I hope you'll come by the reading room and check out another snippet from Cassie's Space.
Today's Fantasy Friday is very special - it comes from a close friend. She's a great writer and I'm so very happy she is sharing her talent here. This story come to us from Terpsichore. Her blog is A Place to Share, so please go by there and read more of her work. But for now, you can enjoy...
Remember your cell phone
Hannah walked into the room frazzled
and out of breath. There was an overwhelming hush followed by sighs of relief and
she was smothered with hugs from her husband and their two friends, Marnie and
Ryan held her and then scolded
a little more harshly than he intended, “Don’t you ever scare us like that
“I’m so sorry,” Hannah
apologized sincerely to everyone. She was trembling and on the verge of tears.
“Where were you? We were all
worried,” her husband said a little more softly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to
worry anyone. I was running errands this afternoon and I thought I left with
plenty of time but somehow got all turned around and became lost.”
Hannah had never seen her
husband angry at her before and felt her body quiver with remorse. He, knowing
it was an honest mistake and sensing her genuine distress, accepted her apology
and then held her in his arms and comforted her.
“I’m sorry I yelled. I was just
so scared. If anything ever happened to you--”
She stopped him mid-sentence
and answered, “Nothing did happen and I am fine and I am really sorry I made
you worry.”
“I know. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.”
She turned to Marnie and Tom
who had kindly invited them for dinner and apologized, “I am sorry I made you
worry, too. I hope I didn’t spoil dinner.”
“No, not at all,” said Marnie
trying to soothe her friend. “I knew you were fine. I cooked while the boys
went to search for you.”
“You went to search for me?”
Hannah asked looking to Ryan and Tom, again feeling guilty.
“I am pretty sure if we did not
go and do something he would have rubbed a hole in our carpet from pacing back
and forth so much,” Tom said chuckling, giving her a hug and then punching Ryan
gently on the arm.
Ryan let a small smile show in
response to his friend’s gesture, but was still not ready to laugh about the
situation. Hannah gazed at her husband who was trying hard to contain his
composure. He had not taken his eyes of her since she walked through the door
and though he had accepted her apology, she could still feel the tension.
“I’m so so so sorry,” Hannah
said again.
“Perhaps if I had a reliable way
of reaching you, I wouldn’t have needed to go searching for you, and there
would not have been a cause for all the worry. I tried calling you at least
five times and every time it immediately went to voice mail.”
“Did I mention I am sorry?” she
asked looking at her husband sweetly and giving him a kiss, breaking the
tension between them.
Ryan let out a little laugh.
“Yes, as a matter of fact you have.” He hadn’t realized he was still so upset
and took a deep breath. Then he asked in a playfully chastising way, “I imagine
you did not have your phone with you?” Clearly he had forgiven her, but had not
forgotten the last hour and a half of searching and waiting anxiously for her
return. He narrowed his eyes at her waiting for a response.”
“Well, technically my phone was with me,” she
nervously admitted.
“Hmmm. Was it charged?” He
smiled at her raising his eyebrow.
“Probably not.” She cast her eyes low having heard this many
times before. She never could seem to remember her phone and when she did it
was rarely charged and he was always teasing her about gluing it to her
“Next time, bring your phone
with you, please, and make sure it is charged.”
“I will try to remember.”
“You are going to have to do
better than that,” he reprimanded, taking her chin in his hand and looking into
her eyes.
“Ahhhh, she said she was sorry. Now kiss her
and make up,” Tom nudged.
Ryan smiled with a twinkle in
his eyes and joyfully complied. “Okay.” And
he took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately, and for a moment
they both forgot they had an audience.
“Young love is so sweet,” Tom
teased. “Get a room.”
Ryan and Hannah stopped kissing,
their faces still an inch apart, and they grinned from ear to ear still focused
on each other. Hannah started to feel better about the whole situation.
“Leave them alone,” Marnie
warned her husband. “Just because you have lost all sense of romance--”
“Just wait until they’ve been
married as long as we have,” Tom retorted.
“They were married a year after
us,” she reminded him.
“Yeah, well one year is a long
time,” Tom said, moving away from his wife just in case she decided to
retaliate. Marnie rolled her eyes at her husband who was forever joking around.
But it was true that after ten years of marriage and two children Ryan and
Hannah still sometimes acted like newlyweds.
Ryan gave Hannah another hug
and said out loud, “I’m glad you are all right. I don’t know what I would do
without you. Promise me you will be more careful.”
“I will,” she promised.
“And if you go out on your own,
you will always have your phone with you, charged and ready to use, yes?”
“I don’t forget on purpose.”
“I know, but I would feel much
better if you remembered.” Then he whispered in her ear so only she could hear,
“When we get home I am going to give you a spanking you are not going to forget
– I am going to whip your beautiful behind to match the color your face is
blushing right now and then maybe you will remember your phone.”
Hannah felt the warmth in her
face rise and tried to hide her embarrassment. As she walked to sit down at the
table Ryan gave her a friendly tap on her derriere, much to her horror and the
smirk of their friends. He sat down right beside her at the end of the table.
All throughout dinner, he reached under the table and tapped her thigh as a
reminder of what she had awaiting her at home. She was certain she was blushing
again as he gazed at her with his deep green eyes and smiled. Her pulse raced.
In part she felt the excitement of anticipation. The other part of her was
nervous as she had never seen her husband angry with her before and while his
smile reassured her that it was all in play, his tone and the words he had
whispered in her ear said otherwise.
Tom and Marnie chatted, not
paying attention to the private glances and silent conversation going on
between Ryan and Hannah. Hannah sat quietly watching, laughing at appropriate
times, and trying to listen, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Ryan gave her
thigh a squeeze bringing her back. She realized her friend had asked a
question. She quickly apologized for being distracted and asked Marnie to
repeat the question and promptly answered.
After dinner, they cleaned up
together and were laughing about some silly story Tom was telling them that
happened at work. The four of them had been friends for a long time; they were
more like family. They were fortunate to live close by and that their children
got along well. It had been a while since they had gotten together just the
adults and they were enjoying sharing adult conversation together, though often
the stories meandered back to their children and how they were doing. Every time they got together, they could not help
but to laugh about good times, old and new.
Only, Hannah was having a hard
time focusing on the conversations. She saw Ryan cleaning a wooden spoon and watched
as he subtly tapped it on his hand. She smiled quietly but inside she felt sick
and her palms were sweaty. Marnie asked if she was all right and she politely
answered she was fine. Hannah excused herself to the bathroom to try to pull
herself together. She started to feel
emotions swelling inside of her that she could no longer contain.
When she returned everyone had
settled in the living room. Ryan approached her and asked, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she answered not
making eye contact.
“You are not fine. You look
like you’ve been crying.”
“I’m fine, really,” she said smiling
trying to fool him into believing her and desperately trying to hold back the
tears that wanted to start again.
Hannah thought she was hiding
it well, but he could see right through her. He always could. He caressed her
cheek with the back of his hand, catching a single tear. He looked to his
friends and said, “Excuse us a moment,” as he took her hand and led her out the
room and upstairs where they could talk in private.
As they came into the hallway, she
whispered, “Honey, we can’t just leave – it is rude. They will think something
is really wrong.”
“Tom is like my brother. I’ve
known him my whole life and I’ve known Marnie almost as long. They’ll survive
being without us a moment and I am sure they will understand. Besides what they
think does not matter. Right now it is important we talk.” He pulled her into the spare bedroom reserved
for guests and closed the door behind him.
“Please. This isn’t necessary.
I am fine really. I just still feel badly about being so late and making
everyone worry. Okay? Let’s go back. I don’t need to talk. I am fine.” She
reached towards the door and Paul grabbed her hand and smacked her bottom hard.
“Ouch,” she shouted as she
rubbed her behind.
“That was for lying. You are
not fine and if you say it again I will take you over my knee right now.”
“I’m sorry,” she cried.
His face softened into a smile.
“I know and I know you feel badly, but it is over and done with. Feeling guilty
isn’t going to help. There is no need to keep punishing yourself.”
It was not “punishing herself”
that she was worried about, but she was not prepared to share her concerns with
her husband. Ryan let her cry and held her lovingly in his arms, kissing her
head and whispering, “It’s going to be okay.”
After the tears started to
subside he stepped back and lifted her chin and said, “Look at me.” She
resisted but he persisted. “Talk to me. What’s going on? Is all of this simply
because you feel badly? You apologized already and we all accepted your
apology. We know it was an accident. Now what is really bothering you?”
“Are you still angry at me? I
don’t like it when you are angry at me.”
“Ahh, is that what you are
worried about?” He laughed. He never lost eye contact. He wiped the wetness
from her cheeks with his hands as she sniffled. “Yes, I was angry with you, but
only because I love you so much. When you were late I was worried something had
happened to you. If anything ever happened to you my life would cease to exist.
I am not angry anymore. He kissed her lips and tasted salty tears. This time,
tears of relief. And, she smiled.
“I love you,” she said.
“I love you, too,” he replied
and gave her a kiss on the nose.
“So then you were just teasing
when you…when you…well…when you whispered in my ear…”
Paul cocked his head to the
side trying to hold back a smile. He knew his wife well. Sometimes she cared so
much she worried incessantly and while he loved her sensitivity it sometimes
drove him crazy. And yet, he did not intend on making this easy for her. So he
listened to her nervous babble and then asked, “When I whispered what?” and he
cracked a smile.
She let out a little giggle,
realizing he was just giving her a hard time and her demeanor relaxed. “You
know very well what,” she said shaking her head.
“I want to hear you say it.” He
stared at her waiting for a response and she could see he was not going to
She blushed. “Were you just
teasing when you whispered to me that you were going to give me a spanking?”
she rattled out in one swift blur of words.
“Oh, no I meant that,” he said
trying to keep a straight face.
The look on her face changed
back to worry. “But…”
“But what?”
“You said you weren’t angry
“I’m not.”
“But then why…oh, nothing,
never mind,” she said, her voice starting to change pitch.
Ryan could tell the tears might
begin to fall again and he pulled her in close to him with his hands resting on
her hips to let her know he was there for her.
“Tell me what you are thinking.”
Ryan reached his hand around
and gave her left cheek a smack. “You are a horrible liar.” He held her hands
and asked her again to share her thoughts and reminded her he wanted the truth.
“I am thinking we should get
back to our friends,” she said trying to break her hands free, to no avail.
“When we are done here. After
you tell me what you are worrying about.”
Ryan wanted her to open up and thought
she would feel more comfortable if she was not looking at him. He sat on the
bed and then patted his lap for her to sit down. She stood looking at him. He
raised his eyebrows and she complied sitting on his lap. It felt nice there,
safe. She loved being in his arms. And he loved holding her in his.
“So, tell me what is going on
in that very complicated mind of yours,” he said running his fingers through
her hair.
“Well, it’s just that when you
threatened to spank me, you were still angry at me and it sounded like
punishment…well, you remember that we don’t do discipline right?” She closed
her eyes, afraid to hear the answer.
“I would call it more of a
promise than a threat. And I remember that you said I have control over ALL
spankings. I get to decide when, why, and how. Isn’t that right?”
“Well, yes,” she replied slowly,
remembering the time when she first shared her desire to be spanked and wanted
him to be in charge and now wondered if she should have been more careful in
her chosen words. She felt her stomach fill with butterflies as he reached over
and kissed her on the head.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes, but…”
“No buts…do you trust me?” He
reached over and kissed her on her neck, giving her chills all the way down her
spine and she smiled.
“Of course, with all my heart.”
“Good.” And he kissed her
“But is it a punishment?”
He guided her off his lap so
they were both standing face to face. Looking into her eyes he said, “I will
take care of you.”
“I know you will.”
“Good.” He kissed her tenderly.
Then her neck on her favorite spot. “Are you still worried?”
“I…uh…” He continued to kiss
her neck and she started to melt.
“Are you feeling a bit better?”
he asked nibbling.
“Ah hah.”
“And you are not going to worry
about this anymore, right?”
“Uh uh,” she said shaking her
head as he continued to kiss her, his hands wandering.
“They will be wondering what we
are up to.” She said trying to deter him.
“Let them wonder.” He smiled.
His hand slid under her dress and found its way under the elastic of her lace
panties, making her gasp. “Do you trust me now?” He continued to explore,
finding that despite her worry, simply talking of spanking had already made her
wet with desire.
“Ummm…we can’t…we have to go…”
“Shhhhhhh,” he whispered and
kissed her long and hard to quiet her endless worrying and chatter.
“I think the idea of a spanking
has you excited.” He said once their lips parted, “but in case there is still
any last bit of nervousness, perhaps a small taste now will ease your worry.
Turn around and lean over the bed.”
“No, not now!” she said
horrified at the thought of being spanked in their best friends’ house with
them downstairs.
He laughed. “Did you just say
no to me?” he teased.
“Yes, I did,” she said teasing
back. Any worry she had felt before vanished. Her only worry now was that their
friends would be able to hear them.
“I won’t accept ‘No’ for an
answer,” he said pulling her to the bed and laying her across his lap, “and for
that, I am going to make you squirm.” He started to spank her as she cried
“ouch” and pleaded with him to stop.
“What if they hear?”
“Then I suggest you don’t make
any noise.”
She giggled as he continued to
playfully spank her. He lifted her dress and slid her panties down slowly and
flung them to the floor and then continued to spank her bare bottom. She
reached her hand back and he held her hand pressed against her back. He spanked
and caressed her and then took a moment to feel her wetness. Then as quick as
he began he stopped. He helped her up and held her in his arms and then kissed
In reality, it had only been a
few minutes but Hannah had become lost in the moment and almost didn’t hear him
say, “Now we can go back to the party. As he started leading her to the door,
what he said finally registered and she said, “Wait, I need to put my panties back
“No. Leave them here. This way
I know you will be thinking of me all night, and when we return home I am going
to continue where I left off. Your bottom is not quite the color I desire yet.
And then I am going to make love to the woman I love.” He pulled her close as
he spoke, grasping her behind and giving a squeeze. She was both embarrassed
and incredibly turned on at the idea of not wearing any panties.
“Well we can’t just leave them
He picked her panties off the
floor and hid them in a drawer. “We’ll
get them later.”
“What if we forget…what if they
find it?”
“What if I take you over my
knee again, only this time in front of our friends?”
Her face returned to a lovely
pink, though she knew he never would, or would he? “Okay, fine, you win,” she agreed.
“Always.” He smiled and she
smiled back. As they headed out the door he gave her one last smack to
Terps, you don't know how much I appreciate you sending me a story. We have been friends for years, long before I bullied you into blogging, and your kind gentleness has always been apparent. I hope you'll do more writing out here. Whether you let me grab it for a Fantasy Friday or you post it on your own site, we want to read more of your work. I hope others are willing to share with us too. Please send any stories to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Lovely story Terps I agre with Elis, you should write more often.
ReplyDeleteThanks to both you ladies.
Thanks, Sunny! You are kind. :-)
DeleteGreat story Terps, I really enjoyed this. I agree, I hope you write more often too.
ReplyDeleteThank you both. Have a great weekend :)
Thanks, Roz. Glad you enjoyed my story. I appreciate the encouragement. :-) Hugs
DeleteLovely story Terps - do write some more!
Thanks, DF. I am always creating something whether it is writing, dancing, baking, or doing arts and crafts...so I am sure I will write again...someday... :-) Hugs
ReplyDeletea really nice story, thank you Terps.
Love and warm hugs,
Thanks, Paul. I am glad you enjoyed the story. Hugs :-)
DeleteOh this is absolutely great, Terps! I enjoyed it so much! Should've brought my coffee in here to drink whilst I read it!
ReplyDeleteDare I confess that one of my worst faults is forgetting my stupid mobile phone?! Well, I certainly won't let Dan read this story of yours!
Get her to write more PK!
Thank-you so much, Ami! I am really glad you liked it. Yes, I always forget mine too...the scenario is fiction but could easily be true for me...at least in my fantasy :-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed your story. Thanks.
I second Ami, bully her into writing more for us PK:)
Thanks, Ronnie. I am glad you enjoyed my story. This is, in fact, my second FF story...the first I wrote about 6 years ago...so given time I am sure there will be another ;-) wink wink :-) LOL
DeleteGreat story Terps. I have been "cel phone' trouble. Love all the aniticipation in this storyl
ReplyDeletehugs abby
thanks Abby. I am glad you liked it! :-) Sorry you have been in real cell phone trouble...did it help you to remember the next time? Hopefully... :-) I truly think I am hopeless - fiction story, but there is some truth to it - I never remember my phone and when I do it is rarely charged. Hugs
ReplyDeleteThank-you so much for hosting my story and for all the kind words you wrote. I truly appreciate your kindness and your friendship. I am glad to be your friend! :-) Hugs!
Thank you for a wonderful story Terps...looking forward to the next chapter of these two. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting FF Elis...you are awesome!
Hugs and Blessings...
Thanks, Cat. Glad you like it! Hugs
DeleteVery cute story Terps. gonna read up on your blog tomorrow :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Daisy! :-) Glad you enjoyed it.
DeleteTerps I know I am so late here but gosh this was so great!! REALLY great story!! You have such a way of conveying emotion...and...anticipation.
ReplyDeleteThanks PK!
Ah, thanks Minelle. You are so very sweet. Glad you enjoyed and that you felt the emotion and anticipation in the story. :-) Hugs
DeleteHi Terps, :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVED your story!!! Really had me wondering what would happen next- I loved how sweet and playful and caring this couple was!! I do hope that you will write more ! Nice job! :)
Thanks so much for hosting, Elis!!! Many hugs to you both,
<3 Katie
Thanks, Katie! I am pretty sure I know what happens next - it lives in my imagination... :-) Thanks again for your kind words. Hugs!
DeleteFabulous!!! Yes, please write more!!!!
ReplyDeletethanks, Sarah...I will see what I can do... :-)