Today is the last installment of Catie's story. I haven't heard from her so I guess she has moved on, but I'm thankful she shared her story when she did. Remember we have a brand new story for next week. But for today, please enjoy...
Life in the Burbs
Jade and Liam were settled into the new house now. They had gotten to know their neighbors and had even gone to some parties. No one in the area would have ever dreamed that this nice almost ready for retirement couple had the kind of playroom they did in their basement.
They had slowed how often they were using the room, since some of the newness had worn off. They both were still very happy with it, but Jades butt could only take so much spanking. She had also been very good the last few months. Unfortunately for her, she was about to be in for a session in the P room, which was code for punishment. She hated being sent to the room she had designed for that. She loved being sent there when it was use as the F room, for fun.
It was a beautiful day outside and Liam was at work. Jade decide to go out and read outside next to the pool. She was in her swim suit relaxing in the lounge chair enjoying the weather and the pool. She thought that getting a little tan would make her look even better in the new dress she had bought for a young friend’s upcoming wedding. She was thinking of the cut of the dress and realized that she would have a tan line from her suit. Looking around and listeni

She jumped in the pool to cool off and was really enjoy the freedom of a private backyard. While still in the water, she did not hear Bill, the owner of the house next door, drive up. Bill’s house was uphill from theirs and from their second story windows; they would be able to see into Jade and Liam’s backyard.
Bill enters his house and starts looking around for his teenage boys who were home by themselves today, since his wife was out shopping with friends. He hears them talking and giggling upstairs and goes up quietly to see what they are up to. When he reaches them they quickly move away from the window and look guilty. Asking them what they are up to he walks over and looks out the window. Right about this time, Jade is getting out of the pool. He is shocked to see her standing there nude arranging a towel on her lounge chair. He turns away from the window and asks the boys how long have they been watching. The oldest says he had just noticed that the lady next door was in her pool and had asked his brother to come look, since they were trying to decide if she had a swimsuit on or not. She was in the water and they really could not tell.
He tells the boys to go do something else and it is not polite to be spying on the neighbors. Once they are out of the room, he tries to figure out how to handle this situation. He has become pretty good friends with Liam, since they had moved next door. They thought a lot alike and had a lot in common. He did not want to tell someone else how to live, but with young men in the house, he could not let this go. He also thought that if his wife were swimming nude in the middle of the day while he was away, he would blister her backside. Bill loved his wife dearly, but he had spanked her whenever he thought she needed it.
He had made up his mind, pulling out his phone he called Lith. “I hate to bother you at work, but we have a situation at your house. No, Jade is fine. Well, she is swimming nude in your back yard and I just happened to come home and found my boys watching. She was in the pool and they were not sure if she was naked. I really don’t want to be a bad neighbor, but it is the middle of the day and the kids are home.” Hanging up the phone he was pleased that Liam made sure he knew that he did the right thing by calling him. He said he would leave the office right now and have a long hard talk with Jade about this and it would never happen again. The way he had said long, hard and “talk” made him think that maybe he was not the only man in the area that spanked their wife.
Jade was reading, relaxing and enjoy her late afternoon, when she heard a car pull up into the driveway. She wasn’t expecting anyone, but quickly pulled on her suit. She was walking over to the fence to see who was at the house. She was surprised to see Liam getting out of the car. He shouldn’t be home for another 2 hours. He did not look happy; now Jade was worried that something bad had happened.
She walks out smiling to see what is going on and if everything is okay, but when he sees her, his face lets her know that for some reason he is not happy with her. She tries to stay positive and asks in a happy voice, “Hey hon, what are you doing home so early?”
Liam tells her, “You need to go right now to the P room and I will explain it all to you very shortly.”
Jade hates it when she is not for sure why she is about to have her backside tanned when she is not sure what is the reason until he has already started spanking. Liam has also learned that it is a much better lesson for her if she has some time to think about it before he spanks her. So when Jade asks, “Can you please tell me why?”
Liam, while directing her into the house says, “The boys next door were watching you swim in the nude.”
“Oh no, I didn’t think they were home today. All the cars were gone. I didn’t know.”
“We will talk about it in a min, now get downstairs and be in the bathroom.”
Jade slowly walks to the hidden door and proceeds downstairs. She is very embarrassed that the kids next door were watching her, but they would not have called Lith. OMG, one of their parents must have seen her too. If it was Carol, she would have just called or come into the backyard. They had become very good friends. That means it was Bill. Liam must be totally embarrassed, having the neighbor call to tell him his wife was swimming nude and the kids were watching. She didn’t know how she was ever going to be able to face them. Maybe they would have to move. She loved this house and had worked so hard on getting everything just the way she wanted it.
By now she had reached the back of the basement where the big wonderful bathroom was, she took off her swimsuit and waited for Lith. She knew she was in big trouble, but she also knew this was all her own doing. She actually didn’t need to be spanked for punishment. She was already beating herself up for her lack of discretion, but she needed to be spanked to relieve some of the guilt she was feeling. Why did she not just take the shoulder straps off? Stupid, stupid, stupid. Now she was going to pay for this mistake big time. Liam must think this deserved a harsher punishment or he would not have come home early from work. Jeez, this is not the end result to the beautiful day she had been having.

She heard him close the door at the bottom of the stairs; she was really getting nervous now. She could hear him opening the cabinet on the wall in the other room where all the implements were stored. She used the word implement in her mind and not toy, since she knew it would not be used as a toy this afternoon.
She was almost already in tears when Liam walked into the room. He could tell that she had figured out how he knew to come home and could tell that she was remorseful already. That would not get her out of this discipline session though. He needed to make sure this never happened again. He liked this new house and area and would not be put into a situation that caused them to be uncomfortable in their own house again.
“Guess who I got a call from today.” He asked.
“I think it must have been Bill”.
“Yep, do you know how embarrassing that call was for both of us? What were you thinking? You don’t act like that, especially if I am not around. What if the meter guy would have come this afternoon? What if some of those workmen down the street saw you and knew you were home alone. They could have come and raped you and no one would be here to protect you. You weren’t thinking how unsafe it is for a woman to flaunt their naked body is. I don’t know what I would have done if anything happened to you because you exposed yourself to danger.” Jade had not thought of the safety issue. Now she knew he would not go easy on her. He did not tolerate her being unsafe. It really scared him when he thought of anything bad happening to her. And he always showed his concern with a hard spanking.
“Now, we also have to make this situation right with Bill and Carol. I am thinking that they will have to know about our life style. I can’t live here if the neighbors think that we don’t care that their kids saw you naked. It was not like they were looking in our windows. No, you went outside for the whole world to see. Bill needs to know that I took care of the situation and it will not be repeated. I have a feeling from some of our conversations that he might actually spank Carol too. If that is true, then I am sure that this situation might even make us better friends in the long run. If he doesn’t spank her, at least he will know that we feel your actions today were inappropriate and you will not be sunbathing nude again. Do you agree?”
Jade was almost panicked now. She had never told anyone about this part of their lives. Now Liam wanted to tell the neighbor that he has blistered her butt. “Can’t we just apologize and let them know I will not do this again? They don’t need to know you spanked me.”
“Honey, I think Bill is very much like me. If he knows I took action about this difficult situation, he will feel more comfortable about having to have made that difficult call to me. Men don’t like to deal with situations like that, but he had to think of his kids. Plus if he does spank Carol, we can be even more ourselves around them. We have never had spanking friends before. It might actually be better for us all. Now let’s get on with this.”
Jade knew she could not change his mind. Their secrete life style would be known. Liam must trust Bill, maybe Bill had already alluded to spanking Carol. He seemed to think Bill would not find it out of the ordinary or uncalled for. Carol had made a few comments of having to get something’s done for Bill or he would not be happy with her. It would actually be kind of nice to have someone to talk to about this with. Jade took a deep breath and remember she was required to ask for any spankings and said” “Please sir, I have been naughty and Deserve to be punished.”
This was not how she usually asked for a spanking. Liam could tell she knew she had messed up big time. He would have to not disappoint her and take his time and do a good job of letting her know she had been a very bad girl today and would pay for her actions. She needed this.
He told her to get into the shower. It was a very large open front shower. When Jade designed it she had the builders install handles on the walls in various places. Liam turned on the water and tested the temperature when it was good he had Jade take hold of a set of handles. He then cuffed her to the handles so she would not be able to leave the shower or use her hands. Next, he told her to step a couple steps back and bend over. He sprayed her with water and washed off all the sweat and sun block. Now he produced the rubber paddle. She had not seen what he had brought back to the bathroom with him. This paddle hurt like the dickens anyway, but he now had her backside wet knowing that the sting of this paddle would double if her bottom was wet.
“I thought this would be appropriate since you wanted to be naughty in the water then you should be wet when you are paying the price for that behavior. Don’t you agree? Now tell me why you deserve this.”
He knows she hates having to ask for and admit she needs to be spanked. “I was did not think about my safety, I corrupted minors, and I embarrassed myself and the family.”
He was surprised again that she really was taking this all so to heart. He knew this would never happen again even before the spanking started. “Very good, since you know that you have been so bad and deserve this I will not let you down. You will never want to behave without thinking about the consequences again.”
With that said he brought the rubber paddle down with a good solid blow. Jade screamed and

“Since you are having trouble holding still, I thought this would help you get through this. Good thing the neighbors can’t hear you. We have just started and you have already been making a lot of noise. Try to hold it down, or I might have to add some more on to this punishment and we have just began a long session. Do you understand?” Jade could not bring herself to say anything, but nodded her head that she understood.
Liam began spank her hard with the rubber paddle. After every 5 swats he would run it under the water to rewet her bottom. Her backside was turning a bright shade of red. She was squirming, yelping and stomping her feet the whole time. This appeared to be a very painful punishment.
After he had thought she had been thoroughly punished, he started to free her from the ropes. Once freed she went over and hugged Lith. She was crying and saying she should have never gone nude. Liam could not help but hug her back, but then he took her by the hand and said, “That was only the first part of your punishment. If you are good and take your medicine there will only be two more parts. Your behavior will determine when we are done. That wet spanking was for going skinny dipping in the middle of the day. This next punishment will be for showing your girly parts to the neighbors.”
With that he walked her to the middle of the wooden floor where the U bolts were in the floor and had her spread her legs apart while he attached an ankle to each. He had already run a rope through the I-bolts in the ceiling. He tied them to the wrist bands he had placed on her and started pulling the ropes until she was spread eagle standing in the middle of the room. After tying them into place, he went to the cabinet and got out several items. Jade could only see that he had the riding crop.
“Now we need to talk. Whose breasts and nipples are these?” he asked, lightly tapping them with the tip of the crop.
Jade looked at him questioningly. He had never asked her that before. She thought a moment and said. “Ours, yours and mine”
Liam smiled at that and said, “That’s right. Only we are allowed to touch, see, and play with them, so today did someone else see them.”
“Yes sir.” She murmured.
“And whose pussy is this? He asks as he softly drags the tip of the crop over that area.
“Just ours sir.”
“Well I think they deserve to be punished for being exposed to someone other than ourselves. Don’t you agree?” Liam says as he runs the crop from her breasts to her nether parts.
Jade knows he will do it anyway, but if she does not agree the punishment will be worst. She nods her head.
“Ask for it and tell me why you need this.”
Jade was not expecting this form of punishment. She does not know if she can ask for it, then she feels the sharp bite of the crop across her still tender and aching bottom. “Ask for it now” she hears Liam say.
“Please sir, I should have never allowed another man to see my privates. Please help me learn not to let that happen again.”
“Very good, I will be glad to help you with that.” Liam knows that her privates are very sensitive and that he will have to take care not to be too rough. He starts out lightly tapping her nipples with the leather tip and increases the impact until he can tell she is uncomfortable. Her nipples harden and stand out as her body reacts to this stimulation. This is what Liam was hoping for and reaches into his pocket for the clamps he had gotten for the cabinet earlier. Placing them on each nipple he adjusts them until Jade whimpers as they pinch.
He then moves the crop to her lower regions and runs it along her inter thighs and privates, since her legs are spread he has easy access to the whole area. He lightly taps his target and asks again. “Whose is this?”
“Just ours”
“Don’t ever forget that again.” He says as he gives a sharp flick of the crop tip to her pussy. She cries out at the shock of the blow. Even though it was not a hard blow, the area is very sensitive and cannot take much. Liam is not trying to harm these areas, just make her uncomfortable.
He reaches for his light flogger now. On the first application to her breast, she whines and tries to move her body out of the way. Normally, this would have little effect, but the clamps make the blows painful. He also flogs her between her legs. Even though none of the blows are hard Jade is whining and whimpering trying to get away from the lashes. Liam always is aroused when he is spanking Jade be it for fun or discipline, but this bit of play (play for him that is) has aroused him more than usual.
He decides to satisfy his needs before finishing her punishment. He releases her from her bonds and leads her to his chair. He sits and has her kneel before him. He touches her tender breasts and lightly runs his hands over her clamped nipples. This causes her to intake a quick breath and yelp. He tells her to show her appreciation for him taking the time to make sure she behaves. Jade unbuttons his pants and helps him out of them. He tugs gently on the clamps, so she lowers her body. The result is her face is right at his crotch. She gives him a blow job and right before he comes; he pushes her back onto the carpet and finishes satisfying his needs.
Jade is hugging him and rubbing his back as he stands up are moves over to the straight back chair. She watches him and wonders why he got up. She has assumed that the session is over. He tells her, “Go get the small wood paddle. We need to address the third issue. You endangered yourself by your actions today. You know that is always addressed with a sound paddling.”
Jade’s shoulders drop. She knows he will paddle her no matter what she says and will just add more to the punishment if she does. She also knows she actually did misbehave today and deserves this session, but that does not make getting that dreaded paddle any easier. She carries it back to him and hands it to him as obediently as she can.

Oh man, he is going to make her apologize to them this evening. She sees him getting ready to speak, which can only be bad for her, so she quickly says, “I realize that if the wrong man would have seen me this afternoon, I might have been raped or worst. I am sorry for everything. Please spank me sir.”
She then places herself over his lap. Her bottom is still red from the shower. It will soon be throbbing and bruised. She can barely make it through the 20 swats, but does everything in her power to count all 20 as soon as they are given. She did not get the number out in time after 2 extremely hard swats, so she ended up receiving 22 with the paddle. She rolls onto the floor after the last swat. Lith helps her up and holds her for a few moments, then he tells her to go stand in the corner until he is ready for her.
As she is in the corner, he lets down the bed and puts up the toys. He calls her over and has her lay down on her stomach. He rubs lotion on her very red and bruising bottom. “Don’t you have something to tell me? I can’t believe you would want more right now.”
Jade stiffens and quickly sits up and hugs him. “Thank you sir, for reminding me to be good”. He tells her that he loves her and she is forgiven, but she still has to make it right with the neighbors tonight. Giving her a kiss he tells her to take a nap.
When Jade wakes up Liam is no longer downstairs, she reads a note that tells her to get cleaned up and to put back on her swimsuit. She follows his instructions and looks in the mirror at her bottom. It is still very red and the bruises are turning darker. Liam had concentrated must of his efforts to her lower bottom, her sit spot, right where her thighs meet her bottom. Her swimsuit did not cover most of her marks. If anyone saw her from the back, they would have no doubt that she had just received a very hard spanking. Surely Liam would let her wear shorts when the neighbors came over for her apology. She grabbed a pair and put them on and a tank top feeling exposed in just her bathing suit.
She heard voices out back as you reached the main part of the house. Looking outside she could see Liam and Bill talking by the pool. Maybe she would just go to bed. She did not want to face Bill right now, but as she was turning to go to the bedroom she hears Liam call her name. Dang, now she has to go out there.
“Bill and I have been discussing what happened this afternoon. I let him know that I took actions that would insure that this behavior from you would never be repeated again. Do you have anything to say to him?”
“Oh Bill, I am very sorry that the boys saw me. I would have never done this if I knew they were home. I didn’t see any cars at your house and thought they would be out with Carol. I promise I will never skinny dip again.” Jade says sincerely.
“Well they didn’t see anything. They just thought you were naked, but they weren’t for sure. You were in the pool when they saw you. Liam told me he wore you out pretty good for this. I can’t blame him for that, when I called him to ask him to have you put on some clothes, I thought if that was Carol I would make sure she wouldn’t sit down for a week. Or at least not be wearing a swimsuit for that long to hide her marks. With all this new construction there are a lot of men around here now during the day and you never know, they might just be looking for someone to victimize.”
Jade blushes, “I was reminded of that already today.” She unconsciously rubs her hand over her tender bottom.
“Let me get you another beer Bill. Is Carol coming over for a swim too?” Liam asks now as if nothing out of the ordinary has just taken place. Both men seem perfectly ok with everything and even closer to each other, like a closer bond of friendship has just formed.
“Let me call her and remind her to wear her swimsuit. When I told her you had asked us over tonight she said she didn’t to swim, but I think she will actually enjoy the cool water tonight.”
While Bill is on the phone, Liam step close to Jade and holds her. “See it is all better now. Once he heard I busted your butt, he was no longer upset about this afternoon. He now knows you paid for your bad behavior and you are forgiven. Did you see my note when you woke up?”
“Then why are you not in your swimsuit?”
Jade says, “I have it on under my clothes”
“I wanted you to be only in your suit, now remove those clothes”
Jade protests, “But you can tell I have been spanked. I don’t want them to see that.”
“After this one last thing, we will be finished with this whole situation. It is a man thing honey. He won’t say anything to you, but after seeing your bottom he will know that we really did take care of the situation.”
About this time, Bill is walking Carol over to the pool having just let her into the fence. “Hey girls why don’t you go cool off, while Liam and I talk.”
Both of them seem very reluctant about removing their clothes. Liam walks over to Jade and whispers, “Surely you are not ready to go back to the P room tonight? I might have to get the horse out.”
She gives him a smirk, but complies. The thought of another punishment right now is not on her agenda. She removes her top and hesitantly takes her shorts off. She turns and quickly jumps into the water. Bill was trying to make it look as if he was not paying attention, but he saw a well spanked butt and is now completely satisfied and knows that he and Liam are about to become great friends. They are two peas in a pod.
Carol, who still does not know that Jade was spanked for skinny dipping this afternoon, notices Jades bottom too. She is surprised at the sight. She has never known anyone else who got spanked by their husband. She is relieved to know this and understands now why Bill promised her another spanking tonight if she did not come swimming right now. Bill wants the neighbors to know she was just spanked before he came over to talk to Liam for buying 3 pairs of new shoes. She thinks it might be nice to have friends that you don’t have to hide this part of their lives from. She sees Bill watching her. He signals her to get in the pool too.

She removes her clothes and Jade can see that her bottom is not as red or bruised as her own, but has definitely been spanked in the last couple of hours. Carol turns to enter the water and both men see another spanked butt before them. The guys clank their beer bottles together as if congratulating each other on a job well done.
The girls become involved into a long conversation about their, up to now, secret lives. This is now the beginning of a great friendship for all involved, and you can bet that the ladies will be sharing many adventures that will have them needing a good strapping. The men will be more than happy to help them not get into too much trouble, and if they do get into trouble you can be sure the guys will help them realize they don't want to make the same mistakes again.
I've enjoyed re-reading Catis'e story, she was a real life saver with a four part story - I'm hoping there is someone else writing as we speak. If you're willing to share your story please send it to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
TGIF and PK's Fantasy Friday! The weekend is here, and Ella is all smiles. Enjoyed this story again. Thanks to you and Catie.
ReplyDeleteIt will be June before you know it, my friend.
Hi PK, I can't believe how quickly this year is going. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story, I enjoyed this just as much the second time. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)
They all go quickly, too quickly. It's not only May, it's already the 6th of May. Enjoy your weekend.
ReplyDeletePK, thanks for bringing us this story again. Thanks Catie.
ReplyDeleteYes the year is going far too fast.
That was a good story to repost.