I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Call the man!

It’s been a busy few weeks. It didn’t really need to be, but it has been. Nick owned this house when we got married. It was a fine house when I moved in, but not exactly a show place. Over our forty years together we’ve made some great changes. We added a sunny room where the deck used to be. We added on to the carport. And we totally redid the kitchen, the living room and the hall bathroom. All these updates are lovely and I’m pleased. But our bedroom and bath have really been ignored. And they need updating desperately. I’ve been asking/begging/pleading for this change for nearly fifteen years. Nick would always agree that it was needed, but nothing was ever done.

Then about three weeks ago he decides it all needs doing – yesterday! He wants a decision on paint colors, carpet, tile, cabinets and counter tops right this minute. And that not mentioning getting the rooms cleaned out. As I said these rooms have really been neglected over the years and became catch-all for stuff from all over the house. Getting things cleaned out and ready to go isn’t going to happen overnight.

Nick wants to take on too much of the work himself. He is capable and he’ll do it, but the other day he was fussing about the flooring not coming up easily and I finally snapped. For those of you old enough to have grown up with Andy Griffin in Mayberry, you’ll get this reference. I finally told him firmly, Call the man! 

I said, “What if I were a little old lady living here by myself. If I were getting a new floor, do you think they would expect me to be crawling around trying to rip up the old floor? NO! There are people who do that for a living, let them!”

I do appreciate that Nick is so handy. Over the years he has done much of our plumbing, much of the electrical work, he even did all the drywalling in my writing room. But I have NO desire to be his little helper. I nearly killed myself twenty years ago carrying my half of the drywall to be installed. At our ages now – near seventy, I’m not willing to risk tweaking my back, or his, when we have the means to hire it done by professionals. And don’t get me started on our discussions about wall and cabinet colors.

As usual I’m just using my blog as a place to bitch and gripe. We’ll get it done and I’m sure it will be lovely. I just don’t like feeling rushed when I’ve had to wait so long.

I wish Nick had a hobby, besides golf. Maybe I could get him to write a book. It’s calming and peaceful and you can go anywhere in the world you want to do and do anything you like. Speaking of which… Family on the River is live and you can click on it by clicking the picture on my side bar above or by going here. If you read it and if you like it, I ask you to consider leaving a review on Amazon. Amazon counts the number of reviews, not their length, to decide what books to promote. Something simple like, “Interesting book.” Or “I liked it.” are more than welcomed!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Hi PK,

    I feel you. Any kind of renovations is so stressful. Funny Nick suddenly has a bee under his bonet now. I csn totally understand you wanting to convince Nick to get the professionals in. Wishing you the best.

    Congratulations on the new book!

