Oh boy it Friday again!! I just loved this one. I have a feeling some folks will see themselves in this story. Those of you that are spankees grab a pillow in sympathy and read on!

Lesson Learned
Sitting at my desk I watched the other women in the office talking about the gathering after work. They were all meeting at the local pub for a few drinks. I was jealous and a bit angry. Oh yes, they had asked me to go but I kindly made some excuse about being busy, having errands to run and not being able to join them. The truth is, after our outing the time before, my husband told me I could not go out with the girls after work for 3 months.
About 3 weeks ago we girls had a great time after work. We were celebrating Trisha’s birthday at our favorite pub down the street. It was a night when dancing was offered and karaoke was available for the brave souls who dare. I had called David that day to tell him I would be a little late but most likely would be home shortly after he arrived. Normally he gets home about an hour after I do. He told me that was fine and we would just go out to dinner after I got home since I wouldn’t be there to fix anything. This news made me very happy since the worst part of my day is having to go home and cook dinner.

The girls and I were having a blast. I had tried my hand at karaoke and actually didn’t do too bad. A couple of us played a game of pool and we did some dancing. It didn’t even occur to me that the band didn’t start until 8:00 and they were on their second break. I only had wanted to have one drink and then go home. Someone was buying drinks for the table so I lost track. Every time my glass emptied, another full one was placed in front of me. I didn’t even have the opportunity to say “no thank you.” The buzz I had from drinking was far more than I had planned on.
Upon returning from the bathroom, I found myself alone at the table. My friends from work were scattered about mingling and chatting, so I reached in my purse for my phone to check the time. When I opened the phone a white light displayed 10 missed calls. I hadn’t heard it ring but then again, the place was too loud to be able to hear a cell phone. I looked at the time and saw it was 11:00. Where in the heck had the time gone? I clicked on the missed call message to see who had been calling, as if I didn’t know. ALL the calls were from David.
“OH NO”, I thought. I totally lost track of time. What to do next was quite a dilemma. Should I drive home or should I call him to come get me? I didn’t live too far away but I was beyond the point I should be driving. He was probably worried out of his mind. He has made it quite clear that I am supposed to stay in touch with him if I’m going to be late or have a change in plans. He’ll be furious when he finds out how neglectful I’ve been, drinking too much, losing

I decided to call David and tell him I was very sorry about losing track of time, that the girls and I were fine and not to worry, I was coming right home. This would not stop the spanking I was sure to get but it may help the amount of anger that has been building up and also cause him to stop worrying. I had put the phone back in my purse on the floor, so I bent over to pick it up. Since my balance was a bit off because of the amount of alcohol, I started to fall off the chair. Just then, a pair of hand caught me before I hit the floor. I looked up to see who had saved me from looking like a fool and it was David. My heart, which was beating extremely fast by now, had just dropped into my stomach. I stumbled over my words “oh h-h-hi honey. I-I was just about to call you”. The look on his face was anything but amused. HE WAS MAD! All the empty glasses were sitting in front of me. He could see exactly how many drinks I had. Even if the waitress had taken the glasses away, it was obvious by the fact that I almost fell off my chair that I’d had more than he allows. “Get your stuff NOW! You are going home”, was all he said.
When we got into the car I tried to explain that I had lost track of time and…..””Mary, I do NOT want to talk to you right now”, he interrupted. We pulled into the drive and David told me to get into the house. “I know your mad David and I don’t blame you, but…he then put his hand up like a stop sign and repeated “I do NOT want to talk to you right now””. He then added “get to bed”. I really wanted to talk to him. I don’t like going to bed mad but I could tell that he’d been worried about me for hours and it’s taken it’s toll. He needed some time to calm down. The morning would not be pleasant but I knew I deserved what I was going to get.
I didn’t even hear David come to bed last night. Once I fell asleep I was really out of it. I looked at the clock to see that it was 9:00 am. I usually don’t sleep this long but I’m sure my body was reacting to the amount I drank. I was thankful for the extra sleep this Saturday morning. As I slipped on my robe, I remembered how much trouble I was in. Would David talk to me this morning, I wondered? Would he just be so glad that I am ok, there would be no punishment? I couldn’t delay any further so I started down the stairs for the kitchen.
There, sitting at the kitchen table was David drinking his morning coffee. ““Good morning David”, I said. “Good morning”, he said. “Get your coffee and sit down. We need to talk.” There goes my heart again, feeling like it’s going to jump out of my chest. I did as he asked and then he began to speak. “Mary, I want you to know how disappointed I am in you. There are several rules you broke but worst of all, I did not know what happened to you.” His tone was firm, yet I could tell he was feeling hurt. “When you didn’t come home, I tried to call you. When you didn’t

“Mary, I do not believe that you intentionally had me to worry. I do believe that you had too much to drink and lost track of time. I just wanted to let you know how your drinking and partying affected another person me! Now, let’s talk about all the rules you broke.” Did I really have to have them named one by one. I was feeling so bad, just about worrying him I didn’t even want to go through the rules I broke. David began” first rule broken: You did not stay in touch with me so that I knew you were safe. Second rule broken: You had more than one drink when you were a driver of a car. Third rule broken: You drank until you were completely drunk. Now, what do you think is going to happen?” Did he really want me to answer that? I knew what was going to happen. “Uhm, you are probably going to spank me.” ““Yes”, he replied. “You are going to get a spanking. I also want you to know that you are not to go out after work with the girls for the next 3 months. Is that clear?” “Yes sir”, I said through tears. David then told me to finish my cup of coffee and meet him in the bedroom in ½ hour.
My stomach was so nervous that I could not drink much of my coffee so I fixated my eyes on watching the clock. I hoped he knew how badly I felt for making him worry. I knew that after the spanking, all would be forgiven and I couldn’t wait to wrap my arms around him and let him know how deeply sorry I really was.

The half hour seemed like forever but the time had finally come to meet him in the bedroom. Upon entering our room I noticed pillows stacked on the bed and three different implements, his belt, the hair brush, and bath brush. David was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Come here”, he said. I walked over to him and he promptly removed my robe. “Mary, as you can see I have three implements today. I will be giving you 50 with each. Do you understand?” ““Yes sir”, I replied. “Get over the pillows and let’s get started”, he said. I climbed over the pillows displaying my bottom, which was now lifted high and ready. I knew this was going to be a lesson I wouldn’t soon forget.
He started with the belt, without a warm-up of any kind. After the 5th swat I knew it was going to be a very long session. I was on fire by the 15th swat begging for him to stop. The swats kept coming hard and fast. He was letting me know just how worried he was. Tears were streaming down my face by the 25th swat and I was only half way through the first implement. Finally, the belt was finished. I had never had so many with the belt at one time. My bottom was on fire. He wasted no time switching implements. I felt the first crack of the hair brush soon
After the brush, he let me rest and catch my breath. He rubbed my sore bottom and told me how much he loved me and how he could never stand to lose me. He then began with the bath brush. The bath brush is, in my opinion, the harshest implement we have. The thuddy pain of a bath brush is something to remember even if you are only getting a few swats. I was to receive 50. David knew that this would be hard on me so he went slowly. Every blow was searing pain. I begged for him to stop but he was true to his word and 50 is what I received. When it was all over, I was sobbing terribly hard. He scooped me up and hugged me. He dried my tears and held me close. “I love you Mary. I don’t ever want to lose you”, he said. “I love you too David”, I said. It was all over. I felt so loved, so relieved, so safe, and so very, very sorry.

Owwwww! Makes me want to rub my butt! I do love a good story. Okay it’s time to vote. Now who wrote this? I do love knowing when you don’t! When I first read it I knew where it came from and still several names came to mind as possible authors. So here are the choices I am giving you. It could be Lori. I think we could all agree that from what we have read about and from Joe, this is how he might have handled it. Then again it could be Maggie. I know she hasn’t been posting in a while but she could have been using her time to write fiction. Have I heard from her ?– could be. Another possibility is Cassie. We all know she has missed a phone call or two and coming to find her is certainly Tom’s style. Or could this just possible be out own Paul sneaking in to give us a view into what what the Dom's are really thinking.
Now it you are saying “I have no earthly idea who wrote it.” Please guess any way. I remember well when Tiggr first came up with the brilliant idea for Fantasy Friday ( and my thanks to her for allowing me to continue it). When you are the author, seeing the voting was so exciting!! Another reason is to let the author know how many people are reading. I see the stats and Fantasy Friday get lots of hits but when there are only 7 or 8 votes you tend to think no one is reading. So even if you have never read a word by these wonderful writers vote anyway!! At least we will know you are reading.
Great story. Compliments to the author!
I just love to see crimson colored cheeks glowing. Another great story to start Friday morning off with.
ReplyDeleteVery nice story. Owwww!!!!
ReplyDeleteDebbie :)
Wow! great story and one of those themes that a few of us can relate too!!! Whoever wrote this my compliments, Ooooo, can I relate... lol!
PK, an excellent story whoever wrote it.
ReplyDeleteI've voted.
Love and warm hugs,
Nice story! Thanks to the author for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteI placed my first Fantasy Friday vote and I'm looking forward to seeing if I was right or not!
No idea on this one, so we guessed. It is very well written though, and was an easy and fun read. Interesting that she was spanked *and* restricted from going out with her friends for 3 months. We don't normally do that. Would rather the spanking be the period on it (whatever it is) and move on with a fresh start. It did seem called for in this case though. Good story!
Todd & Suzy
What a great story! I think if you substitute the name Tom for David, that's a clue for who I think wrote it!
ReplyDeleteThanks, PK!
Wowza I am sending this one to Will for ideas! I voted who cares if I get it write, I just love reading them.
ReplyDeleteThanks and Huggs PK
nice story...ouch! I do not know the writer...but I did take my best guess and voted. :-)
ReplyDeletePK I do love Fantasy Friday!! Who wrote it? I am going to have to think on this.
I love that story. Why do we have to wait so long to find out who wrote it. Oh well, I gave it my best guess.
ReplyDeleteBig Hugs,
Great story!!! And Owww!!! I could use something like that now!
I love your site. I found your site about a month ago and started reading from the very beginning. I finally finished today and am so glad that I ended on a Fantasy Friday. It was one that I could see so vividly in front of me. Whoever wrote it is a very good storyteller. I definitely will be coming back here. Besides, I have to find who wrote this one.
ReplyDeleteWow that was such an amazing story. I loved it. Kudos to the author!! I've placed a vote as well. Can't wait to see the reveal.
ReplyDeleteGreat story..have an idea who wrote it.
ReplyDeleteJess you're righ!
FF is a good weekend kick off!
Debbie, made me feel the same way!
Sleepy, I had a feeling a few would see themselves.
I thought you would like this one Paul!
Elisabeth, I am so glad you voted! Please keep coming back!
Todd and Suzy,I think I like the idea of the spanking being the end of it to. But I guess each dom runs his house his way.
Reeas, Hmmmmm... I think I know who you voted for!
Theresa, I'm with you! But I have a feeling Will will have plenty of ideas on his own!
Terpsichore, I am glad you are joining in!
Cassie, once you finish thinking don't forget to vote!
Lori, keep your pant on - or Joe will be after you!!
Carye, I sure hope you get something like this real soon!
Anon! Thank you!! I don't know when I have had a nicer compliment. I would love for you to drop me an email sometime. I hope you comment again. Make up some name so I will know it's you!
Littlestrangel, Wd did get a good author this week!! Great story!
Mthc, Email me your thought!
Thanks for all the comments guys!! I can tell you it is great fun for an author to see that so many are reading!!
Bringing up the rear here... I hope I got my vote in soon enough!
ReplyDeleteGreat story! There was one line that immediately told me who the author is. If I'm wrong, then kudos to the person who wrote it, this was a good one.
Keep 'em coming. Um, oh yeah, I guess that means me too!!