I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Firm

I don't usually push TV shows but if you haven't checked out The Firm I wish you'd give it a look. It's on Thursdays at 10:00 on NBC. I have a special reason that I'd like to see this show do well. No, LJ is not in it. But Josh Lucas is, and he's enough eye candy to make watching the show worthwhile. Someday I'll be able to talk more about it, but lets just say I know more than the news media does!


  1. PK: You are such a tease, telling us you know more than you will tell us.
    But we all love your blog anyway.


  2. PK. ??????
    Found it on Wikipedia, still never heard of it.
    Love and warm hugs,

  3. I always thought he looked a lot like a young Paul Newman when I first saw him in Sweet Home Alabama. It's a good show, quick hour, I just hate that I really have to pay full attention because they keep changing time frames.

  4. I agree with FD you are really a tease.

    I thought the same SG - a young Paul Newman.


  5. FD,
    Bless your heart. I'll tell you more later.

    Just a new show here in the states. With a special star.

    I agree, you have to pay attention. That's hard for me. I'm usually have at least one eye on the computer.

    He's a good looker for sure!
