I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Saturday, January 27, 2024

Saturday Spankings - Cassie, ready to rant

Welcome to Saturday Spankings. I’ve moved on the next book, Cassie’s Conflict, the fifth in the Cassie’s Space series. In today’s snippet Cassie is trying to enjoy the new Country Club and its amenities, however there is one club member that is driving her crazy. Clara is loud, rude, crude and a definite bully. At Tom’s insistence Cassie is trying her best to stay away from the woman, but it wasn’t to be. In the dressing room of the club one day confrontation is unavoidable. 


I was determined to ignore her until she added into her monologue “And all the kids they have working here is ridiculous. I’d like to get all their little asses fired. They are loud, rude, and disrespectful and they are probably robbing the place blind. I’m even scared to leave anything in the lockers with those little bastards around.”

That did it, I couldn’t take it one second longer. She is nothing but a bigmouthed, lying bully. The woman was no child, she's fifty if she's a day. I rounded the lockers shaking with anger. Making a superhuman effort, I tried to keep my tone and words civil I said, “You need to stop. The children working here are wonderful young people. I know many of them and some are as close to me as grandchildren. You are wrong about them, and you have no right to talk about them that way.”

Clara looked up in surprise, “Who asked your opinion, granny? Butt out of our conversation. It’s none of your damn business.”

The steam was building again. “No one can stay out of your conversations with your big mouth and foghorn voice. What gives you the right to belittle everyone who works here? The young people that take out the garbage and clean the toilets show more class than you do. You need to …”

“I need to what, granny?” she broke in.

It was getting tense, and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. I truly wanted to attack her physically. It could have gotten quite serious, but the attendant came in at that moment saying, “Mrs. Triplett, they’re ready for you in the massage room now.”

“Fine,” she snapped and brushing past me, intentionally bumping my shoulder as she left the room. “Out of my way,” she snarled.

I was so angry I didn’t know what to do. I was shaking with rage and nowhere to unleash it. I wanted to scratch her eyes out. Patty, the attendant tried to help me calm down.

“Are you alright, Mrs. Duff? They’re going to have to do something about that horrible woman. She’s hateful to everyone. Please don’t let her get to you. Did you walk over today – I can run you home if you like.”

I was so angry I could barely speak. I finally looked over and acknowledged Patty. “No dear, thank you, I’m all right,” I told her. “I drove.” I said as I headed out of the locker room – I had somewhere I had to go. Walking to my car I pulled out my phone and made a quick call. When it was answered I barked into it.

“Are you alone? Good, keep it that way. I’m mad as hell and I need to vent!”

I heard laughter on the other end as Sue answered, “I’ll be ready.”

By the time I screeched into Sue’s driveway she had made a pitcher of martinis. Normally we have a glass of wine in the afternoon, but Sue greeted me with, “You sounded like you might need something stronger.” She was right and I gladly accepted the glass, in hindsight probably not my wisest choice.

Cassie is one busy lady. The new country club/spa has opened and the whole gang is enjoying all the amenities. That is until a new club member, Clara, begins to ride roughshod over everyone.  The situation worsens until it becomes physical, but even that doesn’t stop it. 

Cassie seems to find little conflicts everywhere she turns, but it’s not always her fault. Tom is overprotective about her health, sending Cassie into a tantrum. In addition, a few things happen on the girls’ trip that lands Cassie, as well as the other ladies, in even more hot water.  Through it all Tom is there to love and protect Cassie in his own unique way.

Cassie’s Space series


These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.

Cal’s Law series


Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.


On the River series


In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!

These books do take you through time as it passes, but please don’t think you have to read them in order. Start anywhere. Just grab one and give it a try. If you are a spanking enthusiast, I know you'll enjoy it.


I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had. 


Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.

And, of course, the links -

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River (book one)




  1. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Oh what a horrible woman! Cassie did well in dealing with her ... until the martini's perhaps. Somehow I thought there had to be a catch lol


    1. She is a horrible woman. Cassie would love to have a go at her. And her holding back is admirable. But someone is not going to be happy about the martinis.

  2. Uh oh! Her final line clues us that martinis and a pissed Cassie do not mix well. I don't blame her for being angry and she showed remarkable restraint at least until she got some potent liquor into her system. Love the snippet...

    1. Cassie, Sue and unlimited martinis - never a good idea. I'm sure Cassie will enjoy her afternoon, at least until Tom gets home.
