I love hosting FF because it give me the opportunity to talk to so many different people out here. Some stories are sent by friends that have their own blog, but many come from people who rarely even leave comments. Many of these folks enjoy reading and sometimes, if we're lucky, they break down and write a story of their own.
Our story today comes from a friend who does not fancy herself a writer, but she’s wrong. I kinda had to bully her into writing one. Her story may not be elaborate but I can see in my mind everything she talks about. I think this is a sign of a good writer. Please make her feel welcomed, I’ll tell you more about her at the end. For now, please enjoy…
Real life
I guess this really isn’t a Fantasy Friday story. I can’t write story like all of you all can. I emailed PK to tell her I liked reading and she told me to try writing one. I told her everyone out here seemed like really good writers and I didn’t want to do that then she told me to just write my own story of my life. So I got up the nerve to try.
We’re very ordinary people. Dennis works hard, he doesn’t wear a tie. He comes

Out here you all tall about a dd relationship. We've never called it anything. He doesn't have a ton of rules and stuff but he’s serious about 3 things, keep yourself healthy and safe, don’t lie to him and no sass mouth. I do my best but if I break these rules I get my butt whipped. Our kids have the same rules but they don’t get whipped for breaking them. Dennis says they’re just kids that need to learn. A night with no TV is all we need to use to straighten them right up when they forget. Dennis says I’m a grown woman and should know better.
I lied to him about a Christmas gift I got for the kids. I knew he’d think it was too much and I really wanted to get it so I told him it was half of what it really cost. I write the checks to pay for stuff so I didn’t think he would know but for some reason he saw the bill. He was pretty mad. He went right to the phone and called my mama – she only lives about 10 minutes away. He told her that he sure would like to have some time alone with his wife and could the kids come visit for a while. My mama was tickled and told him to bring them on and let them spend the night. She thinks its real romantic when he does this. Sometimes it is, but not this time.
After he got the kids ready he whispered to me to that I better have my naked butt in the bedroom corned and be holding the hairbrush when he got back. I sure wasn’t happy but I did like he said. I heard him come in later but I kept my eyes in the corner. I could tell he was standing in the bedroom doorway and finally he asked me what happened when I lied to him. I told him I knew I’d get a whippin. And I sure did. He spanked me real hard! I was hollering and crying by the time he finished. He was sweet afterwards and hugged me and

I know this isn’t a real story like you all are used to but I appreciate PK letting me be a part of Fantasy Friday too.
My friend Cathy wrote this story. She says she has been married for 12 years and they have three children. She received her first spanking from her husband when they were dating. Cathy tells me that she doesn’t get spanked often, but she knows it will come if he thinks it’s needed. From the emails we have exchanged I can tell you she loves her husband very much and they seem very close. Cathy, I hope you will write for us again.
If there there are more people out there writing stories I hope you'll please send them to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteYou are a wonderful writer. Story that come from the heart are always the best. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeletethank you for having the courage to share this.
PK, she is a jewel!
Love and warm hugs,
ReplyDeleteYou are a great writer. The characters jump off the page. Please keep writing.
PK: Keep urging her to write more even a continuation of this story.
ReplyDeleteThat was lovely. Thank you for sharing with us. I really do hope you write more.
Thanks PK.
Cathy, your story was so honest and real, I would love to read more.
ReplyDeletepk Finally found your site! Love it. Great job
Cathy that was a sweet story, the love between you two is very obvious. Please write more and don't worry about writing like "the others". This community is full of all kinds of different people and different realtionship styles, but everyone is very accepting. Embrace your difference and share away.
ReplyDeletePk, again you have found another wonderful writer, take care.
Cathy- most of us have to make up what you truly have. Stand tall and be proud and do share with us again. thanks again. Patty
ReplyDeleteUsually people write best when it comes fromt he heart and they write what they know....you have done both here. It is a wonderful account. Thanks for sharing. abby
ReplyDeleteAll I can add is "Ditto"!!!
ReplyDeleteI loved your story, but sorry you had to get spanked with a hairbrush. Ouch!!!
I think Cathy did a great job too! I hope she gets the writing bug like many of my other friends!
ReplyDeleteBlondie, I'm glad you found the place too. I hope you'll be by often.
Honestly,I love the real stories the best!
ReplyDeleteGreat job!
PK: You found another good author and you are so good at bullying potential writers into doing stories. Cathy, that was a very good story and hope you will write more.
Cathy that was great, I think the best part of all stories come from the heart and you clearly have so much love in your life, i hope you get the bug to write again.
I want to say thank you to everyone. You have all been real nice. I would like to write some more stories. I'll send them to PK if I do.