Last year Todd and Suzy asked the following question for a round table discussion–

How much do you think the spanking element of your diet has helped? Does it actually impact food/gym decisions you make?
When I started to answer I realized that for me the answer was not so simple after all. Strangely enough it made me thing of something our preacher said Sunday. It spoke to the underlying feelings that I think many spankos have. He said the opposite of love is not hate; the opposite of love is indifference. Hate takes caring, it takes energy, and it takes emotion. Indifference is much sadder.
This ‘spanking diet’ has been the constant since I came out to Nick about spanking. Stepping on the scale each Friday I had three huge questions in my mind. 1) Have I gained or lost? 2) If I have gained is Nick going to spank me? Or 3) is Nick going to make some excuse and just decide to let it go. And of the three the last one was the one that I worried about the most. Indifference. It scares me, it makes my chest hurt. This is something that Carye and I often discuss. Although we often worry about how bad the spanking might be the worry about the chance he might just blow it off or forget the whole thing is much more painful.
Nick has not done that. On reason I tried so hard at the beginning of the diet was that I didn’t want him to think I was ‘testing’ him, trying to force him to spank if he didn’t want to. I was afraid he would say ‘You are not even trying, let’s just forget the whole thing.’ At first I was more worried about that than the spanking. It has taken about a year to begin to let go of this fear (okay, I’m slow). And yes even now when we go a long period and there is no spanking I still worry.
So spankers I may just be speaking for myself, but I have a feeling I am speaking for a lot more of us – when we finally get up the courage to tell you that we want you to spank we often don’t make it clear to you what we are really saying. That is to us – spanking equals caring. When you spank you show us you care. If it is all in fun and erotic it shows that you listened and cared about what we want. If you spank because of discipline you show you care about us, our safety, our well being, everything. I think that is what we really want, to know that you care.
Well that's th

I have been away for a couple of weeks...not really away...just away from blogland and caught up in every day life..but am popping in to say hello and thank-you for continuing to share your thoughts and posts old and always is reassuring to me... Hugs, Terps
ReplyDeleteVery well said!!! You are able to put things into words that I can only think about.
Amen PK,
ReplyDeleteI *always* have: "I better do this because..." otherwise I'm so lazy I don't know that I would ever leave my bed! (Understand my laptop is keeping me warm!)
ReplyDeleteI always love seeing you here. Pop in and read whenever you can.
I used to let things just roll around in my head but I found writing helps. Please email any time you like.
LOL! You know Nick is going to think I wrote that! Sure does sound like me!
Just spoke to my husband about using spanking as a means to encourage my diet. He agrees this would be a great idea. Once a week I will weigh in and then meet him in the bedroom. If I have not lost any weight I will be put over his knee and my bare bottom will be spanked. This is going to be quite an experiment for us. I have been discipline spanked in the past but now we will be adding the diet factor to it. He is a very good man who only wants to help me. I am returning to the gym tomorrow to get myself started. I really don't want a diet spanking. These spankings might just tie into the spankings I get for disobedience. It's gonna be a long summer.
ReplyDeleteSpanking to me means that my husband cares enough to discipline me in a way that is acceptable to both of us - even if it is me that ends up with the sore bottom. Being put over his knee and spanked until I can't sit down lasts much longer than the actual spanking does. My bottom aches for quite awhile as I remember my disobedience and the reason for the spanking. His bare hand or a paddle are used and afterward I apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am very good until I am pulled over his knee again.