I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Monday, August 21, 2017

Naked Eclipse

Does everyone have plans for the eclipse today? I think my crowd phobia is getting worse. The idea of driving to a city or small town
in the ‘path of totality’ in nothing I’d ever want to do. Where we live, it’s going to be a pretty good show, even if it’s not total. Nick will be working. Mollie starts back today so I’m on my own. I think I have a plan, and it came from some fun Nick and I had last Friday.

Our back yard is very secluded. Only two neighbors can see our back yard at all. One is a coupled in their 80’s or early 90’s. We called them the old couple when we married thirty-four years ago. I’m guessing we are now the age they were then. Trees mostly obscure their view these days. On the other side, that neighbor's house is situated so that it looks directly into our back yard. But my friend that lives there is away on a six week vacation, so… no one can see our pool.

Friday was hot and I didn’t feel like struggling with a bathing suit. It’s so much easier for guys. I just went down when Nick did to put my feet in the water, but after looking around I thought, what the heck! Shucked my clothes and went in. Not sure I’ve done that before in the day time. But I loved it! Nick just shook his head at me and eventually lost his trunks. We not only had a great time, he spanked me when we got back in the house for being so naughty. Other fun activities ensued.

So I’ve decided that is how I’m spending my time viewing the eclipse – floating naked in the pool. How many people are going to be able to do that? So tell me how are you spending your eclipse time?

*Hopeful my blog will be back to normal soon. Not having access to my blogroll is hard. Feel free to email me if you post. I'm trying to go around and use other's blogrolls, but it's not like home.


  1. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I will watch the big show on the back porch fully clothed. Your way sounds a whole lot more fun.

  2. Hi Pk, oh well that sounds like a lot of fun, the blog looks nice actually
    love Jan, xx

  3. Hi PK, ooh I love your plan. What a wonderful way to watch the Eclipse. We are keen on astronomy and jealous of you being able to watch it.


  4. PK, that sounds like a perfect way to watch the eclipse, love it, Enjoy.


  5. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Now that is a very creative, cool way to watch the eclipse, PK!:) I hope that your blog is back to just the way that you want it soon! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

  6. We really enjoyed skinny dipping in our pool in FL - it was pretty private but we warned our one neighbor to announce him coming toward the lanai, jic.
    Glad you found a way to get yourself spanked.
    Good viewing today

  7. Lol, PK, I'll be honest, skinny dipping in the pool during the eclipse never would have crossed my mind, but who'd want to traumatize the kids that way? Lol! At least it sounds like you have the perfect place for your little personal viewing! We may or may not get a good viewing as we have rain this morning and they're calling for cloudy skies this afternoon, but we shall see. Have fun!

  8. Missed it. At a doctors appointment. How lame.

  9. That sounds like the most perfect spot to watch from, floating in the cool water looking up. I hope it was everything you hoped for.

  10. Meredith - Yep you guys were over dressed, but I know you enjoyed it.

    Jan - it was just great. I think the blog is pretty too, but I still want the old one back. It's being worked on.

    Roz - I love being alone and not in a crowd. It was quite peaceful.

    Ronnie - It was the perfect way.

    Katie - It was cool and relaxing.

    Sunny - I'm getting addicted to skinning dipping. I love it. And although I told Nick I was going to do it again today I got another spanking. He's really into it these days.

    Baker - thankfully I was alone and traumatized no one (I hope!) We had some clouds too but overall a great experience.

    Amy - Not the best way to spend an eclipse, but there will be another one along in 2024 I hear.

    Laurel - It was just great. I'd recommend it to anyone!

  11. Good on you, PK. And a spanking to brag about. Life is sweet at your house, my friend.

    Wasn't much to see in my neck of the woods. Very cloudy. Isn't there one again in 2024?

    Hugs From Ella

  12. Sounds a perfect way to view the eclipse! Glad you're getting spanked more, hope it continues.
    Rosie xx

  13. Awesome way to view the eclipse PK. Hope it was spectacular.
    Hugs Lindy xx
