There have been over 260 new stories since I've been hosting! The only thing I can say to that is THANK YOU!! I’ve written two or three stories, but you readers are the ones that have kept Fantasy Friday alive so long. Originally bloggers were asked to submit stories and then we voted to see if we could spot the author. When many of us knew each other and our writing styles that was a lot of fun. I don’t have the voting part any more. Fewer of us were really familiar with the work of others and I wanted to take Fantasy Friday in a different direction.
I love it when my blogging friends send in stories but I also wanted Fantasy Friday to be a place for people without blogs to be able to share their work and get feedback on it. I feel that every spanko out here reading has a story in them. I mean we wouldn’t know we’re spanko if there wasn’t a story or fantasy going around in our minds – something we may have thought or dreamed about for years. Many of my readers have no desire to start their own blogs but thank goodness many are willing to share a story or two with the rest of us. And I know of three blogs that were started by authors that shared their stories first on Fantasy Friday.
I wanted to share this history and as always ask for anyone who is willing to share a story with us to please send it in. But at the same time I want everyone to realize that many Fantasy Friday stories are the writer’s first attempts at writing and many times their first time letting this part of themselves out at all. If you read a story and like it please try to leave them a word of encouragement. I remember the first few stories I ever posted I almost couldn’t sleep the night

I want to say one word about privacy. When I first realized you could comment on a site it scared me. I couldn’t help believing that if I left a comment – even as anonymous – that my real name, age, address, picture, workplace and yearly salary would pop up on every computer screen in the free world. It didn’t. I got a new email account just for commenting so that it wouldn’t spill over into my real life and I haven’t looked back since.
I want to let everyone know that the same goes for any stories you may send. I’ll include any information you may want to share or I will just put that the author wished to remain anonymous. By sending it to me I will have your email address but you can check with the authors of the 260 stories I’ve posted so far and they’ll tell you I have never passed on one of their email addresses to another soul. Well actually you can’t check with them because I won’t give you their addresses but you get my point.
When I don’t have any new stories to post I do go back and repost the older ones. I figure that if the story is more than two year old it will be new for most of you and the ones that have been reading all along – well chances are you’ll still enjoy it. Now if there is anyone who has submitted a Fantasy Friday over the years and doesn’t want me to use it as a repost sometime in the future you need to email me and let me know. I’m assuming that most folks that were willing to share at one time are still willing. But if not, drop me a line.
So one last plea as always, if there is a spanking story in your head – write it down! That goes for everyone. Honestly it will do you good just to capture it in writing but once it’s down if you are by chance willing to share it with us out here please send it in and let me use it for a Fantasy Friday. And for everyone else, remember to leave a comment any time you can to encourage these writers. It really helps. Send your stories to
Hey PK...I will second your request for stories and will always come read and happily comment.
ReplyDeleteHugs and Blessings...
Hi PK, joining you in your request for stories. Hmm, maybe I will give it a go when I get a new computer ...
As anybody who has ever visited my site, you know this is how I got started. I read FF for about a year and then tried my hand. I don't write great literature but most of the time, if you are like me, all you want is a quick escape into another world. So give it a try and I'm sure we will all thank you and enjoy the escape.
ReplyDeleteDon't you dare say that, Sunny, I love your stories!
DeleteMe too lady!! Don't stop writing!
DeleteI don't always get time to read a whole story in one go, and some times I don't get time to comment, but I love and look forward to Fantasy Fridays very much. I think it's about time we had a story from our Minelle don't you guys?
Maybe Ami would be the star of the next one!! Lol
DeleteComing here gave me the courage to turn my stories into books. I am very grateful for FF and the outlet it provides to those of us who not only liked to be spanked, but enjoy writing about it too.
I have always loved FF! Plus I wrote to PK just 2 years ago and my world exploded. I am no great shakes as a writer, but boy is it fun and scary scary to write and wait to hear what people say!!! I wish I had more time I would try again!