I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and are still enjoying the holiday season. Santa hasn't made it here yet - he's waiting until the boys can join us in January. But my sister and family came for Christmas dinner and that was fun, especially since Mollie cooked!
I'm starting a great story today, another one from Annie. However the first time I posted it I threatened not to post the last two parts until I got some new stories. Hmmm… a thought, but while I think about it please enjoy...
Chapter one
Lost in her book, Jane didn’t hear the delivery truck pull up. In fact, she was so engrossed in the latest romance novel; she didn’t hear the driver enter the store.
Ray cleared his throat and had the satisfaction of seeing her jump to her feet, the dreamy expression replaced by a deep blush, followed by a frown.
“Oh, it’s just you. You startled me, I didn’t hear the door. I’m afraid you’ll have to c

ome back, I have several packages to go out, but they aren’t ready.”
At first glance, Ray was surprised to see how young, and attractive she was. He had heard all about her from the last driver on this route. How she was never ready, always expected them to make several stops, sometimes even wait while she got several orders ready to ship. Jimmy talked about what a pain she was, made her sound like some old lady. Nothing like the cute young lady who was already back to her reading as if he wasn’t standing there.
“Miss, I will be handling your route from now on. My name is Ray and I will be happy to arrange a special pick up for you, but regular stops are made once a day. Your packages can be scheduled for overnight, or go out at the regular pick up in the morning. Which would you prefer?”
“Oh, just stop back, I’ll have them ready later.”
“I may not have been clear, we pick up once a day, and if you are not ready then you can wait until tomorrow.”
Before she could reply, Ray walked out of the shop, got into his truck and pulled off. Jane shook her head; he’d soon learn that she always got a pick up at the end of the day. The old driver had complained but in the end he gave in and stopped each day at closing. Sighing at the interruption, Jane was soon lost in her book as the lucky heroine fell into the passionate embrace of a handsome gunslinger from the old West.
Hours later, as the gunslinger/wealthy rancher rode off into the sunset with the beautiful heiress, Jane was shocked to realize that she had spent the entire day reading. The orders were waiting to be packed, she hadn’t even checked the fax or email for today, and it was closing time. Throwing the orders into boxes she called for pickup, only to be told the driver was gone for the day and would be at her location tomorrow morning. Unable to persuade them to send someone out, she had to be content with lodging a complaint against the new driver.
Jane was late opening the shop the next day. Another late night at the computer trying to recreate a years worth of documentation for the accountant, the process slowed by the fact it was “Love Story” week on cable.
As she struggled to unlock the door, balancing her coffee, an oversize bag of books and her purse, she caught sight of a sticker on the door. The damn deliveryman had already been here. Cursing him, she ripped the notice off of the door, spilled coffee into the book bag and soaked two brand new romance novels she’d been planning to read today.
Throwing everything into a sodden heap behind the counter, Jane started her day with a good, old-fashioned temper tantrum. All the more satisfying as it was conducted over the telephone

while complaining about the delivery driver. Demanding that he be replaced with someone competent seemed reasonable. Doing it at the top of her lungs may have been questionable. Insisting he pay for her dry cleaning and replace her books was too much to hope for, but certainly made her feel better.
Filled with the adrenaline rush of confrontation, Jane logged onto the computer, answered the business email and completed most of the days work in under an hour. Nothing left to do until the next set of documents was delivered, she decided to go shopping. She could replace the ruined books and treat herself to lunch.
Being self-employed had its advantages. Jane enjoyed her lunch, and then decided to splurge with a glass of wine while she eagerly opened a new romance by one of her favorite writers. Two quiet hours later she roused herself with a start. Lost in her book, it took a moment for the voice to register.
“I said, are your orders ready for pick up? I have been by your store twice for the special stop you scheduled; now I find you here, drinking in the middle of the day. No wonder you’re so difficult.”
She looked up into dark blue eyes, framed with the kind of long, black lashes most women would kill for. Eyes exactly like the ones the hero of her current story possessed. Jane smiled, a slow, lazy smile, full of promise. Then his words penetrated the fog.
“How dare you follow me?” she demanded. “I will have orders to go out this afternoon. Don’t be late.”
She gathered her book and stomped out of the restaurant without a backward glance. Ray stared after her, that had to be the prettiest stupid woman he had seen in a long while. She changed speeds like lightening. First the slow smile that sent electric currents right through him, the kind of smile you hope for after a long and sweaty romp in the hay. Then that ice water voice. He started after her, and then stopped. She already thought he was following her, getting arrested for stalking his customers was no way to build a business. He sat down in the booth she had vacated, thinking a cup of coffee and a few minutes to calm down were in order. It would have worked better if he hadn’t gotten stuck with the check she had walked out on.
Jane’s anger carried her back to the shop, got the orders packed, the email answered and a quick research job done and ready for delivery. In between she made several calls to the delivery company, demanding to speak with the owner, who was conveniently out of the office each time.
Ray let the door slam behind him as he stalked into the cluttered shop ready for a confrontation. Jane waved airily, her nose buried in another book, indicating she would be with him in a minute. That was the last straw.
Reaching over the counter, he snatched the book from her hands and threw it across the room.
“You’ve been leaving messages for me every fifteen minutes. What is so all-fired important?” he growled.
The shock on her face was priceless. Then she seemed to swell up, mad as a wet cat, and looking twice as mean.
“I have not been calling you, I am waiting to speak to your boss about your incompetence. Now, you can add assault to the list of reasons why you will be fired. I am a valuable customer, I will not put up with your rudeness, and neither will your boss when I get finished.”
Ray stared at the irate woman, her eyes flashing, voice dripping venom, chest heaving in righteous indignation, and burst out laughing.
“I AM ‘my boss’, lady. I own this damn company. The only reason I’m driving this route is none of my drivers want to deal with you. As for getting me fired, if I didn’t own this mess I’d be refusing to drive your route, too.”
Wiping his eyes, he stopped laughing. Maybe she had the answer after all.
“What I want is to speak to YOUR boss. Does he know that all you do is read trashy romance novels and drink on the clock? Probably not. Maybe you’re the one that needs to be worried about getting fired. In the meantime, you can explain to him why we won’t be handling your deliveries any more. Tell him Ray said you weren’t worth the trouble.”
He was almost out the door when she called out. Turning he couldn’t help feeling sorry for her, she looked so frightened.
“Look, all you have to do is just pick up at the end of the day like you always have. Send another driver so you don’t have to deal with me. But you can’t cancel on me; you’re the only company in town that offers enough insurance for my documents. I can’t just throw this stuff in the mail, there has to be a chain of possession.”
“Do you realize that we guarantee our delivery based on the scheduled pick up? Every time you ask us to come back later it puts my company, and my integrity on the line? And even if you don’t care, I am sure your boss does, or maybe not, if he’s willing to let someone as careless as you handle these precious ‘documents’. You’re lucky you don’t work for me. I’d turn you across my knee for being such a spoiled brat. Something your daddy should have done.”

The whole time he was yelling she was vibrating with anger but the mention of her father took the wind out of her sails. She collapsed into a sobbing heap, wailing like a lost child. He was fine as long as she was spitting like a wild cat, but tears from a woman, especially a beautiful woman, always laid him low. Cursing under his breath he rounded the counter and gathered her into his arms.
“This isn’t worth crying over. I’m sorry if I scared you. We can work this out, just stop crying and tell me what the problem is.”
She clung to his neck, sobbing as if her heart were broken. Before he knew it, Ray was seated in the old chair, Jane cuddled on his lap, still sobbing as he rocked her gently and stroked her back. When she turned her heart shaped face up to him, eyes glittering with tears, he didn’t stop to think. He kissed her tears away, shushing her with his lips until he met her mouth and fell headlong into a dark, wet tunnel of desire that met his tongue thrust for thrust. The kiss went on until Ray was dizzy with the passion of her mouth and hungry for more.
Realizing she was moaning into his mouth Ray discovered he was grinding himself against a woman, whose name he didn’t even know, and that her hands were tangled in his hair as he slid her back and forth across the bulge in his pants. Easing her off of his lap he struggled for control. His whole body was screaming to take her right there.
Jane was consumed by the storybook passion, lost in his mouth and the way their bodies fit together. When he pushed her off of his lap she was shocked to realize that the lover she had been melting into was the rude deliveryman. Without thinking all of her pain and frustration combined with his rejection and she slapped him across the face with a crack that reverberated around the room.
Ray’s response was as automatic as hers. Jane found herself face down over a lap as hard as granite, skirt over her head, panties around her knees and a calloused hand crashing down on her exposed bottom.
“You cretin! I’ll have you arrested, I’ll sue. This is assault. Help. Police.”
She contin

ued screaming, obscenities following the threats, promises to be good fading into flat out bawling. Ray put every complaint, every delay, every minute of overtime and every penny of her lunch into her bottom until it glowed red and hot. The sound of his hand smacking fast and furious almost drowning out the noise of her sobs, he finished up with a volley of extra hard swats, pulled her panties up over her swollen behind, and swung her to her feet. She hopped around, doing the same little dance his sisters did when he spanked them, and looking every bit as cute.
He pulled a handkerchief out of his back pocket and matter-of-factly wiped her face and nose.
“Do you live near here?” he asked, trying to figure out what to do next.
Still snuffling, Jane nodded, but kept her eyes on the floor.
“Where, exactly, do you live?” he tilted her face up so he could see her eyes. Even red and swollen, she had the most magnificent brown eyes. Dark, flecked with gold and green, framed with long lashes dripping with tears.
“I live upstairs.”
He had to strain to hear the whisper. Nodding, he grabbed the phone. He made arrangements for someone to pick up his truck and finish the route, and then called a neighbor to check on his sisters. They were old enough to get their own dinner, and old enough to need some supervision. He had a feeling it would take a while to straighten out the mess he had made.
Taking in the dazed look on her face, he locked the front door, turned the sign over to closed and led her to the back of the shop. Jane was so confused she didn’t even protest when he followed her upstairs to her apartment. He deposited her on the big, over stuffed sofa and soon returned with two glasses of iced tea.
“Let’s start over. I’m Ray Bishop, I own the delivery service you use, pleased to make your acquaintance.”
She stared at him as if he was crazy, then looked wildly around, unsure how she had gotten there, more unsure what he was doing in her living room.
“Now you, introduce yourself to me.”
She couldn’t believe this was the same man who had beaten her just moments ago. He acted as if nothing had happened. In fact his voice was low and coaxing, like it mattered to him who she was. She was a little frightened, what if he decided to throw her over his lap again? A little voice inside asked what if he didn’t. She was sitting in her own living room with a man who had just spanked her and she was sore and tired and more aroused than she had ever been.
“What is your name?” He repeated, sounding exasperated.
“Just Jane? No last name?”
“Jane Marshall.”
“Since it says Marshall’s over the door downstairs, can I assume you are the owner?”
“It was my father’s business. I worked with him until, until…”
She dissolved into tears again and folded up on the couch like a small child.
Ray swallowed the curse on the tip of his tongue and gathered her onto his lap again, silently vowing to control himself this time. She cried as if the world was ending, soaking the front of his shirt and turning the white silk of her own nearly transparent. The tightening in his groin was only the beginning as she buried her face in his neck and settled her full weight onto his throbbing erection.
Easing her into a less distracting position, Ray dried her tears and murmured soothing

words until she raised her face to his and whispered thank you against his lips. He was lost. His mouth covered hers and soon they were straining together. His big hand slipped under her skirt, cupping the the warmth of her bottom and bringing to mind the sight of her across his lap, cheeks red and bouncing with each smack. Turning her without losing contact with her mouth his hand slid between her legs and into a wet and raging furnace.
Fingers moving in rhythm with his tongue she was soon moaning into his mouth and fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. Like magic their clothes melted away and he felt her skin against his. Picking her up with one hand, the other still buried inside her, he fumbled his way to a hallway that finally led to a bed. It had been almost a year since he had felt a woman’s touch, he wanted it to last.
Ray eased her down onto the bed and nuzzled her neck, trailing hot, wet kisses down to the puckered nipples just begging for attention. Jane arched her back, offering herself to him fully, lost in the sensation of his mouth suckling her tender breasts. Moaning, she tried to pull his mouth back to her breast as he dipped lower. Burying his face in her wetness he swirled his tongue around the hard nub until she was screaming with need. One hand cupping her bottom he drove his fingers deep inside her as his tongue flicked against her clit until she exploded, her pleasure pulsing around his finger and sending shock waves through his straining cock.
Mindful of how much he wanted her, Ray held her in his arms until she stopped shuddering, giving himself a chance to slow down. Pressing her into the bed he covered her tiny body with his length, easing her legs apart he stopped. Poised at her entrance, the heat of her driving him wild, he needed to know she wanted him.
“Tell me what you want.”
She whimpered with need, body straining against him. He held firm, teasing her with his hardness.
“Tell me.”
“I want you, please, don’t make me beg.”
He slid into her heat, all restraint gone as they found themselves locked into the timeless dance of lovers. His tongue and his cock matching strokes, sliding deep inside her until her orgasm pushed him over the edge. Buried to the hilt he sent his seed deep inside her.
Jane awakened with a strangers arm around her middle, naked, sticky, sore, and ridiculously satisfied. Just the thought of the things he had done to her caused her cheeks to flush and her belly to tingle. She listened to his breathing, enjoying the sensation of a man’s body pressed against hers. Too bad it would be over soon. Once he woke up it would be that awkward, fumbling for clothes, mumbling about calling ‘sometime’, stage that ruined everything. Right now, it was still like a chapter out of one of her favorite stories. In fact, she was feeling very much the tempestuous beauty mastered by the hard, but tender brute twice her size.
Ray drifted slowly awake to find himself entwined with a woman whose firm bottom was pressed against his crotch. It took only a second to remember how he got there, even less for the silk of her skin to have him straining against her, hot and ready.
Jane felt him stir and steeled herself for the regrets he was sure to have. Before she could ease out of bed his arms tightened around her, pulling her back onto his cock.
“You’re not going anywhere.” He whispered into her ear, beard rasping against her neck, as he slowly rocked inside of her.
If the first time was raw passion, this was soft comfort. One hand between her legs, one teasing a nipple, he eased in and out until she was ready to scream from wanting more.
Ignoring her cries he pulled away from her, deftly flipping her onto her back and placing her legs over his shoulders.
“Open your eyes, I want to see them when I slide inside of you.”
Jane opened her eyes and fell into a pool of blue. His nose touching hers, his tongue darting into her mouth between whispers of how beautiful she was, how much he wanted to feel her pussy around him. They stared deep into each others eyes as he poised against her opening, then slid deep inside in one powerful stroke.
Moving together for an eternity, building a tide that carried them both away, they kept their eyes wide open until they collapsed in each other’s arms, too spent to move.
Ray finally stirred, knowing it was getting late, but hating to leave. He never would have figured a woman so exasperating would be so perfect, fit him so well.
He woke her slowly, calling her name and stroking her face until she opened her eyes, smiling up at him and stretching like a cat.
“I have to go home, but, I didn’t want to leave without kissing you goodnight.”
Good as his word, he kissed Jane deeply, then eased out of her bed.
“Don’t leave, stay with me tonight. Let me wake up next to you.”
“I wish I could. I have homework to check, bedtimes to oversee, and the girls can’t be left alone all night. I’ll see you tomorrow morning when I pick up here.”
Jane’s heart sank, kids, homework, he didn’t act married. She silently watched him dress, the fantasy over. When he returned for one, last kiss, she turned her head.
“Just go. I don’t want you to pretend.”
“Wait a minute. What’s going on here? Everything was fine, and now you can’t wait to be rid of me.”
“I don’t sleep with married men, at least not knowingly. Go home to your wife and kids.”
Ray started laughing and gathered her into his arms.

“This is what we get for falling into bed without a proper introduction. I am not married. I have never been married. My little sisters live with me. Our folks died and I have raised them, so they are like my children, I guess. Now that they are teenagers I try to keep a close watch. I remember what teenage boys are like. Now, give me a kiss and I will see you tomorrow. Don’t make any plans for dinner, we’re going out.”
Tucking her into bed and leaving her with a soft kiss, Ray let himself out.
Many thanks to Annie for another story off to a great start, but if you want to read it all you may need to do a little writing on your own. Send any stories you have to elisspeaks@yahoo.com