I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

My New Baby

I want to show off my new baby! Here she is:

Cassie on the Move

Cassie’s on the move and loving life. Through paint ball game in the woods and water park adventure she’s gets to know her new neighbors as the new house is renovated.  

Cassie is traveling too; from trips with just the girls, to conventions, vacations, and cruises with Tom and friends, she's always ready for the next adventure. But when Cassie begins having dizzy spells Tom thinks a slower pace is in order. Getting Cassie to slow down and take care of herself proves to be quite a challenge. A challenge Tom is more than determined to take on.

This is my favorite book so far, but then, I hope I can say that about every book I write. I've always like Cassie's stories, but I feel I'm learning more of the craft of writing - with the help of wonderful, patient editors. I hope all of you will like this one as much as I do. I don't have the exact release date, but it will be in May.

Two more things - first, there is a new story beginning at Cassie's Space today. And, second, I'll be showing off this cover over at the Reading Room on Friday. I wanted to debut the cover and blurb here. I know I have readers that read both places, but my readers here have supported me here for many years and I wanted you all to see it first. Just a warning so you won't be  bored by a re-run there.


  1. Anonymous12:43 AM

    congratulations!! ~ Fondles

  2. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I love the cover and look forward to reading this! Congratulations! Amyee

  3. Congratulations PK...love the cover and I do love Cassie! Looking forward to reading about her latest adventures.

    Hugs and Blessings...

  4. Congratulations PK, I am looking forward to reading some more of Cassie's adventures
    love Jan,xx

  5. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait :)

  6. Wonderful PK!! :). I love the cover and am very excited to read more about Cassie. I also think it is neat that you recognize your growth as an author and that this is your favorite! I look forward to reading this. :). Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

  7. PK,
    great cover, but the date girl, the date?
    Love and warm hugs,

  8. Beautiful cover - can't wait.

  9. I am so excited and looking forward to reading your new book. Knowing Cassie, she will get up to loads of mischief.


  10. Beautiful cover PK and I love the blurb. Congratulations! I just love Cassie :)


  11. PK,

    You know how happy I am for you. Love the cover. So looking forward to reading it.


  12. beautiful cover...love it

  13. Love the cover and I can't wait for your new story to be released. I so love Cassie and Tom

  14. Looking forward to this new book, I love Cassie and Tom.

  15. Fondles, Amyee, Cat, Jan, Tia, Katie, Paul, Sunny, Ami, Roz, Ronnie, Terps, Blondie and Patty - I thank you all so much! Sometimes I've thought to ask the questions - Should I drop Cassie and try writing something else, but I don't ask because I'm afraid someone will say yes. And I'm just not anywhere close to giving her up.
