We have a wonderful new Fantasy Friday story this week. And in a new twist – I know who wrote it! (I think) Anyway I really like it. And I imagine a confrontation like this has played through many of our minds at one time or another.
Made to Behave
I’m an old fashioned girl. I truly believe in the man being the head of the household. It’s not the norm to think that way in this day and time. According to many of my friends,

I had two long term relationships in my early dating years. In both of these relationships, I tried to get these guys to be leaders over me. Neither one seemed to get it. One of them ended up hitting me with fists instead of spanking me. I doubt spanking ever entered his mind since we were in our teens and he was really just a kid himself, but nevertheless my desire to be controlled ended up in an abusive relationship. In the second relationship, I also suggested being spanked once. His only response was “that wouldn’t do any good”. So, I struck out again. I wanted someone who could control me and make me behave.
As I was dating my now husband, I could see the possibility with him as one who could and would make me behave. I hated the reckless ways I had been living. I wanted someone to save me from myself. We didn’t date more than 2 months before we were engaged. Some were not happy with such a short courtship but I was sure this would work out fine. Well, I soon was to find out.
Because of my previous reckless ways, I had been stopped by the police for speeding about 12 times in the town we lived in and neighboring communities in the past year. My father had been on the local police fo

It got so bad though that these officers got together one day and had a meeting about me. They all decided that letting me go was something they were not going to do anymore. I received a heads-up on this meeting by one of the officer’s wives. That evening I repeated this news to my new fiancé and informed him of all the times I had been stopped. I hadn’t seen any reason to discuss it with him before. He was shocked and made it clear that I was to immediately change my ways. I was no longer to give these officers any reason to ticket me. Ahhh yes, this marriage was going to work out fine.
Michael and I had moved into our new house and awaited our day. Three weeks before the wedding, I was traveling down the road at, well let’s just say a speed above what was posted. Because I wasn’t really paying attention, I was surprised to see the blue lights flashing behind me. Uh Oh, I’ve done it now. But wait, as the officer exited his car I could see that this was a new officer. I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me. He didn’t even run my license. He just asked me if I knew how fast I was going, told me what the speed limit was on that street and ordered me to slow down. Wow, that was lucky.
On my way home, I wondered what Michael would say when he heard what happened. He was pretty firm about my not speeding anymore, but how would he back that up? I guess this is what I’ve been waiting to find out.
As we finished our dinner I decided it was a good time to mention my mishap with our local police. I decided to take the approach of making into a matter of fact statement. I said “Oh my gosh, you would not believe what happened to me today.” He glanced at me with a look of curiosity waiting for me to reveal some really good or exciting news. “I was driving down Power’s Rd. and all of a sudden there was a cop behind me with his light’s on”. The small curious smile on the face of Michael melted to a look of sternness. “Were you speeding” he inquired? “Yes I guess I was but he didn’t even give me a ticket”, I replied. “I thought I

I wasn’t sure if he really wanted me to answer his question of what he was going to do with me but I thought that I’d have no better chance than now to blurt it out. I said, “Well, you could spank me”. He just looked at me with a puzzled look. My heart just sank. He didn’t take me seriously. He just got mad and went to sit on the couch. I cleaned up the kitchen in silence and then went to sit by him. Normally as soon as I sit down on the couch he will put his arm around me. He didn’t budge and didn’t look at me. He was very upset so I asked him if he was going to be mad all night. He just ignored me and I could see that we were in for a very long, silent night.
I knew that if he would just spank me, he wouldn’t be upset about it any longer. I took his hand, looked at him and said “just spank me”. “NO”, he said. “Why would I do that? I can’t believe you want me to do that”. He was becoming very upset. “What’s wrong with it? I want you to.” I said At that, he got up off the couch, grabbed his coat and left the house. I heard his car start up and he was gone. I began to cry, wondering if I could ever explain myself. That was not the reaction I was hoping to receive. How was I now supposed to tell him that I wanted discipline? I was so confused. I cried and waited for him to return.
He must have gone to the corner store because he wasn’t gone that long. When he came in the door, he just looked at me and said “why do you want me to hurt you”? “You aren’t going to hurt me, you are just going to spank me” I answered. He sat down on the couch next to me and shook his head. We sat in silence for about 4 minutes and then he said “Ok, come here”. He grabbed my wrist and took me in the bedroom. He sat on the end of the bed, pulled my pants and panties down to my knees and put me over his. There I was, in the position I had always wanted to be in, now wondering what it was going to feel like. I hadn’t been spanked since I was about 8 years old. My heart was racing and all at once I felt the first slap. OWW! I cried out. Another hard slap. I managed to bite my lip on that one. Then Michael laid into my bottom with slaps coming hard and quick, holding me on to his lap with his free hand. I tried to reach back to stop the burn and

Three weeks later we were married. There have been several more spankings for different matters but never a spanking again for speeding. That first spanking will always be something I’ll remember.
Ohhhhh! That was satisfying! Now comes to the time to vote. Here are some things to think about. Was this an account of something that really happened or the thoughts of a spanker dreaming of what should have happened? Here are your four choices. Sara, from Finding Sara - Lori, from Switching Gears - Elizabeth, from Elizabeth’s Utopia or Carye a faithful commenter.
I don't have a clue who wrote that, but it was an excellent story! Thanks, whoever wrote it, and PK for posting it!
ReplyDeletePK, nice story, thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteI can so relate, Mel had a lead foot and it took more than one hard spanking to cure her.
I have voted.
Love and warm hugs,
I like this story a nice way to start my Friday.
ReplyDeleteBut PK... Now I think Carye wtote it and e-mailed it to Elizabeth who changed it a little. Elizabeth read it to Sara over the phone and then Lori stopped over to see Sara and then she e-mailed it to Eva and Grace..... I have no clue who wrote this one.
*hugs and grins*
Thank you for another great fantasy friday story...I took my guess... :-)
ReplyDeleteNo clue... I figured it was Cassie, LOL. This seems to be much of her life-story! But I voted anyway!!!
ahhhhhhhhhh.. better keep this away from DragonM... I already have 3 speeding tickets since the year started... yikesssssssssssssss... even 2 miles to fast gets you ticketed overhere... as if those cops couldn't do something more usefull and catch rapists and murderers or thieves.. grin...
ReplyDeleteI guessed this one ;-)
have a great weekend...
I don't know who wrote this! I like David's guess.Thank you for another FF PK!
What a way to start out a marriage. Is this true?
ReplyDeleteI voted. I was wrong. I have no clue. But I loved the story!
What a fantastic story, thank you, whoever the author is. I too would have guessed Cassie though. *grins*
ReplyDeleteA great scenario and one that many of us have felt, telling our men we want them to spank us.
I promise I have no knowledge of who wrote this story. (as she crosses her fingers behind her back!)
ReplyDeleteBut I do like this story a lot and since I'm going to have to make a guess, I'm going to say that Lori wrote it, just because whenever someone comments all innocent like, I tend to get suspicious.
But, unless I'm the one doing the tricking, I tend to be wrong every time.
Can we write in Eva's name? hehe... very good story! Great title too.
Todd & Suzy
So some of you thought it was me did you? I will have you know I have only had one speeding ticket in the past 20 years and only 2 in my life! So there. And trust me I have NEVER had to talk Tom into spanking me!!
ReplyDeleteBut since it was not me I do think I have a good guess! Whoever wrote it did a wonderful job! I am glad you are doing FF PK!
Well. i keep asking but SHE keeps evading the question! Good story!
ReplyDeleteVery rarely am i right anyway.
WOW! What close voting! :-) I voted but I'm not saying anything as I'm one of the folks it could be!