I hope everyone is having a happy Halloween. We don't celebrate much here now that the children are gone. We don't live on a street that has a lot of trick-o-treaters so hopeful we will just have a quiet night, Fridays have become special for me these days!
And now it's time for the conclusion to Annie's 'Help Wanted' story. I hope you enjoy...
Chapter 5
Amy fidgeted in the line at the air terminal, tears running down her cheeks. After listening to a list of places she could not go she finally demanded to be given a seat on the next plane to anywhere. Funny, acting like Mr. High and Mighty got the job done and she was s

As the flight boarded an official looking man in a white panama suit diverted her from the line dragging her to an empty corridor before she realized what was happening.
“Miss Nelson, I am Inspector Malowii and I need to ask you a few questions. We have received a report of theft from a yacht at our dock. You are listed as a suspect in the matter.”
Amy’s shrieks and string of invective, delivered at the top of her lungs and all directed at RJ Drake caught the inspector off guard. His lips twitched with suppressed mirth as he tried to make himself heard over her temper.
“Miss Nelson, am I to understand you know Mr. Drake?”
“Of course I know the lying bully. I didn’t want to play his games so he sends some trumped up pet policeman to scare me into doing what he wants. You can tell Mr. Drake he needs to find a new “employee” to boss around. I sent him my letter of resignation and I am getting on that plane.”
“I am certain this is all a misunderstanding. However, I must ask you to accompany me to the precinct so that we may straighten it out with Mr. Drake. Once a formal charge is levied there are proper channels that must be followed.”
Inspector Malowii watched the young lady stomp her foot and noted that she was glaring at him throug

“I want to press charges of assault against Mr. Drake. Tell him I said we’re even if he lets me get on that flight.” Dropping her skirt she faced him, arms crossed and looking quite pleased with herself.
Sighing deeply, afraid even a luscious posterior and a wild tale would not offset the headaches and paperwork about to be unleashed by this lover’s spat, he grabbed her arm.
“Miss Nelson, you are under arrest for suspected theft and public indecency. We will sort the details at my office.”
The Inspector smiled in anticipation as he heard his old friend bellowing protests that he was the injured party, not the suspect. His assistant escorted RJ to a holding room as directed. He decided to let them both stew for a few minutes while he enjoyed a quiet cup of coffee and thought about the next phase of his plan. With any luck he could have this all wrapped up in time for a quiet dinner with his wife. It had been too long since he had left his own handprint on soft skin. A matter to be rectified as soon as possible.
Amy had cried herself out and was left shivering and hollow. How could he do this to her after all they had been through. Telling people she was a common thief.
RJ circled the small room like a tiger in a cage, ready to smash something. He knew better than to give that kind of power to a woman. First chance she got she ran off. As if that wasn’t bad enough she had to humiliate him in front of the entire island.

Inspector Malowii sent his assistant to settle RJ and open the mike and curtain, allowing him to see Amy, but not communicate with her. RJ’s heart dropped at the sight of her swollen eyes. She looked like a lost waif, alone in the world. Then he remembered she chose that over being with him and he shook off the pity.
When the Inspector entered the room Amy roused herself, trying to care what happened next was getting harder as the reality of a life without RJ settled in.
“Look, Officer, I don’t want any trouble. I will drop all charges against Mr. Drake if you will just let me get on a plane out of this nightmare.” she pleaded.
“I am afraid we have a much bigger mess than I can sort out at this point. I have Mr. Drake’s accusations that you removed his property without his permission, I have your accusation that Mr. Drake assaulted you, and I have statements from crew members that you were involved in an intimate relationship with Mr. Drake. So, as you can see, this is difficult to work through. I will need further facts to make a resolution.”
“Look, we were involved, or at least I was. Mr. Drake hired me to be his, um, assistant. We were spending everyday together and I got carried away. I see now that I thought we were falling in love but he was just screwing the hired help. I am an idiot for trusting him, he’s this rich, powerful guy and I am nobody, but I thought he loved me a little…” Amy broke off, sobbing, unable to continue.
“I will give you a moment to compose yourself.” Inspector Malowii quietly left the room, feeling quite sorry for the poor girl and more than a little annoyed with his friend.
RJ felt like he had been sucker punched. She was in love with him, but she ran away at her first chance? He watched through the observation glass as she huddled, sobbing wretchedly. He wanted nothing more than to hold her and smooth away the tears, even after what she had put him through. Jerked from his reverie by the slamming door, he turned to face his old friend.
“Are you satisfied by the mess you have made? Is the girl sufficiently miserable now? Or perhaps you would like me to put her in the dungeon? You can’t simply break up with her; you have to be a total horse’s ass in the process?”
RJ was speechless. In over twenty-five years of friendship he had never heard the calm and quiet raise his voice, much less curse.
“Now, Benjie, you know I would never abuse a woman.” RJ began, only to be cut off.
“Bullocks, your handprints are all over her ass. She showed me.”
RJ surged forward, grabbing his friend by the shirt, roaring like a maniac, his punch stayed by the laughter.
“You are a total and complete ass. That fine woman loves you, God alone knows why, and instead of doing something wise, like marrying her, you treat her like a trollop and accuse her of stealing. Now you think to assault an officer because I had the good fortune to see her lovely posterior. She is lucky to have learned your shortcomings in time.” the inspector slammed out the door in a huff, then leaned against the wall smiling. Things were moving right along. Leave the pot to simmer a few moments then stir, he may get home for dinner after all.
RJ was struck to the core by the truth in his friend’s accusations. He loved Amy and he had treated her unfairly from the start. She was paying for his ex-wife’s shortcomings and it was all his fault. Feeling like a complete bastard he realized Amy was calling his name.
“I am sorry I made you feel bad, RJ, it was wrong of me. Are you sure he can hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am, he can hear you, whether he will choose to listen I cannot guarantee.”

Amy pressed her tear stained face to the window and pleaded her case.
“Please, RJ, just let me leave. You have broken my heart and humiliated me, that should be enough punishment, even for you.”
The door opened and RJ wheeled in. Before Amy could speak he gathered her into his arms and settled her onto his lap.
“I love you, Amy, nothing else matters. We can work out the details later. I overreacted when you ran away, I was hurt and I wanted to hurt you back. I am so sorry.”
“You love me? Why would you treat me that way? Ordering me to town, telling me what to wear? Pretending the week on the island never happened? I can’t go back to being your spanking slave. I won’t do it. Just let me leave, you don’t have to lie to me.”
RJ sighed, he had screwed the pooch on this one and regaining her trust was going to take more time and privacy than was offered by the local gendarmes.
“I am asking a favor. I realize I was a complete ass, I misunderstood and was hurt, in the process I hurt you. I am so sorry, please say you will come back to the boat and try to work this out. I love you, I am mad about you, I was trying to surprise you with a wedding and I got carried away. Please come with me, let’s talk.”
“You planned a surprise wedding? YOU decided I would say yes, so no reason to ask me? Were you planning to TELL me I was getting married?” Amy’s tears disappeared and she jumped from his lap. “You are insufferable. A bully. A, a , a toad!”
Inspector Malowii interrupted the tirade, “You both have much to say to one another, however I believe it is all best served in private. I am dismissing all charges. Miss Nelson, do you agree to return to the boat with Mr. Drake?”
“I guess I have a few more things to say to him.” She glowered.
“Then it is settled, I will call on Miss Nelson in the morning to assure myself she is well and happy and free to leave if she so chooses. Mr. Drake, do not make me regret my generosity in this matter. You are free to go.”
RJ was a nervous wreck waiting for Amy. They had agreed to meet in his study to discuss what had happened and she was late. She knew how crazy he was about punctuality. She left him waiting like a fool, with his heart in his hand, she said he abused her, she called him names, and showed her ass to another man. Just as he settled on that as her biggest sin she walked through the door wearing a smile and a pair of stilettos he had never seen before, hair done, make up in place. While he was stewing about Benjie eyeing what was his, she was primping and showing up late just to spite him.
Without thinking he grabbed her arm threw her over his lap, tossed up her skirt and laid into her backside like there was no tomorrow. Ignoring the screams, the name calling and shrieking he beat a tattoo on her poor globes until they glowed bright red and she settled into quiet sobbing. RJ settled her carefully on his lap, the heat burning his groin as she snuggled tight to him, winding her arms around his neck and they cried together.
Two days later the honorable Inspector Malowii escorted Miss Amy Nelson down the aisle of a small island church. At the intimate reception dinner that followed he laughed to himself at the soft pillow placed thoughtfully on the new bride’s chair.
Many thanks Annie for this wonderful story. If another does pop into your head I'd be proud to have it for Fantasy Friday. And of course if anyone else is willing to share a story that would be great too. Send any stories you're willing to share to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Thank you Annie for this great story. Would love to visit them again if you would be kind of enough to share more. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks PK for continuing FF. Hope you and Nick have a wonderful Friday afternoon. ;)
Hugs and Blessings...
This was such a wonderful sto Annie, thank you. I too would love to hear more :)
ReplyDeleteThank you PK for continuing FF. Hope you and Nick have a wonderful Friday and weekend :)
Hi PK, thanks to Annie fir the story. Hope you have a peaceful Halloween ;)
ReplyDeletelove Jan,xx
Wonderful story, thank you Annie! Inspector Malowii did a great job ... and got home in time for dinner and possibly more. Hope to read more stories by you.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Friday, PK. :)
Just loved your story Annie!
ReplyDeletePK thanks as per usual!
ReplyDeleteReally loved your story. Thank you.
Thanks PK. Enjoy your Friday and the weekend.
Great story and I too would enjoy more stories from Annie.
ReplyDeleteA comment. I got whiplash (the bad kind done by speeding vehicles and twisting plots) when Amy's fate and change of heart occurred in a matter of paragraphs. My life experience tells me that deep misunderstandings in a relationship - a standard in DD works -- take longer than overnight to heal. IMHO
But ... I'd would greatly enjoy and still pay money Annie for more stories by you should you go up on Kindle.
PK: Thanks for hosting Annie and best wishes for a Friday fully meeting your needs. Jon