Meanwhile, we have a story from way back in 2008. The story is from Marie. I don't hear from her anymore but this was the first spanking story she had ever written.
Marie described herself as ‘kind of shy, but coming out of my shell more and more since dd and making a few internet friends’. Who know maybe she still lurks and will come back and talk to us. I think she did a great job on the story. Please enjoy…
A Good Night’s Sleep
She was too tired to appreciate how handsome Kyle looked as he pushed open the door from their garage and walked into the kitchen that evening. She was pouting as he kicked off his shoes, offloaded his briefcase and suit coat to the hall tree. "Missed you, Emily" he said as his strong arms pulled her close. Even in her sleepy state, she was not completely immune to the wonderful masculine smell of him. She pushed out of his hug a little too quickly and started leafing through a catalog which had come in the mail that day. Casually, she said, "thought you were going to be home a few hours ago."

Kyle responded kindly, "You seem tired, kitten. Didn’t you sleep well last night?" This wasn’t where she wanted the conversation to go, but she was prepared to turn it back on him. "You know I never sleep well when you’re gone overnight." To avoid the possibility of running into traffic and not being on time for his early morning meeting, Kyle had driven two hours into the city and spent the night in a hotel. "I’m sorry, babe. You know I hate being away from you for even one night, but it couldn’t be helped." She shrugged off another attempt he made to hug her.
"Hey, what’s for dinner, honey? I’m starved," he asked. After throwing a frozen pizza into the oven, Emily went to lie down on their bed. She flopped down on top of the bedspread. Feeling relieved that Kyle was finally home to handle the children, she fell into a blissful sleep and was only distantly aware that Kyle had gotten "dinner" on the table.
The house was quiet and it was completely dark outside when he climbed onto their bed and hovered over Emily. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. He appreciated how much work it took to care for their three little ones...especially alone. He bent over and planted kisses into the warm crook of her neck. He was delighted when she rolled over and looked up at him with her dark, happy eyes. "Oh, hi there, love," she said and stretch her arms out for a hug. "Oh, thank you, Kyle. I really need that nap" Emily sighed. "Anything for my Princess" he said while he began unbuttoning his shirt for bed.
A quick look at the clock and she realized how long he had let her sleep. The kids were obviously already in bed. "And what do you need, babe?" she asked with a suggestive smile on her face. He looked so big and handsome hovering over her that her heart skipped and she reached to pull him down on top of her. After reacquainting themselves with deep kisses and frantic groping, Kyle scooped her up off the bed so he could pull back the covers.
Unfortunately, as the bedspread was stripped back, both of them caught sight of a note, handwritten on a piece of yellow legal notepaper. Kyle set Emily down on her feet and she pulled the note up off the bed, wondering aloud, "What’s this?"
He waited while Emily read the short love note he’d left in bed for her before he’d left on his overnight trip. "Dear Emily, I’m going to miss you, kitten. Thank you for maintaining my castle while I’m away. I’ll think of you constantly because I need you like a vampire needs a vein. Keep our bed warm until I get back and remind you what it’s for. All my love, Kyle"
Emily moved forward to hug him and thank him for the note, but he sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her down onto his hard lap. She could tell by the firm way he was gripping her arm that he was not joking. "Look at me!" he demanded. He tipped her chin up so that she couldn’t help but see the anger in his eyes as he asked, "Why didn’t you go to bed last night, Emily?"
"What do you mean?" she asked, trying to sound innocent. "Emily, do not play games with me. What was the last thing I told you to do on the phone last night before we said goodnight
She sat quietly for several seconds before erupting with a defiant tone, "You said not to stay up late!" She went on to yell, "I can stay up as late as I want. I can stay up all night if I want. Why do you even care? It’s none of your business!" Despite the fact that she was trying to pull herself off his lap and storm away, she was held in place by his unyielding arms. She felt like a silly brat, but she was afraid to back down.
"So did you...did you stay up all night, Emily?" Several more silent seconds were all the answer she gave. His mouth moved closer to her ear and with an edge of controlled anger he said quietly, "Stand up, Emily." She stood up and he tucked her tightly between his thighs. He began unsnapping her jeans and then yanked them down to her knees. She wouldn’t look at his face and made sure that her own face showed only anger and not the fear that was about to make her collapse.
Kyle flipped her face down over his lap and she began to complain. "Too late for talking, babe," he growled. "I’ll do the talking now. I’ll start by telling you what I think of my wife being disobedient. You just close your mouth and listen." He laid into her upturned bottom with his hand. Over and over his hand reigned down quick, hard hits. Her hand reflexively swung back to protect her bottom from the painful spanks. Without much effort, he pinned her arm to her back and continued spanking.
Emily began to kick her feet and angrily yelled at Kyle to stop, but he simply hooked one leg over the back of her calves and used the slight pause to pull her panties down below her bottom. The panties hadn’t offered much protection, but now there was nothing between her pink flesh and his hard hand. She realized that Kyle was more angry than she thought and began to loudly repeat "I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry..."
"You aren’t nearly as sorry as you’re going to be. Now stop being mouthy or this lesson is going to be taught very slowly." The intensity of the spanks increased as he punctuated each syllable of "ve-ry-slow-ly" with a spank to her upper thighs. She stopped talking but began to quietly whimper. "Part two of tonight’s lesson" he paused to say, " is what your husband will do if you ever stay up all night again without my permission."
"Pleeeeaase" she whined. "I won’t do it again. I’m sorry I was up last night. I just got playing on the internet and I didn’t realize how late it was."
"Sweetheart," he said without mercy, "one thing you aren’t is stupid. You may be disobedient and stubborn, and you may not know when it’s best to keep your mouth shut, but you do know how to read the clock display right onscreen and you must have noticed the hours passing. You weren’t even supposed to be ON the internet. When I hung up with you at eleven, you were supposedly in your bed and going to sleep. Now, I am not going to argue with you, kitten." He hauled her up off his lap and then pushed her face down onto their bed.
Standing behind her, he began unbuckling his belt as he continued, "Honey, I don’t like to punish you, but what I really don’t like is when I come home from work to a tired and cranky wife." He folded his belt over and gave her ten precise licks across both cheeks. Emily was close to tears when he stopped to speak again. "If you’re tired and cranky because the kids are sick, or you’ve had a fight with your mother, then that’s one thing. But to come home and have you frowning at me, pushing me away and throwing cold pizza at me because you just couldn’t log off, well...." He gave her another twenty hard whips with the belt before she jumped forward on bed and yelled, "Dammit, Kyle! I hate you!"
"Now, I know you don’t mean that, Emily. You are feeling guilty because you disobeyed me and because you haven’t had enough sleep. Let’s just finish up this lesson and get you tucked back into bed. You should be tired enough when I’m done here that you can sleep the rest of the night." He grabbed her foot and pulled her back into position. Putting his hand on her lower back, he said, "So help me, Emily, if you move out position again, I will have to start again at the beginning."
He gave her twenty more lashes with his belt. She had broken down and was sobbing after the first ten, but she didn’t start to beg until number fifteen. She buried her face in a pillow and only came out to gasp for air and plead. He tossed his belt onto the floor and reached under the bed for his wooden paddle. Seeing the paddle in his hand brought on a fresh round of hysterical weeping. She hated that paddle and felt she couldn’t take any more. "Now I have a few questions for you, baby. I’ll expect you to answer respectfully. You know how to do that, right?"
"Yes, sir" she cried into the pillow.
"Do you know why I am punishing you tonight?" She realized that she needed to respond promptly when her pause brought on a round of five spanks with the paddle.
"Yes! I know why you’re spanking me!" she yelled at him angrily.
"Not very respectful..." he said calmly as he held his hand firmly on her lower back and delivered ten more swats with the paddle.
"No, please, sir. I’m sorry, sir" she gasped. "I shouldn’t have stayed up all night. I was cranky and tired when you came home. Please, no more, sir," she bawled.
"That’s good, sweetie. Now, do you understand that I expect this *spank* pretty *spank* little *spank* ass *spank* in bed by a reasonable hour every *spank* single *spank* night? *spank, spank*
"Yes, sir. I do, sir. Please, sir. No more."
"And do you know what I will do if you defy me again, angel?" He rubbed the smooth, cool paddle in circles over her fiery bottom. "Yes, sir. Please, sir. No more" she continued sobbing. He gave her ten more hard licks to her sit spot.
He dropped the paddle onto the floor and scooped her up in his arms. She buried her wet face in his neck and cri

"Shhhh. Shhhhhh, good girl" he crooned to her with a soothing voice as he pushed her hair back out of her eyes. "It’s okay, kitten. It’s over. Shhhhh. I love you so much, baby."
"Are yo-you-you still ma-mad at me?" she choked.
"Of course not sweetie. It’s over. It’s done. You’re such a good girl. I couldn’t live without you. I need you, baby, just like you need me. Shhhhhh. Just be still, kitten. I’ve got you. I’ll hold you as long as you want."
"I’ll be good, Kyle. I’ll obey you, I promise. Why do you love me so much, anyway? I’m so stupid sometimes," she sniffled.
"Oh, baby. I’ll always love you...even when you need me to correct you. I will always take care of you...even when you don’t take care of yourself. And you’re not stupid, Emily. You are the smartest lady I know. You are a brilliant mommy, and you take such good care of me and our home. I couldn’t do anything without you. You are my best friend. I love that you trust me and that you need me to take care of you." Kyle crooned.
She felt so safe and content in his arms. Her tears had turned to tears of peace and love for the man who now held her in his arms. She lifted her face up to look into his eyes and he kissed her red nose. She leaned in and kissed his lips. He kissed her back and when she wiggled her arm free so she could explore his chest and belly with her hands, she felt him become hard against her throbbing bottom.
With small hiccups leftover from the waning tears, she began unbuttoning his shirt. He pressed the tissues against her cheeks again as he stared into her face. She undid his pants and slid onto her knees on the bath rug. He groaned with aching desire as she reached into his pants and released his erect blade. She held her arms up and waited until he pulled her shirt over her head. She cradled his manhood between her breasts and placed gentle kisses on the wet tip of his shaft. She began to lick and suck with great pleasure as he shuttered with the sensation of her warm mouth.
"Baby, you’re killing me" he groaned.
"It’s only fair," she said. "If I can take a licking, so can you."
"You know where that smart mouth will get you, right?" he said with a wicked grin. He picked up Emily and carried her back to their bed. Kyle pushed her onto her belly and began massaging her bottom. She loved and hated the massage. She writhed and moaned in painful pleasure. He moved his hand between her thighs and thrust his finger up into her and she rocked up onto all fours and moaned with delight.
"You’ve got this coming," he whispered as he mounted her from behind and drove his cock deep inside her. She pushed her bottom against him as he drove into her again and again. Kyle grabbed her hair and pulled her head gently back and began biting her neck as he listened to her pant and whimper with need. When she felt the passion building to the point where she was no longer in control, she began to plead "Please, Kyle, no, no, nooooo! Oh, oh, yes, please, yes, please, Kyle, Kyle, Kyle" she screamed. For the second time that night her tears watered their bedspread. She abandoned herself to the love he so thoroughly gave her...and she wept at being complete.
They lay together, spent from the lesson and spent from the loving. It was all the same thing: the pain, the pleasure, the needy and being needed. Complete and content, Kyle tucked her into bed. She lay quietly as he smoothed the blankets across her body and bent to whisper "I love you, kitten. Now get some sleep."
That was such a great story Marie! Thank you! I hope you decide to write more!
ReplyDeleteThanks PK! Hope you and Mollie have a great trip!
Great story Marie, would be nice to hear some more from you. Have a safe trip PK and Molly and enjoy your weekend with your relatives.
ReplyDeleteWonderful story Marie, I hope we hear more from you :)
ReplyDeleteHope you and Mollie have a wonderful trip PK. Thank you for another great story.
That was a great story, hope Marie comes back to visit.
ReplyDeleteHope you and Mollie have a nice trip PK
love Jan,xx
This was a terrific story! Marie, you must return and give us some more about Emily and Kyle. Thanks for posting this again, PK.
ReplyDeleteLoving that it is Friday,
Wonderful Marie, thank you. I hope you return and share another story with us.
ReplyDeleteHope you and Mollie have a good trip.
Thanks for a great story Marie...if you're still around, would love to read more from you.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great weekend PK.
Hugs and blessings...Cat