Let's hear it for Friday! It only been a three day week for me but it still felt long. Teachers and former teachers will understand. But Friday finally got here and we have a wonderful story. Again this is from a friend I haven't heard from in a long time. I guess there's alway the chance they'll see their story and get in touch again.
Love Notes
Working in an office can be tedious. Sitting at my desk all day concentrating on sprea

There I sat. Pouring over my numbers, analyzing, rationalizing, and trying to get the damn computer to cooperate with me and give me the data the way I wanted it. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration as the email notification popped up in the corner of the monitor. I noticed my husband’s name as the email notice faded to the background. Hmm, I thought. Josh doesn’t usually email me during the day. When he needs something, he usually calls.
From: JoshSent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:35 AM
To: Rachael
Subject: meeting
Blake has jujitsu tonight. I'm feeling good. I want to try to get together tonight.
Blake is our teenaged son and I didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to get that “meeting” was a euphemism for a little grown-up fun. This was an interesting twist in my normally uneventful day. Knowing Josh, the “meeting” would be a little spicier than the average accountant might indulge in. We had been into consensual spanking for a number of years. Either for fun or discipline, he would make sure my backside was well attended to.
Intrigued, I put together a reply.
From: Rachael
To: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: meeting
Oh? Are you going to make it worth my while?
Snickering to myself, I sent off the email I knew would get his attention.
From: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:39 AM
To: Rachael
Subject: Re: meeting
Oh! I am now. I know how to deal with brats.
His reply came back pretty fast. I’ve got him on the hook now! I thought. Let’s turn up the intensity a little. With a grin, I shot off an answer.

To: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: meeting
Hmm. It seemed like last time you just wanted to get done with the naughty stuff and get to the sex…
I didn’t get another email right away, so I tried to pick up my work where I left off. Fanning my face a little, I dove back into to my data and started shaping my report for senior management.
Although we had been married for over twenty years, Josh and I hadn’t played this type of game at work before. I value my reputation and hesitate to risk my executive title for a few silly games. But I was having fun today.
Just as I settled in to my task another email appeared.
From: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:47 AM
To: Rachael
Subject: Re: meeting
You must be in the mood for something severe because you are sure asking for it. I am going to have to redeem my male ego and you are the one that's going to suffer. It sounds like a dare and I don't back down. I will win. You will be sorry.
Oh my! Suddenly my pulse was racing. I knew he was only part serious and part playing. But this kind of talk was dropping me into submissive mode. Despite the flutter in my stomach, I had to add a little fuel to the fire.
From: Rachael
To: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:48 AM
Subject: RE: meeting
That’s starting to get my heart going.
We’ll see if you can handle me…
I sent the email off smugly. Let’s see how he handles that!
At this point, I was pretty distracted. I looked at my screen with unseeing eyes and fantasized about what awaited me at home. Tapping the keyboard half-heartedly, I shuffled through some of my junk email to kill time.

From: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:53 AM
To: Rachael
Subject: Re: meeting
I plan to have you well in hand. You'll be begging and pleading. We'll see if you can handle me tonight.
Okay, that got me breathing heavy. I wanted to be titillated. Forget about professionalism, I was horny! Looking for a little email sex, I asked for more.
From: Rachael
To: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: meeting
Tell me what you’re going to do.
While I waited for his reply, I was completely useless to the company. It seemed I was officially taking my morning break, because there was definitely no work being done. My head was filled with amorous thoughts and my body was starting to tingle in places that are not supposed to tingle at work.
From: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 11:05 AM
To: Rachael
Subject: Re: meeting
Punish you until I hear true submission and acceptance. I want to hear in your voice and body that you belong to me. I want you to beg for release. I want you to beg for relief and then beg for more. I will leave reminders that will sting every time you sit. I will take you in whatever way I want and you will do so without question. You will be dominated in body and mind.
From: Rachael
To: Josh
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 11:06 AM
Subject: RE: meeting
How will you punish me? What if I fight you?
Wow. I blew out a breath and tried to calm myself. Trembling hands reached for the keyboard when the phone rang. It took a couple of rings to clear my head and then I picked up the phone and greeted the caller.
“I had to go to the other office.” It was Josh, his voice husky.
Swallowing, I tried to think of something witty to say. Although words rarely fail me, I’m not great at expressing my sexual feelings out loud. “I not good at talking about this stuff.” There was an apologetic note in my voice. “I’m much better writing about my feelings, then saying them.”
“I know.” Josh was not deterred. “I had no choice, I’m in the car.” He paused. “Are you in your office?”

“What?” I was shocked. “I can’t do that here. My God. There’s not even a lock on the door.” I lowered my voice and stated the obvious. “I’m at work.”
“I know.” There was no room for argument in his tone. “You’re behind a desk. Close the door and rub yourself over your pants.”
“Just a minute.” I put him on hold and shut my door. Rubbing my shaking hands together, I picked up the line. “Okay.”
“Touch yourself.” His voice was low.
I ran my hand over my slacks tentatively.
“Put your hand in your pants and under your panties. Touch your clit.” He was calm but firm.
My voice was breathy. “Okay.” I rubbed myself slowly, picturing his hands on my body.
“You’re very naughty today,” he scolded gently. “I think it’s been too long since your last spanking. I’ll take care of that tonight. Are you touching yourself?”
“Yes.” I was falling into subspace. Touching myself in my office at my husband’s command, pushed me over the edge. I was transformed from the tough executive, to the submissive wife in the course of fifteen minutes. Desperately trying to think, I wanted to give Josh some feedback. “Are you touching yourself?”
“Oh yeah.”
I pictured him stroking himself as he drove. My fingers moved faster as my passion built. My mind was drifting further away and the sensations in my body were taking over. Heat built in my center as I listened to him direct my actions. He described what he would do to me that night and my breath caught. “May I come?” I panted.
“No, you will wait until I give permission.”
Oh God. I loved and hated this game. “Please, may I come?” I pleaded.
“No. Wait until tonight.”
“I can’t take it. May I stop touching myself?” I whined.
“Yes, you may. But I expect you to be ready for me tonight.” I could hear the smile in his voice.
“Oh, I will,” I said snickering. And I meant it.
I received one more email that afternoon. I guess he decided to answer my earlier email asking what he would do if I fought him.
From: JoshSent: Friday, February 13, 2009 11:05 AM
To: Rachael
Subject: Re: meeting
You will take down your pants and panties and bend over the stool. If you resist, I will grab you by the hair and put you over the stool. I will tie your hands and feet so you can't move. I will

Do you think I got what I needed that night? You bet I did and I was a sore but contented girl the next day.
.... sorry, I was taking a cold shower! The author of this wonderful story is Jess. Well I should say Jess and her husband since these are the actual emails they shared. So a big thanks to both of them!
Hi Pk, oh gosh Jess has a lot of fun at work. Who knew being an accountant was so interesting!
ReplyDeletelove Jan,xx
My goodness that was hot, thanks Jess.
ReplyDeletethanks PK hope the snow is easing in your area. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs Lindy
I am always so careful at work. Once in a while Sam will send me a suggestive email, but only we understand the code. Nice story to hand us on a Friday morning!
Risky emails at work. Made for a good story though.
ReplyDeleteOh Jess, how on earth did you get through the rest of your day at work. Thanks Jess.
ReplyDeleteThanks PK.
Wow, now that was a good one! Whew, I don't know how she didn't melt into a puddle!
ReplyDeleteNice! I'd be scared to email from my computer.... Now the phone...!
ReplyDeletePK I had Mon off... And boy did it seem like a long week! Totally get it!
Thanks PK and Jess!
Wow! Think risky emails at work just upped the hot factor. Thanks Jess...would love to read more from you.
ReplyDeleteThanks PK...hope you have a great weekend.
Hugs and blessings...Cat
WOW!! I am so emailing this to Master. See if he will want to play like this?
ReplyDeleteTalk about a build up...love this format for a story...and I need a permission now...
ReplyDeletehugs abby