I love Fantasy Friday! I loved it when Tiggr did it and I love hosting it here. The only problem is having enough stories so I don’t worry from week to week. I haven’t had a ton of stories rolling in lately but we are truly in luck today. We have a fantastic story. I know many of you will really relate to this one. But the friend that sent this one sent more than a great story; this friend also sent peace of mind!! The story has three parts and you will only get one part each week. See three great stories to read and plenty of time to write you own to send in! Now please enjoy ~
Part One
Driving Dan’s vintage corvette well over the speed limit, top down, wind in her h
A full time homemaker, Kerry spent long hours on the computer, the member of several chat lines and e-groups for spanked wives. The other members would be quite shocked to learn that all of the intense and detailed punishments she shared on a regular basis were simply made up stories. Oh the deeds were her own, but the lectures, scolding, and severe punishments were figments of her imagination. Dan never raised his voice, to her, much less his hand. Driving his car while he was out of town was safe enough. He would never find out, and the story of her “punishment” would keep her, and her cyber friends, entertained until he got back.
Dan Tyler, smart, confident, at ease in most any situation, was in way over his head. And he was at least smart enough to recognize it. For months Kerry had been growing more distant, spending more time on the computer, and letting everything else go. It didn’t take much to

The first few stories were disturbing; portraying what seemed to him a level of abuse he could never understand. Having never struck anyone, the fact that untold numbers of strangers believed he was thrashing his wife on a weekly basis was frightening. After careful reading, Dan began to see a pattern emerging. Each of the women who shared their stories were very open about their need for discipline. The men spoke of domestic discipline being part of something they owed their wives. Each story began with the wife doing something she knew was wrong, most often something she had agreed was off limits, in some cases it was a series of transgressions that continued to accumulate until the man took charge and enforced the limits.
Of course the list of things he had been walloping her for was impressive. If she had done only a fraction of those things, and he was afraid it was higher than that, then she deserved to have her bottom blistered.
Always a methodical man, Dan determined that a few weeks of research would help him decide how to confront Kerry and perhaps provide a clue on how to begin to repair their marriage. He would be out of town on business and lonely nights at strange hotel would provide all the time he needed to gather information.

Dan Tyler paced his hotel room like a caged animal until his anger lifted enough to think. This time she had gone too far, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when “D” came home early and wanted to know who put those miles on his car.
Kerry was curled up at the computer in a ratty old robe reading the responses to her latest story when she heard a car pull up. The sound of a key in the door sent her flying, delighted at his early return.
“Why didn’t you call me? I could have picked you up at the airport. Is everything okay? Why are you back early?”
Looking at her tousled hair and innocent face it was hard to believe that she had been on-line writing borderline pornography all day.
“Missed you too much to stay away any longer.” He said, smothering her questions with kisses.
“So, what have you been up to while I was gone? Anything I should know about?”
“Of course not, silly, just missing you.”
“You must have done something in the last four days, shopping, visiting, gone for a drive?”
She shot him a startled look and then laughed nervously.
“Just the regular stuff, went grocery shopping, called my mom, you know.”
“I guess I’ll just have to make it up to you for running off and leaving you here, bored and lonely then won’t I?”
Taking Kerry’s hand Dan led her to their bedroom. The antique bed they found on their honeymoon and refinished as their first married project had a sturdy cross bar at the footboard.

Reaching under the railing he grasped her hips and pulled, wedging her under the railing and leaving her open and exposed in a very provocative pose.
Before she could say a word he started softly stroking her thighs, running his hand lightly over her now stretched tight bottom.
“I want to ask you a question, and I would like an honest answer. Did you drive my car while I was gone?”
“Of course not, why would I drive your silly old car?”
“Would you like to tell me who put 72 miles on it while I was away, if not you?”
Kerry started to wiggle out from under the post, this wasn’t sounding like much fun after all. Before she could slide out, Dan grasped her hips and wedged her more securely.
“I have a few things to say, and you can stay right where you are until I am finished.”

Kerry was startled and secretly thrilled by the stern tone in his voice. Dan had never spoken so forcefully, before. Maybe he would actually get mad at her and then they could kiss and make up.
Dan took a paper out of his pocket and began to read,
“This is the worst punishment I have ever gotten, and I deserved it all and then some. I drove his precious Corvette while he was gone; a big no-no at our house, then lied when he asked me about the extra miles. He was so mad he made me wait in the corner for over an hour for my punishment.”
“Does any of this ring a bell with you?”
Kerry was frantic, trying to figure out where he had gotten a copy of her post to her email buddies. Never mind the car, what must he be thinking of her?
“I asked a question and I expect an answer.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Kerry lied, again trying to ease out from under the railing, into a more dignified position.
“Stay right where you are until I tell you to move. And stop trying to play innocent with me. I have been reading your posts for several weeks, I am quite aware that you regularly “share” your punishments, and I have decided that that is exactly what you need.”
Dan looked at his lovely wife, her bottom hanging over the end of the bed, her eyes darting back and forth as she searched for a plausible excuse. Odd, when he had first found her stories he was outraged that she would tell total strangers he was beating her.
Today, watching the fear and fascination on her face, he realized that a sound spanking was what she had been begging for, and suddenly he was looking forward to giving it to her.
“I know this isn’t exactly the way it happened in your story but this will do nicely.”
With no further warning his hand landed on her bottom in a volley of stinging blows. The sudden pain took her breath away; she hadn’t imagined it would really hurt.
“Dan, stop this, what are you doing, I am a grown woman, you can’t do this.”
Dan ignored her completely, making sure he covered every inch of her bottom with firm blows. One hand on her thigh was enough to prevent her from wiggling out from under the rail, and the

“Now that I have your attention, I plan to give you the spanking you wrote about, you know what you have done, and, this time I will let it be your decision as to the punishment earned.”
With that, he pulled a small wooden paddle out of his back pocket and set to work. Slow, steady spanks that covered her entire bottom with a deep burning fire. Unable to dodge the blows, she presented a perfect target, thighs spread, bottom stretched tight, he ignored her increasingly urgent pleas to stop and settled into a rhythm. Just like in her story he spanked every inch of her bottom and then started on her thighs, slowly working to the knee and then back up, covering each leg thoroughly, then concentrated the next few dozen strokes to the tender spot where bottom and leg met.
By this time Kerry’s pleading had faded into steady sobbing, broken only by gulps of breath as the paddle tortured her sit spot. Ignoring the frantic blubbering, Dan paused, and quietly asked,
“Did you drive my car?”
“Yes, I drove your damn, precious car, now let me up.”
“Not so fast, you wrote the story, you know we aren’t done here.”
Kerry’s sobs turned to shrieks as Dan slowly pulled his belt through the loops. She couldn’t believe this was happening, why did she write those stupid stories, why did she think she WANTED to be spanked?
“Just like you told all your fans, get caught telling a lie and you earn the belt.”
Doubling the thick leather, Dan carefully covered the buckle with his big hand. Taking aim the first stroke landed with a satisfying crack followed by a howl. Afraid of overdoing her first punishment, Dan gave her half a dozen solid stripes, then asked if she had learned her lesson.
Kerry sobbed out a sincere apology, begging him to stop, promising to be good and never to drive his car again.
Looking at his beautiful wife, pinned under the railing, ass on fire and glowing a deep shade of red, Dan began to understand this DD lifestyle. He felt totally at peace, no lingering anger, just a sense of having dealt with a problem and being ready to move on. In spite of her tears, he couldn’t help but notice she was also aroused.
“That will be enough for now, but, tomorrow we are going to have a long talk about the rules of this household, and the consequences of breaking them.”
Dan pulled Kerry up onto the bed and cradled her against his chest, holding her tightly as she cried and feeling closer to her than he had in months. He was shocked at how right this felt, and knew this was only the beginning. Kerry drifted off to sleep as her husband considered giving her all of the punishments she had bragged about on-line.

What’s this? No choices?? Nope, not until the story is complete. Meanwhile this might be another good time for you to make some suggestions for your blind guess as to who the author might be. At the conclusion I will use your guesses for some of the possibilities. Okay now you have enjoyed – start writing!! Send your stories to elisspeaks@yahoo.com
Wow, steamy! I have no idea who could have written it.
If part one was this great I can't wait for parts two and three. I have to think about who wrote this.
ReplyDelete*hugs and grins*
PK, I think part stories are so NOT FAIR.
ReplyDeleteStill so far, very good, lying, not a good habit for a girl to have, one she might want to lose quickly.
I have an idea or two, still I'll wait for the choices.
Love and warm hugs,
I am no good at guessing when I have choices let alone with none...great story- looking forward to the continuation... :-)
ReplyDeleteA week? We have to wait a week for the next part? Do you not know how impatient I am? Not fair. How about the rest of it over the weekend?
What a great story! I am glad there will be two more parts to it, even if it will be hard to wait to read the rest.
Come on Jess! You know lots of folks out here. Be thinking of your guess.
Honest, they keep getting better.
Now Paul,
I think everyone who is frustrated at having to wait for the rest of the story need to used that energy to write a Fantasy Friday for us!
Come on either make a guess or write a story!
See my answer to Paul above. What would I post next week?? Start writing girl!
Now you know what you can do while you are waiting!
I think I wrote it. Wait... no... that doesn't make sense. I'd remember something like that. And it's not my style anyway.
Ooh, Now I'm interested to now what style Marcus's would be!
ReplyDeleteI think it is another anon story, that's my blind guess.
So if I did a guess does that mean I don't have to write? *grins*
Okay, okay, I will get cracking...so to speak.
Oh, this is GOOD! I'm really looking forward to the other two parts. No guesses for me at this point! Wow! Lilly
ReplyDeleteWow what a hot story. And aren't we the creative one these days!
Another hurry up and wait...grrr...As usual i'm clueless.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a pro! Don't know who, but a pro.. of course, I think that about all the stories... hmmmm back to the drawing board! What a FANTASTIC FRIDAY STORY@!!!!!
This is a great story PK. I love it. Have no idea really who wrote it but what a wonderful idea, getting caught in your own fantasies.
ReplyDeleteBy the way thanks for all the work you do in providing Fantasy Friday for the rest of us to enjoy
Purple Angel