Happy Friday! We have come to the end of Annie's story, at least until we can beg, bully, cajole, or twist her arm to continue. I don't have high hopes at the moment - besides her extremely heavy schedule she is about to become a grandmother again and for some strange reason I have the feeling that providing us with excellent spanking fiction is going to take a back set to cuddling and cooing over a baby. Sigh... it was great while it lasted and maybe another story will hit her so hard she can't ignore it. I think she knows she will always have a place her to showcase her writing skills.
She does get by to read the comments and she has asked me to thank you all very much for your kind words and praise. For those of you who need to get caught up you can click back to part 6 and there you will find the link to all the back chapters.
Please enjoy...
She does get by to read the comments and she has asked me to thank you all very much for your kind words and praise. For those of you who need to get caught up you can click back to part 6 and there you will find the link to all the back chapters.
Please enjoy...
Another Chance
Chapter 7
“Do you have an answer for me or do I need to start over?” Bill barked.
Sylvia jumped, startled out of her misery by the harsh tone of his
“I am so sorry, honey. I don’t
have an answer. I don’t know why I try
to hide things from you, I really don’t.”
“Then you are stuck with my answer.
You do it because you want me to punish you.”
He pulled her from the corner and turned her to the light so he could
inspect her bottom. It was a hot, red mess.
Welts from the strap crisscrossed to her knees. Sitting through a three hour family dinner
must have been difficult, but the kids fussing over how her “sciatica” was
acting up surely helped.
“On the bed, on your back, pull your legs up so I can see if we’re done
for the night.”
Whimpering, she hurried to comply, spreading herself open and praying he
was satisfied. There was more coming,
once he promised it there was no getting out of it, but not tonight. Tonight she was exhausted, physically and
emotionally. Bill poked and pinched,
making her hiss, before landing a sharp swat to one cheek and ordering her to
get ready for bed. Grateful for the
reprieve, Sylvia ran to the bathroom as fast as her scalded rear allowed.
Bill sat in the darkened room watching his wife sleep. She was a smart, beautiful woman, far too
smart to keep making the same mistakes.
Whether she admitted it, or he wanted to believe it, he had hit the nail
on the head earlier. She did it because
she wanted, no, needed to be
punished. For the first time it began to
come together. Sylvia had always had a
reckless streak, and had always fought against any attempts to settle her down. Maybe she needed to be safe enough to fight
against her own needs. Bill felt like an
idiot, late to the party again. She
might not have words for this, but she had been behaving loud and clear their whole marriage. He just wasn’t listening. He had been so busy telling her what to feel
he had failed them both. Bill sighed and
pulled himself out of the chair, wincing at the ache in his back and
shoulder. She would never believe it,
but a punishment like this was as hard on him as it was on her, both physically
and emotionally. Sighing again he
climbed into bed with his wife and tried to forget about the unsolved issues
lingering between them.
The next day was a reprieve for both of them physically, as they battled
their emotions and memories through the biopsy.
Careful of the small bandage on her breast, and certain to end each evening
holding her tightly, Bill kept their fears at bay by fulfilling his promise of
six days of punishment. No matter how
his resolve wavered at the sight of her welted bottom, or how frightened he was
of losing her, he strapped her to exhaustion.
Ending each session with the rubber spatula she hated, her gulping sobs
nearly breaking his heart. Yet each day
she was calmer, steadier, leaning in to him as if to comfort them both. By the end of the week she was glowing. At peace in a way he had never dreamed
possible. Bill spent hours holding her,
watching her sleep, and wrestling with demons of his own. It was clear to him that the failures in
their marriage lay at his feet.
Growing up in the 1940’s and 50’s there was a clear set of rules for men
regarding how to treat a woman. Men
spanked their children and their wives, to make a point, to enforce rules, to
maintain order. It was a brief, somewhat
painful, flurry with hand or belt that was clearly demonstrated in yards,
parks, and even on TV. It was nothing
like the brutal punishments Sylvia endured at his hands. Certainly it was never portrayed as the
intense pain/sex connection she seemed to feel, or the desperate need she had
to reconnect with him afterward. Looking
back on their marriage Bill was shocked at the progression her punishments had
taken. He would never dream of
inflicting that level of pain on her for his own needs, but it was clear he was
shortchanging her needs with his idea of what was acceptable. It was also clear that ship had sailed, he
was far into uncomfortable territory long before this.
In the wee hours of the final morning Bill devised a plan; a starting
point for the next chapter of their life together. He had spent years failing to meet her needs,
leaving her to fight for his attention.
Now, he intended to make up for that by giving her maybe a little more
than she bargained for. Keep her off
balance, keep her backside tender, and keep her attention on him instead of
mischief. All they needed was another
chance, a clean bill of health to start their cross-country sightseeing and
spanking tour.

Sylvia was busy packing and sorting, trying to figure out what would be
needed as well as what else could be crammed into the woefully small closets in
the new RV. A slight, lingering soreness
as she stretched and bent kept a smile on her face. The week of punishment was awful, he pushed
her past her limits every single day of it, but, she had to admit she also
loved knowing he loved her enough to keep his word. Now she just needed to get him to the middle
ground; some punishment, sure, and more often, but that strap and that spatula
needed to go. In fact, there clearly was
a space issue on that RV, no way would those two make the cut. Satisfied with herself, Sylvia hummed along
with the radio, wondering what else needed to be forgotten while packing.
Bill let things ride, caught up in the flurry of details involved in his
retirement and getting ready to head out on their inaugural voyage. There was plenty of time. He wanted to be certain her biopsy site and
her bottom were completely healed before he started the new plan. Finding the strap and spatula hidden in the
bottom of the toy box after she “packed” them made him laugh out loud. Staying one step ahead of Sylvia was going to
keep him too busy to miss work.
On a bright fall day they waved goodbye to the family and drove off on
their grand adventure. First stop was
the cabin for a final stay before winterizing it and locking up. It was perfect for Bill’s plan, bringing them
full circle to the place where it all started so many years before.
After unpacking, making the bed, and a simple dinner together they
snuggled on the porch and watched to sunset over the lake. Once twilight settled Bill started his story.
“Do you remember that old Triumph I had in high school?”
“The one that was always breaking down?
Sure I do.” Laughed Sylvia.
“That car was like a woman.” Bill said, smiling at the indignant snort
from his wife. “She was never willing to
do her job unless I coaxed and pleaded, she made sure I put my hands on her,
fiddled with her, kept her ahead of everything else.”
“I thought when I got such a deal on that convertible that it would be a
babe magnet when I got her running. I
had no idea she was the babe and I would never have time for other girls if I
wanted her to run.”
“I used to have a picture of Kay and me sitting up on the back of that
red devil, we looked hot, but I was too smart to ride in that thing. Kay was always getting stranded with no ride
because you never made it to get her.”
Sylvia snuggled a little tighter and giggled, “I wouldn’t have put up
with that for a minute. That car would
have been long gone.”
“And that brings me to what I want to discuss.”
“You’re getting a TR3 for your midlife crisis?”
“I already have one, you. You are
just like that car. If I let you get to
thinking, or don’t have my hands on you long enough, or hard enough, you run
off the rails and leave me stranded not knowing what went wrong.”
“Well, I am not flattered to be compared to an old rusted out bucket of
bolts that rarely started, sucked all of your time and money and ended up not
worth the effort.” Sylvia huffed, ready to work up to a full on temper at the
notion she was anything like that damn old car.
Bill pulled her tight against his side until she stopped pulling away
and kissed her, long and deep, like he meant it to lead somewhere. As soon as she softened against him,
confirming he was on the right path, he went on with his story.
“I learned quite a bit from that car.
Looks aren’t everything, for starters.
And it is past time I used what I learned. You, my love, are just like a shinier,
brighter and smarter TR3. You need my
hands on you, you want me to set the boundaries, and you need me to be strong
enough to hold them no matter how hard you test them.” Bill waited to see if there would be another
outburst but he had her attention now.
“I will be the first to admit that the shortcomings in our marriage are
mine. I am an idiot who refused to
consider you might need things that I didn’t feel comfortable with. You have done an excellent job helping me,
showing me that whatever we want to do together is okay. It has been hard for me, going through the
biopsy scare, and especially the punishments at the same time. But, it was the best thing that could have
happened to me.”
Pausing to drink a little wine and order his thoughts, Bill plowed on.
“I was so worried about some of the things we do together being too
much, that they crossed the line into abuse that I let you wander off too far,
too often. You do need my limits, my
attention and my punishments. And I need
you to be happy and feel safe. Thinking
that I might lose you scared me out of the safe zone and made me see how we
need to change things so we can both have what we need.”
“Oh, darling, I am so happy you can see how much I need you, how I need
your time and attention. This early
retirement is the very best present ever.”
“You left out needing to be punished.”
“What? Oh, sweetie, I certainly love when you spank me, nothing gets my
motor running faster than feeling your hand warming my bottom.”
“I’m not talking about the slap and tickle when we are making love. I mean the butt busting, sobbing, no doubt
who is in charge punishments that you so clearly need to function as the sweet
wife you are after said punishments.”
Bill growled.
“Wait just a minute now, I hate those punishments, they are awful,
and…and brutal, and I never want to have another one, do you hear me,
William?” Sylvia bristled like a cat
caught in the rain, indignant at his acting like she wanted that.
“My point exactly. Those
punishments are terrible for both of us.
I don’t want to ever go through what we did last week again. In fact, I intend to make sure we
don’t.” Bill settled in for the hard
part, and steeled himself for the outrage that was coming.
“I also have no doubt that you truly do need much more discipline that I
have been giving you. Therefore I have
devised a plan. This is non-negotiable;
we will follow my plan for the next month, after 30 days we can talk about how
it is working and whether we need to add to it.”
“You can’t just decide something like this all by yourself!” Sylvia
“In fact, I can. You are happiest
when I take charge, not just in bed, but everywhere else, too. That is a fact. What is also a fact is that you are happier
after a punishment than any other time.
You may not enjoy the strapping, and I know you don’t enjoy that little
spatula, but for weeks after a punishment you walk around sweet and glowing
like a new bride.”
“Now, I am not saying you need what you got last week every time, but I
know you need much more than you have been getting from me, and I intend to
correct that. For the next month I am
going to spank you every day. This is
non-negotiable so don’t start whining or you will end up with a punishment
added.” He gave her a minute to settle
and continued.
“Most days it will be a hand spanking, nothing serious but enough to
make you feel it. Some days I might
split it into two smaller sessions. But,
at least once a week we will have a reminder session with the strap and
spatula, not a full punishment but a shorter version to help you remember to be
“You bastard, you just want to
beat me for no reason”
Bill cut the expected shriek off by jerking his furious wife across his
lap and spanking her hard enough to get her attention even through her
pants. Setting her on her feet he pushed
her toward the door.
“Go inside, take off your clothes, put the strap and the spatula on the
bed, and wait for me in the corner. DO
NOT make me repeat myself or you will get double what I have already decided
Bill struggled not to laugh out loud at the way she stomped off to carry
out his directions, and wondered what the story would be for the missing
items. He gave her ten minutes to think
about it and wandered into the cabin.
Standing in the corner, shivering in dread of what was coming, she
looked like a little girl. There was
barely a blush of pink on her backside; he would send her back to the corner
with a red hot bottom several times before they were done. He loved the stages she went through. Lost little girl, trying to make him feel
sorry for her, red hot mama ready to fuck him anyway he could imagine and a few
he couldn’t, rebel who couldn’t be broken by something as silly as a spanking,
and finally, repentant wife resigned to her fate. He intended to see them all.
“Where is the strap and spatula?”
“Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry, but there, well you know I am used to a
full house and then, of course, the biopsy, and”
“ENOUGH! I told you to put them on the bed. We’ll start with the paddle and see if you
want to be obedient after I am finished with it.”
“No wait, sweetheart, I will explain, honest, just give me a minute.”
Bill jerked her out of the corner, deaf to her pleas, sat on the bed,
pulled her across his lap and started off with a very hard volley with a little
maple paddle he had placed in his back pocket.
It was the perfect size to get her started, it stung like a swarm of
bees but was fairly light and thin, safe to use down the backs of her thighs
while she screeched. Once she was bright
red and reduced to crying, he sent her back to the corner to think about her
answers. This time he enjoyed the view
and her wiggling along with a glass of wine.
Calling her to him, he positioned her between his legs and laughed out
loud when she sank to her knees and grabbed his belt, desperate to divert his
“You can do that if you really want to, but it isn’t what I asked for so
there will be consequences added to what you have already earned.”
He laughed again when she dropped her hands like a shot, and put his
hand on her shoulder.
“Just stay there, on your knees, I like that, makes it seem like you are
really listening to me. Last chance, so
be smart. Where are the strap and
“At home.”
“Did I ask you to pack them?”
“Yeah.” Mumbled softly.
“So how did they get left at home?
And tread very carefully here.”
“I don’t know.”
“Ah, baby, why do you lie to me?
You know what is coming, you know exactly how this ends, and you prove
my point. You may not want this, but you
do need it. I thought you might have
difficulty packing those so I bought some backups. They won’t be as soft and broken in, but you
deserve what you get for thinking you could slide this by me. Go get the new ones out of my dresser and put
them on the bed.”
The debate raged across her face, to fight or surrender, finally she
slowly stood and made her way to his dresser.
The new strap was shorter, with a handle, making it possible to use OTK,
but the leather was stiff. The spatula
was identical to the old one, but bright red in color. She tossed them on the bed and looked to him.
“Get back in the corner and think about the apology you owe me while I
drink my wine.”
She stormed to the corner, stomping her bare feet, the naked rebel in
full swing. He gave her a full thirty
minutes this time to cool her temper. He
knew it must have felt like hours to her, and her attitude clearly was shifting
when he call her to him for the last time.
Without a word he guided her across his lap and paddled her hard and
fast, making certain there was no chance for her to acclimate to the
blows. With no warning he switched to
the new strap, easily raising welted lines across her already crimson skin and
reducing her begging to incoherent howls.
“We would be finished with this now, just a sample so you would know
what it felt like and how hard you might want to work to avoid a full
punishment. I gave you several chances
and yet here we are, again. I think
we’ll spend a few minutes exploring this before we move on to the spatula.”
Without further comment Bill laid into her with a steady pace. He liked the new style with a handle; it was
much easier on his shoulder and seemed to be making a deep impression on his
“Let’s move on, scoot over to the edge of the bed, on your back, and get
those legs up nice and high.”
The spatula was pure torment, striking such tender skin over and over
until she was limp and exhausted.
Tossing it aside he finished with his hand, to drive the point
home. Pulling her onto his lap he held
her as she sobbed her apologies, rubbing her back and marveling at how needy
she was for his touch.
“That was much more than I intended, and it was your decision to turn it
into a punishment. This proves that my
plan is sound. You need to spend more
time over my lap. You need to do a lot
more crying. You need to know I will
give you what you need, not just what you want.
And I need to know you are getting all of those things.”
Helping her into her nightgown Bill settled her on her stomach and got
out the lotion.
“You better let me rub this in.
Tomorrow is a spanking day.”
The teary smile she gave him, and the way she moaned and pushed against
his hand settled any lingering doubt he might have had.
It was going to be a very interesting 30 days.
Awwww... somehow that is so satisfying to me. Annie we can't thank you enough for this story. I will think of Bill and Sylvia out there touring the country, loving and spanking. They have become pretty real for me. Oh, and by the way - Annie sent the picture of the car for me to use... Makes me wonder just how much of this IS fiction.
I have a few new stories left - but I NEED MORE! It's getting cold out there, curl up by the fire or under a warm quilt and set your mind free to fantasize. Yeah, yeah I know what some of you are saying "My story won't be any good." I'll make you a promise - if you send a story that needs work before it's published I'll be honest with you and make suggestion for what you might want to improve and let you continue working on it. I said 'suggestion', heaven knows I'm no expert. I'm just enjoying myself and I'd love for you to be doing the same! Send those stories to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Great story. Sorry this is the last chapter. Maybe she will give in and write a little more.
ReplyDeleteI've said this before and I'll say it again, this is very real for me,
I've been where Bill is, thank you.
PK, please don't lose touch with Annie, she is a treasure.
Love and warm hugs,
WOW a wonderful story! A great place to stop and take a break to enjoy that new babe. (hint)! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
ReplyDeletehugs abby
WOW a wonderful story! A great place to stop and take a break to enjoy that new babe. (hint)! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
ReplyDeletehugs abby
A wonderful, wonderful story. Thank you Annie. I hope we do hear more from Bill and Sylvia.
ReplyDeleteThanks PK.
A wonderful story. Shame this is the last chapter.
ReplyDeleteThank you Annie and PK for sharing this.
Thanks so much, Annie! It really has been a treat for all of us. Happy Weekend-Annie and PK.
ReplyDeleteThis last chapter just sounds like the beginning for me! Please Annie think about more in the not too distant future!
ReplyDeleteAs always Pk thanks for always bringing a smile to our faces with FF stories!
I absolutely agree with Minelle.
ReplyDelete(Yes, stranger things have happened).
This story is indeed just at the beginning, the stage is set, the RV is rolling, let the action commence.
Thanks PK and Annie.
PS Annie, drive South with that RV, winter is coming, and who knows, maybe you will meet PK and discuss the next stories.
ReplyDeletePlease, please, please continue writing! Pretty please?
Hugs, Julia
NO IT can't be the end?? really??? could we have s few more? please? pretty please with cherries on top?
ReplyDeleteThis can't be the end. I love this couple, Annie.
ReplyDeleteYou have done what only the really good ones can do, we're hooked.
Can you help us out and keep going?
Thanks PK
love and hugs
I'm so glad she isn't have cancer! YAY!
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sad it's over. I like these two!
I'm so glad she isn't have cancer! YAY!
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sad it's over. I like these two!
Quick question: Lillie and Ian, your blog is now invitation only, so I can't read it anymore. Could you please invite me?