Annie story continues, enjoy...
Chapter 3
Amy flew through her shower and had her makeup and hair done when the fax machine dinged. Her daily schedule, right on time.

Amy, Please cancel previous orders.
We will be leaving the ship, a Bag will be packed for you.
Casual clothing will be fine.
Departure following breakfast.
We will be leaving the ship, a Bag will be packed for you.
Casual clothing will be fine.
Departure following breakfast.
Well, well, Mr. Control was changing the plans for the day. That came as a bigger surprise than his permission to dress herself. Giggling, Amy ran to the closet to find just the right thing.
RJ watched in frank admiration as Amy coolly entered the solarium in a white sundress that showed off her tan. The neckline left little doubt that she was skipping foundation garments for the days outing. He found himself wondering if that extended to skipping panties as well. Acting as if it were a regular day Amy seated herself and served their normal breakfast of fruit and muffins. Knowing he disliked chatter she waited for him to tell her the plans for the day.
"We will be flying out as soon as the pilot is ready. I expect to be back tomorrow afternoon at the latest. I feel it would be a mistake to muddy the waters of our contract. Therefore we will be taking a break. I am inviting you to join me for an evening on a quiet island, no obligations, just a chance to get to know one another. It is voluntary. Once we return to this ship, the contract will continue."
Reaching across the table to take her hand RJ gave her one more chance to back out.
"Will y

"Why, I would love to Mr. Drake. Will anyone else be joining us?"
"No, the pilot will drop us and return at the arranged time. Unless you would prefer we bring a small staff. If you would be more comfortable it can be”
"No, no," she interrupted, "just us is perfect."
Sighing with relief, RJ asked to steward to let the pilot know they were ready. An hour later they were landing on a small island with not a soul in sight. A small cove sheltered a stunning white sand beach and a small boat was tied at the end of the dock. While they looked over the scenery the pilot ran ahead and returned shortly with a dune buggy. Enough boxes to feed 20 people joined the wheelchair and several overnight bags in the back. Once in the buggy RJ waved the pilot on and then hurried forward to avoid the rotor wash from the helicopter as it rose. A path led between the palm trees and opened to a portico in front of a small but lovely cottage. The sandy path gave way to a concrete driveway leading to the front door.
"This is no four star hotel." he cautioned. "We're on our own. I built this place after the accident. I needed a place to get away and fend for myself. I come here several times a year for peace and quiet."
Swinging the wheelchair out he made a smooth transfer and escorted her inside. It was a simple floor plan, the front half offering a kitchen and sitting area, the rear, a bedroom and bath. Each wall had large, floor to ceiling windows, cranked open to catch the breeze and doors opening to the covered patio that ran around the entire house. A sundeck extended off of the bedroom. Each area had cabinets built in low for easy access. Amy was enchanted with the simple elegance.
"It's beautiful! How can you stand to ever leave?"
"Too much of a good thing can render it ordinary. I come here to be alone, but I do have responsibilities and a business to run, I can't hide out forever."
Amy noted the completely masculine air to the décor, the place looked perfect for him, sleek, uncluttered and efficient, but totally gorgeous. On impulse, she ran to him and threw her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.
"Thank you for sharing this place with me."
"I've never brought anyone here before, but it seemed like the perfect place for us to get to know each other." Tipping her face to his, he kissed her deeply. "I want our time to be special for both of us." And I want to remember you here after you've moved on, he thought, kissing her again.
Scooping her up onto his lap, RJ wheeled them into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. He ached with wanting her but resolved to make this last, for both of them. He wanted their day

Amy felt like she was drowning. Whatever it was must be chemical, she mused, he was definitely not her usual type. Of course, falling for the pretty boys with no ambition was how she ended up on this trip in the first place. There was something so solid about him. Even if he was cold sometimes, she wondered if maybe he was just protecting himself. There must be hundreds of women chasing after a rich, good-looking guy like him. Sure, that was why she was here, no reason to hide from the hired help, she was safe and expendable.
Feeling her stiffen and withdraw, RJ knew it was too good to be true. She was just like the rest, dazzled by his money but he didn't have enough to overcome those stumps once they got a closer look.
"I am sorry; this is a mistake, Amy. We'll be leaving as soon as the pilot returns, I'll try to reach him before he gets to the ship."
"You bring me here, treat me like something you bought and paid for, and then get upset if I don't just roll over and spread my legs out of pure gratitude? You miserable bastard."
RJ didn't see it coming until it was too late. Her hand cracked against the side of his face snapping his he

After a few minutes his temper cooled and he was able to acknowledge her biggest offense had been getting inside of his defense. It wasn’t the first time he wanted something he couldn’t have, probably not the last either. Steeling himself for the big “just not meant to be” speech he returned to the bedroom to find her face down, red bottom wreathed with her gauzy dress, and sobbing as if her heart were broken. The sight of his handprint on the creamy skin of her thigh, as if he had marked her as his private property, caused a tightening in his groin. Determined to make up to her for losing his temper he sat next to her and began gently rubbing the sting out of her soft skin.
“Please, don’t pretend that you care about me, it only makes this worse. I have made a big enough fool of myself over you. All you had to do was say no. I hoped to make love with you, but I refuse to be a paid fuck.”
RJ was stunned. He thought it was his handicap that put her off.
“What are you talking about? You’re the one that got cold feet once you got a good look at me. And no one is talking about paying you to fuck, and I don’t expect to hear such language from you again. Things were fine and then you pulled away, looked at me like I was some kind of freak.”
“All I could think of was how you could have anyone you wanted, but you were here with me, because I’m just the hired help, so it doesn’t really count.”
Pulling her up to face him, RJ soothed her and wiped her tears.
“Listen to me; I am here because I want very much to make love to you, not because you work for me, but in spite of it. If you want to leave just say so, we’ll go back to the boat and pretend this never happened. If we stay here, I am going to do my best to make sure this is a night we both remember.”
Amy finally looked him in the eye, “I want to stay, if you do.”
“Let’s start over then.” Leaning forward he gently brushed her mouth with his lips, giving her every chance to set the pace. To his delight she returned his kiss with abandon, slipping her tongue deep in his mouth and melting against him. His hands clutching her hot bottom reminded her of how it felt to be over his lap and she moaned into his mouth.
“I am so sorry for losing my temper.”
Turning her onto her stomach he gently kissed the heated flesh until she was desperate for more. Lifting her to her knees he took in the sight of her, spread open to him, the scent of her arousal strong, her delicate folds framed by the still red bottom. Sliding his fingers inside her he traced his tongue over the swollen nub at her center until she dissolved in spasms. Not giving her a chance to catch her breath he pulled her back onto his lap and slid deep inside, pulling her dress over her head, he rocked them gently and pulled on her extended nipples.
“Oh, please, I want, oh,” Amy babbled with the sensation building.
“I know exactly what you want, but first you get what you need.”
Slowly, teasing and tantalizing, he played her body, drawing another shattering orgasm from her before he began lifting her, his arms under her thighs, holding her open and allowing him to slide deep inside. Knowing he could not hold back much longer he paced himself to her rhythm, and feeling her begin to shudder, lost himself in her sweetness.
They dozed in each other’s arms, a light breeze playing over their sweat slick bodie

“Thank you, Amy, for one of the most perfect afternoons of my life. I have been thinking about your mouth, swollen and soft from lovemaking, smiling just like you’re doing now.”
“Every time you punish me I hope you will hold me and kiss me afterwards. You make me feel so safe. I hate going to bed alone, wishing you were there.”
“Well I’m here now, and I’m starving. How about a picnic by moonlight?”
“You wait right here, I want my picnic in bed.”
Amy ran off to the kitchen and soon returned with a platter of sandwiches and fruit, and a bottle of chilled white wine. After much begging RJ relented and called to cancel the pick up flight. He was in no hurry to return to work, and even less hurry to go back to separate beds. A few days spent in bed with a beautiful woman was not a bad deal, especially one who was willing to get her fanny warmed first.
Amy just knew if she could keep him away from the yacht for a few days he would see that they could never go back to the way things were before. The thought of being sent off to bed, all alone, with a hot bottom, was too depressing.
He may not know it yet, but they were meant for each other, and she wasn’t going to give up until she made him admit it.
Now please don’t worry. There is more to come, and again my thanks to my anonymous friend and fantastic writer. Carye, an old friend, has sent some stories, but just because I have a few doesn’t let you off the hook – I always need more and I hope some of you are going to try a story and share it with the rest of us. Send any stories to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Really enjoying this story Annie...looking forward to the next chapter.
ReplyDeleteSorry you have not been feeling well PK...hope you continue to feel better. Happy to see that someone has submitted new stories...hope more people continue to submit. Happy birthday to Mollie...hope you all have a great weekend.
Hugs and Blessings...
Hi PK, sorry you have been sick and hope you are feeling much better soon. Happy Birthday to Mollie! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great story Annie. Really enjoying this and look forward to the next chapter.
I do love this story Annie. Thanks you and look forward to next chapter.
ReplyDeleteHope you are feeling better sooner. Big hug and Happy Birthday to Mollie.
Hi Pk, Happy Birthday to Mollie, I hope spending some time with her will help you feel a bit brighter
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the story
love Jan,xx
Hi PK, glad to hear you are feeling a little better now. Happy Birthday to Mollie! Looking forward to reading the next instalment. Could do with a hot deserted tropical island myself at the moment!
Glad you are feeling a little better. I do love this story and can't wait for the next part even though I know how it ends.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Mollie - I've got one this weekend too. I'll be happy to share some years with you, if you'd like.
I hope that you continue to get better. Really enjoying this story