Have you even thought of breaking spankings down into categories?
I see them that way these days – lite, medium and heavy. The implements could
be the same, the length and intensity may even be the same. I’ve come to
believe it’s the attitudes that makes all the difference.
These can be anything from the random swat to a real barn
burner, depending on how hard you like to play. Lite spankings can be given for
a variety of reasons. Maybe you broke a minor rule – no one’s mad, it’s just a
good reason to spank. Maybe you left the basement light on, you’re
sitting in ‘his’ spot, it’s Wednesday or he just loves having his hands on your
butt. There is usually giggling, pretend outrage. Squirming, putting hands back, protesting the
implement choice, promising that the spankings isn’t necessary, more laughter,
lots of rubbing and if the time and place permits other fun activities.
There is more thought behind these. Maybe you’ve done (or
not done) something your sweetie is serious about. Something like leaving the
car with little but fumes in the tank, ignoring the need to exercise, leaving
your keys in the car over night. It could also include minor over spending or
breaking any rule/agreement that you know your honey is serious about. There
shouldn’t be any reaching back or much protesting and your guy needs to know
you’re listening and taking the situation seriously. I see maintenance and needed
stress reliving spankings in this category. Nobody has to be mad or upset but
it’s not all laughing and squirming.
As I see it no one really enjoys a heavy spanking, not the
spanker or the spankee. I’m guessing they hurt and that often there are tears
and guilt and strong emotions are released. There the ones the spankee doesn't really want, but she knows it's not up to her. Things aren’t right and some
feelings need to be broken though in a spanking of this nature. Things like a
break in trust, lying, putting yourself in true danger. I think these could
bring on a heavy spanking. I feel it’s something that has hurt the relationship
in some way. I think the only thing I know I do/did that would fall into this category
is pulling away. I used to do it quite often – I’d get my feelings hurt,
usually something to do with TTWD (or don’t do, which would usually cause it).
I wouldn’t tell Nick, I’d just close myself off in my head and secretly hope
Nick would notice and care enough to break through.
But this wasn’t really being fair to him. I hide anger and
being upset extremely well. I just go quite and nurse my hurt feelings. Not
silent, just quiet. I’d talk if he asks a question, but I didn’t initiate
conversation – I was already having the conversation (argument) in my head.
I don’t do this as much anymore. I’ve given up on some on
some aspects of TTWD. I gave them up with a sigh and a little regret, but it
was the only way to keep myself from falling into mild depression on a regular
basis. I’m not being completely
truthful, with myself that is, I know the desires I’ve tried to shut out are
still there and I still get down about them, but now it’s a couple of times a
year and not a couple of times a month. Nick and I are a hundred times closer
than we were before TTWD and I’ll be forever grateful for what it’s given us.
But I feel there is another lever of closeness that we just haven’t reached,
and I wish we could.
I think a great spanking relationship need all three of
these. I think of it as a pyramid – there needs to

Hi PK, Nice to get your perspective on this. We've only been at it for 8 months and are still figuring out the difference between the three. We also seem to have a hard time differentiating between resets, punishment and play (which often becomes sexual). I think the hard part is they often run into one another. Would you say that is also the case with your three? Lite, medium and heavy? Amy
ReplyDeleteThey do but I wish they wouldn't. I like the idea of discipline, not often, but as part of the whole TTWD relationship. When I need to get into the mindspace of discipline and it ends in great sex, it's just not... right.
DeleteHi PK, this is a great post! I agree it's the attitude, the reason for the spanking and emotions involved that makes the difference.
ReplyDeleteI used to categorise spankings as fun, role affirmation and discipline, which basically equates to lite, medium and heavy. Having said that though, I have experienced fun spankings that were hard and discipline spankings that were lighter, because they didn't need to be harder due to the emotions involved.
Exactly! Nick doesn't understand the need for serious discipline. Maybe I don't either, but I know it's something I need to feel.
DeleteThis is a very insightful post, PK. There is some serious thinking behind it. I know we all may have our own little names for different types of spankings, but in essence you have captured the reasons and feelings that are present in each level of spanking.
ReplyDeleteWhen you write about the realism, it really hits the nail on the head. It cannot be a game. That is so wrong. I have been writing a piece myself where I thought about how spanking and ttwd are like the air I breathe. It is not just a perk. I need it.
Excellent Post!
I'm afraid Nick will never see it as anything but a game. He does his absolute best, but I just don't think he can conceive of truly disciplining me. I can't hold that against him, but I wish it was different.
DeleteGreat post PK. It fits so very well, as you know.
ReplyDeleteI know you understand completely.
DeleteVery well put, PK. Harry's attitude definitely sets the tone of a spanking and there's no mistaking the difference between fun and discipline. I haven't experienced the top level of the pyramid but I won't tempt fate by saying I never will.
ReplyDeleteRosie xx
You seem to be at a good place. It's not that I crave the heavy level, I just want to know that it could be a possibility. Like I said that's what makes it real.
DeleteA great post. I guess I have tried to categorise. I've not had the pleasure of having the level of spanking determined for me. In times past, my wife has spanked me but only as a result of me asking her and that kind of messes up the getting into a sub headspace.
ReplyDeleteI did establish for myself at least that a good spanking, I guess I would categorise as medium is a good way of getting rid of a headache.
I also have this ongoing desire that I would love to be tied down and spanked, caned or paddled really hard and being free to scream out. Weird hey. I guess that's another category.
I'm with you on asking messes up the head space. I'm happy they are willing to comply, but I just wish it was their idea some time, right? I can't say your last desire is weird - I understand it, don't know why, but I understand.
DeleteGreat explanations, PK. My ex was a fan of the "drive by" swats...as he walked past me, he'd swat...sometimes on the hard side but mostly just enough to get me attention and make me jump. ;) Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHugs and blessings...Cat
I love the drive by swat! But sometimes I need something more.
Deletecompletely understand this...
ReplyDeleteSex after a discipline spanking kind of defeats the purpose for me. That is the major difference between this and all of the other spankings. But that is how it works for me. I have heard of having sex as a way to comfort after a spanking, which would work if I hated spankings.
ReplyDeleteIt's a nice story and I am glad we got the chance to read it.
May? I can't believe it's already May
I'm with you completely. In my mind sex after discipline changes it from something real and serious in a dd relationship to a way for him to get sex. Both are fine, but not the same things.
Delete'The heavy level, I just want to know that it could be a possibility.' That's it in a nutshell! It's not necessary all the time--wouldn't want it to be. But we want to believe it could happen and would like it to, at least a time or two. I think it's less likely to happen the longer you're together because how many BAD things do we do at our age (unless we're Cassie)? But knowing it's in the offing can feel very exciting. The medium category is satisfying as long as there are enough of them.
ReplyDeleteRosie Dee