I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Saturday Spankings - Welcoming the newcomers

Welcome to Saturday Spankings!  In this last snippet from Family on the River, the twins arrive only five days after Jenny gave birth to Jane. Having not wanted to wake everyone in the middle of the night with the news, Allie and Ryan decide to surprise everyone the next morning.

Allie called Cassie just before seven the next morning. “Hey honey, how you doing this morning?” Cassie greeted her. “Did you get any sleep?”

“A little, I think.”

“Well soon enough they’ll be here and … well I started to say you can sleep then. But I guess that’s not really true, is it?”

Allie laughed, “Not hardly. Mom, do you mind if we all come for breakfast this morning?”

“Well of course not, but we’ll certainly bring it to you if you don’t feel like walking over,” Cassie assured her.

“Nope, I want to get out. We’ll be over soon. Oh, and Cal and Jenny and their kids are coming too,” Allie told her.

Cassie heard Sue and Annie come in as she called to Lily. “You’re going to need to cook extra. I think Ryan and Cal are coming too.” Cassie loved seeing the whole family, but it was rare for the men to come to breakfast.

Looking through the French doors, she saw Ryan walking by Allie’s side holding her arm, but she stopped to wonder why he had baby Jane in his arms. Then looking past Ryan and Allie, she saw both Cal and Jenny holding babies. It took a moment for everything to register.

“They came!” she yelled. “The twins are here!” She ran forward and yanked the door open. “I… I… why didn’t you call us? Oh, Allie I can’t believe you’re walking! Come sit down.”

All the young parents laughed at Cassie’s exuberance and everyone crowded around to see the newcomers.

 Allie and Jenny both sat gingerly into the softest chairs. Ryan and Cal both handed Allie a baby and Jenny cuddled Jane.

“Why didn’t you call us?” Cassie demanded again.

“We were a little busy, Mom.” Ryan explained. “You remember how fast Christian came? Well, these two were even faster. Ruth wasn’t there yet and I was really scared I was going to be the one to deliver them. But thank goodness Jenny got there in time. She delivered them both, even though Ruth was there in time for the second one.”

Cassie stared at her son, dumbfounded. “Well, what are they?” she demanded. “Did you get your girl or are you the mother of four boys, tell me!”

Allie looked at her eldest, “Christian would you like the honor?”

Christian grinned. “River and I have twin sisters!” he announced happily.

“Oh, my goodness!” Cassie cried.

Tom reached down to give Cassie a hug, whispering into her ear, “Looks like you got your way again.”

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Saturday Spankings - Welcome


Welcome to Saturday Spankings! River had been the first to tell Jenny that she was pregnant. At only five years old, he already seemed to have a special connection to the baby. On the day of her birth he refused to go to school, insisting that she was coming that day and that he had to be at the hospital when she arrived.

River sat quietly for the first hour. He didn’t seem to want to talk. He went into the bathroom several times mostly to get up and move around. He stood looking at the vending machines in the waiting room, but when Tom offered him money River just shook his head. The next time Cassie looked up, River was gone.

River knew she was almost here and he couldn’t wait another minute. Heading down the hall, he hesitated outside Jenny’s door. He pushed it open just a crack to peek in. Everyone seemed busy and he crept in quietly and went to stand behind a chair where no one would notice him. As soon as he leaned back against the wall some lady near Jenny’s feet said, “It’s a girl!”

He couldn’t see the baby, but he smiled knowing she was here. He wondered why everyone was crying. They seemed happy enough. After a few minutes the nurse took the baby over to a baby bed but the nurses were in the way and he still couldn’t see her. His mama and Cal were talking to Jenny as she anxiously looked toward the baby but at last the nurse carried the swaddled bundle and handed her to her mama.

Just then Tom poked his head into the room and gave it a quick scan. “We can’t find River,” he said striving for a calm tone. Allie jerked her head around at the news, but Cal said, “He’s right over there behind the chair. He came in just about the time this little one arrived. Go get everyone Tom, you all can come in now.”

As Tom disappeared, Cal said, “Come on over and meet her, River.”

The boy scurried to him as Cal picked up the baby from Jenny and sat with her so River could see. The boy was mesmerized. “She’s beautiful,” he whispered. This tiny girl was a carbon copy of her mother, dark hair, blue eyes and a beautifully shaped mouth. River could only stare.

“Hey,” he said quietly. The baby’s eyes flew open and she turned her head to the sound of his voice. Their long friendship had begun.

          Cassie is busier than ever with her growing number of grandchildren. And she’s delighted to learn another is on the way, though the news comes from a very unexpected source. Spending time with the grands and working at the shelter home she created takes up much of her time. Even with all this, she manages to sneak in time for a girls’ trip. Both the location of the trip and a chance encounter with an old friend cause Tom’s spanking hand to itch.

When a severely beaten woman shows up at the Shelter, she    inadvertently brings Cassie and Sue into a dangerous situation. Will Cassie be around to welcome this new grandchild?

Family on the River continues the heartwarming and often humorous story of Cassie’s life.

Cassie’s Space series


These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.

Cal’s Law series


Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.


On the River series


In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!

These books do take you through time as it passes, but please don’t think you have to read them in order. Start anywhere. Just grab one and give it a try. If you are a spanking enthusiast, I know you'll enjoy it.


I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had. 


Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.

And, of course, the links -

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River (book one) 

Undercurrents on the River (book four)   

Family on the River (book five)  

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ghoul in the hallway

Our house is getting old, but it’s not one of those ‘creepy’ old houses. I’ve never heard strange noises or seen scary apparitions. Until the other night. There are only two of us living here and while I don’t always keep up with Nick’s whereabout during the day, I know where he is at night. He’s usually in bed by nine (since he goes to work at 2:00 am.) I’m usually in bed by midnight. 

We were still sleeping in the guest room the other night, waiting for the new bathroom to be finished, when I started getting ready for bed. Nick had been asleep for hours. I came out of the bathroom and happened to glance down the hall – and there was a ‘being’ there in the deep shadows. It was perfectly still and wasn’t making a sound. The quick glimpse I got was of something tall, silent, bald, nude, skeletally thin, totally gray in color from head to foot, and ominous. 

Nick is the only other person in the house, of course, but he is not tall, he usually sleeps in a T-shirt and briefs, he’s thin and mostly bald but not at all ominous. Catching sight of this ‘thing’ caused me to really appreciate the fact that I’d just gone to the bathroom. I sprinted to the living room as if being chased by a monster, which I thought I was. Coming into the lighted room, I bravely took another quick look, only to see Nick calmly going into the bathroom.

Not wanting to get him all woken up at that time of night I waited until the morning to confront him. 

“And just why were you looming in the hallway trying to scare me to death last night?”

To which he answered, “Huh?”

It seems my sweet hubby just woke up and needed to go to the bathroom. He was wearing his gray T-shirt and gray briefs. As he came to the door of the bedroom, he saw me going into the bathroom and simply leaned back in the corner of the dark hallway to wait. I suppose it was my fear that caused him to grow a foot in the dark. Nick doesn’t hear well without his hearing aids, so we don’t talk much after they come out at night. That’s why he had said nothing to me.

As Cassie once said, ‘I won’t need a stress test from the doctor, if I survived that, my heart is good to go.’

Thankfully we are back to two bathrooms now! And hopefully no more scary visions in the night.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Saturday Spankings - Tom's the boss, but...


Welcome to Saturday Spankings! In today’s snippet from Family on the River, Cassie has survived her gun battle with Vince and has been released from the hospital. Gratefully she and Tom head home. Tom, clearly the head of the household, soon realized he’s going to have a fight on his hands at a new ‘rule’ he wants to impose.

Tom followed Cassie into the bedroom. He quietly undressed her before undressing himself. They spooned in the bed in their usual position. Tom ran his hands lightly over Cassie’s body and she felt the tension and stress leaving her. Only to fly back in at Tom’s next words.

“You’re done at the Shelter, girl. I don’t want you going back. This isn’t the first time you’ve been in danger when some crazy man tried to get back at a woman there. You’ve built a wonderful place, but it’s time for others to be running it. You need to step away. I mean this, girl. You’re done.”

Cassie was stunned. She couldn’t count the thoughts running through her head or the things she had to say in response. She landed on the safest one she could think of at the moment. “I want to get some sleep.” Then she closed her eyes and said no more.


Waking nearly two hours later, Cassie stretched and turned to Tom. He was awake, still cuddling her. “I love you,” she told him simply. “No woman has ever loved a man more. And I know you feel the same about me. I don’t want to fight with you, but I am going to continue as the head of the Shelter. I’ll have to give it up at some point, but I’m there for a few more years and you’re going to have to accept that.”

“No, girl. I’m sorry, but no. It’s too dangerous. That man shot you in the throat today. A millimeter or two different and I could have lost you. Cassie, I can’t lose you. I won’t risk it.”

“Today had very little to do with the Shelter. Regardless of where Lottie was living, I would have gone to pick her up.” Cassie paused, trying to reason out the best argument to convince Tom. “Think, honey, of all the millions of people you’ve helped through your work. I know you’re proud of that fact. Maybe in my lifetime, through the Shelter I can help a few hundred. But they need the help just as much.”

“But it will continue,” Tom pointed out, “because of you and all you’ve done to establish it. You don’t have to be there personally anymore.”

“Tom, I can give in on most things that you feel so strongly about, but I won’t give in on this. I’m going to continue at the Shelter.”

Tom looked at Cassie, worry and sadness in his eyes, wondering if he should continue to press his point. He was the boss, the head of the family, but he was afraid he couldn’t change this. He was just going to have to live with his fears and worries. For her, he’d have to manage. But he could feel the tightness in his chest and wondered if it would ever go away.

“Honey, just relax. The Shelter is probably safer than The Landing with Leo and his security around. With all that we’ve been through, I believe we’re going to make it to the finish line together,” she told him.

“The finish line? Where’s that?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. Somewhere when we near a hundred twenty, a hundred thirty years old, I’d say. It’s going to take me that long to get all the grandchildren grown. Now, what time is it?”

“It’s almost four.”

“Then we have time. Make love to me honey. Please,” Cassie whispered.

She smiled as Tom’s hands began to roam. It hadn’t taken much arm twisting. They didn’t always swing from the chandelier these days. They weren’t exactly in their prime. But the passion was still there and Cassie had a feeling it always would be.

          Cassie is busier than ever with her growing number of grandchildren. And she’s delighted to learn another is on the way, though the news comes from a very unexpected source. Spending time with the grands and working at the shelter home she created takes up much of her time. Even with all this, she manages to sneak in time for a girls’ trip. Both the location of the trip and a chance encounter with an old friend cause Tom’s spanking hand to itch.

When a severely beaten woman shows up at the Shelter, she    inadvertently brings Cassie and Sue into a dangerous situation. Will Cassie be around to welcome this new grandchild?

Family on the River continues the heartwarming and often humorous story of Cassie’s life.

Cassie’s Space series


These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.

Cal’s Law series


Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.


On the River series


In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!

These books do take you through time as it passes, but please don’t think you have to read them in order. Start anywhere. Just grab one and give it a try. If you are a spanking enthusiast, I know you'll enjoy it.


I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had. 


Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.

And, of course, the links -

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River (book one) 

Undercurrents on the River (book four)   

Family on the River (book five)  

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Saturday Spankings - Breaking the news

Welcome to Saturday Spankings. In today’s snippet from Family on the River Cassie had passed out after being shot while trying to rescue Lottie. Sue has the thankless job of letting Tom know.

Cassie came to not long after they got her in the ambulance. “I’m okay,” she was muttering. As she became a little more aware, she asked in a panicky voice, “Where’s Sue? Is Lottie okay?”

“Shh, shh, Ms. Duff. No talking right now and try not to move around,” the medic cautioned. “There are a lot of important structures in the neck. Please don’t talk and be still.”

“But, Sue…” Cassie tried again.

“I’m right here,” Sue snapped. Tears were still on her face as she barked at Cassie. “You scared the crap outta me! And Lottie’s fine. She’s with Cal.”

“You look like hell,” Cassie told her friend. “He didn’t shoot you too, did he?”

“No, but seeing you bleeding and passing out didn’t help me much.”

“Sorry about that. I think it was just the excitement and a little too much adrenalin,” Cassie told her.

The EMT, trying to bandage Cassie’s neck broke in again. “You need to be still and stop talking.” 

“Lottie…?” Cassie tried again.

“Stop talking!” she was told again.


“Will you shut the hell up and do like they tell you!” Sue nearly shouted at her. “Lottie’s fine, I’m fine. You’re shot in the neck and they want you to be still! Do it!”

Cassie opened her mouth as if she wanted to say more but Sue cut her off. “I’ll call Tom to come to the hospital, and I won’t scare him to death doing it.” She turned from Cassie muttering, “Well, this ought to be fun.” 

“Sue, what’s going on?” was the way Tom answered. Since Sue rarely called him, she could tell his suspicions were aroused already.

“Listen, Cassie had a little accident and may need stitches. Can you meet us at the hospital? And Cassie said to be sure not to scare Allie and Jenny. She and I’ve been talking. She’s gonna be fine, honest.”

Sue knew Tom was torn between rushing to the hospital and wanting to know every detail first. “Just head to the hospital. The EMS should have her there in less than ten minutes.”

“EMS, are you in an ambulance? Tell me what happened!” he shouted.

“See you there,” Sue answered and hung up.

“You’re not very good at breaking bad news, you know,” Cassie muttered.

“I told him to come to the hospital. That’s all he really needed to know,” Sue stated.

          Cassie is busier than ever with her growing number of grandchildren. And she’s delighted to learn another is on the way, though the news comes from a very unexpected source. Spending time with the grands and working at the shelter home she created takes up much of her time. Even with all this, she manages to sneak in time for a girls’ trip. Both the location of the trip and a chance encounter with an old friend cause Tom’s spanking hand to itch.

When a severely beaten woman shows up at the Shelter, she    inadvertently brings Cassie and Sue into a dangerous situation. Will Cassie be around to welcome this new grandchild?

Family on the River continues the heartwarming and often humorous story of Cassie’s life.

Cassie’s Space series


These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.

Cal’s Law series


Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.


On the River series


In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!

These books do take you through time as it passes, but please don’t think you have to read them in order. Start anywhere. Just grab one and give it a try. If you are a spanking enthusiast, I know you'll enjoy it.


I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had. 


Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.

And, of course, the links -

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)
Cassie's Life (book ten)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)
Educating Jenny (book three)
Searching for Home (book four)

On the River (book one) 

Undercurrents on the River (book four)   

Family on the River (book five)