Please enjoy...
Chapter One: Remember
and Kat’s house, a few months earlier)
I wake
up with a start in the middle of the night. Natalie has been having nightmares
lately, and even though we’re still shy and awkward with each other, I have
taken to sleeping next to her. As if we are still little girls and sharing her
bed for a sleepover. Sometimes she cries, and as long as she is not fully awake
I can stroke her back until she calms down. When she cries while still
half-asleep, she lets me reach for her.
Natalie is dreaming peacefully with her covers half off and one leg hanging
over the side of the bed. I sit up as carefully as I can in order not to
disturb her, and I pat the sheet and blankets into place. I straighten her leg
so it is back on the bed. I want to snuggle up against her as if we really are
little girls again, but I am afraid I will wake her. Instead I sit
cross-legged, shivering a bit in the cool night air, and watch her breathing in
and out. It is hard to believe only yesterday I got her spare key from her
neighbor, broke in, and confronted a screaming, swearing Natalie who told me to
get out of her house. Only a few weeks ago I was sure I never wanted to see her
“That’s it! I’ve had enough of your
back talk. You’re not staying home alone while I’m at work!”
“I’ve had enough of your rules!” I
screamed. “I’m sick of being treated like a child when I’m a full-grown adult!
I’m moving out, and you can’t stop me! You’re the one making me crazy!”
Natalie flinched. “You tried to kill
yourself! Twice! What am I supposed to do, hand you the pills and say good
“They let me out of the hospital
because I was better, but all you do is control me! For God’s sake, taking away
scissors and making me stay with Lily like I’m a two-year-old who needs a
“I trusted you! I trusted you twice,
and both times I found you in the ER! Don’t yell at me for not believing you
when you lied!”
“When I said you could be in charge of
me, I didn’t mean this! You’re twisting everything so you can keep control over
every tiny thing in my life.”
“Because I want you to have a life! I want you alive! You want me
to wake up one day and find you dead on the bathroom floor?”
“If you keep driving me crazy, maybe
you will!”
Natalie’s face drained of all color.
She tried to sit down but missed the chair and fell to the floor instead. She
knocked her head against the corner of the table on her way down, and by the
time I got to her a bruise was already forming above her left eye. I did
that, a horrified,
monstrous voice told me. I thrust an ice pack at her and lunged for the
bathroom, heaving over the toilet until I realized that the lurching upward
motions of my stomach were useless without any food to expel.
shiver and rub Natalie’s back as gently as I can. We have not spoken of that
day again. Or of any that followed. If I bring it up, she may throw me out. I
am still not quite sure this isn’t all a dream and I won’t wake up in my tiny,
dreary efficiency apartment twenty minutes away. I
asked Natalie what will happen next because I am afraid to know. As long as we
pretend it is no big deal for me to be here, maybe it won’t be.
The next day, Natalie handed me the
“for rent” section of the newspaper with efficiencies circled.
“It’s all one room,” she explained,
“but it’s a lot cheaper. And you have some money saved even with your medical
I tried to apologize, but she cut me
“If you don’t have enough for a deposit right away, I can help you.” “It’s
okay,” I muttered, embarrassed. “You’ve done enough already.” “Oh. Have I?”
Natalie’s face closes in on itself, and she says no more.
wanted more freedom, but I didn’t want to leave. But how could I make Natalie
listen when she only told me to go? It was as if she couldn’t get rid of me
fast enough. Still, as she always had, she gave to me. The way she and her
family had done nothing but give to me for as long as I had known them. All I
had was shame without words.
It took less than a day to pack.
Natalie came into what would again be her guestroom and sat on my bed. Her bed.
“Katya,” she said.
I wanted to sit next to her, but I
was afraid. I wanted to beg her for another chance, to cry it was all a
mistake, to confess I wanted to stay with her... but I couldn’t keep living off
her money forever.
“Hm?” I said absently, sorting
through clothes to keep and clothes to give back to Natalie. “You call me every
“And no pills. Ever. For any reason.”
“If you have a headache,
call me and I’ll give you some. One.”
“Or I’ll make the whipping you
got for running away to Lily’s look like pat-a-cake.”
go. I squirmed and mumbled and pretended not to hear, but Natalie
knew me too well to let it
“Do you understand me? Or else I’m
not co-signing your lease.”
I shouted at her, senseless angry
nothings full of the words we promised never to call each other, but she held
her ground. Stared me down, even from her sitting position, until I
ungraciously agreed.
“Maybe I’m too big for spankings
now,” I muttered.
“You’re smaller than I am.” And she
stood up to prove it. That’s not what I meant, but she wasn’t listening.
She hugged me, and even though I
stood as stiffly as a dressmaker’s dummy she kissed my cheek.
“I’ll miss you,” she said. Something
heaved in my chest at the unfairness of it all, her helping me to leave when I
wasn’t sure I wanted to... and then telling me she would miss me. Didn’t she
see I didn’t want to leave? If she would miss me so much, why couldn’t she ask
me to stay? Was this all a show to make nice and let her feel better about
moving on with her life?
“Get out!” I screamed. “Get out of my
She let me finish packing on my own,
but I was crying too hard to see. I shoved everything into boxes and didn’t
care what broke.
didn’t know then. I didn’t know hatred and love could feel nearly the same,
that fear and hope could get all mixed up until I convinced myself that I hoped
she would leave and feared she would make me stay. I would be better off on my
own, but she wouldn’t let me go. It was time to say no to her rules and her
heavy-handed idea she could determine what happened in my life.
I hold
Natalie’s sleeping hand in mine and stroke the soft coolness of her skin.
Natalie’s hands are always cold, no matter how warm the rest of her body might
be. I am the one who shivers even in the summer—she calls me her “little
lizard” or “little gecko,” but her hands are cool. It is lovely in the heat of
summer, but less nice in the freeze of winter. I think of the very few times
her hand has hit my bottom and the many more times her hand has used a wooden
spoon, paddle, or even a belt or hairbrush to spank me to tears.
thought being spanked and restricted like a child were the worst things that
could happen to me. I thought if only she left me alone everything would be
fine. I thought it was her rules that made things difficult.
didn’t know I needed them. Or that I needed her.
The first day, I called as
“Hi. It’s me.”
“Kat! So good to hear from you. How are you?”
I guess. Work sucks.”
“Did you go to the cooking club like Dr. Mitchell
Irritation. “Why are you talking to my counselor again?”
Hurt. “No,
you mentioned it. Last time.”
“I was making conversation.”
Rage. “You
don’t need to take care of me anymore, okay? I’m a big girl. Leave me alone!
Stop interfering with my life and
assuming I can’t do anything!” Click.
The second day, I waited until
Natalie’s bedtime to call. Irritation. “You’re supposed to call every day.”
Self-righteousness. “I’m calling now.”
“Well, I was worried.”
Cold, cutting disdain. “I thought you
were my friend. Not my jailer.” This time Natalie hung up first.
It felt
good. For the first time in years, I called the shots. I made the decisions. I
ran with scissors and petted strange dogs. Every single life decision was my
own. Except my apartment deposit was partly paid for with Natalie’s money, and
her name was also on the lease. I didn’t have a high enough credit rating to
sign solo because I was still working part-time at the department store. Having
to miss three weeks because you’re in the loony bin doesn’t exactly qualify you
as an indispensable employee.
stirs in her sleep, and I hastily lower her hand to her side. I lean against the
headboard and close my eyes. I’d raged at Natalie for not letting me help her,
for insisting always that only I receive help. I wanted to be a real person, a
capable adult instead of someone’s project.
One of
Natalie’s unbreakable rules, besides not taking pills and not lying to her, is
that I must talk to her. Not answering a question or not telling her what is
going on always means a spanking.
But how
do you talk to someone who won’t listen?
By the end of the week, I stopped
phoning altogether. Ignored her calls. Refused to open the door when she
visited. At one point, she shouted at me when she caught me in the apartment
stairwell, tears streaming down her face.
“For God’s sake, Kat, I’m SORRY for
caring about you! For wanting to make sure you are okay! You want to die? Who
the hell do you think you are that you can hurt everyone this way? Whatever I
did wrong, I’m sorry! Talk to me! We can talk things over. It can be different.
Stop shutting me out!”
I hardened my heart and walked away,
willing myself not to feel. Not to hear.
later, I realized it was one of the few times I’d seen Natalie crying—and not
hiding it. When I heard she was taken to the hospital and she refused to talk
or see me, when I found out the text messages and calls I’d ignored were her
frantic attempts to get medical help and she had to resort to dialing 911 for
an ambulance... I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to face her, or anyone else,
In the
morning, Natalie gently shakes me awake. She says she heard me crying in the
night and asks what is wrong. I tell her I’m sorry, but I am not sure she
understands. How can she? Has she ever done something so wrong that the guilt
never will go away? Has she ever hurt the one person who loved her most in the
cradles my head in her lap and speaks softly. “Remember where we came from,
I give a big, shuddery sigh. “All of the fighting?” She shakes her
In the very beginning.”
I snuggle with her as if we were never apart.
Ana, thank you so much for sharing these part of Kat and Natalie's wonderful story with us. And I hope Kat had a wonderful birthday.
I'm always looking for new Fantasy Friday stories, if you have one you're willing to share please send it to elisspeaks@yahoo.com.
Wow!!! I love your stories!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI read this only a couple of days ago, so I'm taking a rain check.
Warm hugs,
This is going to be another hit when it goes on sale. Maybe movie rights perhaps.
Wow, Paul, thank you for already buying and reading!
ReplyDeleteSarah, so glad that you enjoy them! I have six published books and a short story in an anthology...hope you'll give them a try!
Bob, it already is on sale! Hope that you enjoy it. :)
Thank you for hosting me again, PK!
I'm very excited, but I am not going to read this yet, PK. Don't want it to be a spoiler. :). I did just get the first book from Amazon, and purchased this one while I was there. My first efforts are to finish Coming to Terms! As you can see I have lots of great summer reading lined up on my Kindle. Now I just need a beach and some free time! :). Hugs to you!
ReplyDelete<3 Katie
Great job, thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteThank you PK and Ana,
ReplyDeleteI just read the previous snippet then this. Just wonderful Ana, I love Natalie and Kat!
I hope you are having a fantastic time and anniversary celebration PK
Thank you, Roz! I hope that you enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Blondie! :)
Katie, I'd love to hear your responses to the book. Enjoy your free time!