I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Western North Carolina

Blogger will no longer allow me to post pictures without a major hassle. So I'll put them up when I can and if there aren't any, I'm sorry.

Wow! As some of you know we live in Western NC and yes, it’s as bad as you’re seeing on TV. I’d say we have fared as well as any here. Our area got about seven inches of rain. Our neighbor lost two big trees, but they were both more in his woods and not near his house. We never lost power, a miracle in itself, but we did lose cable, internet and so most of our phone service.

Mollie lost power and water. She came to stay with us. As I write this on Monday morning, she headed back home to check on the cats and do whatever she could. She still has no power. They have water but it has to be boiled and without power she can’t do that.

She lives less than an hour from Asheville and the damage there is just unbelievable. There is a report on the internet – not sure it’s true, but I’m afraid it is, that says nearly one hundred bodies have been found in an area just miles from Mollie – found in the debris, in trees and in cars. I know the morning news said more than one thousand people were unaccounted for. I pray it’s lack of communication that’s the reason behind this.

We were so blessed to be able to offer Mollie a place to come. Saturday evening, she invited several friends over who had no way to cook, including a couple with a new baby and Mollie fixed us all dinner from the food she had brough over from her freezer. The next night one of these friends had her power restored and invited us all over there. I keep visualizing people standing ankle deep in mud, their home destroyed or completely washed away, their car washed away as well as their place of business and right now this is a fact of life for many. So many of these people have no way to get out and to family that would help. Others have family so close everyone is in the same predicament.

We’ve finally heard from all of Nick’s brothers and sisters and they survived too. Several are still without power, internet and cable. We’re having the family over for dinner here Friday evening – I imagine we’ll all have some stories to share. I’m sure people from Florida to Ohio could use your prayers and if your town is taking up donations, help if you can. It will be much appreciated.