This was a very busy weekend for me. I love LOL day and running everywhere to try out new blogs and talk to old friends. But this past Friday, besides working all day, I left from work to drive to my sisters two hours away. Then we shopped for hours after that and got up the next morning and shopped some more. Needless to say I didn't get to leave comment everywhere I usually lurk. But I'm going to try to pop in and let my voice be heard soon.
I wanted to participate in 'The Next Big Thing' so here it is. I'll most interested on what you think of my thought on what Cassie and Tom look like.
Sunnygirl tagged me for this. My book is far in the future (probably), but I appreciate the chance to talk about it anyway.
Here are the rules:
• Give credit to the person/blog that tagged you
• Post the rules for this hop
• Answer these ten questions about your current WIP (Work In Progress) on your blog
• Tag five other writers/bloggers and add their links so we can hop over and meet them.
1. What is the working title of your book?
I don’t have one and I could really use some help. What title could I use for my first Cassie book?
2. What genre does the book fall under?
Romantic, comedy, spanking fiction – does that about cover everything?
3. Which actors would you choose to play your characters for the movie rendition?
Richard Crenna for Tom – I know he’s dead but he would still be my choice.
Now Cassie has been in my head for so long I know exactly what she looks like. I think the closest I could come on her would be Ellen Burstyn.

4. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
A book that proves fun, romance, spanking and mostly love, are not the sole possessions of the young.
5. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I’ve decided nothing for sure at this time. I would like to be represented by an agency that could promote the book better than I probably could.
6. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Not an easy question. I’ve been writing the story in some form for 45 years. It covers about the first 6 months after I began blogging and working to put it together took about 4 months after I decided I was actually going to try for a book. I’ve been tweaking it for the past 3 years with more tweaking needed.
7. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I’m a little embarrassed to say that I don’t really read many other books in this genre. I try to keep up with my friend’s blogs, I write two blogs myself and work full time. Then I play with the book itself in my ‘spare’ time. So reading time is scarce.
8. Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Cassie marched into my head 45 years ago and began telling me her stories. For 40 years I just assumed they were for my enjoyment alone. Evidently she wanted a larger audience.
9. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
What I like best about Cassie’s stories is that they are a mature couple, they’ve been together for 40 years and it’s still very much a love story and also finding trouble and getting spanked for it continues into retirement!
Question #10 Tag, you’re it!
I think most of my friends that actually want to write a book or are doing so have already been tagged. I was thinking of some of my Fantasy Friday writers - Maybe you all could do a IF I were going to write a book... and answer the questions as best you can.
Florida Dom
Slightly Naughty Princess
Am I glad that I'm not an author.
ReplyDeleteI cannot be tagged, but I can still ask questions.
So here is my question:
There is a certain age difference between you and Cassie. Let's be impolite and guess that is about 15 years.
Was that age difference always the same? Was Cassie in her early 20's when she first appeared?
Since it is age related you off course don't have to answer!
ReplyDeletevery interesting.
Let me know when the next chapter is done.
Love and warm hugs,
Great post and fun reading about your journey! THANKS for tagging me! I don't know if I have enough to say and I don't have a book. Pooky also tagged me the other day.
ReplyDeleteAll the best with Cassie and getting the book published!
I LOVE that your characters are a little older. Mine are, too, and I think we are in the minority. All the more reason to do it.
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you.
I am so bad< I read early, but through a lack of sleep thought I commented. Can I use two hours of sleep as an excuse? Hmmm I absolutely love the older characters. We still have a lot of sexy in us, we still look good. I love the pix...I pictured Cassie just like that. Seriously I did. Tom, well yep, I think of him as hot. Your choices even if not exactly as you have them in your head are pretty damn close to what I have in my head. lol
ReplyDeleteCan I chant....More Tom and Cassie, and get Cassie to get off her lovely behind and talk to you?
ReplyDeleteWho say’s you can’t be tagged, consider yourself tagged, at least for a Fantasy Friday story. You know you could do it. I don’t mind the age question at all. Yes Cassie is about 15 years older than me now, but it used to be more. When she came to me when I was 11 she was all ready in her forties.
I would really like an uninterrupted time to work on it. What did you think of Cassie’s picture?
Trust me you have enough for a book – your writing is wonderful. Just keep it in the back of your mind; some of your couples might just grow on you.
Thank you so much for coming by. Of course I love hearing about young people in love. But the older couples, now for me, that’s real! I hope you’ll come again.
This has been Cassie in my mind for many years – it just fits her perfectly. I’ve always had a harder time seeing Tom. I’m posting about why I picked Richard Crenna. And if you want more Cassie, you’re going to be really happy soon.
Oh and thanks for tagging me....lowly writer that I am!
ReplyDeletelovely, she is really good looking,
if she wasn't my sister----!
Love and warm hugs,
Thank you for tagging me, PK, I will certainly get around to answering those questions.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Julia