accept the daily, non-negotiable part.

    1. I have a condition that keep me from being able to walk that long daily - I can do it for about two days and then I'll have to do something else to give my feel time to recover. I'm hoping to shane it up - walk, do the wii, dance, ride the stationary bike and swim. Now if I'll just make myself!

  12. I only know about an AP on your phone. Of course I don't know how to use it.... I'd need to ask my daughter! Lol

  13. Anonymous10:33 PM

    You can buy a fit bit zip which is the cheapest for about $45, that is the clip on type.

    It counts your steps and calories and you can challenge others with fit bits for competition.

    You can download a free app and it syncs through blue tooth.

    My fitness pal and fit bit can be linked in the app so that you can see how many calories you've burned in correlation to how much you are eating.

    Hope this helps! :)

    1. It does, thank you. We're going to get them this afternoon. Now if I could find something that tells my brain I'm full and makes me WANT to exercise it would be great.

  14. My youngest son and DIL got something similar to Fit bit that is made by Garmin...they have an app installed on their phones (her iphone his android) that syncs with their Garmin...can set goals and track lots of different activities.

    Hope you have fun with whatever you and Mollie choose.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Mollie has already put my fitness pal on our phones, I guess we ready to try.

  15. Hi PK

    I've been using a Fitbit linked to My Fitness Pal since Jan. In combination it has really helped to motivate me to do more activity and to control my calorie intake. We use the food diary on MyFitnessPal to track what we eat, use the goal setting part to establish the target calorie intake for a specific weight loss goal. Has been really useful and motivating. I have lost over 45lbs in 4 months. The app also has an extensive database of foods so calorie tracking is easy, you can even bar code scan the packet and it will link to the nutrition information. It also allows you to graph progress, etc. the fitbit app that comes with the Fitbit gives you other tracking measures, steps, distance, active minutes, sleep tracking if you get the models that support it, also the top of the line does heart rate as well. I credit the combination as being a significant factor in the weight I have lost. I am now back to the weight I was in my early 20s. Let me know,if you want any specifics, screen shots, etc.

    1. First congratulation on your weight loss - that's great and I would love to follow in your footsteps. We got our fit bits this afternoon and I feel like I'm really starting tomorrow. Wish me luck.

  16. Hi PK, good luck. Remember that small changes add up. It's a journey and there can be bumps along the road. I'll follow with interest.
