I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Email problems

There not bad problems, but I’m getting annoyed. It seems some emails I’m getting, even from longtime friends, is being sent to spam. That’s one problem, but I can always check every few days.

Another thing that is bugging me is that I’m not being notified always when I get a response to an email I’ve sent. It’s not showing up as new and I’ve stumbled across some responses by accident. How many I’ve missed – I don’t know.

One really weird thing happened - I was emailing back and forth with a friend when suddenly an emails popped up in that thread that didn't sound like something my friend would have requested! I quickly realized that that an email from Nick had come in on that thread! It was still private to me - but geeze, it was strange.

Anyway here's a notice to all who might email me – I answer all my emails! And almost always within twenty-four hours. If you email me and don’t hear back in a day or so, assume I did not get it and try sending it again.

And on a happier note – we have a brand new Fantasy Friday coming this week. Be sure to come back on Friday!


  1. Hi PK, how frustrating! Ug, I wish I could offer some suggestions but I'm not tech savy.

    Looking forward to the Friday Fantasy:)


    1. It usually works itself out.

  2. Hmmm, is it gmail? All the sudden some of my emails aren't sending. I go back to check and it says I have a draft to that person, and I can see the message in my selection menu, but as soon as I select the draft to bring up and then send, it goes blank and I can't do anything to get my email back. :(

    Sorry you're missing emails. That's so frustrating to think you're missing messages from people you really want to hear from. :( Is it a program you could uninstall and reinstall and see if that will fix it?
    Hugs, EsMay

    1. It's yahoo. I don't like gmail for reasons that I know are dumb. But I'm just used to yahoo.

  3. I noticed a few problems myself! I do think a while back I sent you an email.... not important. Weird tho! Gosh how many times do these things happen?
    Ooooh new FF!

    1. If you email me and don't hear back, I didn't get it.

  4. Don't get a lot of emails anymore so I haven't noticed. Looking forward to Friday.

  5. Sounds like a very frustrating situation. I'm sorry I'm not any help. I'm kinda awful at tech!

  6. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I have heard from other sources that the same thing happened to them. Weird.

    1. It is. But it has been better today.

  7. Sounds as though the gremlins have really got it in for you, PK! I’m no help at all with techie things, hope it rights itself soon.
    Looking forward to reading a new FF story on Friday.
    Rosie xx

  8. sorry for your frustration...have been having some of my own email issues to deal with too. I will make sure to try again if ever I send an email and don't hear back... :-) Hugs

  9. I'm a little late here. But that means I'm closer to FF! I always look forward to them. I hope everyone here is safe through the coming hurricane.
    Rosie Dee
