I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Simple things

Just felt like chatting – I don’t have much on topic these days. But I have enjoyed my weekend. Mollie’s been home. She and I went to see the movie, Tammy, so many good actors in this one. I don’t expect it will be nominated for an Oscar, but it was cute and we enjoyed it.

We had a family pool party to celebrate my great-nephew’s seventh birthday. I was happy to have it here, I needed to get a jump on my cleaning. My family reunion is coming up next weekend. It’s going to be smaller than usual this year. The number in attendance has varied over the years from around fifteen to forty over the years. Real life sometimes gets in the way. But since we have such a small group this year I invited the new preacher to join us for Sunday lunch.

Nick and I thought about taking a quick trip to NYC to visit with LJ and Colin, we haven’t seen them since December and they weren’t planning to come this way until January. But to be honest I didn’t want to go to NYC.  It’s expensive – plane fair, hotel room, and food. Not to mention I’m uneasy getting around without a guide. So I asked LJ if they would be wiling to take time off and come here if I got them a couple of plane tickets, and they loved the idea.  This way Colin gets to see his family too. They’ll be here the middle of September. I can’t wait!

Maybe someday I'll have something on topic to talk about until then, you're stuck with the simple everyday things of life. 


  1. Hey PK...how awesome that the boys are coming home soon...I'm sure you're all gonna have an awesome time! BTW...I'm always happy to hear about the simple everyday things in my friends lives. Have a great week!

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Cat, I'm glad you don't mind every day stuff. Can't wait for the boys, but I hate that I'll be back in school then. I'll take one day off at least.

  2. PK,
    everyday things are good as well.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. Thanks Paul. I need to email you, be on the look out soon.

  3. I can imagine you are counting the days until they visit. And let's hope that eventually you will become more comfortable visiting them in New York.


    1. FD, I'm sure I'd be okay to go, but I am a home body (or a hermit) take your pick.

  4. PK,

    I love to read about simple everyday things.

    I'm so happy for you that the boys are coming home. I know you miss them loads.


    1. I do miss them. I know they love the city, but I wish they lived closer.

  5. Hi PK, glad you had sn enjoyable weekend, the pool party sounded fun:) How wonderful the boys are visiting. I too bet you are counting the days. Always enjoy reading about everyday life:)


    1. I am counting the days. I don't like only seeing my boy twice a year. But he does call me every weekend and we talk for nearly an hour.

  6. Every day life news suits me just fine. Great idea to 'invite' the boys ...they get to visit...or meet...family and friends.
    hugs abby

    1. I know Colin's folks can't afford the trip and certainly not to take his niece and two nephews and they think the world of Uncle Colin and Uncle LJ.

  7. I love the everyday simple stuff! So glad the boys are coming!

    1. As much as they love the city, they seem to like to get away some too. Works out for everyone.

  8. I never seem to have anything on topic anymore, I just like visiting. Glad the boys are coming - something to look forward too once the school year starts.

    1. Yes - and those dreaded words "once school starts'. So sad.

  9. Hi Pk, nice to hear about real life stuff! good idea to get the kids to come to you, I am hoping my number one child comes home for a visit soon
    love Jan,xx

    1. It's always great when the kids come home - as long as they aren't coming back to live.

  10. As you know I never have anything to say anymore.... Or too much too say, but no energy to say it!
    I love hearing it all !

    1. Minelle,
      I have the energy during the summer, but not much to say.

  11. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Hi PK, :) It's wonderful that the boys are coming home for a visit soon! I love it when my kids visit. Our older daughter is home now for a few days. Sounds like you have had fun with Mollie, family and have some nice things ahead to look forward to. :)

    Chat away any time! I am finally catching up! I love hearing about what all my friends are up to. enjoy! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie
