This has been a pleasant weekend. The weather is beautiful. Nick is enjoying his golf weekend and Mollie
and I have been visiting and doing the last minute packing as she heads out to
her summer job this afternoon. Gulp!
I made the comment yesterday that I had always driven her to camp and that
a part of me wished I could take her up there now. She said “Yeah, there’s a part of me that
wished you could still take me, but eventually you have to be a grown up.” To which
I replies, “I’m trying!” Really I have
no doubt that she’ll be fine. I’ll keep
you posted.
Nick should be home later this evening. I gained a pound last week which didn’t
really come as a shock, but now I need to work on my “It’s all Mollie’s fault”
story. There are lots of reasons, I told
you we eat more when she’s here, there are more snacks around, her love of
cooking and finally just
the fact that I wanted to spend time with her this
week doing things together, rather than me heading off to the gym alone. So I would rush home from work each afternoon
to share one of our favorite activities – napping! Often she had begun without me, but I was
never far behind. She would snooze
peacefully on the couch while I was napping away in my recliner. I mean that’s mother/daughter bonding if you
ask me. That’s not all we do of course, we do eat together. Wimpy hopes Nick buys all this; Badass, on
the other hand, plans to be eating chips and donuts when he walks in. I’ll let you know how things go.

On to this big decision I need to make. I’m ready for a new computer. I don’t do wild and crazy things with my
computer. My needs are basic, I want to
be able to get my email and check facebook.
I want to be able to blog – reading and writing and I want to be able to
write my fiction. Not much really. I want the hookup to be on the left hand side,
I’d like to be able to scroll more easily than I can on my current one and most
of all, I’d really like a battery
that can last more than four minutes.
I think I can
get a PC that will do all of this for me.
But Mollie is really pushing for me to get a mac. (We’re back to its all
Mollie’s fault.) She insists that they are sooooo much better, once I get used
to it. Of course there’s the rub. Will I be able to learn to use it myself
without her here to show me everything? She often says “Once you go mac you never go
back” is she right? Decisions, decisions.
My question to all of you is:
Taking the cost out of the picture completely –
which is the best computer to buy? PC
or a Mac?
Please help!
I value your opinions.
I do all my web-surfing, blogging, etc, on a netbook. The battery lasts forever and I love it. LOVE. The privacy is amazing, since the screen is fairly small.
ReplyDeleteMine is the Asus eeePc 1015pem, with an extra RAM upgrade. I highly recommend it if you're mostly using it for facebook and blogging. (I have a lot of computers.. this is my go-to for most stuff)
ReplyDeleteI have heard that the Mac is brilliant for picture and photo editing, and is almost invulnerable to viruses, but this is hearsay only.
I don't like laptops so I can't really judge.
I have PC's which are built to my specifications.
Not so mobile, but they fit my needs.
Not a lot of help, I hope there is someone who can advise you.
Love and warm hugs,
The Macs are brilliant but too many bells and whistles for me. I bought an acer netbook, super size, easy to use and the battery lasts for ages.
I've never had a Mac. We have a PC and a laptop, both new this year, with Windows 7 and I love them both.
ReplyDeleteI have an external hard drive attached to the PC that does automatic backups of all our stuff, because the last PC's hard drive died and the data was lost.
I use windows 7 on my desktop n on my new (ish) Acer. The batt lasts forever and i have a backup hard disk too. Macs are really good for visual stuff- photo n videos, desktop publishing and if u're a PDF user. Otherwise i think a pc is great for surfing n writing/reading.
ReplyDeleteEveryone that has a Mac just loves them. I have a lap top and desk top and they are both HP's. All the best to Mollie!, glad Nick will be home soon:), and good luck with your choice on the computer.
ReplyDeleteYou know what features are most important to you. Check out pro, techie or hacker sites and see what the pros and hard users have to say about which unit excels in all your preferences. Then, go to the store and use some demos, get a hands-on feel for the new stuff on the market. Don't let the sales people simply talk to you about features and show you some things. YOU try them out and use them, just like test driving before buying a vehicle.
ReplyDeleteEase of use and battery life seem paramount. Do you want to take it with you a lot? Netbooks and tablets are great. If you always work and play in the same place, desk or table, get a tower and customize it with extra speed, memory and graphic display resolution that is easy on the eyes. If you mainly want to use it around the house, but in several rooms, obviously laptop or other portable. No matter what you choose, because you write a lot, get a custom ergonomic keyboard to use with whatever you buy.
Oh, and hi, I'm Irishey. I've seen your comments on other blogs, and just popped over here from your link on Galway Girl's blog roll so I could read your whole blog. I landed on this, your most recent post first, but now I'm off to read your beginning post.
Good luck with your shopping!
I'm checking in but have no input. Don't know anything about a MAC.
ReplyDeleteGlad you had quality time with Molly
I personally LOVE my mac. I went from windows to mac a few years ago and at first it seemed like learning a new language. BUT once you get the knack of things, which really only takes a few days, I do think it's easy, fast, and just all in all a great product.
ReplyDeleteNapping sounds like a great way to bond with Mollie :) Glad you had the time with her before she leaves for the summer. If you are lonely I got a teenager that needs a good home, lol.
ReplyDeleteI have no advice on the computer front. I'm so tech challenged that when my laptop gives me trouble I hand it to Musicman and ask him to please fix it for me. He always does :)
Macs are better or so i am told. My daughters love them and mollie's right. I dont know anyone who would be happy going back....if you dont go there to begin withyou dont miss what you never had. I would imagine that if moneys not an object here then you should go for it.
ReplyDeleteMy husband has his own company providing support/purchases/all things computer-esque for small businesses and individuals, that's how he makes a living, for 30 years now.
ReplyDeleteHe says, (quote): "mac mac mac mac
$999 macbook is all she needs"
and provided this link:
We have several computers in our home, both Mac and PC and I personally have a PC with two screens for my job but that's because I need it for the business software I run.
I do know this; everyone he turns on to Apple loves their Mac. I also know that I've never had a single issue from following his advice on computers all these years.
Good luck! ~~A
MAC MAC MAC!! They have SO MANY less problems - the money is worth it!! They last a lot longer, they have less viruses and the apple store (Both online and at the genius bars in the stores) will always help you with problems!! I have never had a virus on my Mac and I have lots of room to download programs from school without my computer slowing down. My computer has NEVER frozen on me EVER and I've had it going on 5 years now. I NEVER have to do that stupid control-alt-delete crap that you have to do on PCs. Mac is the best thing that ever happened to me and it's true I will NEVER GO BACK!!
ReplyDeleteIt is true that getting to know a mac may be a little bit different but once you do - it is truly a lot easier and user friendly than a PC could ever be.
"An Apple a Day keeps the Windows away!" ;)
okay sorry I feel passionate about this so I wanted to add another comment! Yes, I believe you can learn about a Mac without her having to show you everything. Most of the things are very basic and you can learn simply by messing around with it on your own. However, if you really feel lost there are tons and tons of "how tos" on google and on the apple website.
ReplyDeleteAlso, If you have an apple store close to you (not just like Walmart that sells apple products but an actual apple store) they are EXTREMELY kind and helpful and they love showing people all the cool and easy things with their products. You just drop on by and they get paid to just show you how it works :D
I never have any trouble with Google Chrome, Facebook, or Blogger from my Mac :)
ReplyDeleteI think looking for a new computer is when I feel most like an old woman. I appreciate your suggestions.
I would never have begun blogging without a laptop. I didn’t want kids coming up behind me! LOL!
Mollie swears it’s the best thing ever. I wish she was going to be her to guide me if I decide to go in that direction.
I’ve only had PCs and they’ve done fine by me so far. But I always wonder when it’s time to change if I should really try something new.
I think you might be right. I fool around with my pictures, but I don’t do tons of stuff with it. PC has done fine so far.
Mollie left about an hour ago and Nick isn’t home yet. Awfully quiet around here.
Welcome. I want to move about the house but I want my keyboard instead of a tablet. I'll make a decision before this one go kaput!
Read the whole blog? I'd be honored but that's over 1,280 posts. Maybe you can just start here and ask questions. LOL!
It really has been a good weekend.
I think I would like it, but I am easily frustrated when I don’t know how to do something and there is not one right here in the room to explain it to me.
Mollie and I are great nappers! I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll just struggle through without a teen this summer.
I think Mollie will be mad if I don’t go Mac, and you can just imagine how much that weighs on me, LOL!
Thanks, I’ll hit the store site and look around. I really haven’t ever heard anything bad about Mac from Mac users.
All you’ve said is true. We don’t have an Apple store close, the nearest is 2 hours away, but I’ve been there with Mollie and it was impressive. I can’t just drop buy, but I seen how good the tech service is even when Mollie has call. If I do go this route I will buy at the store and take one of their quick basic classes.
And maybe you’d be willing to share your email with me – I’ll take help anywhere I can get it!
I've had both and I like my SONY Vaio the's just a few months old and I love it!
I use both, tolerate my desktop pc, LOVE my MacBook. More expensive than same power pc, but so nice to use.
ReplyDeleteMy son is a computer nerd!! He prefers the Mac, HOWEVER, when I was looking to get a computer, he steered me towards a PC. For my needs, which are similar to yours, he said I would like the PC better as I am not very tech Savvy. For me cost was a factor and since I don't know how to use a MAC I hated spending the money for a computer that would frustrate me. The rumours are true, MACS get almost NO viruses, and are better for pics etc, but it is a DOS based system and how the mouse etc works is very different. Go to like a Best buy and talk to them there about how they work and the basic differences. Then see if you could adjust. My son wisely knew I couldn't LOL.. Good luck.
Once you go Mac you never go back!
ReplyDeletesorry PK i cant help you with this one, i have no idea of the difference between the two. Good luck though
ReplyDeletehugs KIWIxxx
My vote is for PC. I don't find Macs to be user friendly at all, and I can usually figure my way around technology pretty well. Not being able copy and paste with a click drove me $%*# bonkers when I had to borrow a friend's Mac for a few days. Never again.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate more of you weighing in. It's an expensive decision and one I'm going to have to live with for a while. I'll wait until school's out and make a decision. But I'm keeping this one around to make sure I'll be able to blog until I get used to the new one.