I’m just now beginning to realize a major difference between
blogging and writing books. The very best thing about blogging, to me, is the
contact with other. It’s often immediate, you leave a comment and I answer it.
This is what I’ve loved from the beginning. Writing a book doesn’t work the
same way.
In some ways writing is like teaching – you say something
that affects other, hopefully in a positive way, yet you may never know it. I’m
luckier than many writers, I’ve had several friends mention the book, post
about it and even review it. I started to list those who had, but I’m afraid
I’d leave someone out. If I haven’t thanked you personally I surely do now.
Writing and having my books read, reviewed and spoken about
by others got me thinking of things that had never occurred to me before –
writers really want to know what the people who read their book think. There
have been so many books throughout my life that I have loved, which have
touched me, and in a few cases changed my life. I’ve recommended them to, and
discussed them with, anyone who would listen. Yet in all those years of joyful
reading it never once occurred to me to tell the author how much I enjoyed the book.
This is not a post to try to get you to review my books; it is a post, however, to encourage you to
review any book that you read that
you really enjoy. I’m not good at reviewing books yet. I think about it,
sometimes I mean to, but often I never get around to it. I’m going to try to do
better, but it will always be sporadic. Maybe you’ll do better.
I had some really nice reviews on both, Cassie’s Tale and Cassie’s
Space. Two on the first one were
less than glowing. When I first saw those, I immediately flashed back to high
school and my first thoughts were, “They don’t like me.” Thank goodness I am
old enough to have gotten past that pretty quickly. Then I went back and read
them carefully – neither said the book was bad, simply that they thought it
could be better and gave some suggestions. And they were right! I saw exactly what they were saying and as I write book
three I’m taking their criticism and suggestions to heart and working to
improve. If those reviews had been mean or ugly, I would have
ignored them. These, with constructive criticism, helped me. Those who simply
gave it rave review, made me wildly happy and keep me working on the next book
with total joy!
Today I have suggestion for everyone, especially those who
are snowbound – think about writing a book review. Chose some book you’ve read recently. Go to Amazon as if you were ordering the book, scroll down
and you’ll see a button that says write a customer review, and do it! You’ll
make the author's day. Now if you haven’t
read anything you really liked lately, might I suggest you try Cassie’s Space or Cassie’s Tale. LOL, bet you didn’t see that coming! You can read an excerpt here and another here.
Hi PK, I have 'attempted' a couple of book reviews. I was given an advanced copy of the dd anthology Coming to Terms and asked to review it on my blog and have now been given an advanced copy of the follow up 'Milestones' to read and review.
ReplyDeleteI shamefully confess I haven't been able to read Cassie's Space of Cassie's Tale yet, but I love Tom and Cassie and the snippets I have read and there are definitely on my TBR and review list! :)
DeleteYou should see my TBR list, if you were here you wouldn't be able to see me over it. I would NEVER want the idea of writing a review to be on someones 'to do' list. But for books you've read and like and want to tell other's about, go for it. As important as blog reviews are a few line on Amazon, may reach people who have never read a spanking blog.
Gosh I really am going to get to all my friends reviews soon! I totally agree that it is important. My problem is I don't write easily. It is a process to say what I want to say. That is why I wait, and my friends books pile up--- and I fail them!
DeleteDon't feel like that. Just think of writing a short review - if you want to, for books you've all read and liked.
PK, I read Cassie's Space and now am reading Cassie's Tales. I really enjoy reading them. I like that in your stories that grown women can have fun, be romantic, get in trouble, and get spanked for it too, and not just the 20-30 crowd.
ReplyDeleteI get nervous doing reviews on Amazon because I am afraid my real information will show. If I get the hang of doing it I would be happy to do a review of your books and some others I've read.
I look forward to Book III
DeleteI can understand that worry - I had a little of the same worry. But since I have multiple personalities (well sorta) I can leave one under my alter ego's name. For me your first paragraph makes my day!
ReplyDeleteso you want a review, I charge by the word, do you think you can afford me. LOL.
Love and warm hugs,
Paul all I want is you you to let an author know if you like their books - and you sent me a lovely email after you read it! That's all I could have asked for, and I love you dearly for it.
DeleteI'm so guilty of that too. I will try because I do know how I feel.
ReplyDeleteLeigh, we're both very new to all this, but I think we're doing pretty well figuring things out.
DeleteHi PK, I read masses of books, especially naughty ones. I do review but I am hopeless at it really. When I read some reviews I think I wish I could write like that. I would never review a book I didn't like because really that would just be mean. Someone has gone to the trouble to write it and if I don't like it some one else might. I love ths Cassie books so the more snow days you have the better 'cos it means you can write faster!!
ReplyDeletelove Jan.xx
Jan the review you did on your site was absolutely wonderful - as a matter of fact I copied it and sent it to both of my children! Your kind words made my day.
DeleteI'm like you, I can't imagine ever write a negative review. I believe in the old 'If you can't say something nice…'
What a great idea, PK, I'm a big book reader.
ReplyDeleteMy favorites are "The time traveler's wife" .. for the sake of languages, and of course Jojo Moyes. Hmmm. I might write something ...
PK, I hope it's OK if I do not read and write about Tom and Cassie .. you know that Tom and I, we do not go together so well. lol.
Have a nice evening, PK.
DeleteAbsolutely write something - that was it real thing I hoped people would take away from this post. If you like a book, if you really enjoyed it tell the author!
I don't mind one bit that you are not reading and Reviewing Cassie's books. But I am happy that I can write them real enough that you can stay mad at Tom! LOL!
Hi PK! :) I've been reading a lot since January and have a bunch of books that I'd like to talk about- including Cassie's Space, which you know I loved. Sunny's is one as well. I would be happy to go on Amazon, but have to figure out the details of commenting under a different name. Renee said that there is a way to pick a pen name. I will get there soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how good I can be at writing reviews, but I know how to tell people that I enjoyed a book. That should do it. :)
I love how you remind people that it's nice to tell an author that you enjoy their book. A few years ago I found an email for an author who wrote a children's book that I loved as a little girl. It was about sisters. I wrote to the author and told her how much I loved it, that I had lost my sister and how special the book was to me. The authors sister wrote back to me. She told me that the author was in her 90s and was now blind. She told me that she read my email to her and that it brought her great joy. I will always be happy that I bothered to take the time to do that.
Lastly I like how you talked about taking a critical review and instead of being upset, you listened, they were right and it helped you , PK. Good for you! Nice post. :) Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Oh, Katie, how wonderfull!!!
DeleteMona Lisa it was definitely a good thing to have done! I was so glad to have done it. :)
DeleteIt's wonderful that you contacted the writer you mentioned. I'm sure she was thrilled. I pictured myself at ninety and someone contacting me to tell me they liked Cassie. I have no doubt I'd be truly thrilled. I think that's what's really important, just letting the writer know you like what they've written.
Hi Katie, I have written to authors before to say thank you if something has really touched me. When you write your review you click on and box comes up with your amazon account name and details on how to change it. I now do all reviewing for everything under my blog name as it comes up automatically after that. Its easy
DeleteJan thank you!! I'll try it out when I can. I know that it helps!
DeletePK- that's sweet that you pictured the same. I hope that stuff like that happens for you. :)
Dang, no snow here. I wish there was. But I could try and find time to do book reviews. I never thought about it like you explained.
DeleteWe have plenty here. It began snowing around noon, they say it's going to last until tomorrow afternoon.
Reviews sure don't have to be fancy, its mostly just like telling your friends about a book you liked - only you write it.
You are right PK and I owe reviews to several friends whose books I've completed. I know this is not an excuse but I am not a good writer...takes forever for me to write my thoughts and I do so want to do the books justice. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteStay safe and warm!
Hugs and Blessings...
DeleteI hope you won't think of it as owing, just sharing your opinions with your friends.
ReplyDeleteYou are right. I've often thought about giving a review but not sure how to use a pen name on Amazon. Tried but couldn't see a way.
I just went on Amazon and made an account for PK Corey. I just use that one for reviews. I have so many personas sometimes I'm not sure who I am.