I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Monday, February 21, 2022

Beware of eye surgery

Nick is having cataract surgery this week. I assumed this was a good idea until I sat and thought about it for a minute, and now I think it’s going to mess things up. The way I thought of it was that as I continued to age… the wrinkles, the sagging bod and all that goes with it was supposed to coincide with a gradual loss of perfect vision for Nick.


But now? He’s going to see perfectly while I continue to wrinkle and sag. Where is the fairness in this? Don’t tell me Nick is aging at the same rate I am. Nick never ages. The few wrinkles he has just makes his face more interesting. 


What if this is his before and after view…

Okay, these pictures may be a little extreme on both ends but... could someone please tell me where to send my complaints?


  1. LoL PK, I'm sur Nick won't see you any differently after the surgery. Wishing him all the best.


    1. Well he has gotten used to me. So I guess it will be okay.

  2. I agree with Roz, he won't see you any differently. Best wishes to Nick for his surgery.


    1. I'll be sure to give him your best!

  3. welllllllllllll if he notices any change - you can blame his lack of glasses?? (grinning)

    Wish him luck on his surgery.......

    1. I can try! I'll give him your best.

  4. Now, wouldn't that be something?

  5. He'll be able to see everything perfectly from a distance, but up close, he'll need glasses. So just stay within three feet of him at all times, and hide his glasses.

    The surgery is a breeze! Where I went, a nurse held my hand the entire time. Very comforting to me, and it allowed her to monitor my breathing and pulse unobtrusively.


    1. Staying within three feet of him - interesting...

      You mean a good looking nurse may be holding his hand? I guess that's is fine with me. I want him to have the best care ever! But I've always seen him in glasses and I sure don't mind reading glasses. All he seems concerned about is being able to see where the golf ball lands.
