Today’s story is from Peter.
Peter has written for us before about a group he was part of for a time before
he moved from the area. You can read his first story here. Today we can read
about another session he had with the group. Please enjoy…
Another Encounter
I was just drifting around in
the group one evening, not involved with anyone, just looking at the action, so
to speak, picking up a few hints from both spankers and spankees. No body
minded, that’s the way it was there. Next thing the door opened and this lady
stormed in, under full steam and made straight for the coffee maker, with a
look that would melt steel. I said to myself" There’s one lady who’s had a
bad day, God help whoever she picks" Then it slowly dawned on me that I
was the only loose cannon there, I decided to get lost, and quick! I glanced
over to see her talking to John, the guy who ran the show [the man who
introduced me to the group] I saw John saying something to her and nodding in
my direction.
She gave me a long hard look,
finished her drink, and marched over, stopped right in front of me and barked,
“Are you Peter?" I said, "Yes, I am." Next, "I’m Melina,
I’ve had a lousy day and I’ve got to take it out on someone. I need to tan some
ones arse, and you seem to be the only one around, John said you prefer to take
it rather than give it, so how about it?" Talk about a direct approach! I
said, "John was right, but you look like you mean to give more than a
tanning." "I do, but I have to ask you first, and you can always refuse,
you know that." However, she was not the kind of person to take no for an answer,
and I was curious to see what she had in mind, after all, that was my whole
reason for being there in the first place and it was considered bad form to
refuse too many times [I never did refuse].
I said, "That depends,
what do you have in mind?" "I want to take a strap to your arse, simple
as that!"
"Do you think you would be
able to manage it?"
"Just try me, young
"OK, how do you want me
[meaning, over the knee, touch my toes, over the bench ect. ]"
"Naked, that’s how
and fast!"
Teasing, I said, "Can
I not keep my briefs on?"
"No, you cant, I want to
see what I’m doing, so get stripped right now while I go pick a strap"
"Be sure to pick a light
"That choice is mine,
don’t worry, I’ll pick a suitable one."
I said to myself, "That’s
what I’m afraid of."
She came back a few minuets
later with a strap that would put fear into any man, together with a small
leather bag which she handed to me, saying "Here, put this on and lace it up,
I don’t want to cut your balls off, once we get started" This was a
leather bag used to protect the testicles against stray strokes.
"Right, bend over, hands
on the floor, spread your legs, and don’t move". Then Swish, Swish and
CRACK ! and again CRACK!. I did, not just move, I jumped!
"Hold still, stop jumping
around or I’ll have to cuff you." The next two strokes were much the same,
this time I nearly lost my balance. Dropping the strap on the floor, she said,
“This is no good, get over here to the trestle and lie over it. Grab the frame
while I cuff your hands" Did that, “Now spread your legs wide while I fix
your ankles" Did that. "Spread them, "wider, “I got them out a
bit more, then, she said," I said spread them wider, young man, and I mean
I said, “I can’t get them any
"That’s what you think,
try this." With that, my, legs were pulled left and right so far that I
thought I was being split open, they were then cuffed to the frame. There would
be no more jumping around, nor was there! With that, she began the real
strapping. As I said, she was quite a small person, but very, very experienced.
Every stroke was placed exactly where intended with the result that the entire
area was covered, not once, but many times. I yelped, I yelled, I even cried,
made no difference, she just carried on. Some of the others stopped to watch
and to egg her on. “Lay into him, give it to him, make him yelp, ect" She
did! How many did I get? I lost count after about forty; I was too busy wondering
where the next one was going to land. My arse felt like it was stretched flat,
wide open [I heard afterwards, it was] Then------- nothing more, it was
all over!!
I just lay there, afraid to move,
my bum near to melting point, stinging all over. I was released and stood up,
slowly, to a big cheer from the onlookers. I did my best to give them a bow in return,
but nearly fell over! My spanker gave me a big hug and said "Thank you
very much Peter, I feel better after that" I said, "I’m glad that one
of us feels better, can’t say I do, right now"
"You’ll get over it,
you’re a strong lad, and you did very well, you took fifty straps, John trained
you well, come, lets have a coffee, and a chat, I want to talk to you."
We drank our coffees, she, sitting,
me standing, and had a long talk about many things. The fact that I was still
naked only dawned on me afterwards, but no one passed any remark on it, they
were that kind of a bunch. I remarked that I did not think that I could have
taken so many, but she said that John was watching all the time and would have
stopped it if he thought I was not up to it, he makes sure that nobody gets
injured. "By the way, “she said, “I’m glad to see that you got turned on
during it “glancing down at my crotch!
I said, "Shit, I never
even noticed, I’m sorry about that"
"No need to be, get
worried when that does not happen."
We met up many times after that and each time was a whole new experience, I learned a lot from Melina!
We met up many times after that and each time was a whole new experience, I learned a lot from Melina!
Thank you, Peter. This sound like it was a great group of like-minded people. I hope you’ll share more. Folks you can reach Peter at peterdunbar.x.800@gmail.com And you all know I’m always looking for stories, so if you’re willing to share send your story to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Thank you Peter and PK, I enjoyed reading this:)
Thanks Peter and PK for today's story.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your story. Really enjoyed the read.
PK, thanks.
Thanks Peter for sharing another story from that group. Thanks PK for keeping FF going. ;)
ReplyDeleteHugs and Blessings...