I have been teaching for about…
20 years, this is my 19th to be exact.
What three things did I get for Valentine’s Day?
I got a tawse, a crop and a plug. First two I love, just not sure about that plug yet!
What unusual pet does Mollie have?
So didn’t I tell you guys about the chinchilla? He is a beautiful little thing, light gray. And loves to run around on my couch and torment the cats.
My children were conceived after what two movies?
LJ was conceived right after we watched 9 ½ weeks. I liked the book so much better but the movie did put me in the mood. Mollie was conceived right after we watched Ghost. What a good movie, romance, sex, humor, intrigue and for me a beautiful daughter!
Before I began teaching I worked for a …
vet. I went to college to become a licensed Veterinary Technician. I love it and wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world.
What 2 men out here do I have a crush on?
Who else – Paul and Tom, doesn’t everyone!!
How old was I when I got married?
I think most of you missed this one. I was an old lady of 26 before I snagged Nick!! My mom was 28 when she married so 26 seemed young at the time.
My son’s career dream is to become an…
Actor of course! As much as I brag on him and his talent I think everyone knows this.
My favorite spanking toy…
Varies from time to time. Every new thing is my favorite when we first try it out.
I have how many siblings?
Just one! But if I count all Nick’s family, which I often to, the numbers grows quickly.
I told Nick I never wanted to…
Wash dishes by hand! I have to draw the line somewhere!
I changed my hair about 10 months ago…
Well I sure didn’t go with my natural color, gray does nothing for me! After nearly 30 years I stopped wearing perms. I look like a different person. I am a different person. I wanted some outward sign of all the changes and this was it.
Every Sunday we eat with …
Nick’s family, usually 15-22 of us each week. His mom is the best cook in the world!
I first talked to Nick about spanking about …
I first brought it up about 4 years ago. We tried it and we liked it but I didn’t know exactly how to keep it going. No blogs or friends for guide lines so we let it die out.
I wrote my first spanking story around the age of …
of 10. I was 11 to be exact and I spoke it into a little tape recorder instead of writing it all down.
Eve has a right to be proud of her score. Nick didn’t make a 100! I told Nick I was scoring pretty high on some of these tests and I said I might spend too much time reading blogs! Nick informed me that he already knew I spent too much time here and he did need a test to figure that out!
Thanks to everyone who took my test. Even those who had to be dragged in kicking and screaming!!
Geez, PK, now I feel like I know twice as much about you as I did before I took this darned test... and I've been reading your blog from the very beginning... ARGH!
ReplyDeleteI still feel silly for missing some of the questions but some of the others? I wouldn't have guessed them right even guessing a second answer!
Love you, sweetie!
The test was fun, I just wish it had behaved. So which ones did Nick miss?
I just LOVED taking this test.
ReplyDeleteWho would throw a fit about taking a silly little test?
Not me! Nope, never!
I'm like Tiggr, I know you much better now! The ones I got right, I was pretty confident on, the others not a clue. I did get the chinchilla right, but that was a stab in the dark.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, which one did Nick miss? The dish washing one? lol
PK, can I take it again, I'm sure I'll do better this time. WEG
ReplyDeleteNow I know you lots better.
I don't like washing dishes, that used to be a minor punishment at the orphanage, dishes and pans for thirty people, are you surprised.
Warm hugs.
Too funny that hubby didn't score 100%... lol. We just watched Ghost a couple of days ago... it is a good movie.
~Todd & Suzy
Wow, you wrote your first spanking story at the age of 10? I'm impressed!
ReplyDeleteI think we ought to do one of these every few months. It had been lots of fun!
So sorry I deleted you!! Nick missed the one about my age when I wrote my first story and strangely enough he did know the movies for sure. He knew that Ghost was Mollie's but he wasn't sure about LJ. Urban Cowboy was another important movie in our past, but that is another post.
I am not talking to you.
He for sure knows I am not washing dishes by hand!
You can take it as many times as you want to!
T & S,
Ghost has always been one of my favorite!
They have been in my head forever!
Wow! So much I didn't know about you! :-) I loved the test! :-) I want another Sudoku too! That was cool! :-)
OK, I put you on Sudoku--- oops! That is your twin! Hey something is differnet about you two after all! Heehe....