If anyone has read here more than once or twice you probably know I found my best friends in the world right here in blogland. My live would be so much poorer without them. I often hear bloggers say that they blog for themselves and don’t care about comments. For me that’s nuts. If all these thoughts were just for me I’d keep them to myself and save the time and trouble of typing. I am begging you to comment! Tell me what you think – do you agree, disagree, think I’m brilliant or think I’m a total idiot – I don’t care just talk to me!
Over the years so many great blogs have gone private. In the past this has always makes me so sad. But sometimes the thought does cross my mind. You can use your real name, you can be more open on, you can post real pictures of yourself and your family and you can always invite you friends to come to this private place. But deep down I know I don’t want to be private. I have always loved talking to new people out here.

I realize how different my life would be now if Bonnie, Eva, Grace, CeeCi, and Theresa had all gone private just as I started reading and before I got the courage to comment. I would have been very sad and I know Nick and I would not be sharing the closeness we have now. These women lead the way for me and I am so grateful that they were there to talk to and open up to. Having them gave me the courage to come out to myself and eventually to Nick. What a blessing they all were in my life. I always hope I can pass this gift on to other. But that will never happen if you never comment.
I have a stat counter – I know you are coming by to read. I know my readership goes up when we have a Fantasy Friday story. I do thank you for coming by, I know many of you must enjoy these stories but imagine being the author – taking the time and energy to weave your dreams and fantasies into a story, getting up the courage to share it with other and then to only get a few comments. How discouraging! I’ve always wanted Fantasy Friday to be a place for new, perhaps unsure, writers to feel comfortable sharing a story. And when they do that I want us all to rally around and encourage them all we can. I know we can do this for each other, I know many of you did it for me.
Okay lecture over! You are all welcomed here whether you comment or not. But I will make a deal with you – if you comment I will respond to your comment. That seems only fair and polite. And finally, for those of you that don’t comment – I’m going to find you and spank your butt!
Hi PK!
ReplyDeleteI have made a few comments in the past, but wanted to let you know I am still out here reading and loving your blog! I intend to make more of an effort to comment in the future!
Thanks for sharing your words with us!
Hi, I check your blog nearly twice or three times a day and I really love reading it. But I rarely comment 'cause it's not easy to comment by mobile phone. So I just keep contact on email. And now,after the offense,hurt and stress I've got from a blogger, I'm really scared of blogging. So I will email you when I want to talk to you and when I can,is that ok? It won't be so regular,'cause my baby is coming in a very short time and I won't have much free time. But I'll try to be in touch.
ReplyDeleteBtw,should this day change to "Love our lurkers, but love our commenters more" ? :D
I changed my reading habits a while ago when I found how to use a reader. So many of my favourite bloggers are not 'regular' posters, and it means I can keep up with what they write without having to physically check in at their sites every day. Its great, but the downside is, I don't show up in the stats unless I actually visit and/or comment, so I imagine there's quite a few of those whose blogs I read who think I've lost interest in them.
ReplyDeleteI have found my commenting habits have changed. I will still leave comments on postings which have particularly touched me in some way, or where it feels like the writer, through their words, might need a cyber hug or cheer. In the main though, I've found I tend to comment most where that's reciprocal...where it feels there's a friendship and the comments are part of an ongoing conversation.
As you know, I've had both public and private blogs in the past. Its taken me a while to find a way to share as openly as I'd like and yet still respect He Who Must Be Adored's wish for certain things to be less public. I'm pleased to say we seem to have found a more healthy balance these days.
Thank you for taking part in LoL day. I am commenting where those I follow are taking part, even if its only so you know I'm still reading you.
love and hugs xxx
Hey there...i'm like M:e ..i read if i get the chance but don't comment much...i too am grateful for Bonnie and your blog's. They opened up a new world and let people know that there are plenty others like us.
ReplyDeletePK, I'm glad that you are there, but you know that.
ReplyDeleteLove and warm hugs,
You know I do talk with you but I wanted to stop by anyway and say hello and thanks PK.
ReplyDeleteI'm a regular visitor to your blog, and enjoy your posts. My best friends are bloggers too!
LOL day is so much fun!
PK: Just wanted to say hello on lurkers day to encourage more of your lurkers to do the same. As you know, a year ago I was a lurker and the fact I stopped enabled me to become friends with many interesting bloggers, including you. I value our continuing friendship. I never dreamed a year ago that I'd have my own blog and I have to thank you for that.
Silly me! I forgot to say something.
ReplyDeleteSomething - there I said it. hehehe
Hi PK, you know I love ya and your blog!
Debbie :)
Hi My name is Theresa, and I'm a lurker.
ReplyDeleteLove you!
ReplyDeleteYou are one of my most faithful commenters and I really appreciate it! Happy De-Lurker Day.
Hello....I've become a lurker. I don't know how it happened, but I became lazy and have nothing important to say.
ReplyDeleteBut...I do love you and you know it!
I think if I hadn't met you and the others you mentioned, I probably would have quit blogging a long time ago.
Love you
Hi PK.
ReplyDeleteLol, i went from a lurker to a commenter and back to a lurker. I'm still around and I do still pop over here, i promise to comment more regular.
BTW did you know that I am no longer blogging on google. I'm now at wordpress.
Hugs Jay
...still here...
ReplyDeleteR & K
Hi PK,
ReplyDeleteYou certainly got me going from lurking to writing to blogging to writing to not getting anything done around the house to meeting you and Eva to emailing more to...
A big thank you !! Hugs Too!! KayLynn
Hey PK, I am not a lurker but wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You were a huge inspiration to me helping me post my first story, and finding the courage to come out of my box. :)
Hello, I've been reading your blog for months. I was so surprised at how much we have in common. When I showed one of your postings to my husband he thought I had written it! You and three other ladies with blogs like yours have helped me more than you will ever know. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWe've long-long enjoyed your blog... and totally agree... it's great that so many bloggers have stepped out of the shadows to share in the open. Happy LOL Day!
~Todd & Suzy
Hi PK,
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty rubbish at commenting, but I am there lurking :-)
ReplyDeleteHere, present and accounted for!!! Love your blog!! Keep up the good work!!
big hugs,
ReplyDeleteI almost didn't comment just so you would have to make good on your threat.... hahhahha
I am a regular reader to your blog and have been reading you for a long time now. I have left you a few comments but should try to leave more. I mostly tend to lurk.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your blog with us readers. :)
PK, Happy LoL Day! I'm always a reader, sometimes a commenter and always enjoy your posts! Meow
ReplyDeleteI can be the lurkinest lurker that done ever lurked, but today, I'm poking my head out to say... hey!
ReplyDeleteLove you, lots!
Are the dragonflies gone for the summer?
ReplyDeleteI have been a lurker on your blog for years. I appreciate all the time and effort you people put into your blogs. These blogs have been a great and helpful resource to me over the past few years. I am 23, so having a group of older people who are willing to share their spanking experiences is really great since no one talks about stuff like that in real life.
I think I have commented but just in case I haven't, I love your blog! Thanks for sharing all the ups and downs of your journey. I really appreciate reading your honest writing. ~N
ReplyDeleteNa, I am sorry you have had a rough time with a fellow blogger but don't let him/her scare you away. Be brave and say what you need/want to!
ReplyDeleteThat’s for coming by. I love hearing from readers – it’s great just knowing someone is reading.
It may be a day or two before I can get you a proper email but please know if you chose to keep blogging you will find much more support than you will find criticism. I know that person bothered you but why listen to her instead of all the rest of us. You will always run into people that do not understand. Don’t give them the power over you.
Thank you for commenting today. My commenting habits have changed too. I’m like you in that I only comment where someone will comment back to me. Those two sided conversations mean a lot to me too. Thanks again.
The blogs here are great but it’s your real life every day friendship that means the most to me.
I hope you know how glad I am that you are there too!!
Always glad when you stop by! Getting to know you through emails has been a real pleasure.
Who would have thought we would find such wonderful friends in such an unusual place and at our age! It’s been a real trip.
Florida Dom,
Meeting you has been a true pleasure! You helped me so much with Fantasy Friday. You are a good writer and a good friend.
FINALLY somebody said something!!
Hello Theresa! I’m so glad you are here!
I enjoy your blog and I love seeing you here. Give a holler anytime!
I honestly think God had a hand in when I started blogging and He blessed me by letting me meet you guys. That being said I hope He gets you off your lazy butt to start writing more!
I’m really glad to hear from you and glad to know you are still writing. I’ll be checking you out.
R & K,
And I’m glad that you are.
Now don’t blame me for everything or your husband is going to be coming after me with a paddle!!
Thanks Katia,
You are such a good writer. I hope you will do more fiction. I appreciate you coming by and commenting.
I am grateful for everyone that has commented today but especially you, I love hearing from new people. Please come by often and comment. It just feels so good knowing that there are so many of us that think alike. I spent too much time thinking I was strange and alone.
Todd and Suzy,
Yes this is a very, very good day in blogland.
I love every comment I can get so come back and give it a try any time!
Thanks, coming from one of the best writers out here I appreciate that very much!
LOL! I wondered if anyone would take me up on that!
I am getting bad at lurking myself. I am often at your place enjoying your pictures and I need to let you know. They are always great.
Thank you so much! You are always welcomed here.
CeeCi, my sister,
You can lurk all you like but I love seeing your head poking out too! The dragonflies left not long after you did. Come back to see them next summer!
Thank you for commenting! Reading for years you say, I am honored. I’m glad to know we have helped a little. I know I would have like to know I wasn’t the only spanko in the world when I was your age. Come by anytime and feel free to email too if you ever want to.
I feel like we are all on similar journeys and the sharing out here makes the trip better.
I agree 100% with you about Na. We are going to have to talk to her so that she doesn’t quit on us – or herself!
Hello. I've enjoyed your blog for some time now. Thank you contributing so much to a feeling of community.
ReplyDeleteHi PK,
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a great LOL Day. Thank you for being part of our celebration!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you stopped by and left a comment. This community is very important to me. The support and friendship here in great. Please come often.
It was a wonderful day! I am always amazed to realize how many of us are out here for each other!
"And finally, for those of you that don’t comment – I’m going to find you and spank your butt!"
ReplyDeleteYou're really tried to not have anyone post a comment, eh?? It was a toss up even though I'm a bit late. Post a comment or get a spanking....hmmmm. LOL! But since you didn't show up on my doorstep with a paddle today, I figued I'd go ahead and comment.
Love the blog and always enjoy reading the fantasy friday stories. Your blog definitely gets an A+!!
ReplyDeleteI was trying to get around to everyone who did get by but the truth is I'm lousy at being a switch - it's just the wrong side of the paddle for me!
Glad you like FF! So would you like to contribute???
Love you :-)
ReplyDeleteI can definitely see myself contributing in the near future. For the time being though, I want to finish this story already in my head that I've started on my blog. Learning to finish one thing before I start another. But I do have an idea for a story for you already!!
I am a lurker at several sites and I have decided to say hi for Love Our Lurkers Day. So Hi
ReplyDeleteI love you too!
I think that is something I could learn - finishing things, especially stories. I am anxiously awaiting a story from you. FF is fun!
Tiny sub,
I am so glad you stopped by, please come back and speak again.
Hi PK!
ReplyDeleteI have been a long time lurker, although I do comment on Cassies page.
I initially thought that you were this very experienced person and that I didn't want to bother you. I'm walking this path slowly, and am in a long distance dd relationship.
That kind of relationship would normally suck if we didn't focus on the things that make our relationship strong and wonderful. Eventually I will be moving south, getting a job in his area and preparing to take the next step.
Anyway, I really enjoy your blog, I will comment more often, I look forward to the future!
ReplyDeleteI’m so glad you stopped by! I have enjoyed seeing your comments at Cassie’s. I will have to say LOL at thinking I’m experienced at anything! I didn’t come out to my husband until I was 49 and we had been married 23 years!! But I’ve enjoyed our journey. I hope you will come by often. I hope you will enjoy the south when you get ready to move here. I love it.
Hi PK,
ReplyDeleteI've been a long time reader, occasional commenter, mostly lurker ~~ and unable to do things in a timely manner... But better late than never, right?
Keep up the good work. Blogs like yours continue to give me hope.
Thank you Robin,
ReplyDeleteThat's a very nice complement. I feel like I lurk more myself than I used to but I still know that this is a loving supportive community and I am happy to be a part of it.