I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Our Christmas


This has been a wonderful, calm, peaceful Christmas. Actually, we have a bunch of Christmases. The first was with my dad’s family this past Saturday. And the second was with Nick’s family on Christmas Eve. There were about twenty at each gathering. Yet at each party there was food for about forty. To say that there were tons of leftovers would be a huge understatement. 

At the first gathering we were the only one’s not staying at the hotel, so we got the leftovers from that gathering and then still more at the next party. We decided there was no need to cook dinner on Christmas day – so I froze the pork roast I’d gotten and the three of us, and we relaxed all day. Although I did make a cherry pie.


We slept in, then fixed a nice breakfast and slowly opened our gifts and spent the day enjoying them. We played some games Mollie got and watched It’s a Wonderful Life. Mollie and I each got a new phone and she spent a lot of time getting everything transferred for us and teaching me how to use all the new features. Thank goodness for a child who knows technology.


Now we have two more Christmases to go. We’re going to my sister’s to celebrate with her family this Saturday and finally, finally my boys are coming from NYC on January 8th and we’ll get to have one more Christmas with them.


I hope each of you had a wonderful holiday season too!


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Hi PK,

    Wow, sounds like you have had a busy, but wonderful time celebrating. What a beautifully relaxed day you had. Ours too was very relaxed and we kept the meal simple. The mood was reflective after recent events but it was definitely good for us to be together.


    1. I'm really happy you all were together. We draw strength from loved one around us.

  2. What a wonderful time you time you've had and another special one when the boys come home.


    1. We definitely have extended Christmases and I love it.

  3. Sounds wonderful! :-)

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